
Logan and Qrow fell with the hostages, down through the floor of the office. As they fell, Logan had his ash shield follow them while keeping them in cover. Qrow managed to right himself as he fell with the two hostages in his arms. Logan landed like a cat first and set the child he had down behind a pile of rubble. Qrow came right behind him as Logan's shield was riddled with more bullets, but it held.

Qrow: "Okay, we need a plan now!" Qrow whispered shouted in Logan's ear.

Logan: "Agreed. My shield can hold for a minute longer. Qrow you get the hostages out while I run distraction." Logan formulated a plan almost in instant. However, Qrow didn't like it one bit.

Qrow: "Kid! As much as I trust you, you can't handle that alone! Switch with me, you get them out while I distract them."

Logan: "Not going to happen. They knew we were here and were waiting for us to make a move." Logan reprimanded as he pulled his bow out and glanced over the rubble pile. "We got three hostiles. One heavy mini-gunner on a knee, one sniper outside, and a guy behind the mini-gunner with some type of box-y rifle. All in some weird type of full body armor. I need you to get outside and take care of that sniper, or he'll make things much harder." Logan said as he identified all the threats inside and outside; as one was on top of another warehouse looking in.

Qrow: "How? We're being shot at!"

Logan: "*Glare* We're in a giant tin box, you have a sword. Use it as a Fu*king can opener!" Logan almost shouted at him. "Now, MOVE!" Logan shouted as he popped up from behind the rubble and shot several air-burst arrows at the mini-gunner and rifleman. Two were shot out of the air by the sniper while the other ones exploded and created a dust cloud.

Qrow didn't have time to yell at Logan. He grabbed the hostages after shredding a hole in the side of the building and rushed through. Out into the night. Logan didn't have time to sigh in relief when an large explosion happened a few feet from him.

Logan: 'One has a Fu*king grenade launcher?!? Fu*k me!' Logan screamed in his head.

Activating his [Aura Pulse], Logan rushed away from his hiding spot and dropping his ash shield as well. Dashing behind some crates, Logan continued to move until he had a clear shot at the man behind the mini-gunner. Switching to a thermite arrow, Logan aimed at the rifleman and shot. His [Aura Pulse] dropped as his arrow was released from the bow string. Half way to its target, two deafening shots sounded. One blew the arrow out of the air and the second hit Logan right in the chest. The force of the bullet threw Logan back a few feet and taking a chunk of his aura with it..

Logan: "Shit! That hurt!" Logan screamed as his aura flickered. 'How in the world did that sniper shoot me that fast!' Logan thought as he dashed away.

Logan moved around several crates trying to lose the bead the two assassins had on him. Logan knew that he had to keep himself safe until Qrow dealt with that sniper. Hiding far enough away, Logan looked down at where he was hit at. His plate behind his ammo pouched was fine, but several speed loaders for his revolver were useless. Retrieving a few safe rounds, Logan reloaded his revolver while he thought of what to do next.

Logan: 'Okay, calm down. I have no more air-burst arrows left and two thermite arrows left. Three intact speed loaders full and four magazines for my machine pistol. Aura Pulse is on cool down and they're closing in on you, Logan. Think.' Logan rationalized to himself as he felt the two assassins close in with his [Presence Detection (Passive)] active.

As Logan was thinking, he heard the heavy foot falls of the mini-gunner and the somewhat lighter ones from the rifleman. They had split up on ether side of Logan, hoping to pincer him in. Logan hid in front of a rather large crate and as the two assassins closed in on him from ether side, then Logan moved fast. He rushed the mini-gunner while putting the crate between him and the rifleman. As the mini-gunner turned and fire at Logan, Logan jumped up and grabbed the top of the crate but not before a few rounds clipped his legs. Flipping himself up on to the crate with a handstand, Logan unloaded his revolver into the mini-gunner's gun and hands to keep him firing down and through the crate. Flipping forward, Logan delivered a heel drop kick to the top of the mini-gunner's head. Then using the assassin's head as a spring board, Logan jumped over the crate behind him. Before Logan could hit the ground, he reloaded the revolver then switch it out for his machine pistol. Logan hit the ground and threw himself onto his stomach to dodge the incoming fire that shredded the crate he just jumped over. Rolling to his back, Logan mag dumped two full magazines into the mini-gunner all while his machine pistol was on full-auto. Not waiting to see the damage, Logan ran as he heard the familiar thump of the grenade launcher firing several grenades at him. As he ran from the explosions, another sniper shot rang out and this time, Logan found out how that sniper shot so fast. He felt three rounds his his back in a straight horizontal line, at the exact same time.

Logan: 'Does that a** have a triple barreled sniper?!? Well, FU*K YOU TOO!!!' he screamed in his head as his aura flickered once again.

Logan rounded a corner to dive behind some crates and the explosions paused for a second. Another second pasted before the explosions returned. Logan then realized that the rifleman's grenade launcher had a small magazine that he could exploit. He then waited for the rifleman to reload as he switched his machine pistol with a fresh mag to his left and drew his revolver into his right. When the explosions stopped, Logan rushed out towards the rifleman with damaged armor. As Logan spotted him mid reload, he decided to make sure he wasn't going to finish. With his revolver, Logan fired all six shots at the assassin. One into the hand holding the magazine, two to the hand with the gun and the last three into the assassin's helmeted head. The first two shots cracked his visor and the last shot pierced through. Not taking any chances, Logan shoulder charged him with his right shoulder. As Logan slammed into him, he carried the assassin for a few feet while dumping a magazine from his machine pistol into his chin.

