Chapter 45 : Underground arena

" Young sir, are you interested in earning merit points. If yes, then this librarian would like to share his knowledge about that topic with our young sir. "

Mark was excited but immediately calmed down to suppress the eagerness on his face, exclaiming internally.

" This shorty still thinks that i am being fooled by his little disguise.

Never in his life had he imagined that a small human kid who had a support of the system has seen through his disguise.

Nevertheless, i should still play ignorant to pull out some more information out of his mouth, they say words are more solid than gold, if it's not known to general populace. "

Turning his head toward Heil, Mark exclaimed. " Librarian Heil, yes I am interested to know, can you say what are the means of earning those merit points easily within a short period of time.

I am short on time, can't waste any more completing menial tasks, which may probably take months or even years to complete.

You must have an short cut as you had actively approached me regarding it. "

Seeing mark who had exclaimed out straight forwardly, he chuckled a little looking at mark as a fish which had caught his bait, then started to explain about the topic as what a teacher teaches to a student.

" Merit points, ah... as I said previously it can only be rewarded to a member who had contributes some benefits to the family, either in process of its development of fame, prestige and power.

Lower grade, ordinary grade, Higher grade and peak grade quests are the various grades among which the tasks are grossly classified by the mission elder and his department under him.

Each quest have their own rates of pay outs ranging from few tens of pocket change to millions of such points, which could fill their treasure vaults.

Depending upon their efforts and performance in completing quests, special bonuses could also be awarded by elder.

Herb gathering, mining crystals are the ordinary grade quests which has a good pay out per piece, but takes a long time to find them.

It is relatively safe until you are not targeted by a enemy, who came to steal your valuable loot.

Invasion in rival family's camp and battling against various experts to raise the family ststus are categorized into higher order quest that has tremendous amount of payouts in terms of tens of thousands or even hundreds of them, but the mortality rate in such category reached as high as 99%.

So each quest has their own adavntages and risks... and.... "

Heil flame glory was suddenly interrupted by mark who had bellowed out loudly exclaiming out " Cut the chase shorty, come to the main topic as I said previously I am short on time, what are your goals for that approach, interesting me in merit points.

You may have all day blabbering sh*t out from your mouth, but I ain't got such, so finish it fast. " Heil flame glory was startled, his face started to boil with anger, blue veins were popping in his forehead.

Even in his flame gory family many nobles had tried to bribe him with innumerable amount of gifts, to earn a little bit of favor from him, much less by mark who had insulted him with honorific of shorty or even being interrupted during his speech.

Heil flame glory a person with high status of butler, who represents a strong influencial master above them, definitely does not have spare time to monitor mark who was as weak as an ant before him to crushed, but he didn't did so, doesn't that mean he had some other goals which required him to disguise, but had still not initiated an assault, only leaving an explanation behind which would be either be a case where he is suspecting me for a spy to be caught red handed or they should be testing my capabilities.

" I should control myself, I am disguised undercover as a librarian, fooling this ignorant kid, judging his qualification who had been entrusted by our families black order token, if not for that I would had butchered you to thousand of pieces to be fed to dogs. " Heil cursed mark in his heart.

" I have a hunch that young sir may emerge victorious in underworld arena. It is a place which is managed by all six major families at once. Our flame glory family also ranks fourth among them, suppressed by constant threat of three families above them. Tough there are no major restrictions other than tax return reduction, and withdrawal of fight after a competitor admits defeat.

The payouts that we can receive after successive wins is enormous that can make a beggar rich overnight if he had sufficient insights and luck with him during gambling, so are you in young sir, I would like to invest on you, the choose is yours to choose. "

Mark pondered internally " Yes, there's no free lunch in this world, only by contributing some benefits to this flame glory family, would I finally receive those merit points and strengthen myself before exiting the damn dungeon and heading for royal academy. "

" If the words slipped through your mouth was accurate, then of course i would be interested to tag along with you. How about 80:20 I will take eighty and you twenty, since my life would be at stake isn't this fair enough already. " Mark had managed to anger Heil successfully, a high class aura king with a little kid who may not even worth his notice, was bargaining against him. With him at lower hand, how could it not hurt his pride. But to not blow his cover Heil had to swallow this disgrace and act as a lowly librarian he had disguised as present. " Young sir can't you raise my cut a bit, 20 seems too low, even if I managed to obtain profits, at the end by a result of tax reduction and our internal splitting my profit would not amount to much. Here my money's at stake, if young sir is defeated you have noting to lose but if it were for me i would have to bear all the losses causes by you on my head, your proposal is a bit disadvantageous to me. How about 50:50, I think it we should split our profits equally without being unfair to others.

