"She can what now?!"

Logan: "I should just book a room permanently one of these days..." Logan said as he woke up in a hospital room, again. "This is getting just ridiculous."

Ozpin: "I agree." Ozpin said as he sat next to Logan. "But I have to admit, this is quite impressive as it seems like almost every mission you get sent on, given, or taken on; you've ended up here."

Logan: "Shut up." Logan grunted as he tried to sit up but couldn't. "So, how bad am I? I can't even move."


Ozpin: "In the doctor's words, along with a surgeon, I quote 'How the hell is he even alive.' They were quite vocal about it too." Ozpin said as he picked a clipboard up. "Let's start at the top and work our way down. Hairline skull fractures, two broken orbitals, a shattered cheekbone, a broken jaw, several missing teeth. 16 either cracked, fused, or crushed vertebrae with 5 broken ribs. All the bones in your arms had clean fractures in them with your right shoulder socket ligaments were destroyed. Both your femurs were broken with the surrounding muscles damaged, your left knee cap was shattered, and you're missing a leg."


Logan: "You make it seem like I'm an M. " Logan said sarcastically.

Ozpin: "Logan, that was the issues that your body had after surgery and not how many organs you have damaged." Ozpin said as he glared at the youth. "They pulled nearly 7 pounds of metal, rock, among other things from your body. What did you fight to get like this? This is the worst state you've been in and survived from. They even pulled the barrel of one of your pistols from your stomach."


Logan: "You remember that first Grimm Lorde I fought? The one with the ethereal blue eyes?" Logan asked to which Ozpin nodded. "I fought two Wendigo Bulls with those eyes."

Ozpin: "One I can understand, but two with those eyes?" Ozpin wondered out loud. "I'll look into this more when you have recovered fully. But, as of right now, don't use your aura. The doctors are afraid that if you do, you'll go right back out to fight what caused this state of yours."


Logan: "Why would they care?" Logan asked him.

Ozpin: "While I can keep the doctors that know of your abilities to a few and keep the rumors to a minimum, there are those that see you enter and leave that I cannot silence." Ozpin explained.

Logan: "I'm guessing you mean the visitors and other patients." Logan laminated. "Fine, I'll stay here for a few days before going back to Beacon. So, what did I miss since I've been out? Huh, now that I think about it, how long have I been out?"


Ozpin: "You've been out for just over 48 hours." Ozpin informed him. "As for what you missed, well I'll start with the least important," Ozpin said as he opened his scroll and began to message someone.


Ozpin: "The classes have been progressing smoothly and thanks to the lesson plans you left, your class has yet to fall behind. There were a few scuffles that you would have died to see, one of which was Mr. Arc beating the daylights out of Mr. Winchester for groping a female student. Miss Belladonna had to bring back Miss Xiao Long after getting drunk at a club. Miss Schnee had been so kind enough to deal with a sudden Dust shortage by acting as a go-between with her father. Missions have gone up for the rest of the school year as part of the final grade. The Teams RWBY, JNPR, and surprisingly CRDL make the top three for their year. Some other minor things like that happened while you were away."


Logan: "I see." Logan said as he closed his eyes in thought. "Has there been anything major?"

Ozpin: "Well, Glynda has the ability to use magic now~," Ozpin said with a massive smirk on his face when Logan whipped his head in his direction.

Logan: "She can what now?!" Logan all but shouted at him.

Ozpin: "Heh, Salem was right." Ozpin said as he laughed. "You really would be a sight to see when you found out."

Logan: "Explain, please?" Logan asked, completely confused.


Ozpin: "As you know, the God of Darkness took away the ability to use magic from humanity. This included Salem's ability to use magic. However, when the God of Light came to me and reincarnated me, he inadvertently gave me the ability to use magic as my soul was still the same. And as you know, the ability to use magic comes from the soul just like aura. The difference is that magic lets you manipulate the mana in the air to form spells."

Logan: "That's elementary, but your point?" Logan asked.


Ozpin: "There was a ritual during the Age of the Brother Gods, before Salem went mad with despair, that gave people the ability to use magic to others that couldn't or the same abilities that one person had the other didn't. It was this ritual that gave Glynda the ability to use magic. The very same one that let Salem use magic again as well."

