Chapter 98 : choosing profession

Though there are several interesting professions to choose! Not any such profession could be learnt easily, not just by some random individuals, as it requires his fate for it!

If not for this disparity, the existing demand for these fields would had ceased from existence, since the ancient times, where many such practitioners would be wandering free on top the surface, and cultivators didn't necessarily had a need to queue before them for their needs.

Fate may lead a person to inspire and learn one such professions. Which may take years to practice, some times their entire lives, dedicated just to perfect their skills in this endless journey, a pursuit of knowledge.

Though such devine fates were hard to be met with, as one in millions may not necessarily obtain them.

Mark was given a opportunity by system, an opportunity which could let him learn all such occupations, but at present cultivation it was limited to one.

He had gone through the basic introductions of these professions, and weeded out the ones that appeared useless before his eyes.

" Ah! A wood master profession... rejected!

Ah! A devine poucher profession... rejected!



Ah! A celestial navigator profession... rejected!

Ah! A war technician... interesting, but still... rejected!



Just why are these professions poor, not up to my standards. Not just suitable for me? Would I really find a suitable one, which could make me anxious and feel like learning it? " Mark bellowed internally, he had been scrolling through these list of professions, and far more than a thousand had been seen through him, yet no one such profession had caught his eyes to learn.

To clarify things, all these professions were not to be belittled, even in the least, even if their practical use was too limited to mention.

As learning any of these for free could induce heavy greed, if possible, much less a bunch of options presented before mark that were blatantly rejected by him, like casting aside grass that seems useless.

Mark was sorting out through these professions, as if they were some weeds growing on his lawn which made him want to weed out.

If a cultivator was able to hear his thoughts, even for a bit, he would for sure strangle mark to death for his greediness. Stating that " His greed knows no limits. "

Each one of the professions casted aside by mark were hard to come by, though were common, not rare as those professions of alchemist, array master, weapon smith and others whose demands had no limit, but were still enough, plenty for those cultivators to live a lavish life without worry.

After two hours of scrolling, only four professions had sparked the elements of interest in mark's heart to learn, which may necessarily help him in later times predominantly

"Alchemist, tamer, Array master and physician."

Though there were other professions which were superior to these four, but not any one such would be of immediate use to mark that could help him in his journey of levelling.

Alchemist, an interesting profession, the field which helps in creating magical potions and medicines, that could either both save an life or take ones, depends on the intended use.

The interesting thing in this field is that the practitioner would never have to worry about facing financial problems, as flood of cultivators would be awaiting their luck to be graced by these behemoths that could change the destinies of their lives, with a simple potion.

Tamer! Though a profession of trying his mounts and monsters, which helps him control beast's and less intelligent beings, effectively.

It will significantly help him in his journey of cultivation, where his controlled monsters could help him farm experience points, and raise his level drastically.

Array masters! An uncommon profession known for being hard to understand and complicated in its process, as it requires decades to improve its grades, even by a little, but the returns are befitting the effort spend in it as it was more profitable than an alchemist itself.

Physician! Though it's not popular for individuals who master in its initial phases of knowledge, but legends had fore told that there were some devine physician, when reached the ancient masters level, were capable of bringing back the dead from graves, as long as the person's soul was not severed from his Mortal body or left it without a way for its return.

Mark had a tough time selecting one, but had to stress out his options between tamer and array master at last, but finally had to ultimately choose array master as it may help him get out this death trap, since major functions of the track were inbuilt with the function of array.

But at the same time, In control centre, a wounded figure, with several injuries over his body was present. Many burnt marks over his skin made him look ugly, his body had turned frail, trembling at its own weight, but at the same time bellowed out stating " Gilldart you don't know the matters you stepped into. The matters of working under Darius is not going to help you in the least, much less your hidden family that may be thoroughly used under his ambitions.

My sincere advice! Make things back normal and there may be a chance for return. Killing mark will only intice anger of flame glory on Westfield!

Is it worth risking your whole hidden family for that single seat Darius promises?

Stop! there may be still a way of return... cough! cough! " Spilling out these words, and at a same time a mouth full of his blood, the wounded person fell over the floor, loosing all his mustered strength that moment.

" Return back! Old thing just so you know that there's no return any more, though i regret choosing his offer, but things had went to a stage where the thing called return had long since became non existent!" Placing his arms over his back, clenching it hard, gilldart bellowed.

" Lock him in the cell my old man was kept, let the friends of old timers accompany each other for a last time, and let's wait for Sir Darius to pass his orders over these rebels! " Gilldart bellowed out, before sitting back on his luxurious chair, in a way dominating, glaring at the huge screen before him, looking at the figure of mark that seems to comprehend some thing.

" How should I deal with this little brat from now on? " gilldart exclaimed, with a laughter that shivered the hearts of the faculty around him, looking at his cruel nature that didn't even spare his father, who nurtured him.

Well things may be confusing right now, but to clarify things, going back to a couple hours in the control center, the things would be made much clearer then.