" Unfair! it's only some exchangeable currency you are loosing damn it, which could be earned back after working of few days, but can my life be bought with them? no na! So 60:40 and it's final if not, we call quits you go your way and I go mine, what do you say. " mark had to act arrogant either way if he had to make sure to be alive as showing a bit of hesitation or bring polite will let him exploit Mark.

" This little shit, does having a high ranked token had fried your brains. Arrogance, arrogance can be seen in your eyes, do you think you are some big shot, let's see if that arrogance will be repaid by yours life at arena. If you lose I will personally terminate your puny life, ending my disgrace at once, master would not blame me for that at that time ha.. ha... ha... " Heil bellowed out loudly within his brains, with a raise in killing intent for a second before calming down exclaim out with a word "yes" to mark, before leaving for the arena where he was gonna test him.

" By the way how many merit points should I need to access books, could I use them for buying artifacts too in armory. " In marks previous life, contribution point system was internally used among major families and also by several clans, to manage the large populace of their group, which created an internal system of currency that was worthless a penny outside their premises. If these merit points were also similar to that of contribution points, then I, mark could very well upgrade myself and also gather valuable information simultaneously, unlocking the mysteries of dungeon that i was unaware of.

" Ah, young sir reading books at ground floor is free of cost. First floor starts with hundred points per book, second floor starts with ten thousand points per book and so on till fifth floor. "

Fuck! Then does that mean i have to collect merit points in terms of billions if i want to access the top level classified information from this flame glory family. Man, a book in fifth floor could very well cost me hundred million and that's just the starting price, who knows there may be books which are worth billions there. " Librarian Heil let's go to this underworld arena, my muscles are twitching with excitement ready to break some bones, before earning points ha.. ha.. "

" Boastful, you little prick do you think yourself an equal or desendant to royal bloodlines from a demon race. Boy I am not betting my hopes on you to earn some points in arena, I am just testing your ability on behalf of my master to see weather you were eligible enough to attract our young miss attention, who had rejected countless suitors that were prodigy of their own generation, but was interested in you. What sort of bullshit luck did you earned in your previous life that you had this opportunity, well if you are not up to my mark I am allowed to kill you brutally, commanded by Supreme elder to remove a thorn in my family's development as we had placed all hopes on young miss. "

Mark was naturally ignorant of these events that took place, in the Flame glory family, the infighting for a descision, debating to kill mark who was an outsider that may be a spy, kill a threat which was appreciated by young miss. If the father of that young miss was not strong enough, they would had used this opportunity to stir an upheaval, to remove a competitor that may one day become the family's leader.

Underground arena, block 1

The underground arena, was divided into several blocks depending upon the age of the participant that wish to become a challenger and try out his luck fighting in the platforms.

Block 1, an area exclusive for kids who were below fifteen years of age, there were hundreds of platforms where countless screams were heard constantly, the betting counters were flooding with demons who were placing their bet on the challengers they set their eyes who were fighting in platforms above floating in air below ground. Mark was able to see several faces which had lost its light, indicating their loss, there were also those who were exclaiming out loudly on their wins, choosing the right participant they had bidded, here high risk means high Return Of successful if not leave empty handed out of here. Greed for quick cash would drive all sort of individual to this place be it a demon noble or a peasant who came to test his luck, earning money.

Comming back to present, for better administration, this block 1 was divided into four respective zones. Novice zone, Rookie zone, Experts zone, Masters zone. All begginer that step into underground arena have to enter the novice zone, the place where marks first battle was about to commence.
