Chapter 119 : An unusual turn!

In Mark's mansion.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Heavy sounds of metal clashings were being reverberated throughout the mansion, and the intense fight between mark and abyss demon had yet to result in a winner.

Mark had parried hundreds of its moves by now, and even managed to injure the mystic form of the demon to some extent.

Crack! Crack!

" Shit! " Mark exclaimed out internally, being terrified, when he spot the abyss demon to target the six which he tried protecting earlier.


Mark appeared in its trajectory, but got tricked by its cunning plan. It baited mark by threatening the six only to lure mark right before it, so that it could use it's cunning plan.


The abyss demon attacked mark right at his back, sending him flying to a corner of the mansion.

The little figure of him had been thrown to most weakened area of the mansion, which was apparently few tens of meters away from the six baggages.

Gathering the blood essence of death warriors from the surroundings, who were killed by mark earlier.

The abyss demon was strengthening itself with passing seconds, becoming more stronger as the battle continued.

Though mark was tosses back with a loud boom! He traversed back immediately to counter it head on.


Few minutes earlier

Experts in royal blue clothing were standing in square formation outside the broken up gate.

Several medals in shades of gold and silver were hung on the chest of their uniform, showing the merits they earned through their efforts.

" Good! "

" Since all bodyguards of mine had arrived, we shall investigate that mysterious occurance and eliminate the source of trouble that caused this heavy destruction! "

Pointing her slender hands to a direction, a girl that looked no older than fifteen had exclaimed out being excited.

These bodyguards of her were a little bit hesitant, they were hearing the roars of a creature, presumably a demon who's aura was sending chills down to their spine.

" Master! We should wait for that leader of western warlords palace to arrive! It's not safe to move in with our numbers! "

A person dressed royally in Red was kneeling before her.

Following him, the others around her had started to kneel in unison, in an attempt to make her change the decision.


" Dare to challenge my authority? "

Taking a whip out her spatial ring, she whipped on back of the red guard that was kneeling before her.

That red uniformed bodyguard was not bulging a inch from his original place, and was taking her attacks head on, over his unguarded back.

With his current strength it's just a poke from his fingers which could kill her hundreds of times, yet he didn't shown any traces of animosity against her.

This person had to bear her attacks without refuting back, so as to not offend the lady he's serving to begin with.

Whip! Whip! Whip! Whip!

After few whips of anger, she got bored and summoned her spirit pet to rest over it, waiting for that leader of western warlords palace to arrive.

She was quite a short tempered one, and takes her anger on top her servants, as they were her servants to begin with.

" Bastard! How long do you want to make this princess Xera to wait? "

She roared out internally, waiting to punish the place leader for making her wait.


Outside the western warlords palace.

" Royal blood! I can definitely smell the traces of our royal bloodline from this remote palace!

Haha! This Gazil will definitely be freed from his curse today! "

A light armoured man exclaimed out happily.

Half of his face was entirely covered by a leather mask, that hide the skin behind it from outside.

He was riding on top a large battle wolf, which was apparently taller than a huge truck to compare.

Shortly following him, few other silhouette dresses heavily in shining armor had exited the woods and were standing behind him.

" Bring him out! " Gazil roared out.

" As lord commands! " The followers of him left the place, back to the woods only to bring the captive his boss commanded.

" Gazil! You definitely won't have a simple death! " A person who was chained to a open cell had bellowed out angrily.

His long white hair had turned muddy, with the dress which once used to be luxurious worsened more than what a beggar could wear.

" And Helix! You Traitor!

I curse you on the great name of my wolf goddess Taira to punish your soul, let your existence vanish into nothingness and soul suffer endless... "

" Helix, Kill him! "

Before the poor old captive could curse helix to his heart content, Gazil ordered his follower to kill him.

Helix was a bit hesitant, he took few deep breaths before readying his dagger to throw it over the old pitiful prisoner.



A dagger was thrown right into the old man's chest, piercing his heart and went to the other side.

This sharp weapon was not thrown by helix, but was thrown by the hands of Gazil, who lost his patience.

Cough! Cough!

" Gazil don't betray our goddess! You can't harm our... "

Cough! Cough!

He was coughing out a mouth full of blood, glaring at Gazil angrily.

" Betray out godddes! I had once devoted my existences to her great name, look what did I get in return!

Taking off the mask which covered the left part of his face, he bellowed out.

" This is the reward for my devotion! "

An ugly face which was thoroughly burnt on the left side exposing his facial muscles was seen.

