
Logan sighed as he lost sight of Ruby after she dashed off. Leaving him stranded in the middle of Beacon's grounds without an idea of where they disappeared to. Grumbling, Logan swore under his breath and started his search once again. Asking nearby students or Professors, searching room after room, even going so far as to look in broom closets, which resulted in more than a few couples panicking, to no avail.


Logan: 'Where the hell could they be?' Logan wondered as he stood outside the amphitheater.

Jaune: "Logan!" Jaune called out to him as he and Ren ran up to him. "Come on, this way!" He shouted as he grabbed Logan's arm and started pulling him.

Ren: "You need to get dressed." Ren told Logan as he grabbed Logan's other arm.

Logan: "I am dressed!" Logan shouted at them as they continued to drag him.

Ren: "Not like this, and not on your big day." Ren replied.

Jaune: "Plus you're already late!" Jaune yelled as they pulled Logan into one of the classrooms.

Logan: "What are you two talking about-" Logan went to ask before he had a clothes bag shoved into his hands.

Jaune: "Get dressed!" Jaune all but ordered Logan.


Logan was confused as to why they were on the verge of panicking until Logan opened up the clothes bag. Inside was a beautifully handcrafted tuxedo that was matte black. Logan couldn't help but marvel at it for a moment before stripping down and slowly and carefully wearing the suit. Taking time to make sure that there were no creases when he was done. The tuxedo felt extremely soft against his skin and Logan's eyes widen when he realized that the suit was a perfect fit.


Jaune: "Looking good." Jaune complemented Logan as he fixed his slightly crooked bow tie.

Logan: "What is this for?" Logan asked as he was amazed by the suit and the soft leather shoes that came with it.

Ren: "You'll know soon enough." Ren said cryptically before ushering him out of the room. "Now we need to get you to the amphitheater."

Logan: "Seriously, what's-"

Jaune: "No time, just go with it." Jaune told Logan. "Now come on! You don't want to miss this."


Logan then noticed something he hadn't spotted before, both Jaune and Ren were dressed up nicely and were clean-shaven. They then took Logan by his hands and pulled him out of the classroom and back in front of the amphitheater. There, Logan found his father, mother, and sister all dressed up and waiting for him.


Azrael: "There you are son, looking good." Logan's father, Azrael, complimented.

Sophia: "Oh, my little boy is all grown up!" His mother, Sophia, cooed over him.

Ava/Eva: "Surprise Logan!" His twin sisters, Ava and Eva, shouted at Logan.

Logan: "What's going on?" Logan asked, slightly bewildered. "Why are you guys here?"


Azrael just smiled and put a hand on Logan's shoulder. He then guided Logan to open the doors to the amphitheater. As Logan did, he was surrounded by people waiting for Logan with a smile on their faces. The amphitheater was heavily decorated with various streamers and flowers while almost everyone in the amphitheater was dressed to impress. Logan heard the doors close behind him.


Logan: 'It couldn't be...' Logan thought as he was ushered to the front of the amphitheater where Ozpin and Salem stood waiting.

Salem: "You made it." Salem simply said.

Ozpin: "And I see you got the suit on straight." Ozpin lightly joked as Logan stood there dumbfounded.

Logan: "You two didn't..." Logan muttered, but Ozpin and Salem heard him.


The two just smiled more and then Logan heard the doors open for a second time. As soon as Logan turned around, his breath hitched and everything slowed down. His eyes widened, his breathing slowed, and his heart start to flutter.


At the doors stood a woman in white. Music started to play as the woman started slowly walking up to Logan, Ozpin, and Salem. The woman wore a pure white wedding dress that reached up and covered her chest while leaving her back and part of her chest bare. Around her neck was a lace collar with an emerald green jewel in front of her throat. A veil of lace covered her features, but everyone knew that behind the veil was a blonde-haired, emerald-eyed professor.


The music reached a crescendo as the bride-to-be reached the front of the amphitheater. After that, the music cut off and started a simple yet elegant melody. Once the melody started, Ozpin stepped forward, and the podium underneath the four of them rose up. Then Azrael and Sophia walked up bearing rings and stood beside their respective genders. Logan then gingerly took the hands of the bride-to-be.


Ozpin: "Thank you all for gathering here on this auspicious day." Ozpin started speaking loud enough for the entire amphitheater to hear him. "We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of Glynda Goodwitch and Logan Scarlett. This is not the beginning of a new relationship but an acknowledgment of the next chapter in their lives together. Glynda Goodwitch and Logan Scarlett have spent years getting to know each other, and we now bear witness to what their relationship has become. Today, they will affirm this bond formally and publicly"

"Glynda Goodwitch and Logan Scarlett will mark their transition as a couple not only by celebrating the love between themselves, but by also celebrating the love between all of us—including the love of their parents, siblings, extended family, and best friends. Without that love, today would be far less joyous."

