Chapter 5 : Trial 3 ( Part 1)

Jian lin now founds him self being warped out in a strange forest. The sky was dark and strangely there were three moons which were glowing white in the sky. Chill winds were blowing against his body and the forest has an strange aura to it, as it was emitting traces of blood lust from it.

Trail : 3 (( Difficulty – E class 10 star ))

Location : Trail Tower—3rd floor

Time alloted : Unlimited

Type : Chain trial

completion : (0/4)

Part 1 : Heal the targets

Time : 1 day

Target : Prisoners

Number : 3

Reward : Mystic masks (Helps in disguising)

Host is provided with a mission, to successfully heal the targets, before the deadline. The targets are held in underground facility, cell number 1.

Death of any trial targets is not acceptable, if found host's soul would perish, as host had failed his mission, due to his incompatibility, over securing the targets lives.

Jian lin have a minor task for his wyvren and started walking towards the place where the aura of the blood lust emitting was thick and densest.

Reasoning that the quest targets may be held at that place, as his instincts suggest, he walked straight to it.

Thick fog started to condense as he was walking towards the source, Jian lin was hardly able to see things few meters ahead suddenly Jian lin was able to see a gigantic shadow.

He finds himself on top a high land, standing few hundred feet in front of a gigantic fort. Two words were written over the large gate of this fort, " Purgatory Palace. "

Jian lin with his agility and strength attribute, started to jump at high as he could at present conditions, luckily he managed to jump directly over to the embrasures present on the wall, from which large canons were extruded out.

He silences the guards that were sobering in the chamber, he disguises himself as a guard and walks towards the prisoners area where prisoners were being held.

He enters the underground facility and reaches near the Cell Number 1 and founds a complicated locks attributed with an array was set over the place.

He wanted to finish his work without alerting the guards or the soldiers, that were present inside the fort walls. He silenced the guards that were patrolling by and utilizes the system that has given him the pattern to unlock the cell and he managed to unlock the door.

When he opened the door, he manages to see three prisoners that were held in chains. There were two elderly people who were unconscious, and a young man was staring over Jian lin with a cold glare from his eyes.

That young man had an air of nobility around him, and after looking at Jian lin he bellowed. " Hadn't you had enough already... you bastard! "

Jian lin has seen a young man who's face was bleeding completely with several cut end bruises. With his body that was mutilated completely, he looked pathetic.

" Hey! hey!? Is this the way to speak to your benefactor, that had come over to this place to save you and your's worthless lives. "

Jian lin was angered by this young man's attitude. Though he had came over to this place to complete his trial, he had his own pride to begin with.

He calmed down immediately, after reasoning that, this young man may had mistaken him for a guard, and after examining his current state he has remided Jian lin about his past when he was imprisoned by grand elder zing.

After clearing the misunderstanding between them. Jian lin started to wake the unconscious elderly people and heals them with the pills provided by the system.

The young man had found himself, that all his injuries were gone miraculously as if the injuries were not present to begin with. His skin become more whiter and soft than it used to be which had almost dumbfounded him, he muttered " Which godly alchemist had made this pills. " The elderly people felt that all their energy was revitalized and their broken mana core was also reconstructed.

" Ding! Host has completed his first part in the third trial. Rewarding host with mystic masks. "

Mystic masks, (Helps in disguising, lasts for a couple of weeks )

Three masks, whose Appearance resembling anonymous character were popped up in Jian lin's hands.

"A strange mask indeed. " Jian lin exclaimed in his heart.

" Ding! Host has completed first part of third trial, proceeding to second part. "

Trail : 3 (( Difficulty – 'E class' 10 star ))

Location : Trail Tower—3rd floor

Time alloted : Unlimited

Type : Chain trial

completion : (1/4)

Part 2 : Rescue the targets

Time : 1 day

Target : Prisoners

Number : 3

Reward : Permament boost in " 10 points for all attributes in the host. "

Host have to rescue the targets without letting guards knowing the absence of their presence from the cells.

Jian lin sneered in his heart " As I had anticipated before, rescue was the second part of my trail, system would simply not let me heal these target and let them be mutilated again in these cells, So I have to rescue these people. But still not alerting the guards about their absence.

Jian lin's hand was holding the mystic mask, and suddenly an idea popped up to his mind, " So these rewards could be used as such, system you sure are something. "

He searched for three gaurds who's height matched his targets, made them unconscious dragged them back to the cell broken their Mana Core or Dantian and disguised their face pretty well as that of the targets, and chained them back to the walls after beating them hard to make an perfect disguise.

"Benefactor, what are you trying to do " seeing Jian lin disguise these gaurds, similar to their faces they asked in unison.

"Ah! Me, I am just disguising them. After which we will make an escape and they may not notice your absence. "

" Benefactor, then why don't you just break their vocal cords and well. When they get their conscious back, wouldn't their voice give out that weren't the prisoners, but were the guards working here. "

"If you were a guard working here, would you rather believe their claims and set them free? "

A thought ran their mind all of a sudden, if these spacegoats were to cry out that they don't the prisoners to begin with, but the guards working at this place, would any one believe them? No! They would either be taken for a troublemaker or a retard that went crazy on their own accord. Such a vicious plot indeed, they exclaimed in their heart.

