Chapter 139 : Adding numbers!

In deep woods, few hundred meters from Gazil's base.

" That bastard! Abusing his authority! Why do we have to make an another round, around our camp? "

A group of soldiers were making their rounds, looking around with alerted eyes to spot abnormalities, as they were ordered to do.


All of a sudden a slight disturbance was spotted near the bushes, which altered them.


The commanding leader of the soldiers waved his arm, halting the unit, before shortly descending down his mount to find for its cause.


He swung his glaive wide open, cutting down the bushes only to find a rotten corpse, more of an undead, lying down the ground, which seemed lifeless.

" An undead! Wait... "


Put! Put! Put! Put!

Put! Put! Put! Put!

A cold wind ran behind his back, before shortly he found his soldiers falling down their mount, lifelessly, as if they were assassinated behind his back.

" Fuck! An Intru...! "

Before he could alert his base, a cold wind ran down his spine, before shortly he found his head rolling down to ground.


Che! I have to make use of these despicable means, but still a large catch indeed! "

Mark sneered internally, before traversing out the area after storing their bodies in system's space.


Few miles away from Gazil's base.


" Not done yet? "

" How long are you going to make your master wait? "

Mark glared her angrily, who was taking her time dealing with the last batch of hunt, half way turning them to undeads.

" Sick bas... master! This Wendy is trying her best!

And moreover we aren't raising cabbages here... They are spirit saints damn it! It does takes time! "

Wendy replied with an artificial smile on her face, following which twenty more corpses were tossed in her head, for her to deal with.

" One minutes, not any more! Finish it within that time and I'll return with the next batch to harvest! "

Traversing out with a frown of dissatisfaction in his eyes, mark continued his assassination, to raise his dead army.

Mark wasn't an impatient one to begin with, but since time wasn't in his favor he had to rush with his undead army plan.

And at the same time, so as to not arose their suspicion, from enemies.

Mark had to replace the undead immediately, back on their mounts and let them infiltrate the main army, filling out their missing numbers.

So when the things goes for the worst, during Xena's rescue. Mark could make use of them to create internal chaos and make an escape out that enemy base.

The thing that their mounts were tamed with soul controlling methods, which decreases their intelligence, they became a simple vehicle in battle with large builds.

This piece of information had given him enough confidence to execute this plan, as the mounts wouldn't be too intelectual to alert the base, without command.


Gazil's base

5 minutes before deadline.

Two people were standing out in the cold, on high watch towers, glancing at their perimeter to search for an abnormality.

" Brother! All of a sudden, why do I feel threatened? "

A high cultivator, with a high order aura king cultivation exclaimed out.

" Threatened! At this remote place, who in the hell could threaten our mighty army?

Even the strongest in that western warlords palace is stage one or stage two spirit stage!

Just our combined might is enough to kill them a hundred times, let alone threaten us! "

The lean blue robed high cultivator was boasting his strength, but unfortunate for him as this would be the last words he'd probably spelled out his mouth, as mark was lurking down in their shadows, waiting for a chance to kill them unnoticed.


Mark caught then off guard, jumped out their shadow, right in the middle, making a whirl with long arms before beheading them without making much of a scene at that place.

Grab! Grab!


Before the bodies had fallen down to ground, mark grabbed them at once before traversing out in the woods, reaching Wendy's place to turn them into his elites.

Since the time was night and darkness extract came in handy for assassination.

Coupling with decisive traversing ability it made his assassination easy as butchering chickens without alerting them!

Mark made sure to turn plenty of enemies into his undead, but still the of overthrowing am powerful enemy remained a question to him.

" Aina! With the addition of these numbers, what are my chances at rescuing her alive? "

After turning half their regular soldiers into his undead, with tens of elites in higher cultivation, mark felt some what confident in dealing with Gazil.

With hundreds of undead infiltrated into their ranks, disguised in metal at night sky, mark left a lee way for him to escape in case he could not overpower his enemies while rescuing Xena.

The thing that made him more confident was his sharp increase in refinement points, adding hundreds of points with each ongoing kill.

Despite the baptism of tons of those refinement points, Mark hadn't reached the gulf of fourth stage, but still could sense that he was not far away from it.

Few more kills and he'd harness the power of half step emperor, increasing his chances at survival if he were to bump at a super power in wolf tribe.

" Ding! Responding to host, with the force host accumulated, less than ten percentage in returning out alive is formulated!

Suggesting host to add the remaining half, before going out for war! "

" Ten percentage... "

Mark almost chocked himself after listening to her words.

Adding half their soldiers was already a mess, and system was suggesting him turn the remaining half, when time was running out his favor!

Though he couldn't necessarily figure out the reason for them to bait him, Mark could very well reason out that it wouldn't necessarily be restricted to just kidnap him.

Mark was feeling unease, a strong one at that, as if he was involved in some massive plot, that'll sink him deep until he'd chock in depths of it.

But still 10 percentage chance had also revealed him that, the possibility of an expert above transcendent are non existent in enemies base.

If it were to be present then even one percent would not necessarily be grades by system.

This revelation had also brought some peace to his anxious mind.

Comming back to present, Wendy had finished refining those high cultivator and was lying flat on the floor, drenched in cold sweat, in weakened state as if she was drenched in a bucket full of ice water.

" Shrink! It's time to go! "

Grabbing her sweat ridden cloths, Mark exclaimed with a face of anger.

