Chapter 26 : Grimhouse adventure's party

Just when Mark had finished his random quest and had successfully safeguarded Alen bright's life from Minotaur, some one has suddenly grabbed his back, held him tightly between their two long, slender and fair coloured arms, Mark was able to feel warmth behind his body, two soft pillows that had rubber against his back, turns out that some one had hugged him from behind, presumably a women.

"Cute... so cute.... why don't I adopt him, huuu....".

One of the females from the party had exclaimed out loudly holding Mark between her arms close to her bosom tightly. This act had made the males in the party around him burn with jealous.

She was one among those females that had escaped out from the Minotaur's onslaught when Alen Bright had baited out for their escape.

If this was a normal kid he would had not felt anything that was embarrassing for him, as he was innocent from knowledge of mature content, but can Mark be still regarded the same? no! After mark had reincarnated, his present age would be a fifty years old soul but residing in a young body of six years old kid. How could Mark not feel embarrassed when a beauty who was many times younger than him is holding him between her bosoms.

" How lucky.....", these were the words that Mark had heard from the males that had murmered among themselves, there were traces of anger and frustration on their faces, Mark was able to under the feelings of those poor souls that were jealous of him, under his present circumstance.

" Sorry, but my own parents and siblings are waiting for my return and I can't enter into your family, so can you release me". Mark had to exclaim out in hurry, it looked as if he was delayed in his speech, he would be dragged back right into her home.

" Sorry, I was too exited ", she slid her tongue out and exclaimed out shyly.

But when everything was brought under order, the suspicious persons that mark had spotted had started to empower mana in his magical wand casting a spell on Mark, " Demon..., he must be a demon, everyone retreat back to safety, who knows when he may start to attack us, maybe it was his plot to get closer to us".

" Lightning bolt "

Mark had only thought that he was a bold type of person that does not fear death, " it seems that I was wrong, that youngster is some what suspicious, let's check him up later to find clues either, he was the preparator for this attacks or he was an overly cautious person.

Mark had used resonance to disperse most of the spells effect and his defense stats were high enough for him to withstand standard spells casted by that youth.

There's a saying that humans can have different shades of auras which their mana emits from their bodies, but a demon can only have one shade and that was pitch black, this was a universal truth and it can't be changed. When " Mark has once again released his faint golden aura to use resonance from his mana, to shut his mouth " , Mark was angry as it not for him who had extended a hand to their group, they would had already been eliminated by that demon .

" It was not for me who had saved your group your group would had already been eliminated by that Minotaur, instead of treating me well, you want to kill me, is this how you treat your Savior".

" Sorry for his rude behavior, his elder sister Lia was abducted by demons, so he holds some grudge against them, seeing your solo that Minotaur easily and killed him instantly, he had some misunderstandings.... "

The female that had hugged Mark in her bosoms before had exclaimed out fearing that Mark may hurt him.

The one who had attacked mark, his name was Abelton sun, a heir to a high Nobel family from the Dragonheart kingdom, the kingdom where mark was born.

Abelton had to apologize to Mark in front of everyone, to clear out the misunderstanding between them, but Mark was still able to sense the killing intent emitting from him which was clearly directed over him.

Mark was confused as this was his first time meeting this group and this person, why does that person had such malicious intent towards him, " Don't blame me abelton for killing you, if you were to be found alone", these were the inner thoughts of Mark, as this Mark white ( Jian lin ) from his previous life's encounter doesn't like to keep threats that are harmful to his life.... alive for a long time, so when they are prepared to bark back on him if they had upper hand against him.

The other party members introduced themselves, "Grimhouse adventures party" this was what they had made when they ventured to outside world to live out as an adventurer designated by royal academy and return after they had been promoted to C ranked adventurer from bottom F ranked ones, that had been resting in the mellow forest after completing their current quest before submitting their proof if completion to the adventurers guild. This mellow forest was known for its pleasant aura which would be emitted from it that helps to calm ones soul.

Unfortunately they ran into a Minotaur that was resting, disturbed it's slumber, but it seems that it was a summoned familiar, left behind by some unknown summoner, that had either been setted up a trap waiting for them which he recalled his summon back when Mark was about to finish it off, which had caused the phenomenon, where it had turned into a light and disappeared instantly.

The person whom marked saved was Alen bright, from Duke bright household tough they were weaker than storm household, this baggage that he had saved before was a student from outer circle Royal academy, but had quite a fierce background his elder brother who was an inner circle student, and ranks among top 10, being a pampered brother of him as mark had saved his life, mark has gotten himself a strong background before he had even reached the royal academy.

Mark knows that the general ratio of students among the inner circle to those of students from outer circle which was 1:500, tough it seems that only among 500 students but it is among 500 users of laws, and only one among a billion can awaken their laws, so these inner circle who are strongest among them are treasured by the academy and had special privileges provided to them.

After they had rested and healed their injuries which they had sustained from the previous fight against the Minotaur, they decided to submit their quest immediately as the time limit for their quest was about to finish,They were heading to a Maxim city to submit their quest target " a rare herb for their city alchemists use ", for their quest's completion, the Maxim city was few tens of miles away from this mellow forest, so they can't walk all the way as it would waste them more time than it had already wasted and also be caught by another demon or monster on their way, so it was at least safe to use a transport method by means of air.