Chapter 31 : Adventurer Kain

Mark did wanted to make a huge mess, so he did not held back fighting kain, he wanted to quickly knock him out embarrassingly rather than killing him to stir up trouble, as this would alert others around him to engage in a fight with him.

" This aura, grand...master... ! kid are you an aura grand master ? "

Kain was dumbfounded, this little chimp was an aura grandaster, and can block his attacks who had reached peak of aura grand master.

If we look at this kain's story, it's little interesting I say, he was born into a travelling merchant's family, they were rich but not too arrogant. His father had striken many deals with guild and it's adventurers he came across, like any other human he also wanted to become strong, staying with his family he may seldom achieve that goal as he would one day replace his father and become a merchant marry a daughter from a rich nobel family and lead the same boring life he had seen his father live. He made a resolve to become stronger with his own strength without relying the help from others, he ran away from his family when he turned 10, he wanted to live free as the adventurer ue had seen before, after multiple failures he had finally became a f-ranker, bottom fish in a big pond called guild, tough he was happy about becoming a free adventurer, he was still pressured by local tyrants and loathsome nobles. he refused to pay stuffs such as protected fees and othersband was beaten to Pulp many times, he wanted to become strong, strong that he could teach a lesson or two to these bastards.

He took more than ten years as adventurer, challenging through many obstacles, clearing quests, earning rewards, shedding blood before he had achieved the state of aura grand master, he had lost many friends and also gained some. From the moment he had became a grand master powerhouse he had ranked to d-ranker, respected and revered by many juniors around him and had earned him the title Iron tank. He was righteous in his way and disliked nobles that abused their authority, being young and immature he had made many nobles his enemies.

Now that he was able to live on his own without external support, he thought of returning back to meet his parents, he some how found the same workers wearing his father's company uniform, he was exited, he wanted to see his family, he wanted to share his experiences as an adventurer to them, but didn't know that the parents from whom he had ran away were killed in bizarre way, it seems that his adopted elder brother had overthrown them, poisoning and seizing the power, killing the other dependents that were able to claim his father's position.

He had brutally murdered him along with his the personnel that had betrayed his father, but never known that the mastermind behind it was still alive making a plot against him, trying to end his life.

By the end of his thirties he became one of the youngest lord ranks, gained fame not just in his city but even spreaded across the other places. During one of his mission a backstabber from his group that was bribed by the a high nobel had led the anhilation of his entire group.

By a miracle he had somehow managed to escape alive with heavy injuries, he turned vengeful ro attain revenge and wiped the entire family of him along with the nobel who assigned the task, he came to know some hidden conspiracy that had involved his family, which the high nobel had spilled out hoping kain to spare him.

Five years later, kain had became a pinnacle lord class, a step away from king class, who were tyrants of the country, never in his wildest dreams he had imagined that his wife, who had lived with him for many years would poison him. The mighty him who was about to reach king class had dropped his realm to high class grand master. Tough he still did not understand the cause for her betrayal, but had gained a insight that never trust any one, especially a nobel. His hate for nobel intensified, tough he had became weak he had never cowered, but by course of years he had to bend his principles and adapt himself to his growing environment, he had enough of staying righteous, who cares? at last what had happened to him, fated to be betrayed by loved ones, loosing friends and family and was never a happy and free life he had aspired, this was what the local story that was well known among the adventures.

Now comming back to present, Mark who was acting high and arrogant before him, had made his memories relapse before him, making him fell terribly angry, but seeing a child that was mocking him he went easy on him, and tried to scare him off as he had no intention of harming him, he his heavy weapons that was close to him had broken to pieces by some strange skill. This little kid whose hight barely reached touched his knees, a boy who may be slightly older than 5 years made a phenomenon that was unthinkable ti him, on top of it he was an aura grand master ! A strong one at that. It seems that the life which I had lived is compared as dog's life to him.

" Fuck! don't tell me he is a student from that royal academy, if so this talent of his seems justifiable ", he had regretted his rashness, making enemies was easier than making buddies, and he had already enough, now he had made an enemy out of a genius kid don't know weather he was vengeful or forgiving, his origin was still unknown, but judging by his clothes, he seems to be originated from a rich nobel family.

" What done has been done, he may be a Nobel so what? I am still a rank-c adventurer, the guild will definitely protect me even if I were to offend a high nobel unless I killed him, even if I were to retire from higher pressure, I had my own privilege " the choiceS were to become an executive manager of the branch in the Maxim city, a post which was only below master and vice master of the guild in this city or a local high nobel.

While he was thinking about how he can escape from this predicament, mark had already charged over to him, he took his blade in left arm and swinged it's hilt over kain's neck, near the medulla which had placed his target ( kain ) in a temporary trance, using this advantage mark empowers his elbows in his right arm infused with his mana and makes a swing straight to the side of the head near pterion where the portion of the skull is the thinnest to bring high efficiency in his combo. For an ordinary person it was sure death, but to an robust person like kain at level 56, it will end with a epidural hemorrhage which can be healed with basic healing skills.

