As the world

Winter: "Van Schee?" Winter asked, "Do you mean Van Helsing, the horror movie?"

Willow: "The movie was based on the tall tales of him." Willow spoke, "This diary is the real thing." Willow sighed. "The movie got a few things right and wrong. "First, Van was a-"


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Magus: "What are those?" Magus asked when he saw the two items that radiated power.

Logan: "Things to set things right." Logan said as he ripped the glowing orange ticket.


Time rewound. If only for an hour, time was undone. The fabric of reality bent and rewrote.

This allowed the person who ripped the ticket to view how True Gods do the timeline. As a piece of paper that is easily torn. To be played with. And to be anything they wanted.

Logan was amazed at how simple everything looked at a glance, but at the same time, he could tell it was far too complex for him to understand.

But that wasn't the main issue. As Logan looked at the fabric of reality, he felt himself get pulled through the current that was 'Time'.


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Karma: "So, the young God finally used the ticket." Karma mused as she and Auren looked upon Remnant.

Auren: "A very young one indeed." Auren spoke evenly. "One that I will bet won't shed his shell."

Karma: "Of course he won't, he hasn't lived his life just yet." Karma spoke happily.

Auren: "No, he won't ever shed his shell." Auren explained. "He'll reject his god status and will remain as a human."

Karma: "Oh? How are you so sure?" Karma asked, curious about how he knew this.

Auren: "Simple, he won't be like the other Gods who sought power, the status, or the responsibility that comes with it." Auren spoke truthfully. "Logan will cast the power away. Of that, I'm sure"

Karma: "Are you peering into the future?" Karma asked as she looked Auren in the eyes.

Auren: "There is no need to." Auren denied. "IF you watched his actions until now, like you and I have, then the outcome is simply foreseeable.


Karma then sighed, seeing that Auren was telling the truth. She had been watching Logan's journey ever since his start. All the ups and downs, all the great feats he has done, all the losses he's suffered. Karma knew them well, as did Auren.


Karma: "So, what shall we do?" Karma asked.

Auren: "The only thing we can do, we watch." Auren spoke.

???: "You two, we need to talk." A rough voice called out to them.


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Logan's eyes snapped open. His mind reeled at the experience he just went through. Logan did his best to push aside the feelings and focus on the moment. In front of him was the boundless sky as he floated in mid-air. Looking around, Logan found himself high above Oasis just before the brother gods destroyed it. Knowing what was going to happen next, Logan looked at the diamond that was in his left hand.

Logan went to crush the diamond in his man when a soft hand stopped him. Looking at where the offending hand came from, Logan was surprised to see a pale, black-haired woman with what he thought was a beauty mark under her eye but was really part of an Egyptian symbol. Logan felt as if he knew her, but at the same time, he didn't. The name was so close to the tip of his tongue and yet he couldn't recall it at all.


Logan: "Who... are you?" Logan asked, on guard yet he felt as if he could and could not trust her at the same time.

???: "I'm one that is truly impartial, but that's not why I'm here." The woman spoke, her voice was soft and silky. "What happens next can't be undone."

Logan: "Who are you?" Logan demanded this time.

Death: "I am Death." She said simply.


As soon as she said that, Logan understood who she truly was. The one who waits, Time's last second, and the one at the end. Death was stopping Logan from moving forward. He just had one question.


Logan: "Why?" Logan asked, "Why are you stopping me?"

Death: "Come with me for a moment," Death said as she pulled him through a portal as time stood still.


Where they ended up was a vast plain filled with flowers of every kind. Logan looked around in wonder, trying to figure out why Death stopped him. Soon, he found the answer.


Death: "Please, come sit." Death spoke up from behind Logan.


Logan turned around and found Death, Karma, and two other gods he did not know.


Karma: "Please sit, Logan." Karma asked with a small smile, "All will be explained soon.


Logan, seeing no other option, walked over and sat down in the only free seat. Death then pulled out a tea set from nowhere. Logan figured this wasn't just a tea party he was invited to. But he didn't say anything just yet, knowing there was a time and place to speak up.


Death: "Logan, do you know why you were called here?" Death spoke up after everyone got their tea.

Logan: "No, I do not." Logan answered truthfully. "But I suspect it has to do with this," Logan said as he pulled the diamond he had held onto and placed it on the table.

Auren: "Yes, this is precisely because of that." Auren spoke up after introducing himself. "You see, while your actions were commendable, the end result would have destroyed Remnant. An outcome that was least desirable."

???: "As for the diamond, as you call it, it will be taken from you before you can use it as you wish." The last god spoke up at last. "While you deserve a reward for finding something that was once a part of me, I can't let you use it for such a selfish purpose. Let alone using it to destroy a planet that is healing quite nicely."

Logan: "With all due respect, I wasn't planning on destroying Remnant. That was far from my goal." Logan took this time to speak up for himself.

???: "Oh, then tell us, what was your goal with my diamond?"

Logan: "Well..." Logan spoke, concerned whether or not they'll consider what we were going to do with it selfishly or not. "I was planning on using it to heal those afflicted by Magus' spell and giving the world a jumpstart to start producing mana once again."

Auren: "An honorable goal." Auren said

???: "But still selfish."

Death: "Their time of death has already been written, I can change that but I won't." Death told Logan. "I must remain impartial."

Logan: "I understand." Logan spoke to Death, understanding her position on the matter. "But what I don't understand is why," Logan spoke.

???: "That is not your concern mortal." The one unknown god spoke down to Logan. "You were called here to stop you from destroying Remnant with the diamond's power."

Karma: "Raiden, that's enough."