Going Bright

Logan breathed deeply as he staked his target. Slowly, Logan brought up his rifle's scope to his eye and let the crosshair rest on his target's head. All it would take for his target to drop dead was for him to squeeze the rifle's trigger. And boom, a dark red smoothy with brain chunks as a topping.


The target in question was one of the ex-members of Team CRDL, Sky Lark. Currently, he was trying to sell off some of the things that he and the rest of Team CRDL stole from the parking garage pods the night they were kicked out of Beacon. Out of the entire team, Sky was the easiest to find as he didn't even leave Vale. Thinking that since the CCT was down, no one knew who ransacked the parking garage.


But little did Sky know, he was about to leave this world for the next. It was only that Logan had yet to decide if he wanted to give Sky an open or closed casket. As Logan debated with himself, he felt a familiar presence behind him and the all too familiar smell of alcohol.


Logan: "Qrow, what can I do for you?" Logan said, not taking his eyes off of Sky's head.

Qrow: "I still don't get how you can do that." Qrow sighed as he walked up to the window Logan was aiming out of. "Oz sent me the video."

Logan: "You here to stop me?" Logan asked without really caring.

Qrow: "Hell no!" Qrow exclaimed. "I ain't stupid enough to fight a bird that can make flames hotter than the sun! Though, I want to meet the guy dumb enough to do that. I ain't here to get in your way."

Logan: "Then why are you here?" Logan asked as he dropped his rifle but never took his eyes off of Sky.

Qrow: "Just to pass along a message and to give your scroll back." Qrow said as he set down Logan's scroll next to him. "Oz asked me to tell you to keep it clean. Or, at least as clean as you can be. He rather not have to deal with any mess your gonna make in Vale. Outside the Kingdom? Feel free to make them scream. Just, not in Vale."

Logan: Fair enough." Logan shrugged. "Open or closed?"

Qrow: "Closed." Qrow answered. "Definitely closed."

Logan: "Slow or quick?"

Qrow: "Make it quick." Qrow shook his head. "That way he'll just blink and find himself in H*ll."


Logan didn't need any more prompting. A silenced shot fire and Sky Lark had a massive hole where his left eye used to be. Logan just sighed and got to work putting away the rifle into a case as Qrow watched. Slightly impressed with what he could only assume to be a hundred-meter shot down a massive stretch of road with cars going by.


Hell, Qrow could hardly see Sky at all and it was only thanks to knowing beforehand that Logan's target was Sky. Shaking his head, Qrow just took his flask out and sipped it as he watched Logan put away his weapon. Qrow then followed Logan out of the room they were in and onto the rooftop of the building.


Qrow: "So, what's your plan now?" Qrow asked as they stepped out onto the roof.

Logan: "Dove Bronzewing is next on my list." Logan answered. "Unlike Sky, who was only good with fencing things, he has at least some skill and has a bit of backing to his name."

Qrow: "He does?" Qrow was surprised. "From his file, he came from a typical family. His parents own a mom-and-pop repair store and he's an only child."

Logan: "A minor gang is at his beck and call as he funds them through unfair deals using his family's store." Logan explained. "Either unfairly charging customers or simply price gouging, he'll do whatever it takes to make a quick Lien. Basically paid goons."

Qrow: "What about his parents?" Qrow asked.

Logan: "They've been told about what he's done." Logan answered. "They've asked for him to be arrested if at all possible."

Qrow: "Then at least do that for them." Qrow said. "No parent wants to outlive their child."


After saying his piece, Qrow transformed into his bird form (Crow) and flew off leaving Logan alone. Sighing, Logan threw the case that had his rifle into his [Inventory] before ding the same as Qrow. As Logan soared through the air, his mind wandered as to how he was gonna takedown Dove. It didn't take Logan long to get to Dove and his Gang's hideaway.


{RWBY: Fireborn}

Logan breathed deeply as he braced himself. In front of him was an old longhouse that was once used to store goods was just outside the walls of Vale. Dove had already heard that Sky was dead and had barricaded himself in said longhouse. While Logan thought this was the dumbest move one could do, he mentally thank Dove for being so stupid.


Taking a running start, Logan sped up as fast as he could and jumped up and kicked the barricaded door down. Using the now broken door, Logan slid on it as he moved into the longhouse. As he slid into the longhouse, Logan reacted and shot everyone that popped their head out to see what was happening. While most had guns or knives in their hands, others were either naked or too high off of smoking something to even realize what was going on.


Logan: 'One, three, five, seven, three, three, six, two, five," Logan mentally went through his clock position, firing away at anything that popped up.


As the door slid to a stop, Logan hopped off and ran through the rest of the longhouse. At the end of it, Logan stopped in front of a door. Logan could tell that Dove was waiting for him behind the door with close to ten people with him. Logan sighed as he stood in front of the door thinking of a plan. After a few seconds, he had one.


Logan breathed in and out, calming himself, as he willed his ash slowly into the cracks in the floorboards and walls. Once it was done, Logan backed up a few feet and charged into the door. As the door came off the henges, Logan lit his ash up as bright as he could. His ash exploded out of the floorboards and walls, blinding everyone and anyone who was looking at the door. Logan took the chance to knock out those in the room before he tried to figure out who was who.


