Chapter 113 : Vice general Senyou!

" Hey... just where am I by the way? " After getting frustrated out by this new guide, mark turned his head towards the young maid that had nursed him with bandages earlier.

" Master this humble servant is named Rudia! " Even if were for a simple maid, they would feel comfortable with their names, instead of being called with "hey" or "the person over there" And so was the case for this Rudia.

She then continued, " Master is currently resting in western warlords palace! "

" This humble maid Rudia along with sister Delphine and Clara are assigned to serve master, please take care of us! "

What she said is what she mean! Once a person been assigned a maid position in western warlords palace, they become the property of their master.

In other words their slaves. If the master favours them, they'll naturally live a easy going one.

" Ding! Host needs to use the house name of Milton, while being in this world. So as to avoid getting suspicion! "

Aina had warned him before hand, to use the name of Milton while being in this world. If not the fake identity of using Milton family would get exposed from that moment.

" Haha, my name is Mark... Milton! Could you all go out for a minute? I have a thing to do! " Mark had yet to be used to that Milton name, so he laughed to cover his hesitation.

Right now he wanted to have a heated discussion with this Aina! Ever since he came in contact with the system, his names were changing as easy as exchanging vegetables.

" Milton! " The maids exclaimed loudly, being startled. They were informed that their master is a person of high background, never dared to imagine that he belonged to Milton's.

Two maids behind Rudia were lost in imagination, they even though of throwing themselves into Mark's arms, but a person of that status would definitely have many pretty women to spare, so comparing with them these maids had lost that confidence.

" Sisters! Master needs some space, let's wait out until he calls for us! " She said in serious tone. As if the fact that she became a maid of Milton's is not appealing to her eyes.

" Ru...Ru...Rudia... master belongs... to house... Milton! " Both Delphine and Clara were stupefied, wasn't this Rudia satisfied with being a maid of Milton?

" Don't tell that her ambition was to become a royal maid of the emperor household? " both agaped in surprise.


Outside Mark's room.

" Rudia you really have a big appetite!

I know that your beautiful, but... why aren't you satisfied with, being a maid of house Milton? " The purple-blue haired Delphine exclaimed out surprisingly.

" Big appetite! Not satisfied! Sisters you have thoroughly mistaken me, it's just that I want to live a simple life, and my family does not share a good history with them! " Pulling her brows down a bit, Rudia exclaimed out depressingly.

But still deep within, there were traces of anger burning in her eyes, as if the word Milton was disgusting to hear.

" Bad history! Rudia you aren't thinking of... " Delphine was worried thinking that this Rudia might try harming their master.

" No, I ain't planning to betray our master, it's just that I wanted to severe all ties to that particular house! "

She then laughed out before angrily and exclaimed " But of all possibilities, fate had turned me to a maid. Just so that I could serve the same house I despise! "

Sighing out loud she then exclaimed " It seems that god Merclaive had set a different route for me! "

looking at the faces of both, that were puzzles, she then continued " My father used to be an elite soldier, almost became a commander there at Milton's, while my mother worked as a senior accountant, and was most likely to become a head accountant.

But every thing took for the worst turn after a certain... event! " Her eyes turned red following and she was barely controlling her emotions from crying out loud.

" Used to be " They both exclaimed out in surprise.

" Yes! Used to be... as my father is currently held in their prison, rotting there for a crime he hadn't committed.

As for my mother, without my father's protection she then was fancied by a Nobel, she wanted to commit suicide to protect her chastity!

A house, which we served for generations had turned back on us. Being powerless this Rudia could only flee away in fear from their tyranny, and hide in this remote western warlords palace for safety! "

Even western warlord palace fears the Milton house, so what could a family of an elite soldier account for?

An ant in their eyes!

She could only hide the rest of her days, as a measly maid, hidden from the eyes of those Milton's.

" Rudia, you had never mentioned us about this past before?

