Chapter 2 : Trial 2 ( part 1 )

" Ding! Host has entered into second floor of the trial tower. " System exclaimed as usual.

Unlike the first floor where Jian lin was welcomed with a world filled with blood and corpses, a land that was completely barren without a vegetation, and was also quite chaotic to live. The second floor had received him with the presence of a dense forest.

His surrounding were lushfully green, especially the tall and broad towering trees which had been piercing the sky, were eye catching and seen almost every where around him.

Large animals, colourful birds and strange Insects were seen crawling around, which made his interpretation of this place to be a forest.

Jian lin's perception after reaching level 10 had risen sharply, since his sense value turned double. Even without using his mind's map, he could almost view things that were present far away from his position.

Birds and insects hundreds of meters away from him could be seen in a magnified view, at his own will. His map also increased its range from 1000 meters to 2000 meters, as his sense was doubled.

There's a saying that a traveller had climbed a tall mountain around him, to get a clear view of his surroundings when he was lost his sense of direction.

Jian lin case was also similar to the story above. Just that he was sended directly into an unknown forest, to prevent himself from getting lost, he started to climb a tall tree which was located next to him.

He started climbing as to get a better view about his surroundings, since the map provided by the system in his mind was not that useful to him as of now and it only showed him the blind location of the trees and the monsters that were located on top them, as a green background contributed by the gigantic tree with blue dots which had almost covered the green.

Few hours after the climb, he was on his half way reaching the tree top, but still he had not encountered a single monster to begin with.

So he decides to take rest on the branch which was few meters above to him.

Jian lin reached the branch's upper surface. Hilariously, being a brach, which he had encountered for the first time, It's surface area was so large and wide that even a small village can be built with out a trouble for accommodation.

When he was planing on taking a small nap, getting re-energized before climbing his way to the tree top, he heard few strange noises that attracted his attention.

They was a small disturbance on the branch. Two groups of creatures were fighting the each other.

One group of individuals whose body was flexible and also agile. They had been covering their body with thick animal hide, to preserve the body temperature against cold winds at the present high altitude.

They were using certain long range weapons, bows, spheres, they appears to hunt the other group of creatures, whose external body covered by ambered colour exoskeleton, with a large fangs extruded out their mouth that looked sharper than a regular blade. It resembled a insect that appeared similar to a large centipede, with a lengths ranging from three to five meters long.

A giant insect like looking monster, which was the largest among their group, presumably their leader was critically wounded by their ranged weapons. It was loosing blue coloured blood from its injuries, which had almost drenched the part of branch surface, it was standing on.

It was about to die from the Mortal wound that it had suffered from their volleys, almost all of its kin had already been beheaded by the other group, who had tactically cut off their enemies head to prevent further complications in the current battle.

After examining closely, those creature appeared out to be humans, which had been living on the trees like that of tribals in the hilly mountain.

They were using the animal like hide to cover their bodies to prevent it from turning cold. There were many such humans that were taller than 6 feet and also robust, as if they were born in this world to fight.

Just when the tribals were going to reap the spoils of the battle, a giant snake, who's mouth was so large that it could even swallow an adult bear at ease was revealed.

There's also a saying for the current, the situation survival of the fittest.

The one who's more brute than the others party never matters in the survival world, only the ones that better adapt themselves to the environment matters.

The giant snake was taking advantage of their fight to steal their hunt. It was light green in colour with its eyes that were almost dark green that almost appeared black.

It was a perfect body for camouflaging in the wilderness. It had sharp teeth along with a couple of fangs on both the sides, and was not like like what an ordinary snake would appear.

After swallowing the insect it hunger was still not satiated, It wants to eat more. The tender and soft flesh of humans was way better than what normal giant insects or animals could present to it.

Name : Great boa

Class : monster

Subclass : Crimson eyed snake.

Level : 25

Monster's Attributes

Attack : 70 Agility : 30

Health : 1080/1280 Defense. : 40

lntelligence : 20 Sense : 120

Mana /Qi : 200

Skills : Iron whip , bite , thrust ,spit.

Armaments : none.

Jian lin by his nature would try to help them as they were also humans to begin with.

Since there's a saying goes by that saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven floor pagoda.

Even before Jian lin has reached out to extend his help to the tribals. The snake has eaten more than 10 humans in a gulp and left behind with few souks that were still alive, being at the mercy of this monster.

The tribals were making a encirclement around a single person, that appeared to be a women. They were willingly sacrificing their lives for her safety, a tight ran his mind " She had to be someone special for them to be willing to lay down their life for her cause.

