Rikuo and his elder brother 2

The old man of the Nura Clan appeared silently next to Rikuo and picked him putting him in a slightly awkward piggy back position.... and he began to move with surprising speed with a smile on his face as he ran forward with relative grace...

"Do your best to stay quiet Rikuo, this is a chance I've been waiting for... to finally see my grandson in action..."

Lurching out of the mansion as he followed the fleeting shadow...

Soon they arrived at an old decrepit mansion....

Scars, gashes were all over the place... along with blood old blood stains...

Even some old human skeletons that have obviously been chewed upon by something...

The likely culprits appeared in the dozens out of the wood work in the dozens... as a ungodly scream woke up the nest of creatures...

Apart from a few discrepancies they all looked relatively the same... with a few variations... large monstrous centipedes, while others were large cockroach like Youkai that stood on two legs in a humanoid fashion...

Their eyes held only slivers of intelligence... they acted on instinct...

"Mushishi youkai? What are they doing here?"

Thinking aloud the old man brought his hand to his chin in thought as he clad both him and Rikuo in his fear... to investigate...

And he saw a group of fearsome warriors... clad in samurai armor... they moved with unnatural strength and agility, not to mention they felt off... even somewhat ghostly as faint mist exuded from their bodies making them look even more terrifying with their full oni- like masks...

"The Yurei? What are they doing this far out? Arnt they far in the east?"

Instantly he began to analysis the situation and than he saw the two small girls they were protecting as their blades danced facing off against the horrifc hoard around them... with seemingly unparalleled skill with their blades....

The two girls stood back to back holding onto two tantos to hold some sort of feeble defence...

Immeadiatly they both felt it the strange shift in their blood...

Even the old man felt something shift in his own... his heart where it should have been, he felt it's beat... and he felt his body grow younger... stronger...

He felt his bodies shift... as he grew taller, stronger just like his glory days...

The calm old man was in shock as he looked at his hands... no longer rough and prune...

His gold eyes pierced towards his grandson and could feel his aura... actively reaching out to him... and he could feel it... that strange power was slowly restoring his body... and empowering his very blood...

Stunned... as he looked as his grandson stood on an arch above and a ripple of fear appeared as blades began to manifest in gold and abyssal darkness...

And terror began to rain down... he was like a god as if he was standing in the sky... the very moon peaked out from the clouds, and it took place behind him, the large rotting hole in the wall above... now looked like a gate to some kind of heaven, and he a guardian... facing against the darkness of the Youkai world...

He was their light... their protector...

The hordes of bug Youkai were skewered to the ground, pinned like decorations and soon after would disperse as more took their place...

And soon after, a shockingly massive Centipede, it had a massive old and wrinkled face, its body gleamed like black crystal, while its piercing monstrous legs shuddered in rage as it's face twisted, its body as large as a house and 6 times as long...

Everyone fell down down below as they looked upon the massive creature erupting from below...

The only thing that remained was a small portion of the rotting mansion, and shiro, armed with endless black and gold gates, holding a vast armada of weapons gleaming maliciously at the beg...

Begging to be released...


He too was mesmerised at the sight...

The centipede made its move advancing forward with surprising speed as the ground rumbled beneath its feet...

"I will devour you!!! For my children!"

Silently Shiro stood against the massive monster coming his way, along with the continually rising horde...

As the night sky reined above and the full moon stood proudly in the sky a strange illusion took place, its colour slowly turned a strange violet as the world turned black... a world of darkness...

The mansion the ground... it was all black... the sky turned a dark and stunning violet...

While the moon itself was a stunning mixture of gold and darkness...

The only things of colour were the living and they glowed strangely...

Rikuo who has been crying out the entire time in fear and trepidation... or just silent jaw opening awe... as he looked at the one man army known as his very own brother...

The centipede moved with reckless abandonment, and lurched forward to crush Shiro with his body however multiple gates appeared around him and chains wound around his body...

Restraining him!

However the old man noticed something and began to grit his teeth as he looked to his waist...

"Of all the times!"

He forgot his sword... he looked around and saw the warriors and girls next to him and they were using their blades to defend themselves!

He looked at the black tears streaming down his face!


He looked at his hands wondering what he can do....

When suddenly he saw something shocking but even more terrifying...

A faint image of a black cross was brought forth piercing down into its body, becoming a massive black tomb stone crushing it, piercing it into ground slaughtering, destroying it and the hordes moral as they dispersed not to mention most of them were crushed in the first place...

And than he saw him fall... moving deftly he caught him mid air slowly, and saw his form disperse back to his former unawakened ego...

The old man turned as his form too was slowly dispersing as well... but he felt it... his heart was restored... and he return back to his former self with time...

Turning to Rikuo he worldlessy began to pet his head...

Calming him down...

So they returned home with a few guests...