Chapter : 8 Is ' Mark white ' a waste

Mark woke up early during that morning. His parents were not present at his mansion, but left behind a letter stating.

" Dear mark, we are currently busy and staying at count berhan's place. We would return back in about a hour from now. Finish off the breakfast and don't forget your milk, today's a special day for you so you have to dress up properly and your siblings are with us so you don't have to panic. With love.... your mother Mira. "

half a hour later.

Mark was dressed in black colour robes. It looked costly, but his parents some how bought it for his special day.

" Neigh! Neigh! "

Mark was able to hear the sounds of horses outside his mansion. His escort had arrived fast. When he opened the door to examine them, he was startled.

Four war horses carrying a luxurious carriage was stationed outside his mansion. The carriage itself was guarded by few tens of cavalry knights, whose levels were above twenty.

A person who was dressed lavishly from top till bottom has made out his appearance opening the carriage. A strong pet, that appeared similar to a parrot was present over his shoulder, a level 35 monster which tammed by him.

The one who was riding within the carriage, to escorting him for awaking was a well known figure around the region. The master of Berhan family, Count Berhan himself.

Was he personally gonna be escorted by the Count Berhan to the church. Mark was startled, he knew this Count's personlity pretty well. Count was not generous enough to escort an lower ranked nobel's son such as Mark without a proper reason.

The bright smile over face gave out everything. Mark exclaimed internally " I can see through your intentions, fool! Are you now trying to bootlick me right now? Yes, the famous and ruthless count also had a day, where he needs to bootlick others. "

Mark can read his mind as simple as reading a sheet of paper.

Count Berhan was previously thinking about the benefits he could earn this time, like what nobles usually do.

Were he to present a prodigy to the royal court, under his banner. His popularity may be elevated sparkly, his status may even be directly promoted to that of an Earl, for his merits.

After peeking at his information, mark had founded out the stats of count. A lv 31 individual, no wonder you were able to maintain your seat, preventing others from snatching it.

Name : Ricardo Berhan

class : human

Level : 31 (Aura grand master)

Occupation : Count of dragon heart kingdom.


Attack : 180

Agility : 138

Health : 560

Defense : 142

lntelligence : 80

Sense : 90

Mana /Qi : 800

Skills : Dash , Fire Barret , Fire wall , Fire arrow , Wind shield , wind tunnel, Sword force lv 4 ( 600% more damage to target , mana consumption 1/ second )

Armaments : Lesser dragon's vest ( HP =+ 550 , Defense = + 50 )

Elements : Fire magic , Wind magic.

A noble of his status, would had already stepped on the bodies of several of his own kin and brothers before attaining his inheritance and obtaining his current seat.

So unless a deal which could hype him up, he would seldom make his appearance, and even lower his dignity of a count to escort a baron's son.

A butler immediately put down a stool and opened the door, to let mark enter the carriage. He was sitting in the front coach, facing opposite to the Count inside. Mark's father and mother were also present sorted next to him. His two little siblings were sleeping without a noise in their mother's arms.

After travelling their journey of few hours to their destination, mark had finally reached the place where he could start his awakening procedures. The Monnete city, blue castle was under the governance of count Berhan, the place he was gonna reside temporarily. He enters the church by the next morning. There were many children who were standing in few rows ahead of Mark, trying to start their core awakening. Some were happy with h

joy, exclaiming it loud while some were crying, weeping their tears, as they failed to awaken their mana core. They may have an another chance, four years from today where their second awakening could be done, hopefully they may awaken them, as the chances of success increased by slight margin during that period. If not they would have to live the rest their lives, unable to walk down a journey of a mage.

Only one among thousand, by their destiny would be able to awaken their dormant mana core, and become a true mage. The apparatus used for awakening would be wasted even for those who had failed to awaken their cores. So it was obvious that the church had placed some restrictions, to filter out excessive weeds, as they would waste the precious resources provided by them, unable to awaken their core. Since their precious mana stones would be wasted for nothing, unless a child awaken his core. A recommendation letter by local nobels, for geniuses of their regiom, who shows exceptionally high brain activity, for childrens of their age group, would have relatively high chances of awakening. Bribery and corruption which takes place, is also making church bear heavy losses. do they had limited the recommendation accordingly to their nobility. To access the apparatus for awakening, rich merchants and families would have to pay the price for using them which could cost up to several hundreds of gold coins.

Tough Mark's was a born nobel, his father's status of Baron did not have sufficient influence to recommend him, thus Count Berhan has volunteered to represent Mark. If Mark had succeeded it would be him, who would be profited by royal court for helping them in producing a mage, but if failed he would probably have to move on, searching for other gold fishes who could benefit him.

Mark could see several people dressed in luxurious suits, presumbtly nobles. Some came to the church to see awakenings of their children's, while others came to watch mark's awakening.

There are 10 different types of stones with varying colours in each testing apparatus. They are small, roughly a size of pea grain. The awakening proceeds by the concept of resonance, the stone which resonates with a particular tester would unlock the restrictions of that particular element in the cores. The intensity of the resonance is measured by the mana gauge over which these stones are imbibed.

