Initiation (Somethings Never Change)

Logan had trouble fighting boredom from not doing much while he sat on his throne he made. So far he had little to do as those that came so far were hit and miss when they fought Logan to get to the temple behind him. So far the only ones that caught his attention so far were a team of two.

One was an absolute mountain of a Bull Faunus boy about eight feet and the other was a mouse faunus girl that barely reached four feet tall. The only reason Logan remembered the two of them was due to the bull Faunus flying at him like a fastball. He was so surprised he didn't even dodge and got railed with a flying clothesline that took Logan off his throne with the back of it with him. While Logan was stunned the Bull Faunus grabbed a black king 'relic' and ran off.

Logan: "Seriously, who ever would expect that?" Logan grumbled to himself even after nearly an hour after it happened.

As Logan sat there grumbling, he started to overhear several loud voices coming from his right. Each one was loud enough that it should draw almost every Grimm in a mile radius to them. Logan wonder how they weren't attacked yet. He pondered if he should attack them now, but then remembered that he had to wait until they made the clearing. Something about 'wanting to see what they would do' or something like that was what Ozpin had asked of him.

Deciding to wait until he could see them, Logan remained still as the voices closed in to the clearing. And who came out didn't surprise him that much but numerous dark thoughts began to spread in his mind. Thoughts that could even scare people like Ozpin and Salem.

Out of the brush came four teenage males. One towered over the other three with ease and had silver colored armor with a golden bird of some sort with its wings spread out. Two of them had similar armor to each other and that matched their hair color; one was caramel brown and the other was blue tinted silver. The last was the shortest if you didn't count the Mohawk and looked like a bandit with a spiked shoulder pad on his left shoulder clad in grey pants and boots with a green jacket.

Logan waited until they were about an arms reach of him before he attacked. And with how cocky they were, they didn't even notice Logan's massive stature and throne. The first one to reach Logan was the smallest one.

As soon as the smallest one was within reach, Logan's arm shot out with the speed of a bullet. The force was enough to send him flying into a tree and shatter his aura. The other three then quickly took up arms against Logan. The largest came rushing in with a gigantic mace over his head. From an over head swing changed to a sideswipe, Logan let it connect as he stood up from his throne. As the mace impacted Logan's ribs, Logan just stood there unmoving. The mace welder began to swing again and again with out a care with a vicious smirk on his face. The other two seeing this, attack with a sword and halberd from two other sides. After a minute of them hitting Logan and doing next to nothing, Logan just backhanded them all. They then all flew towards trees and their aura's shattered on impact with ease.

Logan: 'Seriously? How did they even get into Beacon? Cardin I can understand as he has some semblance of skill, the others not so much.' Logan thought as he looked over the unconscious forms of the once team CRDL. Once Logan could tell they were fine, he dragged them over to a hidden area where Professor Port and several other teachers were waiting. And concealed there was a bullhead ready to take off.

This was something that was thought of when Logan applied to help. Logan would act as a proctor and unknown force that new students had to deal with. This way students that shined in other areas besides fighting could get a chance to show their skills. And those that had fighting ability but never got a relic could get a chance, though slim, to enroll into the school.

Logan just dropped them off and headed back to his throne to await more students. Not bothering to make small talk with Port who greeted him when he brought the new group over and started to banter and boast. Sitting on his throne, Logan just sighed and mumbled to himself about what he should do once school starts.

As Logan went to sit on his throne, something peculiar happened. Logan ended up being nearly pelted by a blonde hair teen in armor as the teen flew through the air. Logan watched as the teen soared into a tree that stood off to the side of the temple.

Logan: 'What the?.... No... Are you kidding me?' Logan thought as he turned his head in the opposite direction the teen flew from. As he glared at the treeline, Logan undid his ash transformation and throne.

With a heavy sigh, Logan watched as a red haired girl that looked like a Greek warrior, a pale girl in a white dress, and Ruby burst out from some overgrowth. Each one of them looked like they were running from Death itself.

Logan, who was standing in front of the temple, just stood there with an unreadable expression. He watched as the group of three ran up to and stop in front of him; all of them breathing heavily. Not even a minute later, another group bursts out from the treeline. This time it was a tad bit different as two of them were riding an Ursa and another two were running to keep up. One of the two girls that were riding the Ursa was Yang. The other was an orange haired girl in a pink, white, and black dress.

Of the two that were running, one was a male teen with black hair with a magenta streak wearing a faded green and black coat and white pants. The other, a female Faunus teen, with a black, white, and purple outfit. Logan could tell who the black haired girl was even at a distance. Once the Ursa 'broke' according to the Orange haired girl, their group wondered over to Logan and Ruby's group.

