Chapter 54 : Exposed ( part 1 )

" State your crimes! Who do think you're, asking such an outrageous question to my son. " A tall stature lamia that had just arrived the scene, who was floating in the air had bellowed out in anger.

Dressed out lavishly from top till bottom, and the air of arrogance around him, the signs of respect he received from rest of the family members showed out that his position in the family was not any weaker than patriarch himself.

He was the father of wilhelm, third elder of lamia race, who ranks in strongest four among the family, below Supreme elders.

His pampered son wilhelm was binded like a ugly dog, using some darkness magic and was about to be humiliated by interrogating him like a criminal.

How could he himself as a father keep quite under these conditions and maintain his calm.

If not for the restriction imposed on him by the arena, he would had jumped onto the stage to and smashed mark into a pool of blood.

Being a four fanged serpent variety, treating wilhelm as such, wasn't that equal to challenging the authority of lamia race on 21st floor.

If it was for an elder, from the lamia race who had asked out the same question. Wilhelm's father wouldn't had lost his cool.

Since it was mark, a kid who age seems many years smaller when compared to wilhelm itself. Who was also a complete stranger to their family affairs stated out this question.

Even the elders who were earlierly displeased with wilhelm, had supported his father's claims.

Turning a blind eye to their curses, mark took out a potion from his storage space and pointed it out to wilhelm to let him examine it out.

The container itself was in cylindrical shape, made out of glass, at a size of one's finger. The potion stored was grassy green with occasional seen red colour viscous fluid seen in between.

It emitted a dull radiance, which enabled the spectators to point out that it was a low grade potion, at most grade 2 medicine.

" Potion of truth! "

A cultivator from lamia race, who had just examined the potion, present in the hands of mark had bellowed out, after setting his eyes over it.

Truth to be told, it was by luck that Mark had set his hands over the medicine. A contender who he had just killed earlier, had carried this potion within his storage pouch. Which he claimed his own as his spoils.

Tough this potion was not easy to find, a rare kind. It was far more inferior when compared to that of the breakthrough potion.

Almost every alchemist who is proficient in field of alchemy, could easily produce this potion, provided that they had required materials and enough practice to manufacture it.

It was commonly used for the purpose of interrogation. When ever a tight mouthed criminal was reluctant to state his crimes, he would be fed up with this potion. After which a serious of information could be gathered out of him, continuously.

The advantage of using this potion was that, the user's memory would be left with no records of the events occurred to him during the process of interrogation.

This potion had later became a banned medicine to the general public. Since the abusers could use this to get information out the soldiers, guards, or even nobles.

The buyers had to struggle a lot, and pay out an exorbitant price, just to claim a single bottle out of the market. Tough it could be obtained cheap in black market, but the surety about its properties could not be guaranteed.

But still in the remote regions of dungeon, away from external world, at this 21st floor, a random young master from a rich family holds of such medicine.

Since wilhelm holds of many ties and relations with others, being a young master of a major force in the floor. Having such a cunning character, it would be fun for mark to disclose off his secrets to the public.

Comming back to present, Mark had pointed the truth portion to the wilhelm, before exclaiming " Wilhelm... can you guess the name of this potion. you can guess this right? If you don't state your crimes immediately, this young master would be forced to use his tricks and disclose of your secrets to our spectators, what do you suggest? Would you spit it out or should I! "

" Yes! I will... "

Immediately, without a moment delay, wilhelm wanted to say that " yes I will cooperate, so don't use the potion " but, would that be fun for mark. before wilhelm was ready to state his acceptance, and state few superficial deeds done by him, Mark had used his ability darkness bind to shut his mouth.

" Bind! "

Mark waited for few seconds, before carrying out a mocking expression over his face, exclaiming " Don't say later that this young master had not given you a chance, since your stubborn mouth refuses to spit out, your mischievous deeds, let me employ my tricks and make you open your tight mouth. "

Mark carried the potion over his left hand and opened its lid and made wilhelm to drink till its the last drop.

Even if wilhelm had coaporated with mark and spit out few of his superficial deeds, which were actually done by him. Would that be able to satisfy mark curiosity? No!

He had to bind wilhelm's mouth, again with his darkness bind, act righteous in front of spectators, and make them believe that he mark had given wilhelm a chance but wilhelm himself had failed to utilize it and decided to keep his mouth shut.

Tough experts may be able to things clearly, but majority would not be able to spot out marks mischief.

one minute later.

The effects of the medicine started to kick in. Wilhelm had a drunk up expression over his face, his half closed eyes, dilated pupils and the occasionally weird expression, on his face had made him look extremely pathetic.

Doesn't know weather he would lose his face later or not, but at present he had lost enough face that he could not carry his proud ridden face over to the public at before.

" What's your name? "

" Wilhelm. "

" No, your full name? "

" Wilhelm Cole "

" What's your age ? "

" It's 11, becoming 12 by next month. "

" Good! let's start with a simple question, had you killed any one. If yes, then when was the first time you killed a person ? " Mark exclaimed loudly, capable for audience to hear.

" Yes, this wilhelm had made a kill before, it was when I was seven years old. " replied Wilhelm.

The audience burst into an uproar, this was definitely a genuine medicine, wilhelm he struck hard, if the questioning continues, even if wilhelm committed suicide in response to this at later times, it would be no major shock to the public.

" Who was that unlucky fello... ? " Before mark had finished out exclaiming his question, a loud roar could be heard behind him, that had stopped him.

" Stop! "

" If I am not wrong, you're wilhelm's father right, are you my father or grand pa? who do you think you are, to order this young master. Having not killed your son, isn't that already equal to giving you some face, don't be greedy to let him free so easily. All this events were caused as a result of you spoiling him, let him confess all his crimes as of today, and there's no stopping to it. "

" How dare you, stop! This seat orders you to stop questioning my son! Don't test my patience.

If I desire this seat can make sure you regret that you were born. Unless you wish to spend the rest of your life in this damn arena, don't stop interrogating my son, you little bastard! " Since asking him to give up was not possible. The father of wilhelm started threatening mark.

Stated his position as a high class elder, very few dared to talk as his equal, but Mark had not given a face to such character, unless he was gonna stay in the arena for rest his life, mark's safety could not be guaranteed.

" Who says that he had to hide the rest of his life in the arena, Eisenberg ? " Suddenly a mighty figure who was floating in the air, had exclaimed out, not giving a face to wilhelm's father. When the audience set their eyes on that figure they were startled.

Tough they were not able to measure out the waves released by him and determine his cultivation, but judging by the might, he was stronger than the Cole family 3rd Elder, the wilhelm's father himself.

The tension in the air started to increase. Was he the confidence behind mark, does that mean he is also a part of an major force. Many such questions were starting to pop up in the minds of the audience.

Author's notes

Characters added

Eisenberg - Wilhelm's father, Cole familys third Elder.