"Do you Logan Scarlett, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"


Logan: "I do." Logan spoke with resolve.


Ozpin: "Do you Glynda Goodwitch, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"


Glynda: "I do." Her voice was silky smooth as she spoke.


Ozpin: "A ring is an unbroken circle, with ends that have been joined together, and it represents your union. It is a symbol of infinity, and of your infinite love. When you look at these rings on your hands, be reminded of this moment, your commitment, and the love you now feel for each other. Logan, place the ring on Glynda's finger and repeat after me: Glynda, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge: to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever.

Logan: "Glynda, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge: to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever.


Ozpin: "And now... Glynda, place the ring on Logan's finger and repeat after me: Logan, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge: to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever.

Glynda: "Logan, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge: to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever.


Ozpin: "Before these witnesses, you have pledged to be joined in marriage. You have now sealed this pledge with your wedding rings. By the authority vested in me by Vale, I now pronounce you married! You may kiss the Bride."


The amphitheater roared with cheers as Logan lifted Glynda's veil and kissed her deeply. Teams RWBY and JNPR hooped and hollered as they ignored the cheers and continued to kiss each other. Once the two came up for air, Glynda looked with a smirk and mischief in her eyes that Logan could read easily. So with a smile, the two walked down the podium and towards the door where Ava and Eva awaited with a wide-eyed and happy Dorothy in a sun dress. She had never seen so many people in one place before.


As Logan and Glynda got to the amphitheater doors, they both smiled at each other and began their plan. Glynda took the bouquet she had and threw it behind her. Logan did his part and used a bit of his ash to make it fly into the hands of a certain red-haired girl who was standing next to a blond. Those around the two whooped and hollered at them causing the two to get red in the face. Logan and Glynda smile after seeing the plan was a success, then Ava and Eva lead the two of them to the cafeteria where another surprise awaited the newly married couple. Once at the doors, Ava and Eva opened the doors to reveal that the cafeteria was decorated in a similar way.


As Logan wondered how he could have missed this, he spotted a panting Emerald in a corner with a worried Cinder looking over her. When Logan saw those two, he immediately put two and two together. Logan smiled at how hard-working those two were and made a mental note to reward the two of them for their hard work, well, for Emerald at least.


Logan took Dorothy from his sisters and then walked up to a table at the front of the cafeteria with Glynda. They had made it so that the three of them could sit together with Dorothy in the middle of them. As soon as the three of them sat down, the rest of those that were at the ceremony arrived and sat down. What came next was Patrica Port, Peter Port's wife, coming out of the cafeteria kitchen with a five-tier wedding cake and tons of food.


What happened next was a night filled with passion. A feast was had and couples partied like never before. Logan and Glynda both made sure that everyone had a good time as did they. New couples were formed and old couples snuck off for their own honeymoon. Soon, after several hours, Logan and Glynda called it a night. Having had enough fun, they took a stuffed and now sleeping Dorothy back to their dorm. Later that night, Logan and Glynda made sure of their wedding night.


The next morning, Logan and Glynda were awoken by a Dorothy that somehow had gotten out of her crib again. Logan sighed and quickly got dressed and walked out to go make breakfast since Glynda couldn't really walk at the moment. He then later came back with a full German breakfast for Him and Glynda while Dorothy got eggs and cheese bits. Logan sighed happily as he and his family took their time as they ate.


Once they were finished, Logan cleaned up and left Glynda to get dressed as he took Dorothy to watch some cartoons. Glynda joined them after getting dressed, continuing to watch cartoons with Logan and Dorothy. While during an episode of Paw Patrol, they had a knock on their door. Sighing, Logan passed Dorothy over to his wife and went to see who it was.


Logan: "Ozpin, Salem, what a pleasant surprise." Logan said when he found out who was knocking.

Salem: "Sorry to disturb you so early in the morning." Salem spoke first.

Logan: "Think nothing of it." Logan waved them off. "After what you two did for us, it's the least I could do for you two. So, what do you need?"


Logan could tell something was troubling them. That much was easy to tell from their body language. So whatever it was, was trouble.


Ozpin: "Logan, as you know, the Relics are artifacts from the age of the Brother Gods." Ozpin spoke, telling Logan something he already knew. "Each relic is housed in one of the four main academies on Remnant."

Salem: "To get to the point," Salem spoke up, not wanting to beat around the bush any longer. "The Relic of Choice is gone. The vault was breached and it is no longer here."