Jian lin gave a signal to his Wyvren and let it made an mess over the purgatory palace. A level 35 beast would already be considered strong enough in this world, so when all the guards were busy managing to drive away this Wyvern, Jian lin and his gang successfully managed to escape out of the prison under the chaos.

Jian lin then gave an another signal to his Wyvren, indicating to escape from that place, and fly far way to meet them in the forest later.

After successfully rescuing them from the prison, Jian lin heard the system notification, as he had completed the second part of the trial. The details about the third part of the trail was presented on the systems interface.

Trail : 3 (( Difficulty – E class 10 star ))

Location : Trail Tower—3rd floor

Time alloted : Unlimited

Type : Chain trial

completion : (2/4)

Part 3 : Slaughter

Time : 1 week

Target : Second prince, Arch Bishop .

Number : 2

Reward : Fake emperors seal.

Host! The youngest target used to be prime prince for his Empire. His younger brother had made a deal with the Demons and plotted viciously against him, overthrowing him to acquired his seat.

The second prince's coronation will be held shortly within a week. Host has to stop his coronation and prevent him from ascending an emperor.

Arch Bishop, the next in authority to pope had fallen under a demons spell and his soul can not be released, unless it was set free by separating it from it's mortal body by killing him.

Had host failed to stop the Emperor's coronation and to kill the Arch Bishop and well, this floor will be fallen under demons rule. The host who has failed his mission would have his soul perished by then. "

Jian lin was startled as he was now involved in an serious matter that depends on the survivability of the human race.

Jian lin later with his three new companions were riding on his Wyvren , away from that place towards an nearest city to rest in an inn.

The information provided by the system was not sufficient for Jian lin to preform his task so he asks out his targets to tell him how did they ended up in their sorrow state in that prison .

He started with the young man who had just called him bastard before to speak about himself.

"What , you don't know me , then why did you save me from that prison ."the young man asked an he was surprised , when Jian lin asked him to explain about himself.

" I used to be the proud first prince of Great Empire of Maxim , my younger brother had an affair with my fiance , he later using her and several nobles plotted a plan and sold me to the demons when later I was sended back to my Empire after collecting all my bloodlone essence , but now all my loyal retainers have turned their back to me and started boot licking my younger brother for his favor since he was in power and was coronated as Crown prince , I was sended to prison and they informed the masses that Crown prince committed suicide , unable to bear the pains due to the torture committed by the Demons . Now he was going to be coronated as an emperor while I was resting in the prison as a prisoner , until you came and rescued us."

Name : Arthur Maxim

class : human

level : 10

Occupation : Former Crown prince


Attack : 17

Agility : 20

Health : 180

Defense : 18

lntelligence : 30

Sense : 25

Mana /Qi : 300

Skills : Throw ,Thurst , wind sword lv 1 ( 200% more damage to target , mana consumption 50 / second )

Armaments : guard robes ( HP =+ 50 , Defense = + 10 ).

Fuck .... , such low stats now i get why the nobles , were reluctant to follow him.

"Being under tight security in that prison I thought that you were somebody important , so i thought i may get some reward in rescuing you. "

Then one elder came forward and said "Benefactor , I was used to be Prime Minister of the great Maxim Empire I came to know about the plot of the prince's fiance , she was having an affair with her secret lover , and was caught by me doing adultery , but I was accused of trying to force myself on her , I was imprisoned and was later sended to this prison ."

Name : Ron Fredric

class : human

level : 29

Occupation : Former Prime Minister


Attack : 60

Agility : 20

Health : 480

Defense : 72

lntelligence : 560

Sense : 125

Mana /Qi : 5600

Skills : Wind tornado ,Thurst , wind arrow lv 3 ( 400% more damage to target , mana consumption 50 / second )

Armaments : guard robes ( HP =+ 50 , Defense = + 10 ).

Man..... , finally a decent one with normal stats Jian lin exclaimed in his heart.

The other elderly man came forward and said , " Benefactor, I am Pope Gran Bolton, of Averron church, who preaches goddess Averron. If you have any problems in future, this Pope shall aid you and make that trouble maker curse at his shortsightedness for making things hard for my benefactor. "

Name : Gran Bolton

class : human

level : 45

Occupation : pope


Attack : 260

Agility : 120

Health : 4800

Defense : 300

lntelligence : 5600

Sense : 1250

Mana /Qi : 56000

Skills : Holy light, Sacred ray, Purified arrow lv 3 ( 1000% more damage to demons, mana consumption 50 / shot )

Armaments : Guard robes ( HP =+ 50, Defense = + 10 )

Blessing : Blessing of goddess Averron (Mana consumption decreases by 90 % and Mana regeneration speed increases by 20 %)

Freak! He wanted to shout out loud but finally managed to control his voice. A man with such strong powers, a character of such a high status was reduced as such previously. Just how could it became possible for him to get caught by this weak world? Is the quest an mutant case again!

"Ding! System is fair and has conducted a fair trial for host so far. Host does not to worry about getting his a** wiped out again, as mutants are not cabbages found in the market? "

Fuck! How did I forgot that this system can read minds. Jian lin bellowed in his heart angrily.

" Ding! language... "

Jian lin now became expressionless.