Logan: "Not that hard to understand." Logan said with a sigh. "So I did the ritual with Glynda and she ended up getting my magical fire abilities, right?"

Ozpin: "That she did." Ozpin admitted.


Logan: "Looks like I won't be able to stay here for a few days as you wanted." Logan said as multicolored flames began to light his body ablaze. "My fire is way too dangerous to handle without someone watching or on stand by in case something happens."

Ozpin: "Are you sure? Salem is quite capable to handle teaching her magic." Ozpin asked.


Logan: "It's not that I doubt that, it's just that my magic/semblance isn't something easy to control." Logan explained while holding off using his {Phoenix Down} ability. "When I first got my flames, I nearly burned down a forest the first time I used them. Then finding out what my flames can do and what they can do wasn't easy itself. Not to mention, my flames aren't normal either. They're the flames of a Phoenix. The flames that can determine life, death, and rebirth." Logan explained. "All it takes to lose control is the smallest lapse in concentration, will, or visualization."

Ozpin: "I see, I shall let her know." Ozpin said as Logan's body burst into flames.


Logan heard what Ozpin said but ignored him as he felt his body disappear in the flames. Soon after, the flames began to condense and form into a five-year-old version of Logan as they died down. Logan then sighed in annoyance as he transformed into a bird and flew to Ozpin's shoulder. Not long after transforming, the two left the hospital Logan was at. Almost an hour later, Logan and Ozpin were riding a Bullhead bound for Beacon. However, Logan was deep in his thoughts.


Logan: 'Glynda can use magic now, huh? It was probably due to me marking her so heavily with my mana.' Logan's first thoughts were about his wife. 'I trust her, but she needs a lot of training before she can use my flames. I understand the meaning behind my fire when I use it, but even I can be burned by them. I wonder if she can turn into a bird as well?'

Ozpin: "Logan, we're here." Ozpin said as he broke Logan from his thoughts.


Logan had been deep enough him his thoughts that he didn't even realize that Ozpin had carried him to his office where Salem and Glynda were at a table in a corner talking about magic. Logan thanked him by nodding his bird head at him before flying over to Glynda's lap. Ozpin just went to his desk to work on an ever-growing pile of paperwork.


Salem: "Ahh, Logan!" Salem said as soon as she saw Logan. "Care to join us? I know that my husband told you about Glynda's new abilities."

Logan: "He did, he did indeed." Logan said with a sigh as he transformed back into his 5-year-old form.

Glynda: "Sorry for not telling you." Glynda said as she adjusted Logan so that he sat in her lap better. "I wanted to surprise you."

Logan: "It's fine, but I recommend that you start with very simple and basic fire spells before you start to use my flames." Logan said as he was handed a cup of tea by Salem. "My {Phoneix Flames} isn't normal fire. Even I can be burned by them if I'm not careful."


Glynda: "You can?!" Glynda shouted in surprise.

Salem: "Yes, Ozpin messaged me when they were on their way about it." Salem told Glynda. "And I'm not surprised. Even in the Age of the Brother Gods, Phoniexs were both very beautiful and dangerous as they could heal even soul-related injuries. The God of Darkness even made sure to wipe them out when they left as they were just that powerful." Salem informed them.


Logan: "huh, I didn't know that." Logan said. 'That must be why they were surprised when they found me back on Menagerie. But what are they planning that they would even fear a Phoneix's power?'

Glynda: "What if I can't use fire-based spells?" Glynda asked.

Salem: "While the possibility is low, about five percent, we'll still try some basic fire spells first." Salem assured Glynda.

Logan: "Even if you can't use my Phoniex fire flames, I wouldn't care." Logan said as he looked Glynda in her eyes. "You're you and that's all that matters to me."


Glynda had a look in her eyes that said, 'If you weren't in your kid form, would get a pleasant gift this night.' Logan just smiled and kissed her cheek. Salem just smiles at the pleasant sight in front of her, while Ozpin just groans at it.


A/N: Hey guys, short chapter this week due to a lot of things. First, for those who were wondering about my storm aftermath, it's gone really well just have to deal with some flooding now. Second, my computer crashed during an update and I lost all my windows account settings. I am now using a temp account so I could write this. I should hopefully have it fixed by the next chapter.

That's all!