Jian lin was eager at testing his newly obtained skill fire blade, holding the goblin's blade, one on each hand, Jian lin leaned his body a little with his legs bend backwards like a jaguar he started dash forward toward the snake, leaving behind a tail of shadow, the blades turned molten red, with few flakes like cracklings heard in its surface.

The snake was naturally targeting the tribals, it's full attention was focused on them, so it was not able to sence Jian lin's blades approaching it's belly, at high speed.

Just before the blade had reached few centimeters away from the hard scales of the snake, that were capable enough to defend against tribals weapons, the snake for notified of his presence.

—[CHOP]— , —[CHOP]—

It was too late for the snake to dodge the attack or counter it back, it became defenseless against the blows received from Jian lin. Blood was pumping out from the open cuts ceaselessly and the scene looked quite brutal.

" Ding! Proficiency of fire blade increased by 10. "

" Ding! Proficiency of fire blade increased by 10. "

[- 100, -100] These two attacks have nearly taken one third of its HP, after taking account of the damage caused by the tribals who were attacking it prior to him.

The snake used his heavy tail to whip it around the Jian lin's body. All of a sudden, It's dark green eyes turned crimson. Instinctively Jian lin felt the snake growing stronger.

He abandoned his chance to strike it again and crossed his blades with the flat edges passing over his elbows and made it a temporary shield to receive it's blow.

Jian lin was tossed towards the main trunk. He exited the cross pattern of the blades and turned the blade's flat extensions towards the trunk abruptly, placed his feet right over it's surface, to reduce the impact received on his body and also support his body from to last against that blow he received from the tail.

The trunk started developing cracks and formed a spiderweb pattern ranging a meter around his feet, which had also sunk few centimeters into its depth.

Though his instincts turned true, the result was not as what Jian lin expected it to be. Even tough he succeeded in defending against that blow, his blade developed few cracks at the margins that can break any moment from now.

The tribals were dumbfounded all of a sudden, of that impact had been landed over their bodies, there would not be a single bone which would be left intact, being thoroughly crushed under the impact.

Even the snake itself was startled by the result. No one had ever survived even a single blow from it, him tell the tale. But Jian lin not only had escaped his death but was extremely fine with only few bruises over his arms, that he received during the impact.

This had naturally hurt the pride of the snake, being one of the apex predator in this forest it was always confident of its powers. But now a creature who was even smaller than the length of its fang had managed to do it.

Jian lin wanted to double check his instincts. He noticed that the stats and level of the snake has increased dramatically. When it's eyes colour changed to crimson red from dark green, it had entered a state of bring enraged.

Name : Great boa ( Enraged )

Class : Monster

Subclass : crimson eyed snake.

Level : 25+4

Monster's Attributes

Attack : 70+20

Agility : 30+10

Health : 2000/1280+720

Defense : 40+20

lntelligence : 20-10

Sense : 120+80

Mana /Qi : 200-100

Skills : Iron whip, Bite, Thrust, Spit

Armaments : none

Just before the Great Boa opened its jaws wide, and tried swallowing Jian lin, after jumping straight towards his direction, ignoring the tribals.

Being enraged, though it had made its strength leap bounds, it had also affected it's brain decreasing it's intelligence is a collateral.

Jian lin swiftly took a side step, letting the fangs pass his side, few centimeters away from his face. At the same time he took both the blade and struck it in unison, past the corner of the mouth, after activating the skill, fire blade.

Gritting his teeth hard, strengthing his hands to his peak, using the momentum of the snake to his advantage and making use of it against the snake. He leaps forward, slicing throughout the course of the body till the distal end of it's tail. A wide and deep gash was lacerated against the snake.

[ -1600- ]

" Ding! Proficiency of fire blade increased by 80. "

" Ding! Fire blade proficieny reached maximum for the level, upgrading the skill to level 2. "

The last strike had nearly killed the great boa, Jian lin was startled by the number system had popped before his eyes.

His ordinary attacks at full might only caused a measly damage of 100, but the damage which the last blow had landed over it's body had almost taken 80% of it's HP, in a single flash. The fire blade has also upgraded to a higher level at such a perfect timing.


The snake cried out an loud screech from its mouth. It's eyes turned to dark green again and it's HP was well below 400 points.

It's body was slamming against the trunk, by its momentum, and looked extremely weak under that condition.

Jian lin does not want to give enough time for the snake to recover. He dashed forward to finish off the snake for good, the snake tried to defend it's body by countering him with acid spits that it released out from it's mouth.

