[Ozpin] "I see. Rather then the eight, with the four you can manage your time better. I agree with your conditions. I will inform you later on today with the whereabouts of were you can place all of it. Anything else?"
As Ozpin said it, Auren was contemplating weather or not to reveal himself. After several minutes for him, a few seconds of Logan, he came to a decision. He quickly spoke to Logan, grabbing his attention.
{Auren} "I think I should show myself. It may gift us some leeway with future endeavors. Ozma may have changed, but, I know my disciple."
{Logan} "I don't know. From my limited time with him, he seems to only speak in lies and half-truths. I don't know if I can trust him all that well. He seems to have the well being of others in mind, but keeps too many secrets. That much I can tell."
{Auren} "Even so, it might be beneficial for us. I suggest we should. If anything seems out of the ordinary, I'll notify you immediately. But, I trust him, I know we can trust him."
{Logan} "Fine. What about Glynda? She will see you if I summon your avatar."
{Auren} "Say 'We have a shared acquaintance named Auren, and he would like to talk,' and see what happens."
{Logan} "Okay."
[Logan] " There is. We have a shared acquaintance named 'Auren', and he would like to talk. However, I'm not sure that Miss Goodwitch here would be okay."
[Ozpin] "Now that's a name I haven't heard of in many, many years. If you know him then you must know a another name I used to go by, yes? And Miss Goodwitch is fine."
{Auren} "You heard him."
Logan nodded his head and started speaking in an old, dead language. Soon, fog began forming in the office. Suddenly, the fog started forming a humanoid figure, and as the figure formed, colors began showing upon it. By the time it was over, Auren's avatar stood before them all. Wearinga large trench coat that was red at the top and faded to black towards the bottom, a small cape covered the shoulders, and a high collar. A light blue shirt under a dark blue vest could be seen under his coat. He has earth brown pants and white riding boots. His eyes, a kaleidoscope of colors with sun-kissed skin and similar hair like his eyes.
[Auren] "Hello, my old apprentice. We have much to discuss, don't we?"
Ozpin and Glynda were shocked at Auren's appearance. Glynda was surprised by his eyes, as she watched as the constantly changed. Opin slowly stood and walked to Auren, as they stood face to face Auren raised his hand to shake Ozpin's. Ozpin griped Auren's forearm tightly and with a tired smile said.
[Ozpin] "Too much, I'm afraid. It's good to see you once again, Master.
A different Realm
A panic was happening as tens of gods were rushing around with little to no order. One soon stood above them all, Regno shouted orders left and right trying to bring order to them all. As the panic slowly died down and order was restored, Terra came to his side to help give orders.
[Regno] "Calm down! Ares, Apollo, and Hermes form a search group and find those missing gods! Horus and Balder go with them! If anything happens, send Hermes bat at once!"
[Terra] "Frigg, Freya, Khonsu, and Heimdall please search all worlds for any dark gods! Bes, Best, and Isis please follow them. Be careful out there!"
[Regno] "Zeus, Odin, and Ra. Coordinate with all high and mid gods, form teams and prepare for further orders. Terra, go inform Statera things have gotten worse and that the dark gods are acting suspicious ever since that world Logan balanced emerged. There might be another war on our hands."
[Terra] "At once. But, a war? We've been at peace for hundreds of millions of cycles. Why now?"
[Regno] " It's most likely the fact that a new world has been born. They always been lacking worlds for them to rule. But with the missing gods, Logan's old world, and the new world being born; I don't know what to think."
Terra nods her head and summons a door to leave to tell Statera. As she goes to walk out, a messenger god ran up, out of breath and panting. Terra seeing this stopped and walked back to the god and Regno, closing the door behind her.
[M. god] "Lord Regno.... the one who... balanced that world.... he..."
[Regno] "Take your time. Breath than speak."
[M.god] "He didn't... his history was scrubbed and replaced. Someone tempered with that world and him. Someone changed his history and purposely tampered with him. Thor was examining the world of when he, Logan, was there. According to him, Logan has several different histories at the same time. And whoever tampered that world, may gave him powers of gods, and that's not all, he may received dark god powers as well!"
[Terra & Regno] "Impossible!/That can't be!"
[M.god] "It is true. Thor believes that a dark god and a light god may have tampered with it at the same time. He is now reviewing the world from the cycle from Logan once came. Hoping to find some sort of clue. He sent me to inform you. He is there currently with part of the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian pantheons. They are coordinating with each other to find the source of it."
Both Terra and Regno were shocked with what they heard. As they were two of the most elder gods there are, this was never heard of before. Terra came out of her confusion first and quickly summoned a door to Statera and left. Regno was right behind Terra in reaction, he ordered the messenger god to return and order Thor and the others to send a report as soon as they find something. As the god left, Regno summoned a simple but elegant throne to sit on while he collected his thoughts.
{Regno} "This is not a coincidence. These thing happening so quickly is not just shear coincidence, this was planed. With Logan balancing his home world, the missing gods, the dark gods moving, and now that both a dark god and light god tampering with his world and him. Something isn't adding up. Why tamper with a low grade world? Why not a high grade one? No, that's easy. Low grade worlds are many and easy to lose track of. High grade ones are heavily monitored and too few in number. That's one, now why a dark god and light one tamper with it? Could have a dark god made a light god turn dark? Anubis was one such god, but he returned and be came a funeral god. So that's a possibility. But why scrub and make several histories for Logan? To hide their tracks? Could he have inadvertently gotten powers of both light and dark god? If so, he could easily destroy the world he was sent to if he's not careful."
Terra on the other hand, had arrived at Statera's side and had informed him of what had transpired while he was away. Instead of being surprised, he was contemplative. Statera, out of all of them was always able to keep a level head, he soon shared his thoughts with her as they weren't far off of what Regno's was. Soon all three came to a similar conclusion without speaking to each other. Their thoughts all focused on Logan and his future and past. He could hold the key to this strange series of events.