Chapter 148 : Elvenscene Wintergarden

Damn! Traversing, it's not working! And she's awake... doesn't this mean she's going to experience my healing for real? "

" Hope she doesn't take offense for it! "

Mark frowned internally, thinking of the last time when he had used this technique on a specific person who almost aimed for his life.

Within seconds a large golden cocoon had engulfed them both, sucking mana from the surroundings to make its interior rich with mana.

It was similar to the case of Levi ( Aqua mist girl ) where the golden threads had madly penetrated into each cell of her body, brightening her as a golden woman, with boundless vitality.


" Haha! She seems to be benefitted from from my healing, and hope she could forgive me for before! "

A gush of boundless wave had exited out her body marking out the process of her breakthrough.

Mark was exited for a second but at the next moment her boundless pit enlarged, demanding more of mana from mark.

If it were before Mark would had definitely crippled his meridians by over exerting his mana, but after reaching the 5 th stage of refinement, his powers were enhanced.

Now that his powers were upgraded to aura emperor's state, his body had barely allowed him to abuse itself with this tremendous amount of pure mana transfer.

Though the process was risky, it was worth it mark's eyes, as the lady was having breakthrough.

So, wouldn't she owe him a dept of gratitude after this and forget the trivial matters with which he had troubled her before?

The one before him had made him owe much, and right now Mark was trying to repay his gratitude, which was quite understandable, considering his character.

If pondered deeply, this young lady might be the very same person who had protected him before, I.e, the one who had rescued him during that night where he was about to be assassinated by assassins after the long battle against half mutants.

And on top of it, she had helped him much by tending to his injuries, stabilized his internals and even pumped up his level by a stage!

If he couldn't spare a bit of his time in helping her with breakthrough, how could he still carry out his cultivation, living under the banner of righteousness?

Wouldn't that be going against his principles by then?

The process continued and the lady before him had made him astonished with passing seconds.

Few minutes later.

The demand for mana had already exceeded his limit, and Mark started getting cold sweats thinking about how to solve the problem with this hungry beast who was insatiable?


His arms started bulging with veins that became an thick as small snakes crawling right underneath his skin.

He quickly regained his body control yet couldn't help but continue the process as stoping at this point in time might even cripple her meridians by a terrible backlash!

Judging by her looks, the lady in golden radiance seems to be facing yet an another breakthrough defying the basic sense of cultivation to Mark!

By now this lady had undergone five consecutive breakthrough, and if she would become successful again, she might be entering the higher realm in matter of seconds.

" Damn it, what's happening? "


The cave started vibrating heavily and things got thrown around.

Crack! Crack!

Mark's hands were shuddering heavily, as if they could slip away any second from now.


At this point, Mark's body was thrown away cause an irresistible force was erupted from within her meridians!


The golden cocoon wrapped around them was cracked open, and like a broken sand bag he Mark was thrown back until he crashed silly into cave walls.


Mark coughed a mouth full of blood, looking at the figure of the golden lady with mixed emotions.

Before he could probably interpret what's going around, the golden cocoon was disintegrated and each strands started entering her mana core as if they were happily returning back to their home.

After a brief moment of ten seconds, at hair breath, the golden threads had stabilized her cultivation base, preventing any lingering injuries from occurring.

Only after which Mark sighed out with a sense of relief, thinking that he no longer have to feel guilty about earlier.


The floating figure of her had calmed down a little before settling down on the stone platform gently.

During the explosion earlier, both their overlying cloths were burned.

Her smooth skin with beautiful alluring curves were revealed out which almost made all the strands on his head stand in fright!

She gracefully opened her eyes and examined her internal, which turned her complexion ugly.

An abrupt raise in cultivation base!

The disheveled hair over her head, with a flawless body without cloths had presented herself in a misleading state.

A sense of ecstasy was running deep in her body which made it confirm her interpretation wrongly.

At this time she was burning mad with anger, and looking at the face of mark which seemed anxious, she starting fuming in flames of anger.

" Bastard! "

In a fit of rage, she clenched her fist and dashed it towards him in an imposing aura, only to grab him by his neck to launch Her other fist to his lower abdomen!

She was beating him madly without holding back, and mark choose to bear with this so as to let the lady vent out her anger.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Few minutes later.

Marks face had turned red, not just because he was beaten hard but because he was almost chocked to death.

Noticing his changes she loosened her grip but an unknown surge of emotions surged from within, which made her eyes watery.

One after the other her tears started rolling down and she couldn't help but want to boil him dead!

All of a sudden when she wanted to check his condition, her legs gave up which made her fell down to ground with traces of fatigue.

Looking at the woman who fell down to ground abruptly, Mark stood up in haste to help her with it.

When he tried closing her, she raised her palm and yelled.

" Stop! Why did you steal... Do you understand the significance of chastity to a woman? How can you...? You...!? "

Before she could complete spelling her grivence to him, Mark's hands had dragged him closer to her body and helped her seat slanting, with her back resting against his chest!

His hands then shamelessly grabbed her hips from behind before shortly playing it's way to her bosom as if it was exactly born for that!

She became frightened by this sudden counteract of Mark, and became speechless looking at the shameless fellow who was totally unreasonable to argue with.

She tried fighting back after freeing from his grasp but miraculously her body stopped listening to her command and stayed still, as if it was savouring the very moment of it being harassed by Mark's fingers.

" Move! Move away from him!! "

She tried hard in separating away from mark but not to avail as her body was totally robbed of its control and acted independently in cooperation with Mark's hands.

