Kubinashis loyalty 2

That small hand was wiping away the teams that streamed down his face... weakly...

'Such a fragile existance'

He held him ever tightly in his arms...

He felt as if his entire soul was being pulled in as he gazed into Shiros drowsy eyes...

He knew it, his soul was no longer just his own, it was now this small little world that he held in his arms, it strengthened him, he yearned to protect it, and he felt the pressure subside as his own inner strength grew...

Just from his gaze, the gaze of his new found world.

His love, and the eyes that will bare the responsibility of it all... hardened his own as they glowed with his own fear, he felt something shift in the air as he glanced up wards to his saviour rihan Nura, and with his own new found heart and eyes he now saw something...

That he couldn't see before...

Determination, and above it all... despair... followed by a look of exhaustion in Rihans own will...

And.... for a moment... a shadow of acceptance of what's to come in the future...

It was only for a moment...

His features changed turning back to his own self as he cast upon his charming and mischevious smile upon kubinashi... but he saw it... and he didn't know what to think...

Other than sadness of the responsibility of this world... it overtook everything even his own life... in exchange was the safety of the entire world of Youkai...

Let it be...

Was all he thought

But when his eyes drew to what he cradled in his arms...

Something else took place...

I'll change that... I'll protect him... I'll be there to support him even if he doesn't want it...

No matter what happens...