Though he was glad to let her tag along, he didn't necessarily want her to become a burden, much worse waste the time, as his dead line was going to pass by in a couple minutes from now.

" Boss!~~ ai let me rest an hour, Wendy would help boss to smack those baddies! "

Wendy exclaimed hazily as if she was drunk. More over she had half way slid her hands over mark's shoulders, as if she was ready for that!


" What the hell? "

Mark felt goose bumps, when she tried seducing him earlier, moreover her wet robes which had almost revealed her inners had caught him off-guard a little.

" Ding! Host's servant named Wendy had over exerted her limits and suffering her backslash from mana deficit! "

" The hell! Who the **** turns ***** from being mana deficit? "

" Ding! Host's servant named Wendy is an abnormal to begin with, hence the reason to her present state is not present!

If host desired, system can carry out an research to find its cause! "

[ 100000 SP - ( Y/N ) ]

Right after her explanation, Aina opened systems interface asking his permission to carry out the transaction.

Mark immediately turned out the interface, and started pouring his mana to Wendy, who had once again started clinging to her chest against him, breathing heavily with a tight grip, as if he was a delicious meal to her eyes wolf like eyes.

" Fu*k! Heal fast "

Mark immediately grabbed her shoulders and intensified his mana transfer.

Dozen seconds later.

" Um... why am I sweaty? "

Wendy had half way came back to herself, finding herself clinging to mark, only to blush out a little.


" If you are back to normal, stop clinging anymore, it's... "

Mark brough some distance and continued his healing until a message popped to his ears.

" Ding! Host's servant had overcome mana deficit, suggesting host to make final preparations before confronting enemies base! "

" Boss! Did you take advantage of me while I was... well this Wendy is just a servant na, pitiful me it was my first, i can't complain to... "


Right when she was trying to act pitiful, Mark gave a hard knock on her head, half way burying her head to ground only to spell.

" You lazy servant, you still have a cheek to play jokes at this critical juncture!

Wait till I finish dealing those enemies, I'll take time in disciplining you! "

Mark finished his words with a evil grin on his face.

" Please be gentle as th... "


Mark intensified his power and gave of yet an another knock, before settling down to ground to recover is lost mana.


At a rate visible to naked eyes, mark started gathering threads of mana, and with the mana rich world present around him it became easier for him to recover In matter of seconds.

Few couple of seconds and mark looked perfectly fine, ready for battle, even more better than earlier.

Wendy had almost dropped her jaws being startled, and almost stopped breathing out in fright, looking at the monster that recovered his mana instantly.

For her knowledge, mana was a luxury only present available to destined chosen ones and even those destined she knew takes hours to fill part of their mana core much less like Mark, who was brimming with mana in matter of seconds.

Though she want to ask him his existence, she kept quite, shrinking down to Bean size before hiding in marks collar.


Gazil's base.


Mark directly traversed before the main entrance, revealing out his mana to grab attention.

Few guards that hadn't turned to undead had rushed before him to make a strike, deeming him an intruder, that was trying to infiltrate their base.


With a swung of his palm, Mark trashed four initial order aura king soldiers, intimidating them with a majestic presence before bellowing.

" Inform your leader! Young man from Milton had arrived! "

Being in daze, unable to comprehend what's going around, they rushed into barracks to inform their boss about the one that came to their base.

" Boss! Why being so serious?

Can't you go easy on them, who knows they'll turn to a undead for us, later.

Tending broken bones and such taxes much of an mana you know! "

In a low voice, as if a fly was buzzing out, Wendy muttering out her words to his ears.

Snap! Snap!

Patting his neck a little, with excess mana in his fingers, Mark answered expressionlessly stating.

" Shut your mouth for a while, I don't want to complimize things, you'll get double the punishment if you can't shut your damn mouth for an hour! "

Muttering out angrily, mark stood before the entrance, with hands in the back like a disciplined Nobel, awaiting a response from the other side.


Cela's mansion, western warlords palace.

As if apocalypse had descended down that weakened mansion, the walls started vibrating a little, before trembling out with tremors and lightning red flashes.


A large pillar of red had pierced the sky, before calming down abruptly as if no such thing had taken place at that mansion.

" Haha! This rule had broken through the seventh stage... no not just seventh but through half step supreme realm!

Haha such an auspicious day! Let's see if that damn array would hold this old bones or not! "

Rule roared out madly, before jumping out the mansion, dashing towards the sky only to spot that the gigantic array was no more to test his powers.

At the same time he found several corpses that were without a proper heads, in the palace grounds, as if they were exploded from inside out.


While he was frowning deep, thinking about the cause for mass massacre of cursed undeads.

A spatial distortion took place, and cracks started to form in the above, as if sky was going to collapse the next moment.


A large blast took place which caught raid unguarded, at the same time several figures riding on top a flying mounts, more of a dragon were pouring out that crack.

The dark sky was once again illuminated with bright white light, bringing the day out of night, with silhouettes riding on top the flying dragons, imposing heavy auras of expert.

" The hell! What's happening around? "

Rule muttered being startled, only to spot that the spatial distortion had sealed up disappearing in the sky, that now was filled with tons of experts as if they came to wage war on the western warlords palace.

Author's note.

In current words spirit saints are equivalents of aura kings or a little bit worse to compare with.

Same goes to the emperor cultivation which is called around by the name of Supreme realm. The realm of heavenly experts!

Comment or review my book if you like the chapter.

Power Stones are luxury which I can't ask casually, and thanks for reading my chapter dear readers.