Do you still consider us as your sisters? "

Clara who was standing next to Delphine exclaimed out angrily, she extended her arms and punched straight at her nose.


Rudia fell to floor, and a small stream of blood gushed down her nose.

She rubbed her nose and blood was dripping lightly out her left nostril " How dare you? " roaring out, Rudia pounced back to return a punch.


Clara clearly hit the wall behind, before falling to the floor " little s*ut! Earlier, I had grazed you lightly? Time's to pay back the interest! " Bellowing loudly she jumped straight to the person that sent her flying.

" A... flat board wants to curse me? " Rudia started taunting her.

" Rudia stop! " Delphine stepped forward to stop this pointless brawl.

" Delphine step aside! Today, I'll teach this little s*ut some manners! " Clara refuted her boldly.

" Says a person person who hadn't grown some stalk yet! " shaking her upper body a little Rudia continued.

" Stop this meaningless brawl at once. Even kids are far better at this! " Delphine was about to hit her limit, and who knows she may join their kids fight if continued.

" Shut up! "

" Shut up! "

Both Rudia and Clara bellowed at once.

" You s*uts asked for it? " Roaring it out Delphine entered the brawl.


At the same time, in mark's room.

Mark had some questions for system, and would not calm down unless he finds an answer to them.

" Aina! What are Miltons? And what are they to me? " Mark asked this question, as he was not able to understand, why he had a need to change his name, again?

It's not like he's from this world to begin with. And even if his true name were to be exposed, what harm could be done to him?

Since Aina asked him to change his name to Milton's, he could help but ask her about it.

" Ding! Milton is a family name! " System answered him in a single line.

The way she answers him was as if she's telling him that, is there a need to ask this simple question?

" Fuck! As if this mark was ignorant of it? " Mark cursed internally, but Aina was yet to reply.

" Okay its a family, what's more about them! " Mark continued.

It's not like Mark was clue less, after what he had seen so far!

Miltons! They were clearly a house hold name, which seemed much stronger than the place he was residing in.

The maids who were nursing him earlier startled, after hearing that single word "Milton" which led him discern that easily.

" Ding! Host is adviced to use their name for safety! " Aina replied honestly.

" That you have already informed me earlier What's more about them? " Mark questioned again, few traces of anger was seen on his face clearly.

" Ding! Milton's are a major powerhouse in human domain, and very few could rival them. in terms of strength! "

Mark was turning angry, Aina was just spinning the answers, not replying to the questions he asked for.

" But why should that concern me? " Mark bellowed out angrily, but Aina was yet to reply his question.

As second ticked by, mark became more impatient, just when he was about to spout a word in anger, Aina opened her mouth at last.

After few brief seconds of wait, she played her ding, before telling him the answer he asked for.

" Ding! Because the body, host was "Incarnated" into belongs to a child from that house, the house of Milton !

" Fuck! What did she mean by that? "


" Hahaha! "

While mark was conversing with system ( At present, Aina) a sound of laughter was heard outside his door.

Just when the maids were busy at their internal brawl, few soldiers in brown military robes accompanying a figure in black uniform reached next to them.

" Halt! " Waving his hand upright, the brown haired youth in black clothed uniform shouted out.

" Senyou! You dirty bastard! What are you doing here? " Rudia was the first to recognize the youth who was laughing at them earlier.

" Haha! I was informed to escort an important guest to dinner! But hadn't guessed to meet an old lover at this place!

Haha! Truly funny right? " Senyou chuckled while exclaiming out.

The soldiers around them were startled, they didnt know that their powerful leader had such past with a measly maid.

" Who's your old lover? " Rudia bellowed back in rage, her eyes were extremely bloodthirsty, as if the person before her was her mortal enemy.

Both Delphine and Clara were startled, black dress was a code of high authority, and the number of stars on his coat had pointed out that the youth before them had become a vice general.

