Chapter 8 Two of a Kind

Logan awoke in a massive, gold colored, 4 sided room with large pillars in each corner, each seemed to be made of something different. One seemed to be made of purely solid, colorful fire, another water and ice, one seemed to be made of solid wind, and the final one was made of different earthly materials mixing around constantly. Logan was wearing a hospital nightgown while sitting at a solid marble white table with a obsidian sigil in the center, and the legs were cobalt blue and were stylized with flowers. The chair was similar as well. The sigil was odd to say the least, it was ever changing from axes, spears, swords, hammers, eta. all heavily stylized.

???: "Well this is odd. I didn't think I'd see you so soon! And to make it here as well! Impressive!!!"

Suddenly, A man literally dropped in front of Logan, wearing large trench coat that was red at the top and faded to black towards the bottom, a small cape covered the shoulders, and a high collar. A light blue shirt under a dark blue vest could be seen under his coat. He has earth brown pants and white riding boots. His eyes were a kaleidoscope of colors with sun-kissed skin, making his appearance all the more strange. He had an odd aura about him, unknown, yet familiar as well. He sat down with Logan.

Auren: "My name is Auren, and welcome to your soul plain were you can understand yourself better! Now may I have the name of my other half?"

Logan: "Logan and what do you mean, 'other half' and 'Soul Plain'? Where am I?"

Auren: "I shall explain, but first, you are still in your clinical nightgown, Sir Logan. Allow me to... how do you say... 'give you a hand' I believe?"

Auren than snapped his fingers and clothes appeared on Logan. While Auren's clothes seem more elegant, Logan's clothes were more modern but just as elegant. Logan now wore a red and black officer uniform with gold trim and a red and black cape off one shoulder. To Logan could feel that it was fitted perfectly, it was as if it was made for him. Logan was shocked as he felt himself with the knew clothes, and finally looked up at Auren.

Logan: "Thank you, this is very... amazing to say the least. But to the main issue, what did you mean with what you said?"

Auren: "Your welcome. Now have you heard about magic?"

Logan: "Magic? You mean the stories about long before? The man with two Souls, The 4 Maidens, The Girl in the Tower?"

Auren: "Those are actually stories of my time, a time of magic, a long forgotten power. Before you ask, no, aura, semblance, and magic are different. Aura is the power of ones soul. Semblance is aura's unique ability given to the soul. For example, pain suppression, super speed, illusions, and enhancement are merely just what makes us unique in terms of aura. Now magic on the other hand, is ever present, not light or dark, good or bad, here or there. Think of it as an external power source that anyone can use as long as they have the right knowledge, day or night. Now then, lets say there is a person with the ability to speed up healing in others, as long as there is no destroyed organs, they can be healed as long as there is aura. With magic, as long as the very existence of their selves, their soul, is still there they can be healed even if their heart is destroyed and there is nothing left. That my young Logan is the difference."

Logan couldn't believe what he was hearing, magic is real? Not only that, but aura and semblance is something entirely different? And what has this to do with me, he wondered, until Auren continued.

Auren: "The reason I'm telling you this is due to the fact that I am bonded to you, to your soul to be more accurate. For some reason, during my time, when I had just completed a large scale magic circle, all human life was extinguished. I do not know why, but thanks to that circle I was reincarnated in to you. I was posed to be come you completely, however, something interfered with it and now I am merely 'here for the ride' as you say."


Auren: "Now, now, no need to shout. Yes I was to take you body, however, my soul was to assimilate with yours. You were to learn about magic and master it as my knowledge fed into your brain slowly over the course of 70-80 years, at the most. You were to become me and I would have solace that my knowledge was passed on to someone worthy of it. After that, it was up to you to decide what to do with that experience and know how. Everything else was up to you."

Logan having calmed down when he heard this. he would have been able to live his life without interference than. He would have his own choices, his own life. But one question popped in his head.

Logan: "Why me though? Why pick me out of millions? Billions of others? What made me so special that you picked me?"

Auren: "You are the only one who can take the tole on your mind, there is almost 200+ years worth of knowledge kept in me alone. And you are the only one to be able to keep up with the amount of work and flow of information. Plus you have the ability to use all four elements as well, a similarity we share. For now though, I am merely a guide for you to learn, anything you wish for me to see, just say, "Auren respice et vide".

Logan: " 'Auren: respice et vide' , Auren, look and see, is it? How was I?"

Auren was speechless, he could not believe his ears. In the soul plain, how you understand things here, is how you learn things elsewhere. And for Logan to be able to understand and speak the magic language on the first try is a feat of itself. This kid is a prodigy even in my era, thought Auren.

Auren: "Perfect. Now where we are now is called the Soul Plain, here your aura, semblance, and magic can be studied here so that you have a better understanding. It can also help and hurt others, as well as yourself. If you don't have the affinity for an element and you try to force yourself to use it, it can hurt or outright kill you. And If your wondering how you got here, you forced yourself to use magic. You were lucky that it didn't kill you. Now as would I like to keep you here for a bit more, It seems to be that you are waking up, now if you wish to return here, just meditate and and think of here."

As Auren finished, Logan dissipated from his Soul Plain. What will await me in the real world, he thought.What will happen next? As these thoughts pledged his mind, he awoke.