Chapter 10 : Be my 'Grand son' or marry my 'Grand daughter'.

Suddenly the hall fell silent, everyone were moving to a side leaving a way for a particular person, when they saw that tall and robust old man dressed in black suit, who was escorted by heavily armed guards that had burning Phoenix emblem on their armour, indicating that they were Northern plains Great General Storm's personal guards, escorting an important person, he was heading slowly towards Mark white.

He had a dense but short hair, white in colour which barely covering his scalp. The wrinkles over his forehead and few age marks near his neck could be easily spotted out. He had a fierce expression over face with a monstrous glare over his eyes. Mana was leaking unnoticed from him, even tough he had suppressed it deep, within his core.

When Mark viewed his attributes he was flabbergasted , stats that were high , so high that he was not even able to imagine a person of this caliber , how was the kingdom even able to make him just a duke , not arch duke of some thing , was this kingdom stronger than what it is imagined it to be .

Name : Haden Storm

class : human

level : 69

Occupation : Duke


Attack : 1800

Agility : 1450

Health : 9600

Defense : 1520

lntelligence : 8000

Sense : 3000

Mana /Qi : 80000

Skills : Darkness bind ( all targets below user level will be binded by darkness) , lightning Barret , Darkness wall , lightning arrow , Darkness shield( defense =+500 ), hollow sphere lv 10 (instant kill all targets below user level) , Sword force lv 8 ( 6400% more damage to target , mana consumption 10/ second )

Armaments : black suit ( HP =+ 5550 , Defense = + 500 , ).

Blessing : Blessing of War Lord ( Attack = +1000 , Defense = +1000 , Health = +10000 )

Elements : Darkness magic , Lightning magic.

When he was standing before mark , Mark was able to feel the terrifying amount of mana that was leaking from him , his intimidating glare can even make tigers bend their heads in fear.

Duke storm who was standing in front of Mark , he was like a robust giant before an dwarf sized 'Mark' who was only six years old.

"Young boy is your name Mark ", that duke asked in an manner which was quite intimidating.

Mark , who had even seen his own death , under his intimidation was not effected greatly , his face was still able to maintain his composure . He replied politely and said " Yes " .

Duke was surprised because everyone who were under his intimidating glare , especially children cried out in fear , but Mark was different , he was still able to maintain his composure which was quite surprising even for this duke.

That duke asked out a question which started the entire audience.

" Mark are you willing to become my adopted grandson ".

The Duke who they never even seen talking normally seen him asked Mark in a fervent manner .Even the gaurds who came escorting the duke lost their composure on hearing their duke , even they were not aware of the events that their duke was about to announce .

Mark was surprised , ' just because I am a prodigy doesn't mean , I special enough to ask a man of such status with power to show hospitality towords him to the extent of adopting me' !! .

Mark was not sure weather he was showing his true face or hiding some hidden motives for this approach , since Mark was a cautious person and was not a younger kid comparing to his soul which led lived for more than 50 years , he was not willing to live under that dukes house where at any moment can be your death as a result from power struggle .

Seeing the expression on Mark's face ,Duke understood that he was not willing to come under his house as his adopted grandson .

"Then are you willing to live under my house , I will personally mentor your training ."

Hey , what is the difference between this statement and the one before the audience the audience thought , the duke asked him same question in a different manner in one case he must stay as his grandson and in other as a disciple under him. In both cases he must stay at your mansion right.

But Mark , he started to refused him politely , this is what caused the audience , the lower Nobel's to be startled.

" Thank you for thinking high of this lowly Nobel's child , but i am getting warn treatment in my house hold..... ".

Before Mark finish his sentence he was interrupted by the Guards " How dare , our Duke is even willing to come to you , a measly son of a baron , it is your honor to become Duke's adopted grand son ".

Suddenly the complexion of duke became angry he shouted " Is this the way you treat your young master ".

Mark white , his expression was as if it said , since when did I accepted you as my Grandpa .

Since Mark White had refused him , He wanted to have an different approach , so asked Mark's parents a question , which again made the whole audience startled again .

"Are you willing , to let your ' Son ' marry my 'Grand Daughter '."

Mark's parents were still not recovered from the shock earlier , now the new request of this Duke had made them nearly faint. she looked to her husband and murmured , " Dear we know that out son is a genius , but even Duke's is asking a hand in marriage , agree fast.... , don't delay before he changes his decision ".

" Sir Duke we are honoured by this marriage , when should we hold ceremony for marriage contract ".

" Father , but... "

"What , but , but , how can we not give our honoured Duke some face and let him return empty handed when , his highness Duke is willing to go for such length for your own good" marks father immediately refuted him .

" For my own good , why don't you say for your own good.... , father. "Jian lin exclaimed in his heart.

Hearing their exclamation , Duke's complexion became bright , because if even Mark's parents were to refuse him , he would have to return home empty handed , as he can't force out Mark to his request.

" We can hold it tomorrow , I will let a flying carriage to receive you , why don't you stay with me on my mansion from starting today , that way you can watch Mark as he grows up to adult ".

There was a hidden meaning to it , which Mark's parents understood quite well , watching Mark grow and let his siblings grow with him , so even their new born twins can have best care , that they were not able to provide to mark.

" Ah , I forgot my purpose for here , Mark White this is the letter of recommendation , his highness have personally written and sended it for you through me . So starting from next batch you can join the Royal Academy of Dragon heart .

It is the place where only prodigy are allowed to study , with out the presence of laws in your Mana Core you can't even pass through the academy gate , which would sence your core and kill the person who is void of law in their mana core.

Mark White was happy that he can now go to a proper academy to learn his magic , if the teachers are all people who are at a caliber of Duke , who even had to get a letter of recommendation from the king himself , them it must be worth his time.

The duke later exited the halls and after bording on his own private flying ship which was fueled by high grade mana stones , which only very few people can afford , he went back to his mansion to prepare for tomorrow's event , Marks and her Grand daughter marriage certificate .

Inside the flying ship

The steward who was serving the tea , asked his Duke ," Master what were you thinking when you asked for marriage , does having a law makes him worthy of our young lady".

"you ask me that weather he is eligible to marry my grand daughter . Have you seen his eyes , his composure , those eyes it's like I have seen my younger self in him , and his Mage Root it has to be atleast 5 stars or above , if he's not worthy then who is worthy for my Grand daughter ."

"Arrange my strongest guards to escort them , tomorrow , when recieving them from their home to my mansion , any mishap.... , I hope you those consequences."

he did not want his new grandson in law to die , under the power struggle among the nobles of upper echelons , even before they reach his mansion.

" This..... , servant ..... , understand..... ".

the servant under the tremendous pressure of the Duke , exclaimed out with great struggle.

Author Notes :

1. Mage root : the first awakened elements of laws will be augmented with their host and bloom a tree in his mana core , The roots are the conductors which help the law or element seed in him to absorb mana and cast it as a spell. this profession is called Mage and more the mage root higher is his talent and stronger is the power exerted by the mage.

2. Maximum of 9 mage roots can be formed in theory but no one had ever unlocked more than 7 , so Mark White having more than 5 indicates his talent and aptitude towards the mage , how could duke leave such a person to rot away as a common noble , he was finding successor for someone to inherit his place , and he found the perfect one indeed.
