Chapter 58 : Systems involvement ( part 1 )

Mark had been yelling out the name of system, and throwing a few curses on top her, within his heart, to understand the real reason behind it, we have to come back ninety minutes earlier to present, when he had just entered the arena.

90 minutes earlier.

" Razor... Though enslaving him might not benefit me greatly, in terms of strength. His bloodline as a six fanged lamina might provide me a new card, to deal against higher realm enemies.

System, what do you say? How about I enslave him during a fight. "

Mark had already used a slave contract on Selvira, he was left with an another form unused, why not waste it on razor?

Since he had already obtained the Royal bloodline powers of succubus race... Incubus would be the correct term, which increased his speed and attack power abruptly along with after perks, he still lacked a proper defensive power to make a proper balance of his powers.

A strong defensive bloodline of lamia race was juicy to his eyes, since a six fanged variant was present right before his eyes, how could he let him escape from his grasp.

But still obtaining a slave was of greater importance, since number of contract forms were limited to one and even during his life he could at max obtain 10 such beings under his arsenal, so he decided to go for a systems suggestion before confirming his target.

" Ding! Suggesting host to choose an another target. "

" Ding! A potential target has been discovered, target is currently on his way to arena. One minute before interception, at novice zones platform 148. Suggesting host to intercept him before the fighting ring, occupied by razor. "

Mark was startled, " A potential target! Since system had regarded razor to be unworthy of wasting a slave contract, this potential target must had high specs to get under systems eye.

Some one who's more worthy than this razor is gonna intercept this mark! To become his slave!

Does the targets origin's from lamia race. Is he a six fanged variant or an eight fanged type.

If not for the lamia race to produce that potential target, did he belong to other races, who's inherited bloodline rivals that of razors inherited one's, or even... exceeds him! "

Mark had a general idea of the powers ruling this floor, the six supreme forces.

If not for succubus race which had managed to produce that talent, Mark would try all possible means to acquire this new talent under his arsenal.

Since he already have a slave belonging to succubus race addition of an another would play no major role to him, rather than wasting a slave form.

Though his origin could be from other supreme powers, mark was still willing to offend that powerhouse, and take this target is his slave, if marks required conditions are met with.

After obtaining him, Mark could have the choice of using his targets bloodline powers to gain a new hidden card under his sleeve.

" Ding! According to the data gathered around the target, he belongs to lamia race. "

Mark was excited, after hearing the exclamation made by system. " Could the target belong to the lamia race's eight fanged variant.

If I get his bloodline powers as my own, I could easily surmount my battle powers and could even defeat a high class aura lord himself. Become a near invincible existence under aura king! "

But his dreams quickly shattered into pieces, shortly by system which continued to ding!

" Ding! targets age had not exceeded twelve, and he's a four fanged serpent varient, on top of it target is extremely cunning! . "

" Ding! The target had entered the underground arena, suggesting host to intercept him before the fighting ring, occupied by razor, before host misses the chance! . "

" What? How is a four fanged variant more worth than razor, who's a six fanged one.

Does this target had cultivated to the realm of an aura lord? If not, a genius who had remained hidden from eyes of the others. "

" Ding! Though the cultivation of the target is well below that of an aura lord, he is indeed a genius hidden from rest. "

" A person who's not ascended to lord class... belong to lamia race but only a four fanged variant! Something's wrong with this system! Tough there had never been a case where it's intuitions had turned wrong. But still... let's look at my target, and deem him weather he's worth my slave contract or not! "

Like system had suggested him mark made his way to the fighting ring, which was occupied by razor.

Since he only needs to intercept him, before he reaches the ring, Mark had decided to stretch his muscles by relieving his stress over razor's body.

Once the ring was occupied by him, his target would naturally come before the ring and fight against him, where he could use that chance to enslave him for good, trusting the suggestion made by the system.

But before he even entered the ring, a loud voice could be heard, which had made him quite unpleasant.

" Razor.... you really have guts to injure my men! You waste from a side branch's family, kneel down immediately and apologize to your master! If you are still reluctant to do, this young master shall cripple your core, make you lose your cultivation, and truly make you a waste tonight. "

Mark was quite irritated after listening to his bellowing. " What the f*cks wrong with you system? A person who had not yet ascended into the realm of grand masters, is he even worth my effort.

Even thousands of him combined, would be unable to withstand a blow against this Mark. What could i possibly achieve after enslaving him? System, are you sure... you aren't joking with me right now? "

Though mark was angry, he couldn't help but trust the system this once. And what's wrong with him shouting to fight this razor.