Not wanting to carry a (hopefully) now corpse, Logan threw it to his left as he continued to dash towards cover. As he ran to cover, his instincts and [Presence Detection (Passive)] screamed at him to move away. Before Logan could move, an arm came crashing through the crate in front of him. Sending him flying as if he was a sack of potatoes. Logan crashed through several crates before hitting the ground and bouncing a few feet and then sliding into a final crate. Logan's aura flickered and blinked before shattering like glass. From the crate that the arm came from, out stepped the mini-gunner. The man stood close to seven foot tall, his armor shredded and torn asunder. His iconic mini-gun missing and in his hands were a modern combat ax and trench knife. His full face helmet's visor was shattered and reveled a single glowing orange eye.

Logan: "Damn..." Logan mumbled as he barely stood and his mask slipped from his face. 'My aura broke and I think a rib or two did as well. That b*stard hits like a truck.' Logan thought as he went to raise his guns, only to realized they were gone. "Fu*k."

The titan of a man charged at Logan before he could regain his balance. Logan had to roll out of the way as the titan barreled his way through the crate behind Logan like a freight train. As Logan stood on shaky legs, the titan's ax came flying towards Logan's face. With shaky legs, Logan could only lean to the side as the ax came close. Even then the ax found its home in Logan's left shoulder. Logan barely had time to feel the pain before the titan came charging again, and this time he didn't miss his mark. The titan carried Logan a few feet with his hit before grabbing Logan and pinning him to the ground. Logan, with his right, tried to punch the titan in the helmet/face; only for him to grab, stab, and pin Logan arm into the ground with his trench knife.

Titan: "You will die!" The titan said with a voice like gravel in a blender. "But first, I'm gonna make you squeal like a pig!"

Logan: "Woah. Haven't heard that one befo- No, wait. I have." Logan said before spitting in the Titan's helmet/face. "Get new material jacka**!" Only for him to receive a gauntlet-ed backhand across his face.

Titan: "I'm gonna take my time with you." He said as he pulled the ax from Logan's shoulder. "I'm gonna carve you up like a turkey!" The Titan said as blood flowed from Logan's shoulder. "And i'm not gonna stop until you die!"

As the Titan raised the ax up, he soon then brought it down. Logan watched as the ax descended slowly into his shoulder once again. But as it barely cross half the distance, his arm from the elbow up and the ax flew away from them. And before the Titan could scream, Qrow appeared with his weapon, Harbinger, in tonfa form. Qrow the smashed his weapon's gun barrels into the Titan's helmet/face as he fired. The Titan's body flew away from Logan and Qrow, now with its head missing.

Qrow: "KID!" Qrow shouted as he saw Logan's state. "Your gonna be fine! Just hold on!" Qrow was panicking from seeing all the blood from Logan. He was even fumbling with his scroll as well.

Logan: "Qrow, by the time any medics get here, I'll be long gone." Logan said with a bit of difficulty as he felt the blood loss get to him. "So calm down, and listen." Logan said getting Qrow's attention. "I have a theory, a guess at best of what my semblance is. And it's the best shot I've got to survive." Logan's voice was becoming coarse and raspy.

Qrow: "Kid..." Qrow said as he looked into Logan's serious and determined eyes. "Okay... what do you need me to do?"


Tai, Glynda, and Ozpin could be seen leaving the Police station as night has fallen. Tai being kind, held the door open for the both of them as the three of them left.

Glynda: "Thank you, Tai." Glynda said as she nodded towards him.

Tai: "Hey, its common curtsy for this." Tai said with a shrug of his shoulders.

Ozpin: "Not many understand that now a days." Ozpin said as he went to shake Tai's hand. "Thank you, Tai, for an... interesting evening."

Tai: "Hey, its the least I could do." Tai said as he and Ozpin shook hands. "But, Logan..." He said afterward with a sad look in his eyes.

Ozpin: "I understand your concern about Mr Scarlett, but have some faith in Qrow, Tai." Ozpin said as he looked to the stars. "I have a feeling that Mr Scarlett is just fine."

As Ozpin said this, a massive explosion erupted from the docks along with a gigantic pillar of fire. Vibrant brick red, deep glowing orange, golden sunshine yellow, emerald forest green, ethereal sky blue, and royal violet purple flames colored the night sky. The explosion woke the sleeping port town and those who ventured outside were stunned and in awe of what they could see. Unknown to all but three, knew why and what was happening. Tai and Glynda were both surprised and scared as that was where Qrow had reported his and Logan's location, but for Ozpin, it was different.

Ozpin: 'This... This feeling... It can't be!?!' Ozpin's mind was a mess as he stared at the fire pillar. "We need to get there! NOW!" Ozpin screamed, catching both Tai and Glynda off guard before he ran towards the dock.

Tai: "What just happened?" Tai asked as he watched Ozpin run towards the docks.

Glynda: "I don't know. I've never seen him like this." Glynda said as she ran after Ozpin with Tai right behind her.