Chapter 35 : System you should be kidding me

While the adventures guild at maxim city was in chaos, Mark was busy killing monsters farming experience points, Mark was ignorant of the events that took place in the guild, he was happily killing the monsters which were helping him gather bulk of experience. He was levelling up smoothly, by the end of first week mark had reached 15 th floor, tough he had employed tricks in killing them, but still a part of them had died under his blade, which had increasing his proficiency in skills, his resonance got improved so were the traversing ability, he was experimenting his darkness law and had extracted a half baked ability " Darkness extract * " from it, tough he was not sure of its exact use, it had helped him in close combat.

* Darkness extract - helps to blend under shadows without alerting others even for a person at their heightened sense value, further data has not been extracted by mark, will be discussed later *

" Good ! if this killing speed is maintained, then by the end of today, I may possibly level up to 40, and yeah ! twin blades would start to shine under my hands, then I'll see which fuckin mutant will bully me ." Mark was excited, he was motivated to kill these monsters till night, without sleeping and also level up. Direct confrontations were still out of reach for him, if he were to encounter monster whose levels were far higher to him.

After wandering around for some time, finding monsters and killing them, mark was able to see a group of people by then in a distant cave, presumably adventures that had rested, that had made a camp fire and were seated close by it. Even c-rankers like kain he had faced before were not guaranteed to survive what mark had experienced till now so let alone a d-ranker who were allowed to roam at these parts of dungeon, so he guessed them to be c-rankers as only guild leaders and vice leaders were b-ranked in the entire city with a load of work for them to complete daily and were given very little freedom, as they had been put with a great responsibilities of managing the guild branch.

He wanted to ask some advices, regarding the grinding spots of monsters, safe zones and forbidden areas on this floor since the begging of eleventh floor was hard on him, nevertheless fifteenth floor, as he made his way to them, he was few tens of meters away from the cave where he had seen a scene that he had not expected to keep, especially at places like dungeons where monsters were lurking everywhere and death could be looming over the person any minute.

A young lady that appeared to be around the age group of mid twenties, she was dressed barely lying on the ground in a sitting position, moving her hips back and forth in a wavy pattern, had a weird smile with a erotic expression that on top her face, she had spreaded her legs wide open for her partners, yes ! partners to share her pleasure with them.

She had carved her nails deep into their skins, from the pains caused during her cough.... , and moans made by her was echoing the cave was clearly audible to mark who was present few tens of meters away from them, contributed to his high sense attribute, which had made his hearing sharp.

He wanted to leave the place and let them be, the adulterous women who was sharing her bodies with multiple partners, she was pierced by, cough.... of the males right into herself, from different openings on her body at different postures at differential rates, merging as one with her.

Mark has closed his eyes with hands, exclaiming it out loud deep in his heart.

" Shit ! you women, what had you made me, Mark white a six year child, see these vulgar act of yours, I am leaving.... leaving.... it's not my intentions to peek by the way ."

Mark face had reddened, tough he had covered his face by his tiny hands, he was still able to view the scene through the tiny gaps between his fingers.

" Ding, but host why does your body says something else, entirely different from what you had exclaimed out. It says as if, it wanted to further stare at them, like it had had not satisfied with a glimpse, their vulgar act.. it had also raised your heart beat, your face clearly blushed. You men are really disgusting creatures, regardless of age ."

The tone in which the system bellowed had system had carried traces of mockery followed by disgust, which made sure Mark to understand her thoughts, " this system she had rarely made its appearance to pop messages form past few days. But by the time it had made its appearance, had again started mocking me ."

" You may have perceived it wrongly, It wasn't my intention to stare at them, I am not a leather, I was just.... I was.... I.... " Mark was unable to refute, he had been caught by this system. Although it was true that being a man he was naturally interested in those stuffs, even before he was reincarnated, he had atmost experience it for about two times, so was still curious about a mature women's body, but had never peaked at them, as it was considered rude

" You, at least cover the gaps between your fingers, tough are a little boy in shape your soul is still that of an adult, I can understand your anxiety for it, but at this current life you must at least have to wait for ten more years if you are to spectate those stuffs ."

Being embarrassed, mark was about to leave from that place, worried about himself being further bullied by the system as well as worried about disturbing the adults that were vigorous in their tasks, and starring further would be considered rude.

