Chapter 115 : Flying dragon unit

While few people were trying to narrate a plot, for assassinating mark.

The existence of mark had reached the ears of Milton's by now, and this super power had dispatched a team of their executives, for escorting mark back to his home.

Since the case was sensitive, Milton's could only dispatch a special team of executives, rather than those powerful elders that might alert their enemies.

The special team was an unit, made of twelve strong executives riding on top the mounts of flame dragon species, that could travel thousands of kilometers in minutes.

Two people in white commanding robes, followed by ten in red were rushing towards the western warlords palace at a terrifying speed.

" Miss Rey! How sure are you that, he's his child? " The man in white robes questioned this Rey, who was flying next to him.

" Though the Intel might not be accurate, it could not be neglected either!

That old man never had a male offspring to begin with, it's a good news to our house if that Mark is one of us, a Milton! "

Rey exclaimed out with an excited face, and when the word Milton was exclaimed, Rey's eyes were showing traces of reverence for it.

" But the old man is in his nineties... Cough! Cough! Can't imagine that he could still... "

" Daniel! Does that matter? " Ray answered back in a serious tone, her eyes were glaring red as if she was looking at her mortal enemy.

She was a student of the old man that Mark encountered in the colossal battle ship.

She was always grateful to him for picking her up from slums, when she was abandoned by her poor family.

From a homeless peasant she became a highly respected executive, which even the high ministers dare not offend easily.

Her life took an abrupt turn after encountering him.

She always wanted to pay back this piece of gratitude, but in course of years she owed him enough that her entire life might not be sufficient to clear off this debt.

Now that a male heir of that old man popped up, she wanted to meet him up and check the credibility of him being her teacher's successor.

Years after years, she had witnessed her teacher to have daughters and grand daughters, but never to be blessed with a single male child of his blood.

Though she wasn't discriminative towards female offsprings, she feared the Milton's rule which might impose harm to those women.

By Milton's rule, if an unmarried women does not have a male support, they would either be exiled to widows hall, or be married off within the Milton's to prevent a foreign forces from claiming their bloodline.

So, she was naturally worried about those female childs of her teacher, whom she treasured as friends, since young.

" Nono! You have misunderstood me Rey! " Looking at the threatening glare of Rey, the white robed man mumbled back in haste to clear off the misunderstanding.

He Daniel never cared about Mark.

Cause the original purpose for which he signed up for this mission was to spend time with Rey, who was an absolute ice beauty known for her powers and wisdom.

In other words he had no interest in mark, as his entire concern was courting Rey, and make her his woman.

Dozens of executives and even some low elders had fancied her, both for her talents and beauty.

But never to avail, as she had never deviated from the origin path of cultivation for their earth shaking promises.

Now that a long mission of escorting their teachers son was presented! How could he miss this god presented chance of his to impress her.

" Currently our teachers status is unknown, doesn't know weather he's alive or dead!

But all of sudden, this boy named Mark pops to claim that he's his son!

How could I believe it? What if it's a trap set to deceive us? "

He exclaimed back cautiously.

" Haha! Other than Imperials and Black winds, who would dare challenge us? Even if it necessarily was them, would they set those traps to kill a measly unit?

Can't you be a little more matured, Daniel? " She laughed out after hearing his words.

She then continued stating " The warlords palace is a small existence before us, much less their western division.

Had they deceived us using teachers name I'll bury the entire warlords palace today? let's see who'll stop us by then? "

Hearing her heavy words the red uniformed personnel got frightened.

But at the same time, the white robed Daniel whished for her Intel to be fake, as he could unrestrain his powers and show off by then.

" Yes! Had those ants deceived us using Mark's identity.

Let alone the warlord palace, I'll slaughter their entire seven generations to show these ants that, Milton's aren't the ones to be messed with? "

Daniel words had almost caused the red personnel to curse him for being too thick skinned.

" This bastard, too shameless! While he was asked before, he flatly rejected the mission.

But when Rey accept it, he whined the mission elder's legs to grant him the chance!

No wonder that he's just a senior executive, by his character, he could never pass out to become an elder.

I really wonder why lord had taken interest in this thick faced bastard and made him his student? "

The red robed personnel exclaimed it internally, looking at the shapeless face of him which was boasting about his powers.

" Even if he's that old man's child, is there a need to rush?

Can't we simply depart the next morning, is there a need to do this mission in night, sneakingly? "

The red uniformed personnel were quite irritated to begin with, as the time was night and moon was the highest point.

Considering the speed at which their mounts could travel at full might, it could easily take a day and half to reach the warlords palace.

And one more day to western division after preparation.

So they had to skip sleeping for two consecutive days and need to escort him immediately, so almost four consecutive days of sleeplessness, at the least.


At western warlords palace.

