Chapter 56 : Exposed ( part 3 )

" Time's for next question, wilhelm. "

Mark had started to rain wilhelm, with a series of questions, one different from the other, but all had shared one or more similarities among themselves, his evil deeds, his conspiracies.

The audience were shocked after listening to each one of wilhelm's conspiracies, who hadn't even spared his own clansmen, under his hideous schemes.

A little kid of 11 had not only managed to eliminate several of his tough competitors. He had even done it beautifully by manipulating top figures on the floor, who had to stained their hands for his cause.

More than half of the experts, who had previously supported Eisenberg, to let his son off the humiliation, had started to detest wilhelm, who had even involved their sons and daughters with his crimes.

They were quite delighted on seeing wilhelm, a cunning character, who was reduced to the present state by mark, they had even sneered internally, exclaiming " This bastard deserves to die horribly without a grave. "

Mark turned his head towards the audience, with a serious expression on his face, bellowing out . " Selling out the information about his own clansmen to foreign powers for personal gains!

Unjustly framing his potential competitors, to eliminate the future threats from nurturing! Also those that went out his calculations!

Controlling experts, who belonging to other powerd... by indulging them in the usage of his addictive drugs, and there by turning them into his spies, to extract valuable secrets out their family! " He paused for a second before sighing at experts from Cole family, pressuring out a particular point, with an expression of pity over his face, " Sigh... Even half the experts from your cole family had fallen under his schemes! "

He raised his voice again, bellowed " He acted as a spoiled young master, who had relied on his father's support, to live off a pampered and well sheltered life in disguise, under his father's name.

His layout for building an empire was almost finished, only need to provide sufficient foundation for it to last for a longer time.

So he need to recruit... no control geniuses of younger generation, for that specific task, who would one day become experts and fight for his cause.

Guess where could he probably accomplish that part, easily? Isn't that achievable in arena were geniuses could be found, as easy as finding cabbages in the market.

After joining blue flame alliance, which had strict requirement for joining, he found many opportunities to control geniuses, he had already contaminated the ones at lower zones, doesn't know weather the geniuses in the upper zones had yet to fall under his ploys.

His perfect cover has been coincidentally blown out by me, since his true colours are revealed, I hope no other expert would fall under his schemes again, unless they are fools and his ambition to control the floor had to be stopped halfway, isn't it? . "

If we look at wilhelm's strategy, it all had begun with honey trapping mechanism.

Turning the beauties from his own cole family into drug addicts, who were willing to sell their bodies as a collateral to obtain the potential narcotics from him.

Using the greedy men, those that were trapped under his schemes. He made them run errands for him, distributing his addictive product and wide spreading them to the members of the respective families and there by spreading it in a pyramidal mechanism.

Even experts at peak of king class were trapped under this scheme, becoming his dogs, who bend their tail under his command.

But what caused the cole family experts to hate wilhelm to core was neither him selling out his clansmen, nor him trapping other family experts under his schemes. It was him being the mastermind, behind the poisoning their beloved first Supreme elder, whose condition started to deteriorate since past few months, and had to retreat for seclusive cultivation, to tend the poison in his body.

The person who later took charge of the family, turned out to be his maternal grandfather, the second supreme elder of cole family.

Though second supreme elder was not as easy going as the First. He was known to have a ruthless character, who stops at nothing until he achieves his goal.

Ever since the command came under his hands, the peaceful Cole family became chaotic and started to wage war against other powers and managed to unify several weaker families, under their command.

Even a first rate family which were considered to second only to the six supreme powers were absorbed under their family.

Tough the weaker families could be trampled, by the stronger ones. Necessary price has to be met by them, they could very well loose few of their valuable powerhouses and be outranked by other families in near future, which they seldom desire.

This was also a cause, to why the six supreme families had not yet unified the entirety of the floor as a whole. But this Cole family had managed to accomplish this feat without making any sacrifices, which caused the other families to be on startled and be on high alert.

Even the Cole family experts were wondering, how their second supreme elder managed to achieve this feat, provided his intelligence.

Since the other families were never their friends to begin with, and few of them were already hostile to them, holding alliance against their family for stability.

When their second elder slaughtered his way into these families single handed, eliminating those who refused to bow, and taking shelter of those who pledged their allegiance towards him, he became unstoppable.

This act had increased the Cole family's overall strength and had also improved their base foundation, as they had successfully managed to enslave, hundreds of king class experts with a single emperor class overlord under their might.

On top his status as a supreme elder, he had contributed a lot for the family's prosperity this time, and also in its development. His fame also started to rise exponentially, Equaling to that of first supreme elder at his peak.

The other Supreme forces in the floor had also started to become wary of Cole family's rise, as they had managed to jump rank and become the fourth strongest supreme force from the fifth strongest earlier.

If thier exponential rise was not halted, they could very well compitite for the position of the first strongest in near future.

But since a treaty was made which prohibited a supreme forces to fight against other supreme power, unless they decide to pick up on other five simultaneously, they had let Cole family be, or else they would try their best to wipe out that power already from growing.

The other peak existences, overlords were also confused about his abrupt rise, being their old rival once, they knew his character well, judging by his intelligence he could never accomplish this feat in hundreds years to begin with.

All the answers for second supreme elder's sudden achievements were disclosed as of today.

It was as a result of a existence known as wilhelm, who had made the families become weak, as a result from internal strife and gained control over them at last, enslaving them to shut their mouths, to prevent the case where the information may potentially leak.

" Now my question to audience below, and also to the experts from Cole family who are floating above.

You all had bared witness to wilhelm's atrocities. Should he even deserve to live after committing those hideous crimes? Does this young master killing him at present, any different from removing a weed out of our floor, and a potential one at that.

What should be the punishment he should be met with? "

Suddenly a person who turned angry after listening to wilhelm's misdeeds, from the crowd bellowed " kill " which was later supported by others.

" Kill! Kill! Kill! "

The entire platform, echoed with the character of " Kill " , Even wilhelm's father who was protective of him had hesitated, he was ignorant of the deeds made by his son, revealing a heartbroken expression on his face. One side was his family which he grew up with and other side was his son he pampered from young age. He could not choose a side over other to begin with, between the responsibilities of being a father or an elder of the family, he could not afford to choose either one.

When the entire of the crowd was bellowing with a character of kill, a person started to rose above the floor, floating up in air, extruding his monstrous amount of mana out his body, bellowing angrily " Who dares to kill my grandson, wilhelm. "