Logan: "Hey Kitty!" Logan called to the black haired girl who then lunged at him. Swiping left and right with her nails, hoping to scratch Logan's face.

Blake: "Quit calling me that!" Blake growled as she swiped at Logan.

Logan: "Fine, fine." Logan chuckled. "I'll stop. It's good to see you again Blake." Logan said after he dodged Blake's last swipe.

Blake wasn't that much different from her cannon self. She still had her black button vest with coattails and white cropped undershirt. Her white shorts with graduated purple to black stockings and low heeled boots were there as well. The biggest change for Logan was that her iconic bow was being used to tie her hair into a messy braid that laid over the top of her hair.

Blake: "It's good to see you too Logan." Blake said, a small smile graced her face.

Logan: "As much as I want to stay and catch up. I can sense a Deathstalker and Nevermore approaching fast." Logan said to the group of eight when Jaune join in from getting out of the tree. "And since you eight are the only ones left, I'll divide you guys up into two teams to take them down."

As soon as those words left Logan's mouth, he was met with outrage. Some were asking why he was doing this. And the other was demanding to know who he thought he was; this was mainly the pale white girl. The only ones who had an inkling of what was going on was Ruby, Yang, and Blake. Once Logan had calmed them down a bit, he explained.

Logan: "I was assigned to be your proctor!" Logan had to basically yell at them. "I was tasked with giving you a chance to prove your worth!" Logan said as he walked over and grabbed the remaining four 'relics'. "First! Ruby, Pale girl, Blake, and Yang! Here, you four get the 'white rook relics'. The rest of you, you get the 'white knight relics'." Logan ordered as he handed out the last 'relics'.

Once the 'relics' were handed out, several extremely loud thumps reverberated throughout the temple's clearing. The newly made teams wiped their heads around to see a massive Nevermore circled them from above. And not even a moment later, an equally sized Deathstalker crashed through the trees, making a very large path as it was ripping trees up in its wake. Heading straight for them.

Yang: "Hey, Loga- What the hell!" Yang went to ask Logan but found him gone.

Weiss: "He ditched us!" Weiss said as the others turned around again, only to find Logan gone.

Jaune: "W...w...why would he do that?" Jaune nervously glanced around, hoping to find a trace of Logan.

Pyrrha: "He said he was a proctor. So I'm guessing he can't help us." Pyrrha said as she turned back towards the two Grimm. Arming herself as she stared at them

Nora: "NORA SMASH!" Nora roared as she readied her massive hammer.

Ren: "I think it might be better if we found someplace else to fight." Lie Ren thought out loud as he readied his pistols. "We're too exposed."

Ruby: "Agreed. We need to move." Ruby said as she pulled her scythe out and checked her ammo. "Let's go!"

~~~~~~ With Logan ~~~~~~

Logan had used [Aura Pulse] to vanish and then flew away from teams RWBY and JNPR. Logan knew that he had interfered with the test when he handed them the 'relics', but he also knew they had to face the Deathstalker and Nevermore. This was the test he had given them when they met up with him.

Logan just had a neutral face as he descended into the hidden area with the other professors. As he landed, a short female wearing a much too large lab coat with peach colored hair in a bobbed hair cut walked up to Logan. The infamous Professor Pelly Thumbelina Peach, who Logan said after their first meeting thought she was a child.

P.Peach: "Logan! Professor Ozpin gonna yell at you for handing the 'relics' out." P. Peach yelled at Logan while raising her arms up; though her lab coat covered them. "You know that he has the last say with the teams!"

Logan: "*Sigh* Professor Peach, you and I both know that there was only enough 'relics' for, at the most, four teams." Logan said as he picked the tiny teacher up and set her on his shoulder. "Not only that, they were the last students in the forest. So ether way they would have been grouped together one way or another."

P.Peach: "I told you I hate this!" Peach shouted into Logan's ear as she smacked the top of Logan's head.

Logan: "You walk too slow." Logan replied like she wasn't doing anything. Once the two of them reached the awaiting bullhead, Logan hopped into it then buckled Professor Peach in. "Plus it's your fault for being so small."

Professor Peach just raged and thrashed around at Logan's comment. Logan didn't mind as she throws similar comments to every male Professor she meets. Hell, Logan remembered what she said earlier when Port started to monologue about his youth, again. Logan would have never thought to see a grown man so close to tears. So far, Logan has been the only one to give it back to her just as much as she gives out without feeling bad about it.

As Logan became lost in his thoughts, a man with wild and messy green hair and a very disheveled clothes seemingly appeared by Logan's side with two steaming coffee cups. Logan was roused form his thoughts when one of the cups was shoved into his hand. Logan looked to the man and nodded his head in thanks. Both ignoring the raging and thrashing Professor behind them as they looked out the Bullhead's open side door.