They were similar to bullets, trying to pierce Jian lin with its corrosive acids. By simply employing the side steps, he dodged the trajectory of the split, and used the blade when ever the side step were not effective enough.

The snake tried to gave out her last shot and pounced towards Jian lin. He jumped right over it's head avoiding it's jaws. Making a whirl around it's neck, with his hands which were spread wide apart, Jian lin beheaded the snakes head from its large body.


The large head of the snake has been separated, and it's body had fallen abruptly on the branches surface. With a series of messages popped up in his head, Jian lin started feeling himself getting stronger. The pleasant feeling of leveling could never be forgotten by him.

Fire blade's attack power had increased sharply, and it was sufficient for Jian lin to wipe out rest of the HP from this giant snakes body.


" Ding! Host has managed killed great boa, host acquired 800,000 exp. Since host has done cross level killing, experience multiples by 20. "

" Ding! Proficiency of fire blade increased by 20. "

" Ding! Host leveled up! "

" Ding! Host leveled up! "




" Ding! host leveled up! "

Jian lin sharply levelled from level 10 to level 15. This was a great deal for him, as levelling to higher level keeps on becoming tough, and becomes an arduous process, as the experience needed will increase exponentially.

Demon Slaying System

Player's name : Jian lin

Player's race : Human

Player's age : 45

Player's level : 15 (225870/1000000 exp)

location : Second floor of trial tower.

Current quest : none

Title : Goblin killer

Players Attributes

Attack : 60 Agility : 60

Health : 250 Defense. : 75

lntelligence : 300 Sense : 250

Mana / Qi : 3000

Skill points : 75

Skills : Fire Blade - lv 2 [(20/500 p) , ( 400 % more damage to target , cool down time - 45minutes ), ( mana consumption -200 / second )]

Armaments : Novice robe (HP =+60 , Defense =+12) , goblin blade ( attack +15 ).

These tribals were dumbfounded, and had not recovered from the shock earlier, the whole battle took about for 20 seconds. Even if their whole tribe were to be united and attack the boa from all directions, they may not necessarily be able to kill that creature, nevertheless killing it, like Jian lin who had single handedly beheaded such monstrous creature. How could they not be shocked. If this feat was not sufficient to startle them then what possibly could do so.

Eight of the original count of twenty were able to survive, contributed to Jian lin who took care of the giant monster for them.

Though they were necessarily saved by him, they still had to put up their guard. The tribals were afraid that Jian lin may be dispatched by some foreign tribe, unknown to them with an objective to conquer their tribe, and take procession of their tribe's women as slaves to use. Jian lin understood the worryness in their eyes and cast down his weapons to decrease the fright in their eyes.

The fear lingering in their eyes diminished, an aged old person that seemed to be the coordinator for this group stood out. though the words exclaimed out his mouth were not understandable, he could see the hints of gratefulness emerged in their eyes.

Jian lin asked the system for help. Since it could miraculously send him to this place, wouldn't it not be able to translate out their language for him?

" Ding! Preparing the host to perceive the language. "

" Warrior! We thank you on behalf of our tribe for killing the snake god boa, which was a great threat to the survival of my tribe. Other than women and cloths we are willing to surrender our spoils, for the warrior to let us leave the place! "

Name : kark urn

class : human

level : 16

Occupation : Tribe's elder


Attack : 25

Agility : 20

Health : 180

Defense : 20

lntelligence : 22

Sense : 15

Mana /Qi : 220

Skills : Throw ,Thurst

Armaments : Plain robes

Jian lin was shocked, " Is this for real! he's a level higher than me. But why are his attributes smaller than me by a large margin. Two times, no it's almost three times lesser than my current value.

since iam a player to begin with I may have higher attribute value, or the old man had turned senile, decreasing out his attribute values as he ages. "

Jian lin was not sure about the exact cause for the great difference, until he examined the attributes of the other surviving tribals, which gave out the answer for his curiosity. they were even weaker than the old man before him, " No wonder they became easy prey for the snake monster. " exclaiming internally, just lin turned his head toward the old kark and asked the thing he wanted for. " Can you tell this warrior the location of the goblin village. "

Old kark frowned a minute, not sure about the reason as to why his savior was asking for the direction of that hell hole, but since it was the request from his Savior itself, he extended his hand to a direction, pointing it at a place that appears quite distant from this place, and exclaimed. " Warrior, few hundred kilometers from here, there is a goblin village, and it's not safe going to that place anymore. Their strength could easily kill the existence of snake god boa hundreds of times within seconds. this old man advices you to stop seeking out for that place. "

" What? " Jian lin startled, it was as if hundreds of horses smiling over his face and were galloping over his heart. " Ha ha few hundred kilometers you say, in this damned forest travelling a hundred kilometers per day would be an great achievement, what concept does travelling hundreds of kilometers carry. "

His face lost its composure earlier, it looked extremely troubled. His mind was extremely troubled, systems warning had abruptly relapsed through his mind. If my soul really perished what could possibly happen to my revenge.

