Chapter 130 : The long battle for survival ( part 10 )

At Aaron's mansion.

" Dear! Whats happening to the mansion? Why are you packing your stuff all of a sudden? "

Cilinda who had just reached the scene asked out in confusion.

" Cilinda! "

Zendalf almost freaked out in surprise, his face was showing signs of anxiety.

For an instant he pulled his arms closer, in a guard up position, as if the person entered the room was his mortal enemy.

" Cilinda, there's not much time to explain but we are escaping out this damn place, alive! "

Cilinda was startled, the signs of fear for life were clearly written on proud and arrogant face of her man.

Since their first encounter in Heidi family, cilinda hadn't seen zendalf to lose his cool, much less see him in a frightened state.

Unless the matters were out his hands, zendalf never panic to begin with, which tells her the situation he been through.

" Sien! "

" Let's inform her! "

Since the matter seems to be serious, Cilinda started rushing out the room, trying to inform her close one which was dear to her.

" There's not enough... time for that, and don't bother with her cause... they are dead to begin with! "

Aaron was a bit hesitant at the beginning, but his words became more flowing and easy by the time he finished exclaiming it.

" What happened? "

Cilinda roared out angrily, as the woman named Sien was her own daughter to begin with.

Sien was the very lady who had rushed to marks room, demanding her father to kill mark while he was lying defenselessly on soft bed.

Right now when Cilinda heard her daughters death how could she manage to keep her composure intact, she acted wildly.

Few seconds later.

All of a sudden she felt weak, her legs crumbled a little before loosing it's balance, which made her fall down to knees.

The crystal clear eyes of her had turned red, with bead like tears which were being spat on the outside.

Despite her heart broken cries zendalf remained ignorant, as he was busy packing stuff into his storage ring.

" Zendalf!! How did my sien die? "


Cilinda roared out for the second time only to get a hump from him in return.

Mustering some strength Cilinda barely manged to get on her two feet, grabbing the collar of zendalf in anger only to get slapped from him in return.

" Bitch! I am short on tim... If you are going to waste my precious time , just don't bother coming with me?

You can die along with that dear... no at least you could be used to buy us some time while we escape out the mansion alive! "

Zendalf said those words coldly as if it doesn't bother him much to begin with.

His threatening cold glare had confused her to rethink about the person standing before her eyes.

" Is he really the zendalf I knew? "

Cilinda muttered in lightly.

Right now she was lying on the floor helplessly, looking at the second face of zendalf, which she hasn't seen before to begin with.

The zendalf she knew had always pampered her, much less having thoughts of using her an time buying dummy.

Sien was her secret daughter which he cherished to begin with.

But the zendalf she's looking at didn't even spat a tear for his precious daughter, when she was found dead!

" Zendalf... why? "

Cilinda asked out helplessly unable to understand what's going around.


Closing the wooden shelf with an angry face, zendalf exclaimed.

" Cause this is me! "

By now zendalf had finished packing his things into the storage ring, and was about to leave the palace for good.

" No! How could this be possible? "

Cilinda was startled, looking at the figure that was distinctly different from zendalf.

Though it wasn't Aaron that stood before her, she could clearly figure out who this figure was.

" Aaron! "

Unlike Zendalf, Aaron is the real husband of Cilinda.

Though it was a mistake she made in her childhood, she bore a fruit with the seed of zendalf, but fate had made her get married to Aaron, as Heidi family forced her to be.

" Haha! Bitch, this ain't the zendalf... but me who you were living with! "

Zendalf laughed out before exiting the room.

" Don't tell me that Aaron was disguising as zendalf for a long time, then what had happened to the real one?

Don't tell me that he's dead, killed by Aaron in anger! "


Few minutes earlier.

" Master let's regroup our remaining soldiers and fight the undead! "

A surviving general that rushed to Aaron's mansion had kneeled down to ground, suggesting his master to change the decision that Aaron ordered earlier.

