
Logan sighed as he woke up, it has been almost a week since he had 'met' Fen Silvervine. Since then, Logan had been doing his best to try to keep an open schedule. Mainly for Glynda since she should be due in the next week or two according to the doctors. Besides that, the two still haven't had any idea what they were gonna name their kid, and they still kept it in the dark on whether it was a boy or girl. Logan didn't care if it was either and Glynda wanted a boy to start with since she remembers what she was like when she was a child. Logan, knowing he wasn't a normal child which Glynda knew as well, remembered what his sisters were like as kids and agreed with Glynda.


Getting out of their bed, Logan made sure Glynda was still asleep as he got dressed and left the room. Lately, Glynda had been getting increasingly winded and starting to have trouble walking more so than usual. Diet-wise, she has been doing well, and that included the weird food cravings. But thankfully Logan managed to find a middle ground for Glynda's cravings and a healthy diet. Eggs, bacon, toast, and OJ for breakfast. For lunch, it was a mixed bag of a few things. And for dinner, it would be something light and easy on the stomach while desert was what she was craving at the moment. Just so that Glynda wouldn't feel bad about it, Logan partook the same things as her just to keep her company.


Once the food was done, Logan set the table and went to go wake Glynda up. She had been sleeping more often and would stay asleep well into the afternoon unless Logan woke her up before then. He didn't mind and he wasn't worried as the doctor said she was doing just fine, but he did keep an eye on her just to be safe. On the plus side, he did enjoy finding new ways to wake her up. So far, tickling her feet results in a face full of her foot in a knee-jerk reaction. Experienced firsthand.


Glynda woke like she had been these last few days; tired, groggy, and annoyed. Thankfully, a few kisses and the promise of cuddles were enough to pacify her morning mood. Getting her out of bed, Logan made sure to wait for a bit and help her get dressed in slippers and a nice purple summer dress as she didn't want to wear pants today. From there, it took some time for Logan to get Glynda out of the bedroom and to the table since all she wanted to do was cuddle on their couch. Logan managed to compromise with her and cuddle with her at the table with her sitting on his lap.


Logan sighed as he went to prepare lunch and found things missing that were needed. Heading into the living room, Logan found Glynda snacking away at a bag of corn chips while watching one of the soap operas that she had gotten into. Nearby her were numerous wrapping papers of chocolate candy bars. Sighing, Logan calmly walked in front of her with his arms crossed.


Logan: "Glynda," Logan said slightly annoyed, "I love you dearly. But those chocolate bars were for dessert tonight. Why are they scattered around the couch and why is there a chocolate stain on your dress?"

Glynda: "... I went into a feeding frenzy?" Glynda guessed when she realized what she had done.

Logan: "Ha, look, as much as I love you-" Logan started.

Glynda: "Which is a lot as you did threaten to castrate several men that tried to ask me out." Glynda interrupted.

Logan: "Which is why," Logan continued, "Until I get back from the store, no more eating." He punctuated as he took the bag away from her. "You've already thrown the diet we agreed on off a freaking cliff. For now, please just watch your shows. I don't want to get sick, I rather not have you miscarry. Please, I don't want to experience that again." Logan said as he hugged her head into his chest.

Glynda: "..."


Glynda didn't comment on what Logan said as when she was told about his past life, she learned about it all. His disastrous family, his first wife Eve, his brothers-in-arms betrayal, his death, his boons. She was told it all as Logan trusted her with the truth. She knew he was doing his best for her and their child. He desperately wanted a family, one of his own flesh and blood. Not to project the one he lost, no. Because he had started over and he truly loves her and their soon-to-be-born child.


Glynda: "I understand." Glynda dejectedly spoke up.

Logan: "I'm sorry for bringing it up." Logan spoke truthfully. "But I'm far too worried about the health of the two of you to be any less. You can get upset about me bringing it up, but I will always put the two of you above my own health. Because the two of you are the core of my world. Without you two, I don't know what I'll do." He admitted.

Glynda: "No, I can see where your concern about my health comes from." Glynda said as she leaned back from his hug. "I should have been more mindful of what I was eating and how much." She shook her head. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

Logan: "You have nothing to be sorry about." Logan told her. "Except eating all that chocolate." He chuckled. "Will you be fine while I'm gone?"

Glynda: "I'll be fine." Glynda answered then a question appeared in her head. "But, why don't you just buy what you need from your [System]? Wouldn't that be easier and quicker?"

Logan: "I'm a penny pincher." Logan explained. "It saves me almost three thousand Lein and I can get a few things my [System] doesn't sell. You have your scroll nearby?" Logan asked as he went towards the door. "Oh yea, Salem is coming over to check up on you while I'm gone!"

Glynda: "Of course." Glynda sighed as she watched him leave. "You worry too much!"

Logan: "It's out of love!" Logan shouted back as he closed the door and left.


