Chapter 0.4 : Past life ( part 4 )

Jian lin had finally reached the place called foreign lands. Where he was going to dominate and later gain control over the massive battlefield.

It took Jian lin about three whole weeks to reach his current destination, it was a smooth journey.

As soon as he reached the place, he went for Jian family's camp without a moment delay.

" Stop! " Though few guards stopped him, abruptly, he swing his token and bypassed through them royally.

" I am taking over control! Any objection? " releasing his venerable aura, he suppressed them as a whole and stated his command.

" Fuck! Who do you think you are? " The leader of the present camp jumped at Jian lin, wanted to finish him off at once.


But the leader got crushed in one blow, before swearing his loyalty to Jian lin.

Rather than slowly raising his ranks among them and become a distinguished character. He went the other way around and became their new leader quickly.


" Show me the map! " Jian lin from commanded.

The colossal battlefield was divided into two fields one which was dominated by the human, while the other which was under the control by Demons.

Millions of lives were lost within minutes. A gigantic and large scale battle had been going on, which was never put to stop, geniuses were falling like leaves from the old withering trees, and new talents were shining out brightly from the deadly battles.

He formulated a plan and commanded " let's head out! Glory to Jian family!!"

" Glory to Jian family!! " The others bellowed out, slowly following him to the battle field.


Slash! Slash! Slash!

A silhouette was running amok on demon territories, killing them mercilessly, slaughtered them like pigs and drenching him in their blood.

Yes! Naturally this silhouette was Jian lin! And he had finished slaughtering a demon clan's camp.

" With this it's my Jian family's 1494th victory! Six more before we take rest! Those who slack off would be punished by this Jian lin of Jian family!! "

Within a months, after his arrival, nearly all the camps which were initially lost to demons were recovered back to humans by Jian family, under his leadership.

" We got reinforcements, Twin blade asura! Twin blade asura had descended the battle!! It's a sure win for us! " The people at the surroundings bellowed loudly in anxiety.

He got his own title " Twin Blade Asura " from humans who witnessed his fight.

" Fuck! Retreat!! That monster had popped up. " The name had made the stubborn souls of the demons to retreat.

The enemies were killed, the demon territories got shrunken, humans morale was at the peak, and the demons were running away for life when Jian lin descend.

His twin swords released terrifying murderous aura that freezes the enemy down their souls, before getting sliced off without a complete corpse.

He was like a judgement released by hell, to punish the demons for their menace, to destroy their soul for being impure, to pulverize their bodies for their atrocious deeds.

He was like a 'Hero' sent from heaven, as a gift to humans, and 'Reaper' that was descended down upon them, from the hell to demons.

The demons were getting eliminated and had been nearly exterminated, the whole of the foreign lands which were once chaotic was now under the control of Jian lin.

By the end of five years, he wiped out the demons, made several friends whom he addressed brothers in the battlefield.

Only a supreme existences from ancient famines could rival him in prestige, so who would dare threatening him now, when he was at his peak

The connections he made and the glory he earned could very well be written deep in the annuls of history, as his achievements were such.


But sadly, within the years he was away from Jian mansion, all his brothers and relatives, who were intimately related to him were in one way or another were brutally murdered by Grand Elder Zing.

His children's and respected mentor, the first ancestor were missing, not to be present as if they didn't exist to begin with.

Jian lin was naturally ignorant of these matters. As he was happily returning back to his mansion where he was nurtured from the beginning.


While he was on his way back to home, Jian lin was ambushed by few masked experts, he was poisoned by them sneakily.

His vision was little blurred, making him unable to visualize things easily, still, how could he not recognize the very same people whom he addressed as brothers.

Little did he not expect that those sworn brothers of him, would one day betray him and sold him out, for cultivation breakthrough pills.


one day later.

In Jian clan's dungeon, prisoners section.

Jian lin was awakened at last, he's feeling nerve-wracking pain all over his body.

