The Burden of both a Solider and Huntsman

Mare: "Mr. Scarlett, please train me!" Mare shouted at Logan before he could even set foot inside Glynda's apartment.

Logan: "Not gonna happen." Logan said as he entered the apartment. "You're far too young to bear that burden."

Mare: "What burden?" She asked Logan, he could see there was still some essence of her childhood left untouched. "If you're talking about what a Hunter has to carry around, I can handle it! If it's about constantly traveling, I can handle that too!"

Logan: "Those aren't it." Logan said as he made his way into the kitchen. "Tea or coffee?"

Mare: "Huh?"

Logan: "I'm asking you if you want tea or coffee. So, which do you prefer?" Logan asked again.

Mare: "Tea..." Mare answered, slightly confused. "Is this some kind of test?"

Logan: "No, no test." Logan replied kindly and after a moment two cups, one filled with tea and the other coffee, were sat down on the kitchen table. "But the burden I was talking about isn't so simple, Mare. Please, take a seat. I want to talk."


Mare stood in the doorway of the Kitchen while Logan sat inside at the kitchen table facing the doorway. Mare didn't know why, but she felt that if she crossed into the kitchen, something would change. With tentative steps, Mare crossed the boundary.


Instantly, Mare felt as if gravity grew stronger and that she was walking into a Grimm's waiting jaws. Logan calmly sat at the table without a care in the world, casually sipping his coffee. While Logan just sat there, Mare was having trouble breathing from the pressure she felt. As Mare stood just inside the kitchen, Glynda entered the apartment. Glynda didn't even feel the pressure as she walked into the kitchen, but she did give Logan the stink-eye when she walked past him to which he just smiled at her.


Glynda sighed and made herself a cup of tea to help her relax. As she sat down with Logan, she smacked his shoulder lightly. Logan got what she meant and dropped the pressure he was emitting to let Mare breathe properly. Mare, who was nearly passed out while standing, shuttered and took a deep breath before dropping to her knees.


Glynda: "You could have gone easier on her, Logan." Glynda griped at Logan.

Logan: "She wanted me to teach her." Logan told her. "But when I mention the burden we bear, she didn't understand it. Plus, I highly doubt she wants to become a Huntress for the good she could do."

Mare: "What are you talking about?" Mare managed to squeeze out in ragged breathes.


Logan and Glynda became silent as soon as Mare started speaking. Both knew the burden they bear, one out of choice, the other out of necessity. The burden of a soldier and one of a huntswoman might be different, but they are exactly alike at the same time. Once Mare was feeling better, she sat down at the table with them waiting for them to speak.


Logan: "Mare," Logan began, "you're only in for this for the license and the chance to find out what happened to your parents, aren't you?"

Mare: "..."

Glynda: "The burden we carry isn't something just anyone can carry." Glynda said calmly. "It's a decision that can make or beak anyone. It's something one must constantly live with once they do."

Logan: "And it's something that can easily make you a monster worse than Grimm." Logan finished for Glynda. "It's a pit that you can fall in at any time, anywhere. Without warning."

Mare: "What are you talking about?" Mare asked with fear slowly creeping into her voice.

Logan: "The burden of taking a life." Logan's tone made it seem like it was such a natural thing.


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Russel sighed, it had been almost four weeks since he had met Logan, who he believed was gonna kill him, before hearing his story and letting him go. Russel couldn't understand why Logan let him go, but never less thanked him for it every day since then. Ever since then, he had made considerable progress


Russel had made it to Sanus in a week and a half thanks to some connections he got through Junior's Bar and had already made it to Vacuo City. From there, he met with Umber's parents who were rightly pissed at him. But, thankfully they agreed to put up with him as long as he showed his worth. So the next day after he rested, Russel was already out and about looking for a job. It took four days but he found a job with an old smith in the morning and a healer using his semblance in the afternoon.


When asked if he was gonna try to be a Hunter again, he told them he wasn't gonna try. He had more important things to worry about and rather have a steady job than one that could end in an instant. Slowly, Umber's parents started to accept him, though her father still hated Russel for getting his daughter pregnant. Russel didn't fuss and accept what he was given, whether it was dirt thrown his way or pity from others. He didn't care, he had a child on the way and a mother that was scared but willing to live her life with him. That was all that mattered.


Even though Vacuo City was governed by Shade Academy, Russel did his best to live an honest life for Umber and their unborn child. He helped where he could with his semblance, 'White Healing Lilies', healing kids who were unfortunately caught in the crossfire between academy students and those who weren't. By the time the fourth week came around, Russel had gotten the nickname, 'Honest Thug', from the local populace due to his appearance and semblance.


[With Russel Thrush]


'It was a tiring day, as usual. Start at six in the morning and end at seven at night, seven days a week. Even when I get to the place I sleep, I have to deal with Umber's father. While her mother and brothers have accepted me somewhat, her father still has issues with me. It's not surprising, after all, she is the only daughter out of six kids. Though I can take it. If it's for Umber and our child, I'm willing to walk through hell and back just to make sure they'll be fine.

However, there are times I wish Mr. Scarlett offed me. I have bouts of fear of not being worthy of the life I've had and the joy it has brought so far. I fear that I'm not good enough for Umber or our child. I fear that one day I will go to sleep and wake up as Mr. Scarlett's prisoner. It's this fear that keeps me going, keeps me moving.

