Dealing with Trouble part 3

Logan: "You know, that's a waste of good ice-cream." Logan said as he wiped his face clean with a rag he kept in his pocket. "And you didn't need to do that."

As Logan was wiping his face, he leaned his head left as Neo used the clear plastic spoon, now broken, to jab at Logan's face. Logan then dodged again as Neo sent another jab towards his face, then followed by slamming her hand on to Logan's. Logan acted quickly and grabbed Neo's wrists, which she managed to get her cuffs off, and held them up with his ash. With a heavy sigh, he re-cuffed her to the table and then checked the ones on her legs.

Logan: "Now then, let's get back to where we were, shall we?" Logan asked after he made sure that Neo was secure. "First off, I'm sorry if I struck a nerve with bringing up your past. And second, I want you to know that I know and understand what truly happened at that place." Logan spoke truthfully to her, but not getting a response other then a sharp glare and a dangerous look in her eyes. "Look, what happened and what you did wasn't your fault in anyway whatsoever. Those monsters were gonna be put away for a very long time should you have gone to the police. And those that tried to rape you, had rap sheets miles long and were in for the same treatment as those monsters. You have nothing to worry about them anymore."

Neo: 'You know nothing! NOTHING! About what I went through, what I felt, what pain I had to endure! What I had to do to survive! So don't you dare talk like you know!' Neo signed so fast that Logan barely kept up with her hands.

Logan just sat there quietly, staring right into Neo's eyes. His face was blank, showing no emotion. Slowly, Logan stood up and grabbed the bottom of the red shirt he wore. With a swift motion, Logan removed his shirt. Reviling that his torso is covered in a multitude of scars. Scars ranging from knife wounds to Ursa claw marks, to gunshots. Though they were heavily faded to the point of just being white spots on his skin and would never hamper Logan, they were still visible to those that saw them. Almost like white line drawings were painted on his skin.

Logan: "Thanks to my semblance, I can heal most wounds." Logan lied about the full abilities of his [Phoenix Down]. "However, there will always be some remnant of them after using it. But, I'm showing you this not because of some hair brained scheme to make you eat your words. No, I'm showing you these because I have done, and will do more, things that would make the things you did look like minor crimes that would get you a ticket. Part of it to survive, part of it because I had no choice, and part of it because it was the only way that it could go."

Logan turned towards the two-way glass behind him and walked to it. His focus was on his own eyes, and Logan was completely ignoring those behind the glass. He slowly traced his hand over scars here and there, remembering back to when and how he got them. Times from when he dropped his guard, to times he was outnumbered and swarmed. Times he underestimated his enemies, to times he got hit from going days on end without any sleep.

Logan: "Each one of these scars, tells a story of my fate. One I choose myself." Logan spoke to her, but more to himself. "Neo, I'm not trying to get you to see that I understand what you went through. But that not everything you went though was the worst things possible for anyone." Logan then slowly turned back towards her and put his shirt back on. "I am the product of my own actions and choices."

Logan then left the room to go cool his head. His mind racing through all that he went through in this life of his so far; all the pain he caused and received. By the time he came back to the real world, he was running water over his head in the break room for the officers. As he pulled his head out from under the faucet, Logan could hear the clack of Glynda's ever present heels coming towards him briskly. As Logan turned around to face her, all he was greeted by was a solid smack to his cheek. Water from his hair still trickled down onto his face as he looked back to Glynda.

Logan: "I deserved that" Logan said solemnly as the burning sensation of his cheek stung his eye.

Glynda: "I don't care what happened to her in the past, you NEVER bring something you like that." Glynda spoke sternly to Logan. "Especially to a women who went through what she did!" She then shouted and slapped Logan's other cheek. "Even if you bring up the short comings of your [Phoenix Down] ability, it doesn't excuse your outrageous behavior. But, now we can't get anything from her. She clammed up and shut herself down after you left. I couldn't get her to respond at all."

Logan: "Sometimes, the best for someone is to be blunt with them. She needed to hear that she had it bad yes, but there is always worse things that can happen to anyone." Logan said , his voice even.

Glynda: "Like what?!" Glynda shouted at him.

Logan: "Being semi-immortal." said Logan darkly. "After all, some wounds never mend quiet right."

Once Logan uttered those words, he left the building with no destination in mind. His head running through everything he went through ever since he was reborn here in the World of Remnant. From his outrageous first mission that would of killed him, to the time he fought the Grimm Horde. The time when the Brother Gods tried to force he to answer his questions and he by pure dumb luck managed to bluff his way out of it. To him getting Menagerie built up and prospering under their own rule. And so much more then he should have been able to do, and all before he was of drinking age again. Not that it ever stopped him from stealing Qrow's flask now and then.

Logan continued to wonder the darkening streets of Vale as he mindlessly walked as his head was in the clouds. When he came down from the clouds, he found himself sitting in a bar in a club with techno music blaring in the background. It didn't take long for Logan to realize that he was sitting in Hei Xiong's club, aka Junior, as the man in question stood in front of Logan.

Junior was a tall man who wears a black vest over a white dress shirt, a red tie, black gloves and black dress pants and shoes. He has gray eyes, short black hair, along with a matching beard and mustache. He easily towered over Logan who was six foot even without his boot on. Most who met him found his height intimidating enough to not cause trouble, except for Yang that is. Logan didn't even need to look to tell that both of the twins, Melanie and Miltia Malachite, were flanking behind him.