Outside the dorm on Beacon's main road, Logan met up with Ruby and Jaune who were also on their way to pick up a few things their teams needed. Both having lost at rock-paper-scissors. Ruby had to go get takeout for her team as they and JNPR destroyed the cafeteria, again. Jaune, a bit reluctantly, had to go pick up several packages for his team and a bag of clothes Pyrrha had bought but forgot at the store. Logan could tell from the look on Juane's face, which was beet red, that it was going to spice up his and Pyrrha's nightlife.


After laughing at Jaune's predicament, Logan invited them to come along with him and he made his way towards the lift. They ended up chatting along the way, making jokes here and there to stave off the long wait before the life made it into Vale. When they got off, a few residents of Vale gave weird looks to them as Logan explained the best way to hide a body when the need arrives. A few started to power walk away when he started telling them how to set up a dead body to make it look like the body is just asleep. They started running when Jaune began taking notes on his scroll and Ruby adding or pointing out how to make it look more convincing.


Logan: "And that, my friends, is the art of trolling." Logan grinned as they made their way away from the lift. "The pinnacle of trolling is when you can get a response that isn't either hateful or provocative, but one that makes people think and react before they start thinking clearly.

Jaune: "I can see why you like doing it." Jaune spoke as he pocketed his scroll. "That was fun."

Ruby: "Yang is the Queen of Puns, But Logan is the King of Trolls." Ruby admitted as she sighed when she realized she got pulled into Logan's whims. "Well, you can't fault him when they start freaking out like that. The faces they make are gold."

Logan: "Remember Qrow and the Listerine?" Logan asked as they stopped at a four-way intersection. "My finest work~" He punctuated his comment with a chef's kiss.

Jaune: "Do I want to know?" Jaune asked Ruby who facepalmed herself at the memory.

Ruby: "Long story short, he made Uncle Qrow think that, after a heavy night of drinking, using mouthwash was the best cure for a hangover." Ruby sighed. "It lasted for four weeks. At least he didn't suffer from bad breath during that time."

Logan: "Anyway, this is where I split from you." Logan chuckled. "See ya!" He called as he walked off.


Logan left the two and continued on his way to the store. A few minutes later, Logan was already mid-shopping. Trying to decide whether nor not to buy pork cutlets or strip steak for dinner that night. As he was weighing his options, his scroll started ringing.


Logan: "He-"

Salem: "HER WATER BROKE!" That was what Logan and half the store heard when Salem's voice exploded from his scroll.


Logan, for lack of a better word, bluescreened. His mind went black and his body went stiff. Soon, a close-by shopper shook Logan and he managed to reboot, barely. Dropping what he had in his hands and basket, Logan unfurled his wings and flew out of the store at high speeds. Acting like an extremely low flying fighter jet in the store's maze-like aisles. When he reached the front of the store, Jaune had just walked in and ducked as soon as he saw Logan's panicked expression. With Jaune holding the door open, Logan didn't hesitate and shot the gap between Jaune and the door. Jaune was about to shout at Logan, to ask what was wrong but he was cut off before he could by Logan's scroll smacking him in the face, still on call.


Salem: "Logan?! Logan!" Salem still shouted as Jaune picked up Logan's scroll.

Jaune: "This is Jaune Arc of Team JNPR." Jaune identified himself as he took the scroll. "Logan flew the coop as soon as you told him whatever it was. Literally."

Salem: "He's probably heading back to the dorms." Salem sighed. "Thank you, Mr. Arc. I'll deal with Logan from here, be a dear and hold onto Logan's scroll for now please."

Jaune: "No problem, though-" Jaune sighed as he pulled the scroll away from his ear. "And she hung up. This feels just like Ansel public school all over again, great."


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Logan's mind was a mess as he slammed into the ground before the Teacher's Dorms full force, leaving a deep crater in front of them. Before anyone inside the dorms could rush out and see what caused the noise, Logan had already left the crater and was bounding as fast as he could to his and Glynda's dorm. Not bothering to swipe his scroll to open the door, which he didn't have, Logan just spartan kicked the door open. Shattered fragments of the door exploded inwards and the door itself flew off its hinges as Logan frantically searched for Glynda, his mind only focused on finding her first. Upon finding no evidence of Glynda inside the dorm, he began to panic, that was until Dr.Oobleck showed up.


Oobleck: "Logan!" Oobleck called out to him.

Logan: "..." Logan didn't say anything, just stared at him blankly.

OObleck: "Vale General Hospital on Rose Avanue." Oobleck told Logan then watched as he threw himself out the dorm room window before sighing and pulling out his scroll. "Hello, Maintenance? Yes, room 432 of the teacher's dorm needs repair. A new door with scanner and window. Reason? Glynda's water broke and Logan was unaware that she was already sent to a hospital. Yes, he was in a panic-induced frantic mess. Well, I rather not get burned alive thank you very much! Yes, yes; I'll let him know about the cost. Thank you, goodbye."


As soon as Oobleck was done with his call, he hung up and sped off to inform Team RWBY as most of the members Logan sees as family. After that, he was going to treat himself to a nice cup of 'Liquid death' coffee.