Chapter 33 : Entering the dungeon

Outside the dungeon's entrance

When mark was about to enter dungeon, two aged adventurers, that had just exited the dungeon found a small silhouette, the size of their knees who may be trying to sneak in the dungeon through front gates among the crowds, that were making their way in and out the dungeon.

" Hey kiddo this ain't the place to play around, why don't you turn your a** and make a run to your mama... ha... ha... ha...."

Mark was able to see two old men, that appeared to be refined by constant battles occurring in the dungeon. They were clearly underestimating and mocking him at same time. They has a wide smile over their faces, with panda eyes hanging their faces, that showed their exhausted condition. Since they did not possess any bad intent over him, he let them be and passed away without making any trouble.

As they were about to step in and block his way, he took a small piece of silver token from his inner pockets, raised it up towards the old folks and exclaimed out with a smirk at the corner of his lips expecting a nice reaction back from them, " can any one say what does this thing represent ."

" Fuck ! impossible.... how could it be, ", it took a life time for these old bones to reach that rank, how did this little chimp reached that level ! fast ! terrifying ! there's a saying " old replaced by young " is this what it means, but still at his age, man we really are blind, lived a dog's life these years, it seems we were making ourselves fools by standing in his way. These were the inner thoughts of the old adventurers, when they looked at the Mark's guild token.

" Boy, did you steal it or found lying at ground. " , unable to keep their calm the guard who saw thier conversation stepped in.

" I earned it. " mark replied in with a honest and bright face like a adorable child, tough he wanted to punch this guard, who was even a rank lower when compared to him, an ordinary E-ranker, but he could not find any advantage in doing that, other than making some new enemies.

" Then you should had the registration form from the guild, quickly show us. " Seeing mark who took registration form from his inner pockets, who was dressed lavishly and looked rich, the guard guessed mark to be city lords guest.

As adventures guild had some rules they were not allowed to bend them to earn favors, and since marks face was new to them, he was not a nobel from this city, he had to be a young master from foreign regions, who was quite daring to enter into this dungeon. Since it was their duty to make way to those that carried the registration form, they moved aside from the entrance making way for Mark to enter in.

" Don't judge a book by it's cover, I think this young boy symbolizes it, what a remarkable young seedling, what was his name any way ."

" Captain gon ! don't shock us like that.... it feels as if our souls were sucked out for a minute " a gaurd, among them exclaimed out with a face which had just recovered from shock, and had sweated profusely.

" What ? thought that I was a monster, broken the dungeon rule to eat you, ah. "

Without making a sound that captain used his stealth skill to surprise his lazy subordinates

" His name was Mark storm probably from that military's storm household, but captain you said he was a remarkable seedling ! what do you mean ? Didn't he enter trough the dungeons through personal connections. "

It was normal for city lord, the persons who holds majority of entry seats, to curry favours with some young masters from prominent family, as he was just a Earl, bottom line figure among the upper echelon of nobles that heed direct command from kingdoms ruler, the king.

" Nah, it seems you mistook him for some pampered young master. Tough he tried to mask his mana well, I was still able to measure his mana gauge, through my high grade appraisal skill. Since he seemed interesting, why don't I take a glance, but shocked for a minute, hey.. guess what's his mana level. "

" A high class aura master at best ."

" Aura master, my a** ! his mana was at early stages of *peak class aura grand master.

Do you know the current hot topic in the city the hot topic discussed by the city had not reached your ears right, he's that old eyepatched admirals grandson, and had defeated senior kain in a single hit, even guild master had to receive him courtly to his office without offending him, do you think any one can offend such a character in this city.

" Fuck ! it's good that we didn't pursue further ", The guards felt lucky, as they followed rules, even tough fighting was prohibited near guild entrance this kid was not charged. He had a strong background that can help him bend rules itself, so what if he had decided to kill them, even their families would had despised them for touching the wrong person they shouldn't had .

Inside the dungeon.

" Ding, host had entered into a *mid class dungeon, hosts attributes had been suppressed by half, suggesting host to play cautious. "

* Dungeons are classified into low, middle, high, peak class with low class as weakest and peak class as strongest and myths of legendary asura class and god class were also present, but they are kept hidden and exclusive to royalties, A and S rankers *

As soon as Mark had entered the dungeon, he was suppressed of his attributes which he was proud of, became weaker than what a ordinary adventurer at the moment, no wonder they placed a ban on low rankers from entering.

" Decreased by half, man that's not good, how am I supposed to fight stronger enemies, I hope that my plan to level up and increase my strength does not back fire on me. "

His surroundings were lushfully green unlike his previous encounter at trail tower where he was welcomed with caracas of monsters covering the barren land. He was able to see plantations of monsters building huts and small defenses around their homes.