It took them some time before these could recognize that the person before them was the one who had betrayed Rudia, a year ago.

"Three ranks below the leader of warlords palace."

Though it wasn't the highest authority in western warlords palace, the youth dressed in blank before their eyes was a person of high command, who now commands thousands of soldiers under his banner.

Even lesser novels need to be cautious when facing him.

" Hey, still thinking of the past? Think it as a bad memory and let it pass by.

How about being my women again? I won't treat you badly! "

Scanning the developed body of Rudia, which was beautiful, extruding womanly charms. Senyou asked her to become his women, again.

Yes, his women, because he was her ex to begin with.

Though Rudia looks thirteen externally, like a girl who just might just had hit her puberty. Her true age was around twenty!

These he had been her man for a long time, their relation crumbled all of a sudden, because of an unpleasant moment between them.

" Hey, hey, if it wasn't for me, would you still have a life to bark back? How ungrateful, little s*ut, no wonder you were abandoned by your family to begin with! " Senyou bellowed these words harshly.

" Bastard! " Under impulse Rudia slapped Senyou leaving a pale pink palm imprint over his face.

Instead of getting angry, Senyou rubbed his face lightly and was sneering out a little, as if he was expecting for her to slap him at this precise moment

" How dare? " The solders behind him had shouted out in anger, before pouncing towards Rudia.

" Stop! " Extending his right hand to a side, senyou ordered them to stop. He was looking at Rudia with a mischievous smile as if he was planning something this instant.

" Haha! Rudia, do you know acknowledged the crime you did earlier? spend a night with me and I might reduce the severity of punishment being imposed on you! " Senyou asked her commandingly, with a righteous face.

" Crime! " Now only did she realized that she had fallen under his plan, rage had blurred her intellect, and she hit a high authority in western warlords palace, which is a taboo!

" Karl! On what basis our western warlords palace runs? " Senyou asked a brown robed soldier who was at his side.

" Vice general, our Western Warlords Palace is strictly hierarchical, and execution to those lower ranks that dared to rebel on higher authority! " With a proud face the brown robes soldier recited a rule of palace.

A year ago, he was just an ordinary captain that had twenty recruits under his command.

But within a year after a certain incident his powers sky rocket and now he reached the position of vice general.

Which was quite an achievement, considering his age which hadn't exceeded twenty, little less than Rudia in age.

They know the character of senyou the best, no matter what, he would try to gain the most of what he could at any moment.

So even in hundred tries, he wouldn't choose exciting Rudia as it would not profit him much.

So the three were not worried about Rudia being executed, but they feared the scheme this senyou was plotting at this precise moment.

" lucky for you s*ut as the highest authority here is me!

Well... Karl, Shouldn't there be an exception to this rule? " Looking at the sneer on Senyou's face, the soldier smiled a little and continued.

" Under special means the affected higher authority could demand the type of punishment a rebel should bear from the highest authority under seer! "

Finishing these lines out his mouth, he went back towards his original position, standing behind senyou as he was commanded by signal.

" She's a rebel, and I am the authority! "

" So hear the edict,

The maid named Rudia had committed a heinous crime of offending a higher authority and uses physical force on a victim named Senyou Walden, a vice general.

So as the highest authority at this place, this Senyou Walden shall sentence her to become a servant... no to become a slave of the victim, Senyou Walden.

If a third party decided to play their hands, and step up for her, they are directly challenging the rules set by place leader, and be dealt with appropriate punishment by him! "

" Haha! Can't wait to taste the long awaited body of her. " Making a lecherous glare on Rudia's body he was imagining things.

" He.. he.. boys go get this girl and bring her to my bed chambers. " Crying out a sinister laughter, he grabbed her pretty face tightly, before moving towards the door, behind which mark was present.

" Stop! There's a reason why you can't play that edict! It's null from the beginning " Delphine voiced out, which stopped the moments of the soldier.

Being powerless she could only voice out humbly before these strong cultivators.