The left eye had turned pitch black like de void and was apparently cursed.

The entire part of the left face found to be not stimulating, as if it had turned paralyzed, since a long time to estimate.

He the replied coldly, stating " Kill him fast I don't want to see his fake face any longer! "

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!

" Lord had never forsaken you... at least don't ki... " Pointing his bloody fingers to Gazil the old prisoner took his last breath.

" Helix! How did it felt to see your old man getting killed? Interesting right!

When I say to kill, you kill!

And never dare betraying my expectations again, I generally don't like betrayals... you knew it better than me right. "

With an evil grin, Gazil left the place towards the western warlords palace.

Helix clenched his teeth harder after glancing the dead body of his own father, that got pierced with daggers from all directions.

" Old man... didn't I said you to not get involved in these matters...

Good thing that it's just you, had younger brother been dispatched our family line would had been terminated with him. "

Rubbing his wet red eyes, he whipped his mount with the hunting crop and turned his mount towards the main army and joined them, before marching to the palace.


Couple minutes from then.

" This servant named Aaron presents himself before her highness. " Cupping his hands hard, the person named Aaron exclaimed before Xera.

At first glance a person might mistake him up for being a woman.

Long hair, slender arm's, pretty face and with a set of long bangle like earrings it made him look extremely feminine.

Rumors that he fancies tender and good looking young boys was known to all.

Yet the residents never dare muttering it outside, fearing that they would be framed to death after offending him.

Going by the Nobel's customs, Instead of receiving an oral verdict of excuse from xera he got whipped, straight at the pretty face he cherished.


Xera whipped Aaron straight at his face.

" Fuck! Why did she whip me? "

Before he could reason out, the whip retraced it's path and was dashing straight towards him.

Just when he was about to dodge the blow in reflux, a message popped his brains.

{ Don't... just take her whipping head on! If not, the situation would turn dire... I mean your whole palace might be implicated by her! }

Aaron received a telepathic message, and the person was warning him to change his decision, to avoid his palace from being implicated.

" Shit! This is why I never want to deal with royals, they always had their screws loose! "

Aaron gritted his teeth and stood their motionless to receive her incoming attack.

Whip! Whip! Whip! Whip!

Though it could be dodged easily by Aaron, he didn't dare bulging from that place in fear of her temper.

He didn't want to offend this person of high status, and necessarily implicate his whole place with treason.

Sharp cuts were being opened on his face, and his wound started to bleed profusely.

" My pretty face! " Aaron cried out internally, and a tear dropped from his face in reflux, because it would take a month or more to recover.

But the ones around had misunderstood the tear for an another, loss in prestige!


She whipped him again at the same spot, infusing more of her mana within it.


" Master! "

" Right now is not the time to punish that rude subject, wouldn't it better to kill the monster hidden within that mansion... "


The red robed person, who tried persuading Xera to control her impulse, got whipped in return!

Whip! Whip!

" Since he intervened in the middle, I'll double your punishment! " looking at Aaron she exclaimed out with a righteous face.

" Little slut! How dare you whip my face?

This Aaron would never forget this disgr... " Aaron exclaimed internally.

Whip! Whip!

" Snort! I lost interest in punishing this worm. "

" Hey you whoever you are, lead the way before this highness changes her mind! "

Xera bellowed out, treating Aaron lesser than a bug.

" Haha! What impulsiveness you little slut have!

If all the royals are bastards like you, wouldn't this continent be doomed by demons and be ruled by them in few short years! "

Cursing her internally, Aaron bended his head, before bowing down a little, and assigned himself the van guard position and start to lead this party made up of her body guards.


In the mansions garden.

" What a terrible amount of destruction? Only an abnormal demon might cause this damage?

Never in the history of western warlords palace, a mansion had been wreaked to this state! " Aaron muttered lightly.

" This is not an aftermath of a great battle! sounds of metal clashing is still heard clearly!

Don't say that an existence that could clearly battle that abnormality is present inside!

God what wrong did my humble palace committed to get this trouble during my leadership? "

Aaron reasoned internally, with a pitiful face on the outside.

" Who lives here? " Xera who was riding over her spirit panther questioned Aaron.

" Your highness... the mansion... "


" Why are you hesitating? When this Xera asks you a question, you have to bark it out immediately like a loyal dog!

If not, be ready to receive my punishment! " Xera bellowed out loudly.