He found that his hands chained to walls. Lying in a cell filled with pungent-smelling air, he had difficulty in breathing.

His life essence was nearly sucked dry and Dantian was also abolished.

Jian lin's appearance resembled an old beggar, his crimson red hair turned to smoky-grey, charismatic and bright eyes turned into blood-flecked, clear and smooth face into time chiselled wrinkled face, the robust body turned skinny, he had crooked fingers and was looking at an old man half step away from the grave.


After 1week

He had been chained for a week before a tall robust man entered his cell, he was wearing a red colour dress, he has thin eyebrows with Slim face, he was very delighted in seeing the sorry state of Jian lin. He was Jian zing also referred to as Grand Elder zing, Jian lin's old rival.

" Jian lin... Had you thought that one day you proud little shit become like a beggar, your life would be worse than a dog? " Jian zing who arrived at the same bellowed out after delighting at the sorry state of Jian lin.

" Where am i... ", Jian lin asked weakly.

"Jian family dungeon... " Grandelder zing exclaimed out with a sneer at his face.

" How did I end up here ?" He was sure that it was his sworn brothers, who sold him out. But he still wants his instinct to prove him wrong.

"You're so call sworn brothers... sold you over some breakthrough ancestor pills, hahaha... "

He then stated the events that occurred on his absence. He also pointed to listed out his grievances against Jian lin.

" It was I, Jian zing who was chosen to be next patriarch, wasn't I?

All elders were supportive of me, I was the centre of attention for everyone!

I used to be the young patriarch, it was my birthright until you showed up and stole my rightful seat! "

" I had a marriage contract with the Wu family's first young lady even before my birth, Never expected her to turn out beautiful, she was the most beautiful flower I have ever seen in my life!

Her pear-like cheeks, tender lips, alluring and seductive body with snowy white skin. She was supposed to be mine... but she... she had fallen in love with you, rebelled against her father and ran away on my marriage day, but never to return.

Nine months later she died giving birth to the stupid offspring of yours! "

He paused for a second before turning his eyes teary, bellowing out.

" My daughter fei'er... She was the only treasure I cherished, she was in love with Guan family's first young master, the marriage contract was eventually made, until your daughter... that slutty bit*h had seduced him over with her slutty and alluring body.

My daughter, she was thrown aside her pride, she aimed at becoming his second wife, but contrary to her expectations your daughter had thrown him aside, after sucking him dry of money and when he turned worthless a penny.

Guan young master hanged himself and died as of later, my daughter she was heartbroken, died..., died of committing suicide followed him to her death.

" Ah~~~ She was stolen from me by your daughter... can you bring my daughter back alive? "

Jian lin could see tears of anger flowing out his eyes

He was smacking Jian lin on his head with a wooden baton, amidst the curses that were bellowing upon Jian lin.

" What should I do? My family was destroyed by yours, so what? Should I cry out the rest of my days... weeping about the memories of my daughter... no!

Smash! Smash! Smash! Smash!

" I want revenge! "

" Revenge for my daughter! "

" Revenge for my family! "

" And revenge for me! "

" Revenge was the driving force that was keeping me alive, till now! "

" I first initiated my plot with your son. Your prodigious son Jian lu, youngest martial sovereign at an age of 15... I dragged him to back to the weakest peasant!

I had poisoned him and lead him to qi deviation. Even though he had survived, it was not worse than living death, correct me if I'm wrong. "

Jian lu from that day forth lived as a waste, after losing his cultivation, titles and friends.

" As a result, his cultivation realm had fallen to body refinement 3rd stage cultivator, even a potential less brat, born out from the family of peasants would be able to reach 9th stage, much less of him at 3rd.

" I collaborated with shen family made Shen yin poison your son with potent aphrodisiac, and was made him lose all face. "

"Just like my daughter, I made your son bleed through and narrated a suicide. Didn't expect your daughter to step in and intervene in my plans.