" Isn't that asking for his death? a death wish indeed! Doesn't he understands the hierarchy of cultivation, no matter how strong his back ground may be.

Choosing to recklessly fight a upper realm expert himself, who even had a higher bloodline concentration compared to him.

A fool! An overly boastful person! How did he manage to get under systems eye, my potential target!

At the age of eleven, few days from reaching twelve. He hadn't even reached aura grand masters realm much less an aura lord, how's that considered to be a talent, he's the most worthless trash I had ever seen on this floor, belonging to a supreme force! "

But contrary to mark's curses, system had turned a blind eye to him and stopped answering his questions further, but still he had to trust her this once, who knows he may regret later, if this person reply turned out to be an exceptional case.

" Stop! How dare you a peasant, dares to entering that ring. Don't you know that person had offended our young master, who's gonna get his lesson taught by us. Your move of entering in is equivalent to offending our young master.

Do you not understand the consequences of offending him. So move your f*ckin a** away from our young master's way, unless you had a death wish. "

An early teen age demon who seems to be a lacky of the four fanged lamia, had bellowed out loud and started to threaten mark, trying to bootlick his leader, the present target.

" Should i.... what qualifications does this overgrown snake had, the rights to command this young master. You dare to threaten me despite being a weakling. I repeat your statement back to yourself, move your f*ckin a** away from here, this noble young master does not like to bully weak. Move away from this place before my decision changes. "

By his previous statement, Mark had decided to test the disposition of his target, but it had quite brought his hopes down.

" Peasant..... you are courting death, I'm named wilhelm cole, a royal descendent born with the noble blood line of lamia race, second son of 3rd elder, I am known well for being benevolent.

I shall spare you from death but you have cripple your mana core and come kneel down on ground before my feet, along with that ungrateful servant. Don't blame me for not being merciful, if I had accidently killed a disobedient peasant in anger . "

" How dare this target, threaten me if not for system who had recommended you and some s*itty rules made by this arena. I would had already hacked you into thousand pieces, " mark had been feeling down, after looking at his character, he's just some random trouble maker who could be found anywhere, asking for their quick deaths.

" Fuck! kneel down, do you think that being a four fanged serpent made you king among demon, even if you have an extraordinary back ground, right now fighting outside rings are prohibited. If not for that cause, I would had killed you over several times before you had finished blabbering about your kindness, why don't you enter the ring and fight me to death, do you dare? so called young master. " Mark had released a bit of his aura, which had been altered to black colour by the system, that had let audience notified mark to be a grand master individual, the audience sighed by exclaiming " no wonder he was arrogant, how could a grand master at such tender age forsake his pride and dignity, kneel before an other race's demon, isn't that asking him to commit suicide, will any one respect the little kid of he had undergoing such humiliation from that young master in future! "

" If you are afraid to come alone, you can tag along with your lackeys, what do you say young master, hahahaha... " Mark had decided to provoke him, and make him fall under his plan.

" Yo..Yo..You... don't blame me later for abusing you with numbers. Galen go gather brothers from our blue flame alliance, we shall torture this peasant to extreme that other punks had to think hundreds of time, before planing to make a move on us. "

Afterwards, hundreds from blue flame alliance made their way to the platform number 148. Challenging mark and getting pummeled by him. Trying to gang on him but still failed at the end.

Mark was still confused, he had almost made his way to his target, but still couldn't find a point he could appreciate from him, rather than his background, which was one of a supreme force ruling the current floor on the dungeon.

System which was turning a blind eye to his curses till now had suddenly prompted a message, exclaiming.

" Ding! You sure are a nosy fellow, host. if you still doubt my suggestion, why don't you use a potion looted from others, your spoils! It's named truth serum. Though it is if a lower grade, it us sufficient for the present target to spell out truth. Just ask him to spit out all his crimes he committed thus far. "

" Ding! suggesting host to use slave's contract simultaneously, which may take a minute to kick in its effects. "

" Truth serum... let's see how worth this target is? "

Mark had finally reached beside his target. Wilhelm, who was currently bonded under the darkness bind, bellowing " State your crimes and this young master may spare you, your life. "

Author's notes.

To some who doesn't understand what's happening here, here's a quick note.

For what reason mark started to curse system out of no where, when he was at grave situation.

To understand that. the scenario which took place behind the scenes, ninth minutes earlier had been narrated, quite simple right.