" F*cking B**ch, why do you want to push me to the limits, if not for you being a princess, I'll have you butchered as a sheep before feeding your remains to dogs! "

Aaron bellowed in, while giving a simple smile outwards, to not let his emotions run out.


" I said to answer my questions damn it, not to smile like a damn clown! " Xera bellowed again.

" Poor Aaron! Pity him! "

" Empress raises her children's with heavy pampering. Not even our late emperor had punished them for being mischievous.

Of all royal offsprings, he Aaron had to meet this little devil, he must have sinned heavily in his last life.

Whip! Whip! Whip! Whip!

" A person named Mark! "

As soon as this name came out his mouth, she hit him again, right at his lips bellowing

" You knew the answer yet you dared to make this Xera wait? Quite courageous indeed! "

Rolling her whip, above her head she exclaimed.

" What about him... ? "

" A honorary guest of my palace! " He exclaimed the answer, even before she could finish question him out.

" Haha! What excuse you're going to use this time for whipping me? " Aaron jeered in.


" Why? " He asked out her being puzzled, traces of being unjust was seen in his eyes.

" When we are the honorary guest of your remote palace, how else could you assign an another person the same title? "

She glared at Aaron angrily, as if the person before him had harassed her this instance.

" No-no! He belongs to Milton's! And my humble residence could not offend them either! "

Covering his beaten up face with his slender women like arms, Aaron exclaimed out in haste.


" So you're looking down on us royals? " She lashed out her whip, catching his arms, before pulling him towards her in haste only to give a tight slap over his face.

" Old dog! How should we deal with him? "

An old experienced veteran, who had reached the stage of transcendence was called old dog!

Though it had been a great deal of struggle for him to become the leader of a princess bodyguards, he was regretting it now.

As he had to become a guard of this little devil called xera.

" Your highness, this old dog doesn't dare suggesting her highness as equals! "

Exclaiming it out with his head bent, the captain of the bodyguards, who was dressed in red uniform stepped back a little.

" Haha! Yes, you shouldn't... " She gave a mischievous grin, pondered for a second before comming up with a cruel punishment.

" He's a male right, the ones that had a thing hanging between their legs... hehe! " She made a mischievous smile before stating.

" Hear my verbal edict.

The rude man named... what ever, had repeatedly angered the cute princess named Xera!

Since this... what ever, had committed a treason, I'll deliver the light punishment of castration! And the body of him be hung naked in the gates of his own mansion.

The entire procedure should be handled by the main wife of this... What ever! If not the entire population of men in the western warlords palace would be castrated in name of my royals. "

She paused for a brief second, only to look at the terrifying face of the Aaron which lost its soul.

" Since the cute princess named Xera is kind hearted, she would give a chance to the offender, to redeem my verbal edict...

kill the demon that this xera wanted to and you'd be set free from my little punishment! "

Xera bellowed in a righteous tone, as if the punishment delivered by her was her bottom line.

Half of the bodyguards had nearly fell to the floor, thinking of the light punishment she had imposed on Aaron.

The colour of Aaron's face turned pale, he had almost fainted to the floor in shock.

" Castrated... by the hands of Cilinda? "

He was not able to image the consequence he had to suffer because he had met with this little devil, under misfortune.


The soulless face of Aaron leaded the guards till the mansions entrance.

The reverberating of the metal clashing had started to be heard more profoundly.

" Any idea, who might be fighting inside this mansion? " The captain of the bodyguards questioned out.

" Some foreign influence, may be a supporter of Milton! " Aaron answered back lifelessly.

Though he fancies young boys, even had many passionate nights with them, he needs his little thing between his legs to maintain his dignity.

Was he hung on his mansion naked, after being castrated would he still haven't face to be called leader?

Of course, he would die in shame!

" Poor thing, he's gonna become the 1st victim under her highness to be castrated! " The old captain pitied him internally.


All of a sudden, the metal clashing ceased to be heard.

The surroundings turned silent without a speck of sound to be heard.

" Some things wrong! "

" Protect her high... " The old captain bellowed out to warn the others, but sigh he was a bit late.

The abyss demon though was able to send mark flying. It was just matching him equally in terms of strength, not able to dominate him much less kill him.

When a rich supplement of strong spirit cultivators, that had entered at the door steps of its domain, whose bodies were easy to invade, how could it ignore them?



A loud blast accompanied by an ear piercing scream was heard.

The surroundings had turned dusty, and it was hard to discern their own allies, much less spot the demon, to protect their master.


A bodyguard was caught unguarded and fell prey to it.

