Demon of the abyss 1

The misty formations of crosses around him pulsates with more and more power by the second...

As they shifted from dancing around him to a ring like formations as Shiro held the power of scar faces full power... that was still growing more and more with unholy strength

The land itself was buckling under the force decimation was occurring visibly knocking both sides backwards from the shockwaves occurring the only place left untouched was Shiros feet...

Immeadiatly he changed his stance letting the axe slide off his blade and aura releasing one hand he pointed towards scarface point blank as the crosses radiated pulsating black, purple and slight tinged of gold...

A ripple formed instantly transformed into a ring of black energy connecting the crosses around him in formation... and instantly a massive black and purple shockwave pulsed sending scarface flying off into his own army... as he flipped and crashed the ground itself for Kilometres...

The world itself changed colours... light was now darkness for a few moments...

An aura unlike anything they felt before filled the air for miles around... dark and heavy like chains clad their bodies... as if their bodies were coated in steel... all life felt stale... as if life was draining from their bodies...

Little did they know they were inside a mile wide sphere of aura radiated from that mere shockwave with Shiro as the Center...

That wave decimated the other sides forces... but even so scarface was not to be felled so easily or more accurately the axe that now possessed his body his body was in a deformed and grotesque shape... witch was being roughly corrected by the aura that invaded its host...


Kubinashi was covered in blood... black blood... he was mortified as he gazed upon the sight before him... an even more massive mortal wound was cleanly strewn across his young masters chest... as more and more blood flowed from his eyes...

It was an absolutely horrific exchange scarface fires another point blank wave of energy while Shiros own attack fought this off dispersing it backwards while sending scarface off but even with such power unexpectedly it turned into an exchange of blows...

For kilometres the space in front and around them was utterly unrecognisable...

But that was not a concern...

He looked up at the wild and tattered state of the one he is suppose to protect with his life...

'I failed'

That was all he could think... what's more 'I am nothing more than a lamb to be slaughtered, nothing more than waste that was weight upon my masters back'

Blood drew as his own nails dogged into his palms drawing blood....

As he quietly grinder his teeth enraged at his own weakness