Chapter 15 Sensō Armor reveal!

Yang: "Hey Logan, why do you want to be a hunter? I mean, with your smarts, you can be an engineer that helps other's fight grim better than before, right? So, why?"

Yang had asked this question to Logan, after they had got cleaned up and changed clothes. Tai and Ruby, who were talking to each other went quiet. Qrow who was talking to Logan about his armor, went dead quiet and bug-eyed. Soon everyone looked to Logan, waiting for his answer.

Logan: " It's not so simple, Yang. My aunt, Melodia, once told my about a mission my father went on before he retired from being a hunter, during one of her dunkin' episodes. He was tasked by the Atlas Military, to capture an enemy commander that was responsible for raiding countless towns and supply routes in Atlas. He found the commander a few days in to the mission. But what he found sickened him, and shocked him to the core. The Intel he was given said that a rebel leader was trying to overthrow the Atlas government. What he found was different, men, women, children, both human and fanus fighting to protect themselves, from Atlas. An Atlas official had found a massive dust mine under a town, and was attacking the nearby towns, and making it look like a raid. They had paid off the local hunters and the troops were ordered to capture the towns under 'enemy occupation' and send them to the mine as slaves. The official reported raiders, but all he found were innocent bystanders fighting for their freedom. When my father found the mine, he saw all the local hunters guarding the place and Atlas soldier's forcing men and women, young and old, to mine. That's when she told me, ' There comes a time when one must take a position, that is nether safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because his conscience tells him its right, your father is might not be the strongest, smartest, or fastest, but he just might be the bravest and the most lucky man I know.' . When I asked him about it, he told me that it was true, that it was the most horrible thing he saw. He had changed his mission, he fought and exposed the corrupt official, he had made a chose for the better."

Ruby: "He became a Knight in Shining Armor! So cool!"

Logan: "I was just like you, Ruby. But what he said afterwards had a heavy impact on me, 'I became a Hell-jumper, Logan. For a knight in shining armor, has never had his armor truly tested. Some may call me a angel, others a demon, some people are lost in their fires, others are forged by them. I jumped feet first in to hell, and came out a better man, but most of those who jump, don't come back, Logan. It's your will, your heart, that dives you to become better.'"

Tai: "Logan..."

Qrow: "Kid..."

Logan: "That's way Ruby, hope is what makes us strong. A hero needs not to speak, for when he is gone, the world speaks for him. For me, not all heroes wear capes, some wear simple clothes, others wear armor, and courage is not the absence of fear but acting in spite of it. I'm not trying to be a hero, but someone who will help those that can't help themselves. That's why I chose to be a hunter."

Yang: "I'm having a hard time trying to remember your age."

Tai: "Logan, how are you this old, while being so young?"

Qrow: 'Kid, those words sounded like they came from a old man, and they carried weight."

Logan: "I have parents that went through a lot. I merely learned from them, I will admit there are things I have yet to understand. And the only way for me to, is to have experience, and to learn from pain."

Ruby: "I guess... I have a lot to learn then. Your so different, you understand so many things; at times you seem young and childish, others you seem old and wise beyond your years. What's it take for me to understand, Logan?"

Logan: "It takes time, Ruby. But don't grow up so fast like me. Take your time, meet people, make friends and enemies, play around and goof off. You'll grow up eventually, Ruby. Yang, that goes for you too. Just be yourselves, not someone else. My family taught me what I need to know, now it's up to me to grow with that knowledge. My family loves me, and I love them, even though their some-what crazy. That goes for you guys as well."

Everyone smiled as they understood what Logan had meant. Soon they started talking about random things, taking their minds off of what Logan had said. Suddenly, glass could be heard shattering from the upstairs rooms. Qrow and Tai quickly leapt up and ran up the stairs with Logan, Yang, then Ruby following behind them. Upon entering the room the sound came from, everyone soon stood still as they saw it was Logan's. They saw the window smashed and as they looked around the room, Qrow was the first to notice.

Qrow: "Crap, Logan! Your armor is gone! Someone did this and took your armor and your pistol!"

Logan didn't listen. He was hurrying sweeping the glass from the front of his bed. As soon as he was done, he started rummaging under his bed.

Tai: "Qrow, it's okay. Logan realized that some one was stalking him for a while now and let me know. We planned for this, go and see if you can find who did this. Logan and I will check on some things he has hidden. Girls, stay by my side. Qrow go, I'll explain when you get back."

Qrow, not wasting time with questions, jumped out the window. By the time Tai crossed to the window and looked, he was out of site. Yang took Ruby to a corner of the room and stood in front of her, Glancing around the room, alert for any attack. Logan soon drug out two large black, metal cases from under his bed, opening them, he sighed in relief. Yang still alert didn't bother looking at the cases, Ruby couldn't see what was in them from behind Yang. Tai who was watching over the three, glanced over Logan's shoulder and went bug eyed at what he saw. But soon he prayed for whoever took Logan's other armor when he heard Logan mumble.

Logan: "Do not tempt a righteous man to draw his sword, for it's not the lion's roar that signals danger, it's their silence. May god have mercy on them, for I sure won't."

