War Path

Logan is currently sat in an interrogation room, cuffed, with Tai right next to him with his arms crossed. The police officers wanted to give Logan the benefit of the doubt, but the Police Chief was suspicious of Logan. Logan didn't care, but Tai felt as if Logan was being wronged.

Tai: 'They're treating him like a criminal. Why else would they throw him in here with cuffs on him? *Mental Sigh* Calm down, Tai. The chief probably has a reason for this. But why is Logan so calm? Never mind. knowing him, he's probably thinking his way through what could possibly happen.' Tai thought as he gazed up at the ceiling.

Logan: 'Such easy to read trick. Let their thoughts run rampage as the just sit there. They themselves will confess. How simple.' Logan thought as he stared at the one-way glass in front of them. He already had his [Presence Detection (Passive)] active and knew that there were four people behind the glass. Three of which entered only about forty-five minutes ago. However, Logan stared at one specific spot; as if he was staring at someone.

The two of them been inside the interrogation room for about an hour, going on an hour and a half. Tai was getting restless and is becoming on edge, while Logan just sat there staring at the glass. As for the four people behind the glass, one was getting unnerved by Logan's constant staring, two were curious to know if Logan knew they were here, and the last had an almost unreadable expression. Another hour passed by and Tai couldn't stand sitting anymore, he had got up and started to pace back and forth across the wall behind him and Logan. Finally after another fifteenth minutes, Tai broke.

Tai: "Auhhggg! I can't stand this!" Tai shouted as his hands went to his hair.

Logan: "Tai." Logan said calmly.

Tai: "Logan, come on! They're treating you like a criminal! How can you be so calm about it?!" Tai continued to shout as he slammed his fist on to the table. "How?!"

Logan: "Tai, calm down." Was all that Logan had said.

Tai: "How can you be so calm?!" Tai half asked, half shouted at Logan.

Logan: "Because Tai, three people entered inside the other room about two hours ago; give or take. That's not counting the Police chief whose been watching us." Logan said as the chief behind the glass became shocked. "As for the other three, I don't know who they are. But I can guess that two of them are curious as to know if I can see them. The answer is no. As for the last one, they're annoyed that this is taking so long." Logan said catching the other three and Tai off guard.

~~~~~~~~ Behind the glass ~~~~~~~~

Chief: "H-how d-did he?!" The chief said, nearly passing out from shock. As he had been on the receiving end of Logan's star for the pasted two hours.

?(Man): "He's good." The man said with a slight smile.

?(Woman1): "I'm surprised and curious. Mainly curious to know how he knew we were here and how long ago when we entered." The woman(1) said with her hand on her chin as she contemplated.

?(Woman2): "Sir, Ma'am. I believe it's best we end this farce, before the chief here passes out." The second woman said as she glanced/glared at the chief. What they didn't see as they all looked at her, was that Logan had removed his cuffs and was at the window.

Logan: " *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* Oh, Chief~ BOO!!" Logan shouted as the wiped their heads towards the glass.

Chief: "HEE!!" he screamed before passing out with foam coming from his mouth.

?(Man): "He's very good." was all that he said with a smile on his face.

?(Woman): "He reminds me of 'Him' though."

~~~~~~~~ Back with Logan and Tai ~~~~~~~~

Tai watched as Logan removed his cuffs as if they were nothing. Then walk up to the one-way glass to just knock and scare apparently the chief who was behind the glass. Tai then watched as Logan sat back down as if he did nothing at all. A completely relaxed Logan was just sitting there as if he did nothing at all.

Tai: "What was that? And what were you talking about? And do you know who is behind the glass?" Tai asked as he just stared at Logan wanting answers.

Logan: "Well, one was definitely the chief. He was watching us, mainly me, as soon as we entered the building. And if you didn't notice, I was staring right at him, and even if he move, my eyes never left him. As for what I did, I just merely spooked him, that's all. As for the three of them that had entered, I don't know who they were, but I have a few guesses." Logan said with absolute certainty clearly in his voice.

Tai: "... That's it?" Tai asked rhetorically, "If he's passed out, how are we gonna leave?" Tai asked.

Logan: "...Three...Two...One..." Logan started to count down with his fingers. As the last finger dropped, Logan stood up as the door opened to revel a police officer. The officer paused for a moment as he just stared at Logan who he was told was cuffed.

Officer: "Um... I... uh... was... told to... tell you 'Your free to go' and... uncuff you..." The officer said confused as he stared at Logan. "Um... How did you get those off?" he gestured to the hand-cuffs.

Logan: "Oh! They were never properly tightened, so I just slipped them off." Logan said as he swiped the cuffs off the table and handed them to him. Then proceed to walk out with Tai following a step behind Logan, leaving the officer to stand there wondering. As Logan and Tai walked through the police station, Logan's demeanor changed suddenly. Tai felt the change then looked to where Logan was glaring. Tai, who has been around Logan long enough, just sighed and waited for the sh*t show to finish.

Logan walked up behind a woman, who was currently flaunting a large, silver grey revolver and an artistic looking knife. Logan didn't bother with pleasantries and just dropped the woman to her knees so that he could look into her eyes and then took the gun and knife. When Logan saw who it was, he was pissed.

Logan: "I'll ask only once." Logan said as his ash formed several daggers around the woman. "Why are you not behind bars, Applewatch?" As Logan demanded this, he placed his stolen weapons back in their holsters.

Jean Applewatch, the very same teacher that Logan and Yang had dealt with during their first year. A short, blonde hair, brown eyes woman that should have been in jail for several years. A woman that shouldn't be walking free.