He uses the systems interface and searches for monster, which was near to him, after the system's update, his location still appears green and the targets location appears as red, but stronger the opponent he was about to face brighter the red dot it seems to appear. In this first floor only lesser forms such as demonic rats and small goblins were thriving, tough he was at his weakened state, he's sure that he was still far stronger than any other creatures around him, he did not want to waste any more time with these creatures that were not even able to provide him a drop of experience points for his plan in leveling.

3 minutes later.

Mark had found the entrance to the next floor and left for it without a moment delay, after reaching the second floor the density of mana increased by a slight margin, tough it was of same width as that of the previous floor, it had more density of monsters than the first floor, new faces of boar like monsters were spotted, it still they were not worth his attention, he left for next floor and killed the monsters that were blocking his way. Similarly by the end of the first day he ventured deep into the dungeon

Third floor.....

Fourth floor.....

Fifth floor... and so on till tenth floor he had no difficulty reaching it, tough occasionally few hobgoblin and goblin were seen they were of no challenge for him.

After reaching the tenth floor, Mark had finally found an opponent who was at least worth to challenge him. It was a level 38 Ogre having larger body than that of a hobgoblin with a darkbrown skin and two small horns extended from its head, this monster had relapsed him of some unpleasant memories that he tried to forget, never mind since it was the floor boss strongest monster in the current floor mark wanted to test it.

The ogre bursted it's body with power and had rushed towards mark at its full speed, nevertheless it had changed nothing, it still failed to escaped from its fate, died quickly under marks blade.

So far, no monster had forced me to execute a skill. He had also heard that, floor tenth was the dividing margin for a rank-e adventurer, above which only d-rankers are allowed to roam freely, not to be underestimated.

" What surprise can this new floor provide me, 2 hours at best, huh... boring. " exclaiming to himself, mark ascended the stairs and left for next floor.

Unlike the previous floors where the mana which was increasing linearly, here it has bursted out exponentially, reaching a new level few times stronger than previous floor, mark was surprised, not because of the increase in the mana density but the strength of his new friends that were rushing towards his place, to kill him.

A large hordes of monsters that were battling against an another horde were notified of mark's presence, they put off their fight at once and rushed towards him at once.

" Fuck high ogres ! All 40+ levels and their head count.... it had reached few tens of thousands. " If it was for his previous self he could barely had managed to put up a fight against them, but at present adverse condition being suppressed by dungeon his fate would result in an one sided fight, with his body being pummeled by them. Now he was left with one choise, his only option was to run !

After a hour of constant chasing from them, he barely managed to escape from that horde in one piece, few injuries caused by them were still seen on his body. " I take back ! yes I was wrong and also arrogant before. this floor it ain't that easy comparing with previous floors, how did those weak d tankers managed to be safe here, nevertheless c-ranker would also turn a corpse in minutes, it's too deadly ! If it were not for my traversing ability, my body would had, perhaps been..... devoured by them, leaving behind my bones to be used a tooth pick, hell ! "

He finds himself an empty cave, recuperating his injuries, and began to recover his lost mana. While he had attempted using traversing ability multiple times, during his escape, he had nearly suffered from mana exhaustion, staying at that state for a long time would cause hidden injuries.

Suddenly a idea sparks in his mind, how could I forget it, shit ! if I can use my fighting experiences and insights about my battles from previous life, can't I also exhibit my countless number martial techniques that I had accumulated in my previous life, to my advantage at this present one given by system..

A supreme martial techniques, boundless impetus body, that I had stumbled on a frutious encounter at an ancient inheritance, which i had regretted not being able to utilize as I had crossed the tender age of 14 where making a foundation for that technique to utilize was not possible, once a person undergoes puberty his chance of making a stable foundation becomes nonexistent. But to pass this techniques to my descendants I was unable, as being a women my daughter was not able to inherit it, as it was a technique designed specifically for males, and my son whose dantian was crippled he was not able to use it, and I did not want to pass it to next generation as disclosure of it's secrets could lead to more adverse conditions and bring more troubles than the benefits from it.

The main benefits from it was the ability to use qi without a proper limit, gathering qi and utilizing it to perform techniques at same time, a Supreme technique with its name. As the external environment itself acted as a reservoir for the techniques user, the user would not exhaust mana unless the consumption overweight the gaining from the source.

Mark had stumbled on this idea when his mana was exhausted but surroundings were rich in mana, as the mana is much denser and stronger than it was outside the dungeon, so problem of mana depletion could be removed if he could utilize that technique, it was as if that technique was specifically designed for its use in dungeon. Where it's usage efficiency was enhanced with higher chances to master the technique as same time.

Author's notes

Characters introduced

Captain gon : incharged of maintaining order at dungeon entrance, a high ranking figure at military and a carefree person.