Need Yue Wan More Than Wei Wan

Li Rong's head and the body was covered with dirty s**t. As a fusion of decaying vegetables and spoiled eggs, all blended up with rotten meat, the stench that permeated through the air was sufficient to make anybody choke.

Li Rong's stunning face morphed into a rage as he turned to look at the direction where the waste came. Looking up, he saw two brats standing on a tree branch with a large grin on both their faces, an empty bucket was hanging from one of their hands.

Wei Wan's eyes widened as she saw what had happened to Li Rong. She narrowed her eyes as she stared at the two boys in the tree. The foul smell that wafted up from Li Rong was more than she could bear. Stepping away from him, she turned her attention back to the tree.

With her hands on the hips and a look of anger all over, she yelled: "You ill-breed brats, get down from there! I will tea----"