"Like I got a hole shot through me."

Logan awoke to to sound of mechanical beeping and white ceiling tiles with florescent lights. With a decent amount of struggle, Logan turned his head right and saw closed blinds on a large window. With even more struggle, Logan turned his head left and saw a window with the blinds up. Outside the window, Logan could just make out the rising sun. With the last bit of his energy, Logan managed to pull his head up and looked at the ceiling once again before passing out.

Once Logan woke up again, he could tell it was noticeable brighter then before. And this time, he could see a nurse standing next to him as she wrote down something on a clipboard without noticing him waking up. It was only after a glace she did notice and instead of being spooked or running and yelling, she smiled and said she'll be right back. It throw Logan for a loop, figuratively.

She came back in with a doctor not even two minutes after she left. From there, the doctor checked Logan over once then examined his eyes. Once the doctor was satisfied, he told Logan that he needs rest right now and anyone that wanted to see him could wait. Logan, not feeling that great at all, didn't disagree with the doctor and fell back asleep when the doctor and nurse left. Though, he did buy a healing pill for his system to numb the pain so he could sleep better.

When Logan woke back up, he could see the top of Ozpin white head. Looking towards him, Logan saw that he was reading something from his scroll. After a few seconds of staring at him, Ozpin finally looked at Logan.

Ozpin: "Afternoon, Logan." Ozpin greeted, "You've been asleep for two days. How do you feel?"

Logan: "Like I got a hole shot through me." Logan deadpanned. "How else am I?"

Ozpin: "Point taken. We've been looking into what shot you." Ozpin said. "So far, we've found nothing and are beginning to suspect a semblance was used to cover it up."

Logan: "Well I can shed some light on it" Logan said as she struggled to sit up, which Ozpin push him back down. "*Sigh* I'll start from right before I got shot." Logan said after he sighed in defeat. "After Salem got me, I began to scan the area as we walked. Once we got to the open area next to the loading platforms that lead to the dock, it got dark. Almost to the point we couldn't see five feet in front of us, even with the full moon shinning above us. I went to ask Salem if she could see, but by the looked on he face, she couldn't either. That's when I saw a glint. After that, my instincts went into overdrive and I shoved Salem down. Then all I felt was pain."

Ozpin: "Then you woke up here." Ozpin finished for Logan. "Is there anything else you can remember? A silhouette? An abnormal sound?"

Logan: "There were no insect sounds or any animals of the night. With how far we were, we should have heard something." Logan said after thinking about it more. "Even with the dace going on, it was eerily quiet."

Ozpin: "Grimm?" Ozpin questioned.

Logan: "I didn't sense any." Logan answered.

Ozpin: "I see." Ozpin said then thought for a minute. "Let's get off this subject for now. Thankfully, the damage you sustained didn't damage your spine. However..."

Logan: "I'll be stuck here for months, unless I use [Phoenix Down] ability." Logan said annoyed. "Can you at least give me a reason to disappear for a week?"

Ozpin: "Already planned for it." Ozpin informed Logan.

Logan: "Any change from Amber?" Logan asked after the two of them entered into an uncomfortable silence.

Ozpin: "Nothing, I'm afraid." Ozpin said solemnly. "Even with your rebirth ability, she hasn't had any change even after all these months."

Logan: "All right, had to asked since I've been busy ever since school started." Logan said as he prepared his flames. "Do the doctors here know about my ability?"

Ozpin" Yes, and they have signed a N.D.A. as well as them being some I trust." Ozpin said as he stepped back from Logan.

Logan just nodded his head as he was consumed by his multi colored flames after he removed all the medical equipment from himself first. His flames soon then engulfed the bed as well as they gained intensity. After a solid minute, the flames calmed down and reveled a child Logan with tiny bird wings sprouting from his back; leaving him in a pile of ash. Ozpin seeing that Logan's ability was finished, dropped a small pile of clothes that would fit Logan on to the floor after taking them out from somewhere.

Ozpin: "They should fit you." Ozpin said as he looked out a window while Logan got dressed. "And as for your excuse for being 'gone', you had an emergency mission you need to handle yourself. But, as you are well known in the school, you'll need to be moved off campus till you powers return."

Logan: "Where to?" Logan asked as he struggled to get a shirt on over his head. "I don't have any places in Vale that can hid me and the places outside are too far away to be of any use."

Ozpin: "I have prepared a place for you." Ozpin said as he turned towards Logan who is now dressed in simple, plain clothes. "Though you'll have to leave during the night, and Glynda volunteered to help you move as she is the only one currently among the staff that knows of this. That and she is on night patrol tonight."

Logan: "With how much she's helped me, I might as well marry her at this point." Logan said as a joke.

Ozpin: "I don't recommend you say that to her." Ozpin said seriously. "The last time someone brought marriage up to her and about her, they ended up brain dead in the hospital with 40% of their body broken beyond repair."

