Chapter 37 : True appearance.

Mark was mentally prepared at last to face her, tough he had never cowered in his life before, he was a bit hesitant at first, but took necessary precautions before confronting her.

[ Darkness extract ]

Mark had initiated his plan A, by activating his darkness extract. He swiftly moved towards her at his maximum speed, blending with shadows around him. After getting behind her, he was ready to launch his next phase in plan A, that is to attack her.

Mark was startled after getting close to her , " so this was her real appearance. " She had her head bent sideways a little from which her golden brown hair, which was unbinded had been swaying free in the air, with an aroma that was quite narcotic to one's nose, her skin looked extremely smooth without any scars of rashes with a dim glow of radiance emitting from underneath, which had made her looks more attractive. She was purposefully making a rhythmic moans that was quite alluring to ears, if Mark wasn't for a little boy in body, his hormones could had taken control over his body, and god what would had happened to his poor self by then " Oh my goodness ! she much prettier up close, looks more attractive compared to before, with her daring looks she can be called a kingdom toppling beauty, I know that succubus were supposed to be beautiful, but how could I described any, shit ! let's focus on my current mission, even my body of a child was attracted to her, no wonder these old men were going to die of exhaustion ."

" It think she seems to carry a rare artifact called illusionary pearl, that I had read once in an old book, no wonder I was unable to see her true face before ", adventurers who had been near to this place would be attracted, seeing the bonfire that was glowing bright. When they reach this place, they would be surprised by seeing a pretty lady who was having fun with their well known comrades, adventurers, to whom they had spent time, together hunting various monsters side by side. By curiosity they would start peeking her and would be attracted to her charm and wanted to make their acquaintance, with this women who was having a pretty good time, spreading free love to their comrades. By the time they had reached nearer to her, the illusion would stop working and her true face would be revealed. With the sudden emergence of her true face, which was many times beautiful compared to before and addition to her high charm value, they would straight jump into her fire pit, and join in her fun. The time they had started the intercourse with her, they would be totally immersed in her charm and will became her servant never to be broken away. She could either use them as her personal servant for reserve stock when she could not complete her daily quota for later use or also as food right at that moment to deprive them of their vitality.

[ Fire blade ]

He appeared out of the succubus's shadow, quickly activated his skill fire blade and gashed over her back, using all the strength he could accumulate at the particular moment. She was sent flying landing few feet away from him lying down flat on the ground, she was severely wounded by mark and the spot where his blade had slashed her body was bleeding profusely. He quickly knocked out the adventurers who were drunked heavily under her charm, to prevent them from lending a hand to the succubus and making a hassle for him. Since his current quest was to save and not killing them, he does not want to make things harder for him. Since subduing of succubus was already a hassle and these adventures who were currently a slave to under her charm will try to save her master and his power was also half way suppressed by the dungeon and fighting them was not ideal so after he had slashed succubus he decided to knock them out as soon as possible under their confusion. If they were given sufficient time, they may retaliate against mark, buying her sufficient time before she can either make an escape or make use of them to her advantage and fight against him, as five against one which he did not wished for, particular at present conditions.

The health points of succubus selvira was reduced below 100. She made no major movements rather than crawling her body over the ground trying to get away from him

" So, this succubus has decided the option of escaping. Either way, according to my plan I have to make use of my ability resonance and break her spine, and this quest would be finished for good.

" Good ! so far no problem had arised in my plan, next final phase of Plan A, with this i will have myself a new subordinate, my process of levelling would be increased exponentially, the four year pact, my main line quest, that had been troubling me would be reduced ."

[ Resonance ]

He dashed over to the succubus, and executed his skill resonance without a moment break. By this time Mark had developed and improved his ability resonance, when compared to the time he had fought against Minotaur where he had faced few difficulties. His mastery over the ability had increased to a degree which he was able to activate and execute it within seconds, he had finally succeeded in breaking her spine.

* break *

" Aaahhhh..... ", She screamed on top her lungs and a result of pain caused from breakage of her own spine. She had smirk at the corner of her lips, which was bleeding and blood pumped out her mouth. Her eyes rolled back and she passing out unconscious unable to gather further energy. Mark was naturally ignorant of her act, as he was unable to see her face which was facing the ground.

Mark had taken a deep breath and had exclaimed out loudly, " Fuck yeah ! this was easier than expected ."

" It seems, I had worried for nothing, forget about a hour, this c ranked quest was completed in a matter of seconds, let's check the adventurers, how's their condition ."

After checking their pulse which was abnormally high and their eyes which were still pink, he was startled, " How's this possible, their pupils are still pink. Fuck ! don't tell me that, they are still possessed under her charm magic. Didn't she just passed out unconscious, few seconds earlier, wait ! this sly demon....she got me played. "

Mark was happy for a brief second, thinking about the possibility of him completing this quest, as this was his first c-rank quest that he had received, not just one but three random boxes awaited him, what does that say, chance to get high class artifacts that can become his trump card, he already has one offensive artifact, his dead man's blade, if he get a supportive type that assist him or a defensive type which he needed the most, then he was perfectly balanced, never to fear any strong characters unless they overwhelm him, but never guessed that all his previous thoughts were for naught, he had never guessed that, this demon had already outsmarted him to buy her enough time, even if she does get some time, what could she possibly do with it ?

" Hey succubus, what are you actually plotting here ? unless..... unless you belong to that category ! "

Author notes :

Well today I am gonna release an additional bonus chapter, a hour after this chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

It's just that Selvira had outsmarted his calculation that he made against her. But that reason will entertain you in the next chapter and so on.