Tournament part 4

Three hours later, Logan was released from his interrogation session with Summer and the girls. As he walked back into the fairgrounds, he found Tai handling a dispute between to stand workers. Logan decided to stay back and get the gist of what was going on and see if one was lying through their teeth or what. And from what he could gather from the two arguing men, one apparently stole from the other and the one accused denied it.

Logan sighed when he heard both sides as they were both telling the truth. Activating his [Presence Detection], he searched for anything out of the ordinary. Logan did indeed find something almost immediately. It was Emerald leaning against a stand not that far away from the scene with a smug smirk on her face as she watched while concealed by her semblance, Hallucinations. Logan quietly walked over to her and stood beside her as he continued to watch the two stand owner's go at it with Tai trying to keep them calm and sort it out peacefully.

Logan: "So, Emerald. Care to tell me why your using your semblance to hide?" Logan quietly asked her while keeping his face stoic. "And yes, I can see you or rather sense you."

Emerald: "Well, you're terrifying." Emerald said after recovering from being scared. "Those two are doing the same trick of overcharging people who were using bank cards instead of Lien."

Logan: "So, you messed with them when you found out?" Logan asked as he started making a file on his scroll about them.

Emerald: "Yep." Emerald said, popping the 'p'. "I'm not in trouble, am I?"

Logan: "You won't be if you're telling the truth." Logan said as he sent a request for a background search on them. "If you are, you'll be thanked, and if not, at most you'll be forced to apologize and return any stolen Lien."

Emerald: "Good thing I didn't steal from them, just returned what was stolen." Emerald said as she walked off.

Logan sighed as he knew nothing was ever that simple. His scroll pinged, getting a message from the police. Logan was somewhat unsurprised that the two did indeed have records of fraud. Snapping his fingers, Logan summoned his ash to rapidly bind the two arguing men. As Logan walked off, he left a floating ash sign about them calling them frauds.

Logan: "You know, you could have just gone and reported them." Logan said to Emerald as he caught up to her. "You didn't have to do all that."

Emerald: "Well, the Mistral police don't really care if they get a cut from people like them." Emerald commented. "And those who are less fortunate are more then likely to get kicked for it."

Logan: "Fair enough. But you still didn't have to do that." Logan countered. "Anyway, how was your and your team's match?"

Emerald: "Good, the replacement member did their job well enough. But you already knew that didn't you?" Emerald asked as she dodged around a flirting couple.

Logan: "Not really, I got to see only one match while catching bits and pieces of another one." Logan answered. "Been stuck with patrol even before the start of the festival."

Emerald: "Wow, that's some terrible luck." Emerald commented.

Logan: "Please, I got off lucky. Port and Oobleck have commentary for the entire three-four days the matches are going on for. I like them both as friends, but there is a limit to being near Port for so long." Logan said as he stopped a pickpocket with some ash.

Emerald: "So you still have so good luck..." Emerald said

Logan: "I was suppose to have a patrol partner, they ditched me." Logan said dryly.

Emerald: "I retract my comment." Emerald said as she tried top hide a giggle.

Logan: "so, who on your team is going to the doubles?" Logan asked as he slid through a group of kids. "You and Cinder, you and Mercury, or Cinder and Mercury?"

Emerald: "You gonna tell your sisters?" Emerald asked Logan, who shook his head. "Me and Cinder. Mercury didn't want to go as she was having issues with her boots, Talaria, during our match."

Logan: "I see, hope you girls do well." Logan told her.

Emerald: "Thanks, I'll tell my team you said that." Emerald said as she got a message on her scroll. "Hey, it's been great talking to you and all, but I gotta go. Mercury just done something stupid and Cinder needs me to help her fix it."

Logan: "No problem, good luck with that Emerald." Logan said as he watched Emerald walk away.

Logan sighed having lost his reason to ditch his patrol duty for a little while longer. After about ten minutes Logan began to do his patrol route, he felt something or some one watching his every move. Even thought Logan had his [Presence Detection] active, he could not locate who or what was following him. Moving left and right off his patrol route, Logan tried to shake off his tale but to no avail.

Finally, Logan could see what was falling him, a tiny little ladybug. A bug, that's what was following Logan for the last ten minutes. Logan sighed for what he felt was the hundredth time today as he held a finger for it to land on. Logan examined the ladybug for a minute before dropping his hand and walking back to his patrol. Unaware that the tiny little ladybug flew to a women who hide nearby; unknown to Logan nor his [Presence Detection].

The woman in question was shadowed by the shade of a tree, obscuring any and all ways to see her appearance. As the ladybug flew close to her, she reached one hand out for it to land on. Revealing a sickly pale skin with a half glove covering half of her hand. When the ladybug touched down, it landed on the glove and slowly walked towards the uncovered skin. As soon as it touched her skin, the ladybug slowly began to wither away and by the time it fully came into contact with skin, it vanished without a trace. The woman's once sickly skin began to become healthier at a very noticeable pace. Soon, it was as if she never had such a sickly skin tone and a soft almost inaudible laughter escaped her.

As quickly as she appeared, she vanished back in to the shadow of the tree. Her presence here being unknown to all except the now dead ladybug, the women herself, and the foot prints of dead grass where she once stood.

{RWBY: Fireborn]

Logan sighed as he entered Glynda's apartment, having her called ahead of time after the festival closed for the day. Both of them wanting to figure out how to go with their new relationship as they haven't talked about it yet. Not counting the silly pillow talk they had that is.

