Achievements! Part- 2

*April 23, 1932*

It's been about four long years since Bruce graduated from High-school and Since then the progress he was building up for his goals has been coming along smoothly.

Because of his L.O.H.P. he was an adept Engineer in all of the engineering field as well as having knowledge in most of the Medical fields.

Now officially he graduated from University with PhDs in Mechatronics engineering and Computer Programming in just two year's worth of time.

And then the remaining two years in Medical field as a Neurologist and Genetic Engineering.

During this time, Bruce did not remain idle with his training.

As his body was also maturing his bloodline was progressing rapidly,

he considered alot on this and researched on this phenomenon with the L.O.H.P. as he very well knew God had altered his bloodline as "Slow- Progressing" type and not like this.

The result he found in the library astounded him as according to the library this was due to him hitting Puberty.

And as a normal human body undergoes changes during puberty, similarly his bloodline is doing the same with the added benefits.

So with this advantage and his martial arts training, Bruce's body has already started to behave like a body of an Enhanced.

His bones are becoming increasingly thick and dense and Muscles more compact and defined with and unusual effect of flexibility because of his daily mix-martial art training.

Despite being 14 years of age he looks like like in his early 20's, with the height of about 5 ft 8.


During this four years while Bruce was in universities, the amount of time he spend with his family was less as he stayed on the campus dorms.

Even though he regularly visits during holidays he always felt he should spend more time with his family during this peaceful period in time till it lasts.

Also his family was proud of his success with his multiple degrees, especially his mother.

And he always never felt to his Praise his mother as she was the one who's struggle to raise them by being a single parent.

On the other hand with Steve, the situation had little differed as this Steve Rogers was more knowledgeable in field of science (Nerd) as compared to the original.

But still there was his never give up attitude and innocence and also his dreams of joining Army remained unchanged.

Which was good as maybe his influence which changed abit of Steve's personality could be considered added as benefits for him in the future.


Despite having multiple degrees in various fields, Bruce always remained low-key in public.

Even though there was an article written few months back on his intelligence as "youngest genius on the way" he was thankful for having no photos of him as of yet.

But today after thinking alot on it he decided it was time to begin to become famous.

Because he wants his status at the level or exceed that of Howard Stark, so that he could be a major player when War starts.

So after consulting with his family for what was to come, his family was proud and supported him.

The next day all round the world the news of cure of tuberculosis found was spread like wildfire.

It was especially had profound impact when people discovered that the cure was invented by a Teenager!

(Bruce did not forget to patent his cure to avoid future problems)

Also with the help of huge amount of loan from Bank which he secured after some negotiation, Bruce purchased a huge abandoned warehouse from the bank which was on sale.

The location of the warehouse was also good as it was between midtown Manhattan and Hell's kitchen, so it was convenient even in the future.

He wanted to remodel the warehouse in such a way that he would be able to use it as his base of operations and also for his business.

And with the help of L.O.H.P he has a nice blueprint of a three storey building with two floors underground basement for Construction.


While his office under construction which might take few more months, there was alot chaos in Bruce life.

The main reason being the offers and demands from various sources for his patent.

Therefore to help himself out especially due to his age he approached his mother Sarah and discussed with her of the upcoming company and the role he wanted her to play.

Becoming CEO and owning a company was not something his mother ever dreamt about, but after persuading her she finally accepted the role.

Now that his initial worry for his mother's death due to Tuberculosis cleared after he personally cured her with the vaccine, his mother seem to be healthy and more determined.

The company we decided to name was nothing to fancy with it being simply "Roger's".

The company construction not even finished and mother was ever busy with documenting and checking deals and all official things needed to start the company.


Few months has passed with the Company finally built and successfully running.

The production of vaccines was manufactured from a government based as I wanted to have good status with them, But mother was strict with deals where our profit was enormous!

With huge income, the daily life of Roger's family was getting up to status, We decided to upgrade our home to a nice small mansion arrangement.

(Same neighborhood so as to avoid Steve's Path of becoming a Super Soldier or his friendship with Bucky)

With the major of things accomplished especially progression of his family to a stable and wealthy lifestyle and saving his mother's life.

Bruce was now free to work on himself i.e his personal progress now as his Second phase of his Goals have begun.




(A/n : Hope you guy's love the chapter.

the next update will be coming soon)