Melanie is a teenage girl with long black hair with a straight fringe that covers her eyebrows and pale green eyes, highlighted by heavy cyan makeup. She wears an off white, strapless dress that graduates to a cyan towards the skirt, it has a cyan layered feathery tulle that hangs longer than the dress and a small bow in the top centre part of the dress. A pair of white thigh boots with red lace-up detailing. Twin silver chains run from the back of the boots connecting to a layer armored piece on the fronts of the boots. She wears cyan stockings under her boots with lace-trimmed tops that peek above the boots and garter straps that supposedly connect to her underwear. She sports a pair of white forearm length gloves with cyan lace detailing running from wrist to forearm accompanied by a silver vambrace on her left forearm.

She has a white belt around her waist that has twin silver chains on the front alongside a cyan gemstone in the centre whilst a pair of cyan feather-like wings extended from the back. Her accessories include a white flower-shaped hairpin above her left ear, a white feather scarf with two short red feathers surrounding a long cyan feather on the left side. She also sports a silver pauldron on her left shoulder.

While Miltia had short black bob style hair with a straight fringe and pale green eyes, highlighted by heavy red makeup. She wears a red strapless dress that is patterned with newspaper articles with the heading "A New York la pop art di Alborghetti". The dress has black and dark red lace layered tulle that hangs down more than the dress. She has an off centered bow belt around her waist. She wears a pair of red thigh-high boots with black heels and soles alongside white lace-up detail. Twin silver chains run round from the back of the boots connecting to layer armor plating on the front of her boots. She wears lacy black stockings that peek out over the top of her boots accompanied by black garter straps that supposedly connect to her underwear. Miltia sports a pair of black finger-less forearm length gloves with red lining around the tips of the fingers. Her gloves sport a newspaper design similar to her dress running from the backs of her hands to her forearms with a light brown frill trim peeking out of the ends. Miltia's Weapon sits over her gloves.

Her accessories include a large long wing-like red feather and two short white feathers above her left ear and a short black fur shrug held by four beaded chains with a white gemstone in the centre.

Logan: "Yang's not on her way here if that's what your worried about." Logan said as the three of them stared him down.

Junior: "Then why are you here?" Junior basically demanded from Logan as he watched Logan pull out Lien from his pocket.

Logan: "I need a stiff drink. One that can knock me on my ass, hopefully." Logan said as he dropped the Lien onto the counter top.

Junior: "Your a minor." Junior said stiffly, sending both Melanie and Miltia off back to their guard duty.

Logan: "Has that stopped you before?" Logan asked as he tapped two fingers on the counter top.

Junior: "Fair enough." Junior said as he took the Lien and left, coming back with a clear glass bottle and two shot glasses. "So, what's eating you up?"

Logan: "What makes ya say that?" Logan asked as he downed one of the two shot Junior poured.

Junior: "Kid, I've been in this business long enough that I can tell when something is up with someone." Junior said as he downed the other shot. "So, spit it out or am I gonna have to get you drunk to get it out of ya?" He asked as he refilled the shot glasses back up.

Logan: "*Annoyed Sigh* I rather stay somewhat sober." Logan said as he downed another with Junior. "How would you feel if you had a semblance that made you semi-immortal?" Logan asked.

Junior: "No beating around thew bush, huh?"Junior said as he refill the shots. "Well, at first I'll be ecstatic. For one, I still have some form of immortality one one hand. The other is, well, horror. I mean, basically out living those close to you would make you truly realize how horrible the world is. You can't get close to those you care about, make any real relationship with those you love, and if you do any of those you have to live with seeing your friends and family die while you live on." Junior told Logan as the two of them continued with there shots.

Logan: "Now you know what eating me." Logan said as the two of them down the last of the bottle in shots."But for me, I basically regenerate from anything as long as I have aura. And with what I've done and seen, there are times I wish I was dead." Logan spoke more freely as the liquor coursed through his veins then he would have like, but he didn't care.

Junior: "Damn kid, I'm surprised that your still standing from that bottle." Junior said as he walked away and then returned with water bottles for them. "Most usually drop after a few shots, even those with high tolerance are the same." Junior said as he opened his bottle and started drinking from it.

Logan: "It's not that strong." Logan said as he did the same. "Hell, I'm pretty sure that a friend of mine has stronger stuff."

Junior: "What do you mean stronger?!" Junior asked as he did a spit take. "That was 95% alcohol we just drank like it was cheap shite!" Junior grumbled into the counter top before he snapped his head back up to Logan face. "That 'friend' of yours wouldn't happen to be Qrow Branwen would it?" Junior asked almost pleating with Logan.

Logan: "Yes..." Logan said slowly, not liking where this was going.

Junior: "Look, I got this ten year old that came into here a few days ago." Junior started to say and cut Logan off before he could speak. "She came in looking of that Qrow fella, paid cash and rented a room in the back. Now, I wouldn't care as long as I got paid for the trouble. But so far she got the twins on her side almost immediately, then a few of guys tried to rob her and she put the five men I paid a shite ton of Lien to be train encase Yang cam back and started something again. Out of those five, three are in intensive care and the other two aren't gonna walk any time in the next seven months. You gotta help me here, please!" Junior asked while almost

Logan: "Were is she and what's her name." Logan asked while sighing heavily, knowing that Junior wouldn't let this go.

Junior: "Thank you!" Junior said while looking at Logan like he was a savior. "She's up in the back for the club staff. All she goes by is..."

-Sometime Later-

???: "I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" A voice rang out in Ozpin's office as a little, ten year old choked the life out of Qrow while Ruby, Yang, Logan, Glynda, Ozpin, and Salem watched on in shocked and scared awe.

(A/N: This chapter was made with me slightly drunk and dead tired from hanging out with my brother while Monster (the drink) was the only thing keeping me up after a full night of Call of Duty Zombies party. I love my vacation so far!)