Logan: "Okay, let's head to the living room for now. We have to wait for Qrow to get back before I explain what is going on. Tai, can you grab a case please?"

Tai, Yang, and Ruby agreed, grabbing a case Tai lead the way to the living room with Yang, Ruby, then Logan following behind. They waited an hour at most till Qrow returned. Qrow was fuming when he did. Logan was sitting on the chair in line with the coffee table that had both cases on top of it. Yang was sitting on the couch with Ruby and Tai. Yang was sitting on the far side with Ruby snug ageist her, Ruby even though she was snugged had Zwei in her lap, all three of them were on one cushion. Tai was on the middle cushion with his arm around them. Qrow seeing the open seat, sat in it and after cooling off for a minute he spoke.

Qrow: "Now I couldn't find a trace of whoever took that armor of yours, now start talking. What do you mean that you had someone stalking you? What did you plan?"

Logan: "I had noticed about a week ago that someone was snooping around the workshop at the junkyard when most of the tools were moved around, not just the hand tools, but the heavy machinery that I had built and mounted. Here I noticed that branches were moving out of the corner of my eye when there was no wind. Plus the shed door was ajar when it was closed earlier when only Tai and I was home. Yang and Ruby were off with their friends, you were off on a mission, Tai was in the kitchen wood carving, and I had just got back from the junkyard. When I noticed this I quickly wrote a note, went into the kitchen,gave it to Tai and blocked the window. We communicated through our scrolls and devised a plan. The plan was for them to take the armor I was wearing as that was a simple armor with no real equipment in it, but it had to be believable. So Tai and I went to the workshop and made the mk1 armor, code-named 'Bait'. The real armor was hidden in the floor boards of my room in these two cases. 'Bait' had to be believable, so I added some dampening plates in the arms, legs, and chest. the helmet was simply a metal mask that had armor and padding around it with the visor only being simple were it could only tell the direction and wind speed. Sorry about that Yang, I didn't mean to trick you using a different armor. The reason I didn't tell you, Yang, or Ruby is so that it would be believable with you rushing out to find the culprit. They figured Tai wouldn't chase who did it without leaving his girls alone, and they also guessed I'd be too mad as well. This is the real 'Sensō' armor."

As Logan finished explaining to them, he got up and walked to the cases. He turned them towards the group on the couch and opened them. What dew their eyes first was the color, most of it was violet throughout with silver metal here and there, while maroon was the secondary color. Starting from the boots, the entirety of the boots were a little bulky, articulated, and armored, these were mat black [Iron man's]. The shin guards covered the front up to the top of the knee and the back up to the base of the back of the knee, these were maroon. The knee pads were integrated with the shin guards. The thigh guards were heavy plates that wrapped around the thighs, on the right one was a holster for ether a Large pistol or s.m.g; while the left had a pouch that was marked P.A.K. (Personal Aid Kit). The belt was similar to 'Bait's as its a armored belt with pouches, but for some reason, what looked like a handle was one one side of it. The chest piece was big to say the least. Divided in to four section, the belly, the mid-rift, the solar plexus, and the top of the chest with a medium collar wraps around the neck, while the mid-rift and top of the chest were violet. Logan's triple emblem was on the right peck of the chest in bright silver. A backpack-like piece was next to it that had two vents at the bottom. The helmet had a full face visor with a chin guard at the bottom and wrapped around the entire head [A/N like noble 6's default helmet from reach, i can't really describe it that well]. The arms were bulky but not enough that it would impend movement, on the left arm was a small screen-like piece on top of the forearm while the right had a large bar on the forearm that had a hole facing out. The gloves were simple and armored; but oddest of all was the fabric that was underneath the armor, as it seemed soft and flexible and at the same time durable.

Tai: "Logan... if this is the 'Sensō' armor, how long did it take you to build this? From my perspective, this should have taken almost a year to do. And I'm not mistaken, you imputed your tech into this right?"

Logan: "You know those nights that I spent in the junkyard? I was training my semblance and building this, I was using my semblance to forge and shape this, it took a month to make the outer shell alone. I used my semblance to soundproof my room to finish this last night. I haven't even started on the weapons yet. I will build those in Signal."

Qrow: "What about that pistol of yours? What are you gonna do about it? That thing was no joke with how it's made, If anyone recreates it, they could sell it for a pretty lien."

Logan: "I welded it so that it's unusable. But I know that they might be back. That's why I will disassemble the armor now and recreate it at Signal as well. It's less likely to be out of place there."

Qrow and Tai contemplated with what Logan had said. While Yang and Ruby just stared at Logan's armor. Zwei even stared.

Ruby: "Logan, what are you? Your armor... It reminds me of..."

Yang: "A soldier. It feels like I'm looking at a soldier's armor."

Logan: "I don't know. I really wish I did though. *Sigh* I'm tired. Tai could you get some lumber to block the window? While I l clean the mess up?"

Tai: "Yea, you go ahead and start. I'll get it."

As the group disbanded from the living room, they all went their separate ways. Qrow went in to the kitchen to think and drink. Tai left to get some lumber and to clear his head. The girls went to their respective rooms to think. And Logan gathered his armor and went to clean his now messy room.