Captain America

It's been two years since Bruce acquired the power from the Tessaract and after getting a lot familiar (training) with the space stone he was astounded with the ability he received.

"Space Manipulation" that was what he was able to get. At the beginning he thought it was simply just another mode of teleportation, but later on after more experimenting he discovered that it wasn't just simply that.

And remembering all the comics he read about this particular infinity stone did it no justice.

He theorised that if he was to achieve full power of the space stone then he could not only teleport but also create,

Black holes.

Pocket dimensions : (Size of dimension Depends on the energy used and can also customize it to the users preference.)

Spacial barrier : (Barriers/shield that user can completely protect himself or can also be used to cloak an object.)

He also hope to achieve i.e recreate the skill of kamui from Naruto as the power was kind of similar to space Manipulation so he was not giving up on it.

Thus he was just starting to scratch the surface of such power and vowed to master it.

For now he was able to store only small objects in his personal dimension as the size is very small but he knows with enough practice and training he is sure to increase the size accordingly.

He was also wondering if could combine his ability time + space power to recreate a time dilation dimension or various other functions which for now was on a to do list.


On the other hand after the 6 months period ended he joined the S.S.R , He met Dr. Abraham Erskine and was surprised to notice how the scientist was also suprised by my invention of healing that I introduced few years ago and was excited to work along with me.

We were hoping to get the Super Soldier Serum even more effective and powerful with some more added benefit as with both of our research.

As I wasn't a full-time scientist working with them I was able to maintain my equilibrium with my company, my personal life and helping out the team with my additional research on "Project Rebirth".

My hidden empire were getting stronger and operational with the heads of each Sectors recruiting many work force (Both to work in each departments as well as in the hidden empire)

It was also during the process where I had the opportunity to work with the beautiful and a strong woman known as Agent Carter a.k.a Peggy Carter.

To tell you the Truth She was phenomenal woman who I wouldn't mind dating, with that badass attitude, combat skills and her beauty it no wonder Steve had fallen hard for this woman.

For now I was at crossroads on how to approach with Peggy, should I get on with her and possibly change the future ? or let it be as it was for Steve ?

Unable to decide on what to do and how to proceed I let it be on fate to decide, Which whether it was unintentionally or my attitude (Charms😉) I had become friends with Peggy.

For now I was happy with how this friendship is between us and if in the future even after meeting Steve, if Peggy chooses to deepen this to a more meaningful relationship I wouldn't be opposed towards it.


*Year 1943*

The situation with Steve was going all according to the timeline where he was invited by Bucky to the Stark Expo, where in later on he was enlisted in the army by Dr. Abraham Erskine.

which I was soon informed by my men and later on with said scientist that he chose my brother as the perfect candidate for Project Rebirth's Super Soldier Serum.

(he knows about whereabouts of his family at all times because he has his men following them in secret)

He admits that it may considered as borderline Stalkerish but if it's for their safety he would do anything especially for Steve as he is prone to get in trouble Wherever he goes.

Thus with the approval from Dr.Erskine Steve finally arrived at Camp Lehigh.

The first day was also similar to the timeline with Peggy introduction and of a bully name Hodge mocking Peggy and with Peggy's eventual a right hook to said bully, The only difference was me being there by arriving with Colonel Phillips.

The situation went on similarly with Colonel Phillips instant dislike of Steve even after knowing of him being my brother as he believed that such a small man should not be involved in their operations.

But with my constant support and his attitude he trained hard in his attempts to prove himself to be a worthy soldier for the United States Army, but struggled on much of the physical training,where he also managed to get tangled in a rope climb or falling upside down.

Steve was also often mocked by other recruits even by Colonel Phillips but this time there was no bullying or any physical as once recruit Hodge tried bullying Steve in front of me and let's just say even the Colonel was shocked and shievered at my rather cruel punishments I delivered.


With The Project Rebirth on the other hand I was finally able to get formula from Dr.Erskine as he trusted me to safeguard it in case anything happens to him.

This trust was gained during my time I spent on the lab with the Dr. and was able to have a type of Father-Son Relationship.

(a/n : the relationship was possible because of Dr.Erskine losing his family in Germany and the MC never having a father figure)

With the formula on hand and using the L.O.H.P. Bruce was able to modify the ingredients used with substituting it with magical ingredients that he was able to get with The Ancient One's Help.

Thus after many trial and error Bruce finally achieved a serum that could said to be at the top of hierarchy.

Scanning it with L.O.H.P. Bruce couldn't help but be amazed at this invention,


*Mystical ichor*

(Mystical Super Serums)

Description : The serum is the ultimate power serum which can make prowess of a normal human to rival that of God's with added benefit of regeneration, Ultimate body, Resistance to elements and to enhance both the body and mind accordingly.

It also produces certain Parasitic-like enzymes that are mystical in nature that prevents replication of said serum if anyone tries to take blood of the individual or cloning.

Note : # To gain the ultimate power of the serum the user should train hard and keep breaking the limits.

#The user may gain high metabolism (You may never get drunk as it depends on the alcohol content )

#The user may age slowly due to regeneration

Flaw : None.



Few months later with Steve in the camp and with serum now ready, Dr.Erskine and Colonel Phillips were arguing on which candidate to choose.

(A/n : Bruce have not revealed his Serum just the one that Dr.Erskine worked)

And After the mock testing of throwing a bomb by Colonel Phillips where Steve protected His mates, Dr.Erskine finally had a proud smirk on his confidence of choosing Steve.

Later on the day after Steve was informed of him being selected and after Dr.Erskine left he approached Steve.

With Bruce calming down Steve as he was nervous about the experiment the next day.

He informed Steve that it would go smoothly without any issues for his health and that he would be there always by his side.

With Bruce's confidence Steve finally was back to normal and after goodbye finally went to sleep.

The next day Bruce was already in the lab with Howard, Erskine and the rest of the Assistant awaiting the arrival of Steve.

Also Bruce had his "Mystical Ichor" Serum at standby in his personal dimension where he was prepared to exchange Dr.Erskine's serum with his with the help of his powers of time dilation and spacial manipulation.

Finally with arrival of steve, the process went on and just before the injection of serum Bruce replaced it with his serum.

The rest of the procedure went as same as Steve screaming towards the end and when Howard was about to stop the Vita Ray emission both I and Steve said at the same time to continue and that he can do it.

Finally after the 100% the chamber Steve was in finally opened and with it a small pulse of a strong mythical energy.

Which was sure to be felt eespecially by the Ancient One.

The physique of Steve was similar to that of origin timeline but if you observe it carefully you can make out the distinct feature.

Thus my brother The First Avenger a.k.a Captain America was born.



(Author note : Should I go for Peggy ? Or something similar to friends with benefits 😁 ?

P.s Next chapter will be regarding MC Only No war stories as he won't be participating in it.