" Don't bother changing my mind! This Aaron finds no use in defending western warlords palace anymore!

For now it's just a place for undead, and their strength is out our league.

Unless the reinforcement from central branch arrives in time we will be annihilated under the sheer numerical disadvantage. "

Aaron walked straight towards him, revealing a devilish grin before exclaiming.

" Why bother fighting them anymore? General kudo, gather our strong men we are escaping out this place! "

General kudo was startled by his words.

The Aaron he knew was always a responsible type of person, never the one who would abandon people to save his own life.

" But Lord Aaron, how could you abandon your post when our palace is... "

Before he could even finish his words Aaron interrupted in the middle and exclaimed

" I appreciate your worry for our people, but I know what I am doing at present!

Don't you think that these people around are too sorry to be saved now? "

The ones around him were all groaning moans of agony in deep pain.

They were cursed beyond repair to begin with, so when Arron said that they were "too sorry to be saved now!" he wasn't entirely incorrect to begin with.

From a broader perspective, gathering the strong survivors who had withstood the curse in one place, Aaron could probably devise a plan to let those few fortunate people get out the palace alive.

General kudo who had already experienced the attacks of undead, know the fate these soldiers around were going to face.

Even if he necessarily feels like defending his home ground against the undead, it would only increase the death toll of remaining survivors, which would make him much more of a sinner than abandoning the palace.

General kudo wasn't an general for show, he could at least understand the little concept of what Aaron was trying to say.

Though it was painful to leave the place that nurtured him, this casual suggestion given by Aaron wasn't a thing he could ignore to begin with.

After exclaiming " As lord commands! " Kudo left the place without muttering a word, with a painful expression on his face.

" Kudo... I know it's painful, but I am powerless against those powers that barged in the mansion earlier!

If not for them I would for sure had tried defending the mansion even if it costed my life! "

Aaron exclaimed internally.

Gently closing his womanly like eyes, Aaron tilted his head up with a troubled face, as things had reached a point where this western warlords palace could no longer out bear it's weight.

One hour earlier.

" Master! Why was he so focused on protecting that particular woman? "

A youth in black robes muttered out confusingly.

Though he looked plan and ordinary on the outside, the energy hidden within him says an another thing.

" Who goes there? "

Right at the time when Aaron was taking his morning stroll he found this black robed youth that was waking in his mansion casually.

" Mast... Che! I have forgotten that the period of acting is over! "

He muttered these words lightly before shifting his glare to Aaron with a devil like black eyes.

" You aren't strong enough to know this one's name? "

He exclaimed arrogantly, without giving a face to Aaron, who was currently the palace leader of western warlords palace.

" The hell to begin with! What's wrong with this servant? Has he gone mad? "

Aaron bellowed internally, before extruding tons of his spirit energy to intimidate the servant and punish him appropriately for disobeying the rules.

As far as Aaron could interpret, he could only spot the black robes on that person, similar to a servant that does lowest of the chores to his mansion.

Unless the matter were urgent the servants aren't allowed to lift their heads, much less glare coldly on their master.

" Master! That rude servant deserves punishment? "

A patrolling team leader, that just reached the scene asked Aaron with a righteous face.

" Capture him! "

Without waiting for his masters words, the patrolling team leader ordered his soldiers to capture the black robed youth.

" As commanded! "

Exclaiming these two words out their mouth, the group of patrolling guards rushed towards the youth, encircling him from all sides, before pointing their sharp spear heads to his neck.

" Haha! Trying to intimidate this one? "

The black robed youth laughed out before extruding a black mist out his shadow that encircled around him like a dome with the patrols being caught in the middle.

Few seconds later.


All of a sudden, the mist dissipated but the guards that encircled the youth had been reduced to bones which shortly disintegrated to powder that smeared the floor white.

Author notes:

Characters added:

Sien = Daughter of Cilinda who had been found dead by zendalf.