Seeing the troubled expression on Jian lin's face, Old Kark suddenly exclaimed " Warrior! Why do you want to go to that goblin village, is there a strong reason behind it, with their expanse, it's not safe going there any more. "

" To kill them! what else? "Jian lin exclaimed in anger.

" Not go to that place, then are you telling me to go suicide, since my soul would perish if i ain't. " Jian lin had bellowed internally.

" Warrior! Even if it's for you... You may not necessarily return alive from that hell hole. "

Since arguing with him ain't gonna bring any change, Jian lin asked for a way to reach that place as fast as possible.

" Is there a way to go there? Faster! Very fast within a day! "Juan lin said with eyes filled with fear, just thinking about the possibility to the failure of his trial.

" Our tribe has a flying lizard, it can cover hundreds of kilometers in few hours".

" Oh fuck... Why didn't you said so before making me almost die of a heart attack! " Jian lin exclaimed in his heart.

" Then let me borrow it for a couple of days, I will return it within a few days from today! "Jian lin asked politely, since it was him who was in need of it the most.

" But warrior, our tribe announced a banquet to celebrate our young lady birthday... We have decided to gift that flying mount to the champion. "

" That's easy then, need to beat the shit out of my challengers right? That'll save my time any way. " Jian lin gave an bold statement that startled the rest of the tribesmen, if it was for any one they would probably curse at him for being conceited.

But since it was Jian lin who had said boldly, the old kark gave a smirk at the corner of his lips, which had almost failed to be perceived by Jian lin, who was excited after hearing the words he needs to hear the most.

" Warrior... Then are you going to enter... the banquet! " Old kark asked excitedly, Jian lin nodded his head confirming his question. They all started climbing the tree towards its top.

Jian lin went to their tribe, which was present over at top of the tall towering tree.

There were more than 500 tribesmen in that particular tribe, there was a lively atmosphere present around, the banquet went well following it was the martial competition, which Jian lin wants to win, no matter what it takes he was going to crush all his competitors and win the flying mount.

There were many representatives from the other tribes that had visited this place for the banquet. Jian lin did not want to waste any more time than it had already, his time was limited to he decided to challenge all participants at once. Naturally it hurted their pride, they wants to let Jian lin know his place. They want to teach Jian lin a lesson.

But who would have thought that Jian lin had wiped out their a**, untill, even their mother's may fail at recognizing them.

But when every other representatives were crying out under pain, Jian lin was happy. if your are wondering why? Because he could now travel many times faster with his newly acquired mount.

But at the end of banquet, system gave out a weird message that startled him and almost made him fall over the grounds.

" Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring a new wife. "

"Congratulations! New wife! "

When the tribe leader announced the prize, Jian lin was startled, " You sent me some maids, that's acceptable, but... Why a wife? Fuck! Old Kark, you played me right! "

Jian lin was in his guest room, when he heard that Ding originate from the system. It was the very girl that he risked his life protecting, by slaying the great boa. Old Kark was hiding right at the moment not to be spotted by any.

Jian lin wants to refute by saying a " no ", but after he heard the rules set by the tribe, he had sigh as he was left with no other choice, but to accept her.

Since the moment, he had driven away the other tribes representatives after the fight at the banquet arranged by the tribes chief, she belonged solely to him, were he to refuse her after marriage, she would have to become a widow who had been abandoned by her husband.

Jian lin naturally does not want to ruin her life, just over a slight misunderstanding he interpreted, contributed to old kark.

Since the marriage had already took place, he now finds an other reason to live, not just for the sake of revenge but also as a man who need to accept his responsibility and uphold what he should.

He later, takes his newly acquired wife, Aimin jarkan*(3), along with the flying lizard and departs to the direction of the goblin village. To destroy that area for completing his second trial, a step forward towards his reincarnation.

Author notes :

Characters introduced:

1 . Old kark - the one who played Jian lin, and was the cause for him to win a wife along with his new flying mount.

2 . Tribe Chief - The new father in law of Jian lin in the trial tower

3 . Aimin jarkan - His new wife in the trial tower.