But still, he was not able to escape completely out of my reach. I bribed Wu's pavilion and had used them to threat your son prior to Elder Wu return, made them damage your sons condition to an extreme until.... until...only a divine pill could heal his injuries. "

" He he he.... Chongjian pill one such pill was present within our treasury, it can alone treat Jian lu's injury at that time, thank you for falling prey to my trap! "

" I bribed Grand Elder jin to suggest a spar to kill, using Xuan saint artefact that second ancestor gave me, little did I expect the first ancestor to disrupt my plot, But still made your sworn brothers sell you over measly breakthrough ancestor pill, what a lame cause of your impending death by trusting them. "

Hearing the exclamation about his Grievance and ploys, Jian lin sneered exclaiming internally

" As expected of you bastard, so what in the end didn't I saved my own family? "

" Here's a present to an old friend, before killing him! "

Grand Elder zing opened and passed an old leathery iron container, with a weird intent over his eyes, those were the eyes of anticipation that Jian lin has seen over Grand Elder zings face.

When Jian lin opened the box he had a horror-stricken expression.

He was holding a container, which contained a few clean butchered head of all his family relatives and brothers, who used to have an intimate relationship with him.

But amidst the heads, present within the container, there was one particular head which Jian lin refuses to believe. It was the person that Jian lin entrusted his children before leaving to foreign lands, it the very same person who had sentenced him to kill demon beast in foreign lands, the first ancestor of Jian family.


" What! Happened! To! My children? "

Cough! Cough!

" Where! Are! my! children... Jian zing?

Cough! Cough!

Jian lin who was earlier mutilated by Grand Elder Zing exclaimed out with great difficulty over his speech.

" Oh! your children. I'll send you to meet them soon, in hell! "

" Hahaha... shout loudly, lu'er... Mei'er... Forgive me, for being incompetent and as a failure of father! "

Grand elder zing started to state out his misconduct, which he had done proudly in front of Jian lin.

" Your son I personally butchered him to thousand pieces and had him fed to wild beast "

" Your daughter, I pity her... with such a beautiful face and voluptuous body, how could I waste that asset by simply killing her? "

So I made an exception with her case... and you can probably imagine the aftermath right... he he he.. "

With a wide sneer on his face, he started to make sinister laughs.


Clang! Clang!

The chains started rattling loud, followed by the presence within the cell which started filling with the intent to kill!

Hearing this last statement, Jian lin who was in a miserable state was heartbroken and of the moment, with no strength to stand or even yelling out loudly, he was crying dry tears, filled with rage and anger wanting to do nothing but to devour Jian zing a whole.

It was an awful and pitiable sight to see but, was a marvellous and delightful scene to a particular such person, Grand elder zing!

Jian lin bellowed out

" I curse you Jian zing, I curse you, you will die a tragic death, pain that no man has ever experienced. "

" If I am given another chance, an opportunity, even if I have to break out the hell after thousands of years, I will come back to kill you, to kill... to... ki....!! "

Jian lin with the last ounce of energy, he could gather, cursed out at Grand Elder zing before dying out.

Jian lin's soul which was originally leaving the Mortal body was sickened out by a golden vortex, he apparently found him, lying in a different place

It was an endless, white light was laminating from all over the space, suddenly a message popped up in his mind with a blue colour screen that appeared out of nowhere.

" Ding! Host has been selected for Demon Slaying System program! "

" Ding! Host has obtained the qualifications to become a player! Does host accept? "

" Ding! The host has been allowed with 120 seconds time to accept the deal! Failure of acceptance would lead to perishing of the host's soul, in a myriad number of realms! "

" Demon... Slaying... System? Host...? "

It was a high pitched voice, and it was cute and childish on top of it.

When Jian lin heard these words he was startled for a second as he was not able to understand the current situation.

" Well! As long as I have my revenge, I can sell my soul to the demon or can become a devil himself? "

" Ding! System takes this answer of the host as accepting the deal! "

The surroundings around him started to change, as if the world around him was collapsing this moment.

" Ding! Initiating Demon slaying system! "