Got a Light? (2)

AN: Trying out a more formal writing style. Please tell me what you think!




"Jaune! How much further?!" Nora wined as Team JNPR walked.

"We're almost there, Nora." Jaune placated her.

"But I'm bored!" She wined. "And there's no Grimm to play with!"

"Nora, please," Ren spoke as he grabbed her hand to placate her. "Once we get to Argus, I'll make you some pancakes."

"Fine!" Nora pouted and hugged Ren, a mischievous smile adorned her face. She had already got what she wanted.


Jaune sighed as she noticed the smile yet didn't do anything. He knew that Nora would stop at nothing to get her pancakes. And this is just one of her ways.


"There!" Pyrrha shouted suddenly, grabbing the team's attention. "Welcome to Argus."


There stood Argus, a port town with its southern walled off to protect the city. The port itself was bustling enough to be seen from where the team stood. The hilly terrain on which it was built made the city seem far more extensive than it was. The southern wall protecting the town, and a single road in or out, made it a haven for any weary traveler from all but the largest of Grimm. The port was guarded by the Argus base and two tall turrets.


"I can't believe it's been four years..." Pyrrha muttered as she looked on in slight awe.


Jaune didn't say anything and just grabbed her hand. An act of solidarity.


"Let's go," Jaune ordered his team. "We got a base of operations to set up and family to meet."

Nora/Pyrrha/Ren: "Okay!" They shouted.


They descended the hill they were on and made their way to the front gates just as night was upon them. As they reached the gate, the guards were closing the gate for the day. Seeing them, the guard held the door for them and let them inside after a quick inspection. JNPR thanked them for their hard work and made their way down the main road, catching a late-night train cart towards the center of town. From there, JNPR made their way to Jaune's sister, Saphron's, house. Once there, Jaune knocked on the door.


"Jaune!" Saphron shouted in joy after opening the door. "I can't believe you here!" She said as she hugged Jaune.

"Me neither Saph, but I was voted three to one against." Jaune chuckled as he returned the hug. "This is my Team. Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, and Pyrrha Nikos. Who is also my girlfriend." Jaune introduced his Team to his sister as well as his girlfriend.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all finally," Saphron spoke and bowed her head slightly. "I'm Saphron Cotta-Arc.


Nora and Ren did the same and bowed their heads slightly in greetings while Pyrrha fidgeted. She felt scared that Saphron wouldn't accept her as Jaune's girlfriend or worse. However, her fears were unfounded as Saphron welcomed her with open arms. And to solidify the matter about it, when Pyrrha met with Terra, Saphron's wife, and Adrian, their son. Who took a liking to the entire team. At this, Pyrrha smiled and let herself relax for tonight, after all, tomorrow was when Jaune had to meet her mother.


At that thought, Pyrrha's worry returned ten-fold.


The next day came far too soon for Pyrrha's liking as the team, Terra, and Adrain sat down for breakfast while Jaune and Saphron cooked.


"So, how was Jaune during Beacon?" Terra asked Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren.

"It was a rocky start, but he has grown into the role well," Ren told her.

Nora then jumped in, "Yea, even though he had no training and faked his transcripts, Jaune never gave up and worked harder than all of us!" Nora shouted.

"Jaune, while weak, rose to what he is today," Pyrrha explained. "He was also the first one to see me as a person of equal standing rather than someone untouchable." She spoke with a bit of blush on her face.

"I see," Terra mused over their answers. "Well, Jaune always wanted to be a Huntsmen, even as a child."

"You knew him as a child?" Asked Pyrrha curiously.

"Yea, me and Saph are childhood friends," Terra explained, getting lost in thought. "He was always a hyper kid and always wanted to help others. Though, being the youngest with seven older sisters, he had a lot of embarrassing moments. I still remember when we dressed him up in a bunny onesie."

"Please tell me you still have a picture of that!" Nora shouted, she wanted to see how adorable Jaune was.

"Oh, I have far more than that picture," Saphron said as she and Jaune entered, carrying several plates of pancakes. "I kept an album of all his embarrassing moments on hand."