Logan: "Who?!" Logan asked surprised. From what Logan knew, Glynda was not even in her late 20's.

Ozpin: "A man by the name of Zachery Opaque. He still is in an I.C.U under his parent's hospital as he's their only sun." Ozpin explained. "He's stable and on the road to recovery thanks to the massive leaps in medicine thanks to him being kind enough to be used as a test subject with his permission. That was three years ago."

Logan just facepalmed at the revelation. He knew that Glynda had a temper when it came to a few things. Marriage was not one of them he knew about. Now he was just wondering why.

After discussing a few more things, the two of them parted. Logan having to stay inside the room he woke up in. And Ozpin had left to go deal with paper work that need attention for the field mission with professors tagging along for second years and up. Both of them knew that there were things that need to be done and have to accept it, neither of them wanted to, but it had to be done so no one would realize what had happened.

Day soon fell to night as Logan sneaked out to the entrance of the infirmary where he was kept. As Logan looked left and right outside the door, he spotted Glynda walking towards the infirmary while hovering a flashlight above her head with her semblance. Spotting Logan, she waved him over to her as she made her way to him. Logan made his way to her as fast as his little legs could carry him.

Once the two of them met up, Glynda didn't waste any time and just levitated Logan up then towed him along with her. Glynda moved with steps faster then one wearing heels should be able to as the two of them reached the elevator down to Vale with no one in sight. It didn't take long for the two of them to make it to the bottom of the elevator as the two of them, well one, walked out into Vale. She let Logan down when they were a few blocks away from the elevator where she was sure that no one around.

Logan then followed Glynda as she made her way to an apartment building nearby. Entering, they made their way up to the third floor, to a room numbered 376. Inside, Logan found it as a completely furnished apartment with the kitchen completely stocked, and two bedrooms with a third being an office. Logan was amazed that this was prepared in such a short time that he missed Glynda head off into one of the rooms. One that looked like it was lived in, and quiet recently too.

Logan was brought out of his stupor when Glynda exited the room in comfort clothes with her hair let down which reached just passed her back. She wore a blouse that reached passed her waist and comfortable pants all in warm colors. Logan then realized that he was staying with Glynda in her apartment for the time being. Logan wouldn't admit it, he was surprised at how Glynda acted when she had time off.

Logan: "Why am I staying with you?" Logan asked after he left his stupor and looked around the apartment while staying away from Glynda's room. "Ozpin said that he prepare something for me, not this." Logan said awkwardly.

Glynda: "He did." Glynda said as she made her way into the kitchen. "However, Salem wanted someone to be around in case something happened to you while we're not aware." She continued as she pulled out pots, pans, and things from the fridge and began to cook. "I have some paid time off and was asked to watch you."

Logan: "Huh, thanks." Logan said as he rubbed the back of his head. "I'll try to make it up to you for this."

Glynda: "Don't, its fine." She said as she glanced back at him. "I don't mind. Besides, I was due a break from everything that's happened this year."

Logan: "Glynda, I've lost count how many times you've helped me so far." Logan said as he made his way over to a counter and climbed up to be eye level with her. "You need something, just ask. It's the least I could do"

Glynda: "Logan, I appreciate the sentiment, but there's no need." She argued back. "You've also help me out a lot too."

The two of them went back and forth as Glynda cooked and Logan began to pull out plates and tableware. Once everything was out, Logan then hopped down and set the table for the two of them. About thirty minutes later, Glynda brought a pot of spaghetti with a bowel of pasta sauce and meatballs floating behind her.

Not long after the table was set and the food was brought, the two of them calmed down and ate in relative silence. Logan, having to stand to eat, talked with Glynda about the numerous things they had to deal with over the school year. Glynda herself had to deal with a lot of paperwork and had to handle a few of the professors that tried to skimp on their reports, thankfully the retired Hunter/Huntress that were assigned for the Hunter's course knew better.

The two of them continued to talk as they finished up their food. Logan too charge and put any remaining spaghetti into a container and then into the fridge. Glynda then took care of the dishes since Logan couldn't. Afterwards, the two of them retired to their rooms for the rest of the night.

Logan entered his room for the time being wanting to rest, but his mission rewards kept him up. As soon as he was sure that he was alone, Logan opened his system up to see what he got.


Mission: Dance Baby, Dance!

Something is gonna happen at the Dance. Make sure that the dance is gonna be remembered as the best there was!

Rewards: Based on the crowds reaction (77% acceptation rate}

[Dispensing rewards]

Rewards: Ace of Spades {Aura based version. Shoots a highly compressed bullet made from aura that has similar properties to a 50 B.M.G round


Thankfully, Logan could put the rewards straight into his [Inventory] without much issue. After checking the [Ace of Spades] over, Logan put it way. Knowing that he couldn't due much with it until he got his aura back after his [Phoenix Down] wears off. Climbing up into the bed he was given, he then drifted off into a dreamless sleep.