" A little maid like you... Dares to call my edict, void? Who do you think you are? Know your place! " Extending his hands, senyou condensed a black hammer and thrown it over Delphine.

" Rudia and us have already became that man's property, and he's not from western warlords palace, so your hierarchy game doesn't play true anymore! "

Delphine said confidently, they were the maids of Milton and do the maids of Milton still have a need to follow the rules of palace?

Within a snap, the black hammer dissipated into air by Senyou's toughts.

" Haha! Very well said, you all have became that man's property?

And by the way you talk he definitely had to be a big shot! " Tilting his body sideways a little , he bended his head crossly and gave Delphine a look of pity.

" You are his property right? Then why were you all standing outside his chambers, instead of serving his thing in? " Making a lecherous smile he asked Delphine.

" Don't say that you all were... abandoned at the first day? "

Waking straight towards her he held her face tightly, and scanned it a multiple times.

" Warm my bed for couple of days! If I feel you are satisfying, I'll let you stay next to this master for few more months till I get bored.

If not just fuck off from my sight to a brothel, because there it suits you low lives better! " Making a heavy demand, senyou grabbed her neck tightly before bellowing.

" I changed my mind! Rudia play a strip tease for me, or else this s*lt dies here. " The demand of Senyou had even started his own soldier to begin with.

They know that their leader was a brave warrior to begin with, but never had they seen this lecherous side of him.

Striptease of his beautiful ex! And right before they very eyes! Their male instincts were pumping up all of a sudden.

Being a soldier they had very little free time to spare, so things of women's and such were rarity for them.

When their boss were giving then this treat, their eyes widened in surprise and were breathing heavily In anxiety.

Rudia was startled, though she knew his character the best, from last year he was acting differently as if he was a stranger to begin with.

The man she treasures and cherished had turned differently, as if he was turning strange in course of years.

At one point of life, he was willing to and beared all pains for her, and decided to share his one life with this Rudia.

But at present he had turned strange and asked her an outrageous demand to perform striptease openly.

Flashes of their memories popped up all of a sudden, and tears stared dwelling her eyes.


At the same time.

" Why do I feel a sense of unrest? " Mark who had just argued with Aina, had a bad feeling running through his brains.

" Ding! Host are you going to stay still while your servants are being bullied outside? " System questioned him.

" Bullied! " Mark was startled, what do you mean by being bullied.


Mark eyes sparked a little, before his eyes become enhances and capable of viewing through walls.

" What's this? " Mark questioned her in surprise.

" Ding! Benefits... being a slayer of this guide Aina! " Aina said this proudly.

" Good! " Exclaiming out mark looked around to find his maids.

The anxiety of being able to use this feature got vanished all of a sudden, but rage got filled his eyes! " How dare... You animals? "

Bellowing it loud mark used his traversing ability without a minute delay.


Few seconds before mark's traversing.

By this time Rudia is half way naked only with the thin inner garments left on her body.

Strip! Strip! Strip! Strip! Strip! Strip!

The tens of soldiers were roaring out, with lustful eyes to ask Rudia to strip her remaining inner garments.

" All turn back, the last explicit scene is for me and me alone to savour. " senyou bellowed out.

" No! It's not fair! " Several soldiers were heart broken, a little before this maiden gets stripper thoroughly, they all were exited imagining wildly about it, but their boss had bombed with a shocking command.

The tears in Rudia's eyes had long since dried and she was extremely lifeless with an expression less face.

She took took out her the pin and was about to expose her chest.

But all of a sudden a silhouette got appeared before her, who tightly grabbed her into his arms before putting back the pin to the original place, he exclaimed, " Your master is here, let's see who dares bully you from now? "

author notes.

Characters added.

1. Rudia, Clara, Delphine = three maids of Mark

2. Senyou = ex of Rudia and a vice general of western warlords palace.

3. Karl = Senyou's soldier.