Its thanks to waking up to Umber's sleeping face that I keep going. Her sleeping face is all I need to feel alive. Just being around her makes all this worth it. I-'


Umber: "You're writing again." Umber sighed as she walked into the room she shared with Russel.

Russel: "Yeah." Russel answered truthfully. "The nightmares are starting to get to me."

Umber: "You know I'll help with whatever is causing them, you just got to ask." Umber said as she walked up to him and sat on his lap. "You know how much you mean to me, I rather not have you breakdown on me," Umber told him as she caressed his cheek. "You are my sunshine~"

Russel: "My only sunshine~" Russel finished the tune and kissed her. "You have no idea how true that is for me." The two then sat there in silence, completely satisfied with being in each other's arms.


Umber: "Hey, Rus?" Umber said after a few minutes.

Russel: "Yea?"

Umber: "What was Mr. Scarlett like?" Umber asked hesitantly.

Russel: "Wouldn't you know that better since you took his classes?" Russel asked in return.

Umber: "It's not like that." Umber said. "During one of his classes, he said something about having a 'mission-oriented mindset' whenever on a mission. He never elaborated on what he meant, but one of the teams, RWBY I think, said that it was a mindset that one should take to make sure the is always the priority. They also said that he always puts the mission first when he takes that mindset."

Russel: "I see what's worrying you." Russel said as he pulled her closer to him. "You're worried that he might come back and take me away from you. I can honestly say that he won't."

Umber: "Huh, why?"


Russel: "When Mr. Scarlett found me after I left Vale, he was ready to kill me without a second thought." Russel explained. "But, he didn't. He just held his handgun to the back of my head and gave me a file. I was told to read it and that's when I realized that he already knew who I was before Beacon, before Cardin, before I even had my semblance or aura. I asked him if he was gonna end me.

He said, 'No, I just wanted you to know I could have. But, I rather not take a father away from his unborn child. Just do right by her and become the man you want your child to look up to. Goodbye.'

After that, he disappeared like a wraith. From what was in that file, he already knew what I was doing and had done already. I'm both glad he let me live and worried that he made the wrong choice."


Umber: "Well, if it eases your worries, I believe he made the right choice." Umber said while kissing his cheek. "I mean, after all, you're doing all you can so that my parents will accept you and you're working yourself ragged just so that you aren't freeloading here either."

Russel: "Thanks, it does." Russel said as he hugged her close. "And I do it all for you."


The two remained close even when they went to sleep. Umber and Russel fell asleep in each other's arms, unaware that Umber's father heard the entire thing from outside their door. He was mad that Russel got Umber pregnant, but even he could respect how much Russel does for his little girl. With a quiet sigh, Umber's father left and entered his room with his wife. When she asked what made him so mellow dramatic, he told her what he overheard from Russel and Umber.


Umber's mother laughed a bit as she couldn't believe how much her own daughter took after her. For Umber, she and Russel were repeating what her parents did just a few years younger. Umber's mother was a Huntress-in-training herself while her father was a smith's apprentice at the time. The husband and wife laughed at how similar their situation is with the way they got married before heading to bed.


{RWBY: Fireborn}




???: "Master, the preparations are almost complete."

Master: "Are you sure, 01? We cannot have any failures this close at hand."

01: "Positive, they don't suspect a thing. The diversions we're a complete success. Vale's council have been too preoccupied with their greed and lust that it made infiltrating their homes far too easy."

Master: "What of Ozma and Salem?"

01: "They are unaware and ignorant."

Master: "And Logan Scarlett?"

01: "He and his wife, Glynda Goodwitch, are unaware as well."

Master: "Good, leave me and make sure the plan is a success. You know what happens to those that fail me."


As soon as the one known as Master finished speaking, the one known as 01 left without a trace. The man known as Master looked over a pedestal that sat next to him with a wide, flat top. The top was cover with old, forgotten writing and symbols, and in the center of it stood a white Rook chess piece. The Rook itself was caved with numerous symbols and scripts of an unknown language. With a single hand, the hooded man touched the pedestal and numerous symbols lit up and several more chess pieces appeared on the top, each with unique writing on them. A black Knight, a blue Queen, a green and brown Queen, and another Rook but red.


Master: "Soon, all the pieces will be on the board. Scarlet is already known." The Master said as he moved the red Rook.

"The Sea has already awakened and had begun training." He said as he moved the blue Queen.

"The Night has passed, but it was well within my calculations and will soon rise again." He spoke again moving the black Knight.

"Terra is close to awakening, but it is too soon for it to happen, so it must be culled." He muttered as he moved the two-tone Queen before knocking it over onto its side.

"Soon, the castle will fall, then it will be complete." He spoke with joy as he held the white Rook in his hand. "Very soon, your castle will crumble and I will take what is rightfully mine. I have waited centuries, made countless plans, made countless kingdoms rise and fall. This will be the end of you. A few more years will be nothing."




~~~~Author's Note~~~~

Hey everyone!

How are you this fine whenever to read this? Anyway, I'm writing this to just say the Big Bad Evil Guy has just made his first appearance and to give you guys a little test.

It's simple and only one question (But has 3 parts with hints).

Question: Where did I take ideas from for my BBEG?

1.) The idea for chess pieces. (Hint: Headless rider and a normal person throwing vending machines around)

2.) The idea for strange symbols and writing. (Hint: The mc hates being called short or pipsqueak)

3.) The idea of my BBEG being a master planer willing to wait centuries to make his dreams come true. (Hint: you use it to help clean your clothes)

Have fun!~