After a duration of five minutes, it was finally mark's turn. This was the time where the hall had fallen to complete silence. The ticking sounds of the clock present in the halls could be heard loud and clear by the on. very spectator was exited and curious. They had to leave their respective towns or cities to arrive at this place, the church. They were waiting for this exact moment where mark would have his awakening process, the moment where he shows his brilliance.

Mark was able see father of this church, who specially came by himself, to arrange the procedures for his awakening.

Name : Aron wald

class : human

level : 25

Occupation : Father of church in Monnete city.


Attack : 80

Agility : 38

Health : 360

Defense : 42

lntelligence : 300

Sense : 125

Mana /Qi : 3000

Skills : heal, purify, holy sword basics lv 5 ( 2000% more damage to demons, mana consumption 50 / second )

Armaments : High Priest's robes ( HP =+ 150 , Defense = + 30 , Mana = +1000 ).

Blessing : Aura of life ( 50% less consumption of mana with 200% efficiency in healing type magic )

Elements : Water magic, Earth magic

Man you're too weak, aren't you supposed to be a leading figure of this city. Mark white who seen through the attributes and status of the father had sneered in his heart.

" Ding!! not everyone has a system with them host. "

"Ah.. i know i know... " Mark white bellowed angrily at system for peeking through his thoughts.

Just when Mark placed his hand on the holder from which the other ten stones were connected by means of conducting rods and they were arranged in a semicircular way , messages from system popped up in his mind.

" Ding , system has detected , wind stone does host want to bind with wind stone. "

" Ding , system has detected , lightning stone does host want to bind with wind stone. "

" Ding , system has detected , water stone does host want to bind with wind stone. "





" Ding , system has detected , space stone does host want to bind with wind stone. "

" Ding , system has detected , darkness stone does host want to bind with wind stone. "

Those messages were asking Mark white to pick which , element he wants to pick. he can see that almost all elements were corresponding with him , Mark White just needs to click OK in the system interface to bind the element that wants to choose

The awakening elements were classified into three groups

Weakest of all the awakenings of mana core belongs to the category of the five common elements of nature " Water Magic , Fire Magic , Wind magic , Lightning Magic and the Earth Magic ." almost all awakened people belong to this category with few exceptions that are being the prodigy of their own generation, everyone that are waiting to see Mark's awakening are expecting Mark to be an individual that belongs to this category of exceptional cases being a prodigy.

The exceptional cases are those that get awakened with laws of space , Laws of darkness and Laws of light .

in about a million awakened, only few awakened children can achieve this at their Mana core awakening ceremony.

But there is an exception to even this category that belongs to the strongest awakening which no one has ever witnessed in thousands of years , because , each time a person gets awakened with that of strongest element he changes the geography of the continent itself, the best examples are Norsus and Soveraiz who were awakened with " Force of destruction ".

There is a taboo awakening that has not yet been noticed in this continent, that is "Force of time magic". It also belongs to the strongest awakening category but if it appears even god's will descend to kill him or her without hesitation as the awakened would know all events and can change his luck , fortune , even karma itself so its existence can even threaten them so they will make sure to absolutely remove the threat before it give rises to an monster who can even slay those god's , and even deny the space time continuum.

" Ding , host can bind with any three types of awakening form the ten presented before ".

The last message of system had stupidified Mark as he can even choose , the forbidden laws of time . Just who is system that is not even afraid of god's , had it gone nuts or is it stronger than.... god's itself.

"System then can i choose even the strongest three ", Mark White asked .

" Ding , yes host can but , suggesting the host to not comply with that option as host may die prematurely as host tries to show off much that that he can hold ".

Mark white was sure that he can become the protagonist himself if he can choose the strongest or he can be an ordinary prodigy of generation that they were eager to see.

''System is there any method to cheat those audience , without them knowing what elements i want to choose at present ."

" Ding , responding to host , system can mask one element below the strongest laws , suggesting host to choose wisely "

One element sure , Jian lin was now given a choice by system to mask a element he can choose to mask one between light , darkness and space and elemental magic .

Elemental magic trash I need not need to choose them , he was confused to choose between the three middle order ones , to mask an law . If any ordinary person about to hear his thoughts they would have bleeded to death on spot , but Mark was not an ordinary one , he has system , if he want he can even choose the legendary forbidden time law , but he indeed did not had an death wish.

Mark had already kept his hand on the holder for more than five minutes , but there was no stimulus reaching to the stones to resonate with his mana core and break that elemental restriction over that core for Mark White to make his awakening a success .

There were many discussion going on , why has that child , not awakened , wasn't he a genius a prodigy of his generation , wasn't today supposed to be his day. don't tell us that he's not a genius , then is Mark white a waste.

Author notes :

characters introduced

Count Berhan : An higher order Nobel than his father by two layers , wants to use Jian lin's aptitude for his promotion to Earl

Aron wald :Father of church in Monnete city , a influencial figure in the city also the one who is testing Mark White's awakening ceremony.

Awakening elements order


1. Fire magic

2. Water magic

3. Wind magic

4. Earth magic

5. Lighting magic

Laws :

6. Light law

7. Darkness law

8. Space law

Strongest laws :

9. Laws of Destruction.

10. Forbidden laws of Time

1 to 10 with increasing order of rarity