Ah!~~~ Ah!~~~ Ah!~~~

Shortly following him, few other screams were heard simultaneously.

" Not good seems like its a demon who hunts in Shadows! Let's escape from here! " Old captain bellowed out only to spot that the princess besides him had gone missing.

" Princess! If you heard my call answer me! "

Old captain bellowed out only to get more frightened In return, as he was not able to get a reply from her.

" Princess is she dead! " Aaron was extremely excited after hearing these words.

At this moment he wants the princess to be butchered brutally by the monstrous demon, who was killing the body guards easily.

But all of a sudden an another thought popped his mind, "had the princess been dead wouldn't it be his turn to get beheaded by the empress?"

" No, that b*tch shouldn't die, not at least in my palace! "

If the empress found her daughter's cold corpse, his entire palace might be flattened alive to satite her anger, which is not a thing he desired for.


" Where did this abyss demon went all of a sudden? " Mark who was fighting against it was startled all of a sudden, when he lost the sight of it.

" Outsiders! "

No! It got attracted to those outsiders! I should save them fast, if not this demon might become above my reach to handle by then!

Exclaiming it out, Mark rushed towards the buildings front gates.


In an illusionary place.

" Where's everyone? Why am I left alone in this mansions entrance? " Xera exclaimed internally.

Earlier, she found her surroundings to turn dark for a second, before finding herself in the dusty surroundings at the front of mansion gates.

Her mount was missing, her body guards were not any where to be found, even the person that offended her was not present to be found!

Two minutes later.

In the illusionary place the two minutes passed by like two whole years, which was mentally stressing her mind.

Her legs started loosing strength, at the same time she felt a source of incoming threat approaching her.


Out of no where a little silhouette in black, popped up before her very eyes.


It was the abyss demon itself, as soon as it popped before her, it started flying towards her at high speed.

Extending it's claw palms, it was rushed straight towards the plump chest of her, to smash her heart in a single go.

Two while years in illusionary space and not being able to bulge a little, the only thing that appears before her was her death.

" Mother empress! " At this predicament the one thing that entered her mind was her pampering mother.

She even regretted entering the mansion to kill the demon, she could had simply turned a blind eye and acted ignorant and stayed alive.

But her curiosity and arrogance had made her fall into an death trap.

She now wanted to command her bodyguards to escort her away from this mansion, even from the palace itself.

" No it reaches closer to me! I should run away from here! Why aren't my legs responding to me?

Is this how the princess called by the name of Xera met with her end! "

Exclaiming it internally she closed her eyes to accept her fate.

She didn't knew how that black abyss demon popped up before her, nor does she knew why she was left alone at this place without a help, not does she remember how tensing was it to stay in the illusionary space all alone.

But one thing for sure, if that demon pierces it's claws through her heart. She xera, would for sure met her doom at this place.

" Some one... save me! " Few tears rolled down in fear of death.

Just when the demon was few inches away from her chest, a crack in void appeared above her, through which a figure in silvery white hair popped out.


The surroundings became clear, and a white haired boy piercing his white shining daggers into the back of abyss demon could be spotted.


Roaring out a painful cry, the abyss demon escaped into a cloud of black, which slowly slipped through the air.

" How am I still alive? " Questioning out she opened her teary eyes.

The back of a youth who was glowing in white corona was spotted.

It was the back of Mark which now seemed more reliable than any other thing she could rely at this instant.

" Young lady are you hurt any where? " Extending his arm, mark questioned her with a worried face.

Right now he could only spot a defenseless women who was weeping her tears being frightened.

He was ignorant of her true status even her true nature which was feared by all.

The innocent looking looking face of her had made Mark judge her to be a women, who was unjustly caught into the mess created by him.

" Fret not, i had injured it severely. It might take few more seconds before it reappear again, let's use this chance to escape out this damn place. " Mark exclaimed with a clear smile over his face.

Looking at her self which stood there motionless, unable to converse back to him.

Mark took the initiative, grabbed her slender waist before jumping out the same void he used to enter in.


In the void tunnel.

It was extremely dark, with white spots in the background as stars and colour full cosmos like environment through which mark was traversing.

" It's a mini realm creates by it, so I had to expend some strength in cracking it.

Hah... I can see the exit, in second we would be exciting out! " Mark exclaimed out in a straight tone.

Mark was traversing though an empty void and, had finally spotted the exit that lead them to outside.

Right now he didn't knew her exact status, all he could do was guess herself to be Nobel daughter looking at her luxuriant dress.