As he entered inside, Logan found Glynda cooking in comfortable looking clothes rather then her usual ones with her hair down. Seeing her like that, Logan couldn't help but come up behind her and give her a hug. Glynda stiffened slightly at the sudden contact, but calmed down when she felt the familiar warmth coming off of Logan. The two of them kept silent as they were content with it, before long Logan let go of Glynda, much to her annoyance, and began to set the table for the two of them.

The two of them sat down when the food was finished and ate quietly. Both knowing that they would share their day when they were feed and watered well. When they finished, Logan did the dishes while Glynda brewed them something to drink for the night. The two of them later reconvened on the couch with Logan sat in a corner with Glynda in his arms.

Logan: "How was you day?" Logan asked as he snuggled in to her neck. "Because I had an annoying day."

Glynda: "Harsh." Glynda said as she pulled Logan's warm arms closer. "I had to deal with the council and piles of paperwork that was as tall as my desk."

Logan: "Your standing desk?" Logan asked worriedly.

Glynda: "My standing desk." Glynda confirmed. "But, I have a feeling that your day wasn't as easy for you either."

Logan: "Yeah, not long after I got to my post I was kidnapped by Team RWBY and Summer Rose." Logan started and he felt Glynda stiffen a little. "I'm guessing you had a similar experience as well."

Glynda: "Salem." Was all she said.

Logan: "About us?" Logan asked as he began to rub her shoulders and got a nod. "I'm not surprised. Summer and Team RWBY want to know who I was with. Apparently, I seemed 'brighter', according to them."

Glynda: "Salem noticed that you marked me with your magic." Glynda said softly, causing Logan to barely her her. "She said it was equivalent to a marriage proposal. One I accepted without knowing."

Logan: "Do you hate it?" Logan asked her.

Glynda: "No, far from it." She said as she turned to face Logan. "I love the idea of it, plus she said you would scare away any trying to make a move on me." She finished what she was saying with a loving kiss.

Logan: "Well, she's not wrong." Logan chuckled. "I would and will if need be. " Logan then moved the both of them so that their fronts were facing each other.

Glynda: "Not that you would need to in the first place." Glynda smiled. "They wouldn't get close enough to me to even ask."

Logan: "True." Logan said as he held her waist with one hand. "You wouldn't let them." He finished as he caressed her cheek with the other hand.

Glynda: "I love you Logan." She said quietly. "I'm so happy I met you.

Logan: "And I you." Logan replied. "I'm so glad that you came into my life."

As the two of them kissed, they lost themselves to the world around them. Soon a the loving kissed they shared turned into something much more lustful. By the time the two of them noticed they were on the bed, they didn't care. They cared only for each other and nothing else mattered at the moment. Several hours later, the two of them finally relaxed; holding each other in their arm. Basking in the afterglow.

Logan: "So, how are we gonna go about our relationship now that it's known to Salem?." Logan asked as he stroked Glynda's hair.

Glynda: "Well, Salem and I talked about it a bit." Glynda said as she laid her head down on Logan's chest. "It all boiled down to it being professional in public and whatever we want in private. Though she did ask me to tell you to go easy on me during our 'private time'. Apparently, it was noticeable."

Logan: "I'm fine with that and I'll keep that in mind." Logan chuckled. "But, someone else has to as well."

Glynda: "Really?" Was all she said to him.

Logan: "Sorry, sorry. Just playing with you." He said as he pulled her closer. "Anyway, this is nice. Just laying here with you is relaxing."

Glynda: "And the sex?" She asked.

Logan: "Just a bonus. And just being with you is more than relaxing enough." Logan said as he kissed her head. "You complete me, Glynda, you complete me."

Glynda: "Well, aren't you a player." Glynda giggled a bit as she playfully hit his chest. "But, I feel the same. I don't think I could ever leave you." She said as the two of them pecked each other's lips. "Oh, I almost forgot. That exhibition match that the council wanted was approved."

Logan: "Huh, I was expecting that to go nowhere." Logan replied. "So, who am I fighting and when?"

Glynda: "The remaining members of Team STRQ with the fourth member being Specialist Schnee. Set to happen just before the singles matches start." Glynda told him as she moved and sat on his waist. "I was told to tell you not to go easy on them, to go all out. But, I have a feeling you won't even if I 'persuaded' you to."

Logan: "You know what would happen if I did go all out." Logan chuckled as he gazed hungrily at her body.

Glynda: "Eyes up here." Glynda said as she rolled her eyes. "Even Ozpin tried to persuade them to not have you go all out. Telling them it would have a high chance of you damaging the Amity Colosseum. But to no avail, they didn't listen at all."

Logan: "So, fight to the point that I seem to be going all out, yet do not going all out." Logan simplified it. "It's going to be a pain, but I can do that."

Glynda: "Just try not to destroy the Colosseum, please." She asked while batting her eyes.

Logan: "I'll try not to destroy the Colosseum." Logan answered her.

Glynda: "Good!" She said happily. "Now then...~"

Logan: "*Chuckle* I'm in danger..." Logan said to himself as he saw her eyes change.

Not long after Logan said those words, Glynda got a noise complaint from everyone on her floor of her apartment complex. She never realized how loud they could be until she got the request to keep it down and her first of three strikes before she got kicked out. Logan offered to buy a place for them once the festival was over and done with so that this wouldn't happen again after he found her moping due to her living there for several year and never having an issue before. Needless to say, Glynda blushed like a maiden speaking to her crush the first time when Logan offered. But agreed to it after some internal debate.