Random quest

(( Difficulty – C class 1 star ))

Location : 12 th floor

Time alloted : 1 hour

Type. : Resque

Target : Adventurers

Number : 4

Reward : Random box × 3

The adventurers are trapped, host is suggested to protect them before they are sucked dry and die of exhaustion as a result. Since the difficulty of mission is higher than normal three random boxes would be provided upon its completion.

Additional side quest : Subdue the women, rewards = Slave contract × 2

System prompted a quest that was shocking to his ears, after reading the information he had exclaimed internally " Wait ! fuck.... that's not possible, they were doing it voluntarily, as far as I had seen they were not forced or such, is there some thing more to it.... if it was for rescuing a single target i could understand the reason behind it, as I had to save the women thinking of her being drugged, since she was the only female visible to me at that scene. But four adventurers, then doesn't makes sense unless those were the males which are extremely vulnerable under her charm, that they are unable to escape from her grasp, but even if so what would she gain from doing that other than cough.... cough... a.nd by the looks, she isn't bad, can be considered a top class beauty, but the side mission, subdue her, is she asking me to go confront her when she was..... cough.... can't guess what's on the her mind. System, you must be kidding me "

" Ding, host are you really not going to rescue them, the male adventurers. I know you were a leather, who got a second wife even during the time when your trial was still ongoing. Your so called principles are those just for show, only for women huh. Starring at the poor affected adventurers and leaving the place, such discrimination, poor i had high expectations for you, do you deserve the title of a slayer ."

" Enough with the blind curses, even a retard could narrate the events occurring at that place. The males huh, are you sure they were suffering, look at their bodies acting high and vigorously movement for cough.... lusting on her, does any part of their body seems affected, if I should really rescue some one or appears to that female, but you are telling me to subdue her and on top it a slave contract, do you want me to make her a slave, what the fuck's wrong with you ."

Mark was no longer able to hold back his calm, bursted out with series of curses on system, he feels himself being wronged by system, it was deliberately teasing him and testing his patience, what was wrong with it these days, but an other thought had simultaneously popped up in his brain.

" Wait... if what this system said is correct they should have been drugged at least or spelled by charm magic " , Mark had once again rotated his head, turned back towards those people who were playing vulgar acts, this time he examined them in a serious manner visualising every minute minute detail that he came across their bodies, which could help him understand the current quest, he had used his sense attribute to heighten his vision, to spot the traces about them being drugged for this instance.

He founded their eyes appear normal, no weird smell, their expression was normal with excitement filled eyes, they were not controlled using any mind controlling spells, their hear rate was elevated which was bound to occur so was his, they appeared perfectly normal, was this system spamming him again " no still now, the system hasn't spammed me especially during quest time " it was his source for courage to look back and spectate them even after he was bullied by the system.

Hey, system are you sure about this quest, and not kidding, this isn't fun, give me some hints, if you aren't joking, I can't find any anomalies.

Seeing the system which was responding any further to his questions, Mark decided to get closure to examine them again.

Mark was able to feel slight tone of melody that was barely audible to him at present, which was before masked by her moans, if some stranger were to look them, what would be their interpretation, obviously a slut sharing multiple partners. But upon a close examination he was able to figure out the real deal of events.


Name : Selvira

class : Demon

Species : succubus

level : 51

Age : 22

Occupation : A captain in 15 th army


Attack : 550

Agility : 400

Health : 2400

Defense : 260

lntelligence : 700

Sense : 500

Mana /Qi : 7000

Skills : lightning whip, lightning spike , darkness wall, empowered nails, Thunder desend ( 70% chance to kill multiple targets below the user level ), darkness pillar.

Armaments : Temptress robes ( HP = +1000 , Defense = +500 , charm + 30 )

Elements : Darkness magic and Lightning magic .

Blessing : possessor of charm ( +50 charm to target around the user, activation - passive ) , Vitality devourer ( Drains life force upon conception with opposite gender ti help her evolve and ascend to higher species )

So that was the cause, she used charm passively on my body when I had seen her, which was amplified on seeing her committing adultery.

Since she is a demon, and a succubus on top of it, I feel no guilt in killing her, she also possess two blessings, god for a mere demon to possess two, and also a law user, this explains the mission difficulty, but rather than killing her having her as a slave would save me the trouble later in dungeon, I can use her well in the dungeon as she would be a slave and I can make multiple traps in demons territory, and gaining experience would only be a breeze by then.

Author notes

Charecters added :

1. Selvira = Target for third random mission.