"Please don't show them that, I still have to keep my dignity as a leader." Jaune pleaded with his sister.

"Jaune, you wore a onesie to bed during our first year, they can't be that bad," Ren spoke up at the comment about his dignity.


That got them all to laugh at Jaune who laughed with them, though he was a bit sour about it. As the plates were set down, they all dug in and ate. Stopping here and there to comment or to tell a story about their time at Beacon or the missions they took on their way here. Nora exaggerated their missions to high heaven and back. Ren commented on the truth about them. Jaune sighed and let it happen. Pyrrha on the other hand just leaned her head onto Jaune's shoulder. Saphron and the others noticed but didn't comment on it and just let the two lovebirds do their thing.


[3 Hours later]


"Are you okay Pyrrha?" Jaune asked, seeing that she was a little pale.

"Just nervous," Pyrrha answered truthfully, as it was just her and Jaune meeting her mother. Nora and Ren were out looking at missions at the Atlas base for Huntsmen.

"Why?" Jaune asked, slightly confused. "It will be fine, you already told your mother about me. So why worry at all?"

"There's a difference between getting told about someone and meeting them for the first time," Pyrrha explained. "I'm worried that she'll not approve of you."

"Then I'll do what it takes for her to accept me," Jaune spoke as he grabbed her hand. "I promise, nothing will come between us." He smiled and kissed her.

"Oh Jaune, what would I do without you," Pyrrha said as she hugged Jaune.


Together, they walked hand-in-hand toward Pyrrha's childhood home. When they got there, they noticed that a woman was sitting out front of the house. She had the same red hair and green eyes as Pyrrha but she wore glasses and her hair was cut short, just at her neckline. The woman also wore a two-tone jacket with a white fur collar and cuffs.


"Mom!" Pyrrha called out to the woman, causing the woman to look their way.

"Pyrrha!" The woman shouted and rushed over to them. "Oh, my baby girl! how I've missed you." As she got to them, she grabbed Pyrrha into a bear hug.

Pyrrha returned the hug, "It's good to see you too." She replied.

"You must be Jaune," The woman said as she broke the hug. "I'm Antheia Nikos, but most people call me Annie."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Antheia." Jaune reached out for a handshake, trying to act formal, to which Antheia pulled him into a hug.

"Please call me Annie," Antheia said as she stopped hugging Jaune. "Thank you for taking care of my daughter."

"It was more of her taking care of me," Jaune admitted sheepishly. "She's been making sure I didn't do something stupid ever since we met."

"Jaune, please don't say that," Pyrrha admonished him. "You're a fine leader. Logan made sure of that."

"True, he did help me out tremendously," Jaune admitted, "But he also did that for everyone in his classes." He pointed out.

"Well, anyway, I still thank you for looking out for Pyrrha," Antheia spoke up. "Please, come in. I'll make some tea for us."


Antheia then ushered Pyrrha and Jaune into the house and shut the door behind them. Inside was warmly decorated and well-lit. Pictures hung from the walls of various things, ranging from Pyrrha's birth to her leaving for Beacon. Some of them made Pyrrha blush since they showed her embarrassing moments. As Jaune looked around, he noticed that there were far too few pictures of her father. There was just one of them, a picture of a pregnant Antheia and a green-haired man. Jaune noticed that Antheia's eyes grew a little most at the picture but didn't comment on it. Everyone was entitled to keep things close to their chest.


"Here's the kitchen," Antheia spoke up, grabbing Jaune's attention away from all the pictures. "Please, take a seat and I'll whip something up."

"Let me help-"Pyrrha went to ask but was shot down by her mother.

"No, you've just got back," Antheia spoke up, cutting her daughter off. "You've traveled a long way, the least I could do for you is make tea."

"Actually," Jaune picked this time to speak up, "We stopped by my sister's house the night before." He told her. "We can just talk."

"Still then, tea is a must," Antheia told them and walked off.


She came back not even ten minutes later with a tray of tea and crumpets. Pyrrha sighed and just let her mother do her thing. She went and sat next to Jaune as her mother served everyone their tea. Something her mother noticed but didn't comment on, yet.