While this escorting party of mark had been assembled and departed from Milton's, Senyou was busy trashing mark, tossing him through the warps and playing with his little body like some training dummy.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

What a tough body? " The soldiers in brown uniform exclaimed out in surprise.

Two minutes had passed by since mark used his way of strength.

Within three more minutes, he had to formulate a plan which might defeat this senyou, or else his body might not be able to bear the pain by then and might rally give up.

" Hey Karl! Boss said to bring back the maid named Rudia right? " A soldier asked Karl excitedly.

" Um... Yea but why are you asking about it now? " Karl questioned back, unable to understand why this person was excited.

" Then, those two maids besides her are not included in his orders right? " That soldier in brown robes asked again.

" Yes! But why does it concern you? " Karl questioned back raising his voice.

" Hey man chill down a little, we boys are already excited and it's not healthy to hold back ourself from doing it! "

With a sinister glare over his face, glancing over the women lying on ground unconscious, he stated his reasoning.

Listening to his words the thoughts of others ran wild.

Rudia was a beauty, that's for sure but Delphine and Clara weren't too bad compared to her.

Earlier his boss doesn't had a plans for maids besides Rudia.

So when they were still in excited state, the defenseless bodies of Delphine and Clara were open gifts presented to them, lying on floor.

Right now these soldiers had stopped thinking with brains, and started thinking with their appendage, the portion between their legs.

So what ever Karl try explaining them would be a waste of time, considering the fact that these soldiers had already fixed their plans on those women.

" Che! How troublesome can these boys be literally! " Muttering out, he moved away from the scene, not wishing to witness the part where these two poor women might be ravaged by these hunger males.


In Manson's garden.

Earlier, Mark's head started to feel loaded. And when ever he was sucked into a warp this feeling of loading increased.

After played around by senyou like a dummy, mark was warped multiple times, which slowly escalated that loading thing in his head to an unbearable pain, as if his little head might burst apart the next second.


All of a sudden his mind became clear, all irrelevant thoughts had been eliminated from his mind, and everything in the surrounding was sensed by him in detail.

The chilling cold of the night, the crumbling surface of the ground, the smashing fist of senyou, every thing was visualised by him graphically, without using his actual vision.

As if all the accumulated stress had been released. Mark was not able to feel that head bursting pain anymore.

The surroundings became quite all of a sudden, and slow fading sounds became audible to him.

When Mark opened his eyes to see what's happening around him, he was startled.

Time was passed by slowly, as if his moment had stopped this instance.

He was floating still in the air, and was struck to the space intimately, not being able to bulge a little, even at the great difficulty.

But what startled him the most were the surroundings, which were paused.

The excited face of senyou which showed out how pleased he was, while trashing mark.

The opening and closing points of warps which were tossing him since the beginning.

Several woven thread like red lines spun around, floating in air freely, of which one such smaller one was connected to the warp's tail joining both the mysterious spatial things as one.

" So these red lines were the connecting channel and the black and grey thing being gate! " Just looking at the mechanism they were connected, mark was startled.

" So if a person was able to create a gate and establish it's connection with the channels, wouldn't he be able to create this warps at his own will? "

Mark was excited after discerning the way these warps worked, still the way to create these gates remained a mystery.

Instead of pondering how he was able to reach this state, mark stated examining the warps gates, and decided to comprehend it while the time was going by minuscule.

" No! " Mark couldn't help but roar internally, as the time pause was over.

Surroundings started to move yet the speed at which the time passed by was hundredth of a second.

Without wasting further time, mark continued comprehending this warp thing irrespective of what's happening around him.

One minute later.

Compared to before, the speed of time flow had increased exponentially, and mark was still trying to comprehend this thing.

" Few more minutes and I am done with this comprehension! " Mark exclaimed internally.


Mark was knee kicked this time, but the pain he felt was almost negligible, as the moment with which it hit him was still slow.

But the impeding momentum had still pushed him into the warp which was opened above his head.

In slow motion his head entered a warp from one gate and exited out from the another.

" Wait! let me try doing it! " Mark had some sudden inspiration and he wanted to try executing this warp ability.

Crack! Crack!

Two small negligible crack in space were formed above his both palms, which closed in instantly.

" No, I need to exert more pressure! " mark bellowed internally, and started executing the thing again.

Crack! Crack!

This time the crack was much larger than the former, more refined than before, and was roughly the size of one's finger.

But it also closed abruptly, as if the forces of nature has closed this anomaly in the order to bring back the balance.

" What was that? " Senyou felt some anomaly with his warps, each time mark travels through it, a fraction of the gate seemed to change.

But he stopped paying attention to it quickly and continued venting his powers on Mark's body.

" No, some thing is wrong with the warps? There's nothing wrong with my comprehension! " Mark roared internally.

" Am I missing a thing which is both simple, at the same time also important for the warp to last longer. "

Mark pondered about it and was about to reach a conclusion, but a sharp pain to his back had made him curse internally.