Kain had became unconscious while standing, he had fallen to his knees followed by lying flat on the ground, with his head bounced after touching the land making a serious uproar for the spectators, Never had kain imagined that his present arrogant self would one day get his lesson taught by a kid who was even younger than him by many times.

" What ? knocked out in an instant, how's that possible ? isn't he Kain Rank 4th as a c-ranker, got K.Oed even before he was able to put up some resistance, are we imagining things. "

The audience was dumbfounded, as to why ? because kain was a top rank adventurer within the city, only guild master and vice masters stronger than him, who were Rank-B adventurers could also barely stimulate what Mark had performed before them.

Seeing kain who was defeated embarrassingly, his party members that were trained by him wanted to avenge him so they had surrounded Mark to engage in a fight with him, their levels were between 40 and 50, few c-rankers with d-rankers behind them, it seems that only kain was considered enough to be a decent target for my practice, these people may barely be able to survive against my attacks, but still they should pay their price for their rashness, these were the inner thoughts of Mark was sneering slightly as this group of adventurers had fallen into his trap.

Within a minute more than 30 bodies were growling on the ground, crying from the pains sustained from Mark, tough he had not segmented them or made a fatal damage to their body, he had made enough damage to let them unable to stand for some time, they can be recovered with a basic magic.

When all his competitors were growling with pain in the ground, A heavy pressure was about to be directed on the place where he was standing, after hearing systems warning which had warned him earlier, he moved backwards, a few feet away from that place to escape from that force.

" Hey, hey who is so brazen to start a fight, had you grown balls to break rules and create mess at my adventures guild ."

A loud noise echoed his ears, when Mark turned his head towards the source, he felt someone approaching him who was familiar to him, it turns out to be guild's master that he had previously made an encounter at the check post, where he had arrived with his other companions to stop Old man kaiser from killing patrol guards, that tried to harm him.

" Guild master.... guild master "

After his arrival, the crowd brust out his name, exclaimed out within themselves, " this kid he should had left earlier, bad move or should had left way for kain to enter peacefully, that guild master may support out his senior comerad that had been taught his lesson by this little kid. "

" Aren't you Mark storm that is Kaiser's pampered grandson, what's your business here, creating trouble again, this time at my place, do you think Maxim city is owned by your storm family. "

Mark was able to see anger in his eyes, it was as if he was looking at an spoiled brat who had created this mess, he viewed mark as an pampered child by his family who makes trouble for the people around him.

" Ha.. ha..., can't you be any more shameless, why don't you say that it was me who had provoked them to attack, Is this how you wish to cover rashness by these adventures, they had tried to assault me, guild master your adventurer kain despite being a rank-c adventurer tried to bully this young master, where's justice in this world, why had adventures guild became so brazen that they wish to cover their faults by pushing their lies over others, do you think my aristocratic family is so insignificant that it's easy to bully, if I don't get an appropriate explanation regarding this incident, I am not moving from this place. "

" Wait, did guild master said Mark Storm! Kaiser grandson ! isn't he taking about admiral Kaiser, the one that protects our city from the waves every time during these period's of time with his battleships and combat flying ships. so this was his backing, no wonder he was unfazed even under the pressure of guild master.

" What ? that's impossible ! Our rules would never comply with such behavior.... hey you there, aren't you armed guards, tell me what happened here " ?

After the guards had exclaimed out without holding back any information that they can say, the guild master had seen through the plot of Mark, any ordinary person would not swung his hammer, when that little boy had indirectly provoked him, the fault was that this kain was already pissed up , resorting showoff to scare mark, but had been played against himself in his own game, this little devil knows that adventures guild would definitely had to pay sufficient compensation to the victim in case they were at wrong or else forsake the guilty adventurer, since kain could not be forsaken, the adventure guild owes him this time, this little devil is he really six this year, yet he had calculated these events within minutes as appearance of kain was a coincidence, if the guards had allowed him, or he reached after kain had entered inside, the present events would had not even occurred.

" Say, what is your purpose for arriving, since kain was at fault, we adventurer guild owes you, any help that is within our capabilities, we can solve it for you. "

" My purpose, it's simple, I want to become an adventurer to explore dungeon for fun. "

" Oh want to become.... what ? can you repeat what you had just said before, my ears may be ringing wrong . " The guild master was worried that he had heard him wrong, why would this pampered young lord wants to become a adventurer, he wants to be sure.

" I want to become an adventurer. " mark replied with a honest face which was sparked with excitement in his eyes.

The guild master felt as if he had heart ached several times in a brief second, this trouble maker wants to become an adventurer, my God ! What will become of my guild's mansion when he represents us.