Had he known that this xera is a princess of high status, who is heavily pampered by her mother empress, he would had been more gentler to her.

But hilariously, xera who had been spending two whole years in illusionary place, not being able to move, but being able to sense any one around was frightened.

Right now the figure of mark which was trying to rescue her had imprinted in her mind as her great hero.

A great hero who was now traversing through the beautiful scenery all alone with her.

She was still dreaming that this might be an illusion, so she hugging him tightly thinking that the moment she released him would be the moment she loose the sight of this person.

" No I have to hurry! " The crack made by mark on the outside had started to repair itself.

Mark was dashing straight towards it, using his mana as a propellant to thrust himself faster.

But all of a sudden, the abyss demon reappeared before him, trying to bury them alongside the void so as to prevent a hassle of killing mark on the outside.

" Grab me tighter! " Mark bellowed loudly before dashing towards the demon that was trying to stop him from exiting the endless void.

Involuntarily Xera listened to his command and grabbed his back more tightly, like a child hugging her daddy in fright.


Mark swung his blade, piercing the abyss demon right at its eye, before activating his two point warp to shorten the distance between him and the exit.

Hundred meters... ninty meters... fifty meters...

" Shit! It appeared again! "

" No! like this, i won't make it out in time! " Mark bellowed out, before grabbing the slender arms of xena and tosses her out out the crack which now could only accommodate one at a time.

The abyss demon had not bothered with Xena to begin with, it's focus was entirely made on mark.

" It hurts! " She cursed at him, only to spot that the void below her had was about to close entirely.

" Did he tossed me out to save my life? " Xera was startled, right now she could see a sense of satisfaction in the eyes of mark which confuses her.

If it was for her mother or elder brothers in the same situation, she could figure it out that they might sacrifice themselves out of the filial love.

Had it been loyalty, she knew better than any other that there were no one truly loyal to her, and had been guarding her, because they fear her mother.

But off all the possible cases, why would a stranger, whom she never seen till today had saved her twice in a row, before sacrificing himself by staying back in the void to fight the demon.

Mark made a huge shock wave from the bottom of his legs and dashed out the closing crack.


The abyss demon from the opposite side had also started dashing towards mark, trying to end his last resistance into void.


Mark gave out a last ditch effort and concentrated all his powers into one spot blasting a pillar of silver light towards the closing warp, with him as the shining meteor at front.


A pillar of shining silvery light which though was not as eye catching as before, but was sure an eye catching one which could not be left ignored.

The closing crack had extended out by few centimeter, before closing all of a sudden, but mark managed to exit out at hair breath, flying out to few hundred of meters above the ground, before slowing down.

Right after his exit, the tiny remained one feet crack had chosen up, but unfortunate for the abyss demon who was jeering that it could drag mark with it into this endless void had started regretting it's decision.

Not only had it managed to prevent mark from getting out, its trick had backlashed against itself as the abyss demon now got caught in its own designed trap, alone.


Involuntarily Xera summoned her spirit panther and jumped few tens of meters above the ground to catch the falling silhouette of mark who might be her savior.

She grabbed the body of mark, who was falling down to ground from air before bellowing " Bring the medic! "

" Mast... " The surviving old captain in red uniform had spotted a thing which he could not believe with his own eyes to begin with.

His master was grabbing the body of an unfamiliar boy close to her chest as if he was an important person to begin with.

" Mas...mas...master! who might this lord be? " The red robed captain asked in bewilderment.

The known arrogant lady if his was now intimately in contact to an unknown person, who seemed dangerous.

" Call that devine lady called cela immediately, or else I'll slaughter your three generations! " glaring at the eyes of the old captain in anger she bellowed out.

" Understood! " exclaiming it out being kneeled, he disappeared from the place.

" My little hero hang awake for few more minutes, help is comming to us! " Xena whispered to the ears of mark who was half asleep.

Author's notes:

Characters added:

Aaron : leader of the western warlords palace, husband of Cilinda.

Red robed royal guard : leader of Xena's bodyguards, her Knight's commander.

Xena Ruthschild : One of the pampered daughter of Empress Dhea Ruthschild.

Gazil : An outcast of the wolf god tribe, currently a rebel.

Helix : Right hand man of Gazil.

Tiara : Wolf tribe goddess.

Another notes.

Here's the promised big chapter almost four times a normal chapter, or two times a large chapter.

Comment or review if you like the story, and thank you for reading my big chapters.