" Fuck! What was that earlier? It pained like hell! "

This time the pain was not due to Senyou's attack, but arised after stumbling the black and grey ring of the gate.

" Wait! Ring! It's the ring! My warps gate needs to have a ring to hold it from closing back! " mark exclaimed internally with an excitement in his eyes.

Since the rings were made up of mana, mark tried executing his warp with a mana ring this time.

Crack! Crack!

The space cracked out as earlier, but before it could restore back to nothingness, mark tried sending off his mana to block it from closing back.

Crisp! Crisp!

The mana rattled around the closing crack like a coiling snake, and formed a rough irregularly shaped gate.

After a great deal of effort, two warps connected through an invisible thread like channel took shape.

It was slightly yellowish in colour, and appeared quite harmless.

Just a small gates of one millimeter, these gates in yellow had paved a new concept in his mind, which further elevated his knowledge about them.

" Haha! I solved his trick! " Mark muttered out in surprise.

" Ding! Congratulations to host for comprehending the space law ability « Two point warp » "

" Ding! Integrating the ability "Two point warp" to host's database! Host could now manipulate the ability to initial mastery stage! "

Aina exclaimed out excitingly.

All of a sudden an idea sparked his mind. How about using the trick of senyou against himself, and take him down by surprise?

With systems support, he only needs to imagine the core aspects of the ability and his rate of mastery would increase exponential with time.

He only needs to find time and strike decisively, to turn the entire battle field in his favor.

Comming back to the present, mark was lying over the ground, inside a deep crator created in the one sided battle.

Senyou got bored of this one sided game and tried eliminating mark in the next blow.

By now, senyou lost interest in him and felt mark was no longer entertaining enough for him to live.

Since the original mission given by upper authority was to assassinate him, he stopped delaying time and tried killing mark with his killer move.

Black and grey aura emitted from his hands turned red, and he senyou was about to punch mark at his face.

The entire body of senyou bulked up like a muscle maniac, his skin turned red with blackish thunderous sparkling spun around his body, which made him look extremely terrifying, like a cursed demon.

Crack! Crack!

Mark executed the newly learnt ability of his, and initiated that small circuit.

He was trying to use this attack of senyou to his advantage, and return back the punch of him to his face.

Two small warps of one foot diameter formed instantly.

One in the direction of Senyou's attacking arm and other towards his face.


Before senyou could probably react to this abnormality.

A huge blast took place, which thrown the entire mansion to tremors.

A figure in red skin was half way fallen towards the side, and balanced him well with his legs which positioned immediately in reflex.


Mark poppe out from the meter large warp of senyou, which was originally set to follow up an attack on Mark.

But now this warp had helped Mark to follow up his attack by fist, which condensed a large portions of his mana into his fingers.


An another blast took place and senyou was now pushed back by few meters, and some drag marks was left on the patched up ground.

" What the hell happened? " senyou bellowed out.

Before he could probably reason out, what's happening around, a small figure popped out from the smoke after using his traversing ability and reached before senyou instantly.

Had mark given a chance for senyou to catch guard, his advantage of striking back in surprise would turn to a waste and the battle might once again be dominated by senyou.

" Ha!~~ " Drawing his entire ounce of strength mark tried blasting off Senyou's head, but a large black and grey warp formed in the middle of him.

" Huh! As expected, thanks for falling in my trap, idiot! " Mark chuckled out.

He then formed two small warps on either sides of the black and grey gate simultaneously, to bypass this Senyou's attempt of defense.


A small fist landed on the large muscular head of senyou.

Though it was equivalent to a finger striking a normal head, the impact had tossed Senyou's head right over the ground, creating a large explosion with earth shaking tremors.

Mysteriously a small crack formed over Senyou's temple, which revealed a dark mysterious abyss as if it appeared endless.

Mark who just had finished striking him down was ignorant of this state of senyou.

" Haha! Even if you try shielding from my attacks I'll create a way to your head! " Mark laughed out.

He then rushed towards senyou bellowing " It's time for pay back! "

Author notes.

Characters added.

1. Rey - A senior executive of house Milton. A student of the old muscular white coated man, mark encountered in the colossal battle ship.

2. Daniel - An another senior executive of house Milton. A pursuer of rey.

Note :

1. Currently an escort party had been dispatched from Milton's, for mark. But at the same time mark was being plotted to death by some higher authority of western warlords palace.

Mark needs to defeat senyou and save his maids present in the mansion, who are now at the risk of being ravaged by hungry wolves like those brown soldiers, who could now no longer bear the stress within.

2. Executive is a higher position in the house Milton, like knights, followed by senior executive, their leaders.

Above executives are the existences of elders who even the imperials dare not offend easily, and needs to think twice before interfering in their matters.