Applewatch: "I was deemed innocent by trail less then two weeks ago. After all, I did nothing wrong. Oh, hi Tai~" She stated to Logan as she ignored the floating daggers, then she spotted Tai. She then tried to push Logan off of her but couldn't. She then smirked. "You know, for an animal, your not that bright. You just attacked an innocent woman, INSIDE a police station. You even stole from me."

As she said this, Logan glanced around. He saw several officers had drawn their guns and were pointing them at Logan. Tai was ready to make a move to help Logan should he need it. Logan just shook his head and then laughed. A laugh that unnerved most of the officers.

Logan: "One, you are far, far from innocent. Two, the amount of evidence against you is enough for a life sentence; that includes what was found in your house. Three, every officer who saw me enter, also saw me hand these over at the front desk with my name on their tags. Four, I can smell the same sent on the police chief coming from you, so that begs the question of 'Why?' Five-" Logan was about to continue when Applewatch's scroll went off. Logan then got a twisted smile as he took her scroll, but then that smile changed.

All the officers and Tai felt something. A cold creeping feeling that slowly climbed up their backs and held their throats. They couldn't speak, they couldn't breath. They felt as if that death itself held its scythe at their necks. Just waiting for them to make a move. Logan's smile was gone and his face held no emotion. But his eyes showed an anger that threatened to leave his body and engulf everything in a world of fire. His eyes which were usually blue with grey flecks were gone, in their place were red eyes with flames contained inside and his hair was glowing.

Applewatch was then suddenly thrown against a wall nearby Tai. As her ass and back slid and hit the ground, her arms were pinned wide open by ash daggers. As she screamed, the police chief came running around a corner. As he saw what was happening and that his officers were just standing there. He began to shout.

Police Chief: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! SHOOT-" He was cut off mid sentence.

Logan was walking towards Applewatch as the chief began his shouting. Grabbing a stapler off a desk, Logan whipped it at him full force. A sickening crack was heard as his teeth shattered along with part of his jaw. He dropped unconscious with the stapler lodged in his face. Logan just calmly continued towards Applewatch as if he never thrown that stapler.

Logan: "Now, I'll only asked you once and you don't want me to ask again. Where are they? And you know what I'm talking about. Now, no screaming." Logan asked Applewatch as he grabbed her face to stop her screaming. He then let go for her to answer. Her voice was small and feeble, but Logan could hear her clear enough and only him.

With a bright smile that didn't match the feeling of fear before, Logan got up and walked away. Tai and the officers just stood there, the feeling of death still leaning over them. As Logan was turning the corner, his hand and arm became a blur and a deafening gunshot rang out. Every officer, and Tai, jumped nearly out of their skin. Logan had reloaded and fired a single shot, and the end result was a bullet hole right above Applewatch's head just grazing her hair. The ash daggers that held her hands up quickly vanished and sped out an open window. Once Logan and his ash left, the feeling of death lingered for a bit before vanishing as if it wasn't even there. Tai looked to Applewatch and saw her scroll laying in front of her as she passed out. As Tai stared at it, He saw what Logan had seen. Tai then rubbed his eyes and looked again to see if he wasn't hallucinating. Picking up her scroll, Tai stared at the picture that was opened on it. Rage, hate, and pure unbridled fury started to swell and burn inside him as he understood what Logan had meant.

There, bound, gagged, beaten and bloodied, was Hertha's husband and kids. Tai nearly lost it when he saw the picture, and he was pretty sure Logan had and is on a war path. Tai nearly ran to find Logan to help him out, but a voice stopped him. A voice he recognized from his time at Beacon Academy. As Tai turned around, his voice was laced with surprise.

Tai: "Ozpin, Glynda." Tai said as he looked to where he and Logan had came from earlier.

(A/N: What your about to read about their height is straight from the wiki and DAMN they're tall. Edit: I changed them to be more human [Wed. September 2nd])

Ozpin: "It's good to see you again, Tai. I just wish it was under... better circumstances." Ozpin said as he took a swig of his cocoa. He stood about 6'1'', has tousled silver grey hair thin brown eyes and sharp brown eyebrows. He mainly wore a dark green and black suit with shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck. In one hand was a coffee cup that beard the Beacon Academy sigil and in the other was long silver and black cane with a long knuckle guard.

Glynda: "There's no need for you to go. Mr. Branwen is already on the case. Though I don't believe that Mr. Scarlett needed to do anything with him on it." Glynda said as she walked towards Tai with her riding crop out. She then lightly swings it and the unconscious Applewatch starts to float up and be hide her with the police chief in a similar fashion.

Glynda stood about 5'10'' with her heels. She wears a white long-sleeved, pleated top that has a wide keyhole neckline and gauntlet cuffs that flare in pleats at the wrist. Her lower body is covered by a black high-waisted pencil skirt with bronze buttons and black-brown stockings. She also wears black boots with bronze heels and a cape that is purple inside and black on the outside. The cut of the cape is stylized to end in flames and arrows, with a row of diamond-shaped bronze beads on the back.

Tai calmed down a little, but his face was laced with worry. Ozpin saw this and came over and placed a hand on Tai's shoulder after he set his coffee cup down on a desk. Tai looked Ozpin in the eye before Ozpin spoke.

Ozpin: "Mr Scarlett will be fine. I'm sure that Qrow will keep him safe."

Tai: "That's not what I'm worried about, Oz. Logan's already got blood on his hands from before and after he left Menagerie. He already suffers nightmares from it." Tai explained. "What I'm most worried about is the people who did this and how far Logan will take it."