Once the last person hit the ground, Logan started to examine each one of them. One was Dove like he knew while the other's were high-ranking gang members from other gangs. It didn't take long for Logan to understand that Dove was trying to build up his forces. Logan just shook his head and called the Vale Police and had them sent people to pick them up. After finishing the call, he began to look through the room.


After searching the room thoroughly, Logan found several papers about the locations of missing Dust shipments and potential buyers. One even stated that there was one container under the longhouse this very minute. Logan had a bad feeling about this whole thing and moved those that he didn't kill out of the longhouse. Once that was done, Logan walked into a room that was smaller than it should have been and broke down a wall that had a hidden staircase behind it.


The way down was far darker than it should have been and Logan couldn't help but feel that he was walking into a trap. Logan pushed that feeling down and slowly made his way down the steps with his weapon at the ready. As soon as his foot hit the floor of the hidden basement, he lit a ball of white flames and had it float up above his head. Moving ever so slowly, Logan maneuvered his way through the dusty basement. Old wooden crates lie here and there but they soon gave way to more modern and newer plastic containers.


Soon Logan came to a corner that was blocked by a wall and door. Logan had no idea what was behind it as nothing was coming up with his [Presence Detection]. With a single hand, Logan pushed the door open and made his way inside. Inside was a shipping container that had the S.D.C. logo on the side of it and was opened showing that it was empty. But the more Logan looked around, the more unease he felt.


The milia-second his [Presence Detection] went off, Logan whipped around and faced what was there. What, or rather who was there caught Logan off guard. Behind Logan stood a red-haired girl about ten years old holding a sword, pointing it at him. The redhead wore simple boots, leggings, shorts, a grey hoodie, and a facemask.


Though Logan was surprised, he never dropped his guard against the girl. But he couldn't help but notice that the girl had familiar emerald green eyes.


Mare: "Mare." She said, slowly dropping her sword.

Logan: "Phoenix." Logan said, giving her an alias.

Mare: "Fair enough, I can tell you don't trust me so I'll get right to the point." Mare said, understanding that Logan gave her a fake name. "I'm hunting a person by the name of Cardin Winchester. I got intel that one of his lackeys was here. Where is he?"

Logan: "Outside and tied up." Logan said, lowering his rifle, but keeping his ash ready in case. "As for Cardin, he's already a dead man walking. Because, as soon as I find him, there's gonna be nothing left if I'm feeling merciful."

Mare: "Save me the head if you do." Mare asked as she started walking out. "He's pissed some very dangerous people off, so bad that there's a bounty on his head."

Logan: "Not surprised." Logan said, following her out a few paces behind. "With how many people he stole from at Beacon, I know one or two that are willing to go so far."

Mare: "Like you, Scarlett?" Mare asked.


Logan instantly bound her hands and feet together and took her sword away from her as he pointed his rifle at the back of her head. Mare didn't even blink as she felt it all happen. She didn't even try to fight it and let it happen. Once Logan was sure she couldn't move, he wrapped his pure white flames around her neck, blocking her from using her semblance.


Mare: "Nice reaction time." Mare offhandedly comments as she looks at her hands and feet. "You even made sure I couldn't move or have a weapon within arm's reach of me. You're pretty good. I can see why Glynda fell for you."

Logan: "Talk." Logan growled. "Who are you and what do you want?"

Mare: "Mare Alabasta, and I'm your sister-in-law." Mare answered. "I'm a bounty huntress and I'm after Cardin's Bounty. Also, I was part of Glynda's old team, GLEM (Gleam)"

Logan: "Glynda is an only child, try again." Logan growled again. "And her team keeps in contact with her. I've never heard of you."

Mare: "At least the two of you communicate, unlike 'my' husband." Mare said but muttered the last part. "Anyway I can promise you that I have no ill will towards you. If anything, I'm on your side."

Logan: "Right." Logan said sarcastically. "And I'm an immortal soul eater."

Mare: "Geez." Mare sighed. "Look, I can understand your weariness, but if you want to know who I am, just call Glynda. She'll vouch for me. Just tell her 'Mare's back in Vale'. She'll tell you who I am."


Logan sighed and forced her to move with his ash. He didn't want to take the chance that what she said was a lie, but he could detect any lie from her. Logan could already tell that she was far older than her appearance let one believe her to be. Logan figured that once Dove and the gang members were picked up, he'll call Glynda and see who she is. Though he had a feeling that it was gonna be a headache when he did.


Soon, the gang members and Dove were loaded up in the back of several V.P.D. vehicles and were taken to be processed. While Logan had held Mare back while still trying to get information out of her about who she was. Though all she told him was that Glynda could and will vouch for her once Logan told Glynda about her.


After almost an hour of trying to get information out of her, Logan gave up and called Glynda. Once Logan explain how his operation had gone, he asked her if she knew anyone named Mare. When Glynda asked why Logan told her about Mare and how she claimed to know her.


Logan: "Wait... What?!?!?"