" What have you done to me? I lost control over me? "

In an aggrieved tone, the lady asked him only to get more angered in return.

" Lost control? Lady, my hands are the one which had lost control over here? "

Accompanied by his smooth caressing on her face, bosom and hips, the words of him were more misleading for her to erupt with rage.

" Stop this harassing at once! I may over look over this with a mild punishment!

Don't make me castrate your family jewels when things are no longer resolvable! "

Hearing her words which didn't look fake, Mark felt a cold rush flowing through his spine, thinking about the seriousness in her warnings. " Castrate? "

" When are you going to stop? Why are you doing this to me? Do you know what exactly is going to be the consequences for your misdoings? "

She then tried making a final attempt to persuade mark but was quickly enraged in return.

" Lady, I really want to stop this, but my hands... They really are irresistible against your skin! They aren't really listening to my... at least... ! "

Just when his hands were reaching down her abdomen, an irresistible pressure was released out her, shortly following which she yelled.

" Enough! I don't buy your nonsense! Escape from this place for now, she want to come out, I can no longer hold her in! Go away!!~~ "


Confused by the sudden attempt to persuade him to get out this place, mark couldn't get her words on time, until the time where he was heavily punched hard to his abdomen, only to be thrown out the cave in a messed up state.

A figure covered in black flames was crashed to the ground, few hundred meters away from the cave.

The figure was naturally Mark, hit by the lady who suddenly had shown an another side of her, which brought chills upon mark's soul.

A large crator was formed at the site of impact, but still the impeding velocity of him was yet to be halted.


Mark flipped around for multiple times, tearing down through dozens of trees before slowing down after crashing to a large boulder which ultimately cracked down to pieces.



Covering hundreds of meters in a snap, the lady covered in black coverings had kicked him right at his abdomen, sent him flying as if he was a mere ball to begin with.


Tearing through the skies Mark's silhouettes was sent flying, only to watch the same frightening figure kicking him down to ground with an abrupt swing.


As if a meteor had crashed down to earth, Mark was tossed to the ground making a gigantic crater.

Without giving a rest the lady dashed straight towards him and giant fire like gauntlets roaring through her fists were nearing marks face.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A second crater was again formed into the first but this time, they seemed to have hit the bed rock and stream of water was slowly filling in the crater.

Holding him tightly within her bent knees, she then sat directly over mark and launched her fists one again in a raging manner.

After consecutive volleys of her strikes, mark's head was bleeding heavily without a sigh of stoppage.

The messy water had almost filled to few inches by now and started drowning mark with her on his above.

All of a sudden she stopped her smacking and roared.

" Are you willing to accept! "

Cough! Cough!

" Accept... what? "

Mark asked back weakly.

" Don't act smart! Take responsibility! I'll bring you back to my mother, you'll live your entire life under my watch, remember that! "

She roared again with black flames spun around, in a threatening manner.

" Damn! She had reached that realm above aura emperor! And what's wrong with her, she's changed! "

Looking at the black aura which was completely different to the green from before Mark started doubting weather both are same or not?

" Wait! Atleast let me... "

Before he could complete his sentence a fist was launched again, but this time she hit the ground, right next to his ears with a deafening "Boom!" to threaten him.

" Accept or die! "

Mark seriously wanted to cry this instant, earlier this woman was just asleep, tired from over exerting her mana.

All mark did was to revitalize her and a mistake happened at that instant.

And in that process, unexpectedly, she broke several realms and directly jumped to transcendent.

Though using that technique was prone to let a misunderstanding, Mark didn't bothered cause he expected her to be a rational physician, who might actually see that he actually hadn't taken over her virginity.

But at present she had made him half dead, with transcendent powers and left mark with no chance of arguing.

It's either acceptance or death!

After a moment of silence, Mark opened his mouth and answered.

" You are not her! "


The next second a heavy fist landed marks head, and every thing went blank following it.


The next day.

Inside the cave!

Mark woked up in daze and found him to be sleeping over the same stone bed he was healed before.

" I'm still alive? "

Mark looked around and found that the lady who trashed him had long since disappeared, leaving behind a letter for him to read which was surprising to him.

Since he had nothing much to do, Mark started unfolding the letter and started reading it.

[ Sorry for before, I had mistaken you for a dirty leach that lusted after my body!

Only after knocking you down did I truly realised my recklessness for forcing an eleven-year kid to take responsibility!

This lady is named Elvenscene Wintergarden, 15 years old and the firstborn child of Darkhan Wintergarden, the future heiress of Wintergarden household! ]

" Wintergarden! "

Just the word Wintergarden had startled Mark, cause it was the family of huge influence!

A behemothous existence that's too difficult to deal with.

Going by the memory which he was imparted in this mission, Wintergarden household is a top tire family in the empire, a rank equivalent to the Milton he hails from.

But looking at the fact that the first born lady of Wintergarden was not only talented in cultivation, she was also skilled in the art of medicine which wasn't a trait of war monger family. Mark was surprised by her talent!

Since she had realised her mistake, Mark let out a sigh in relief and started reading the next lines, which made him a bit too scared thinking about how cruel Elvenscene can go.

[ I have discovered your body to be special, an unique constitution which is compatible to this Elvenscene.

No wonder that scene was created!

Though it was a misunderstanding from my part, the fact that my chastity is gone can't be changed!

To prevent any secrets between us, this Elvenscene have to divulge that she's a bipolar.

When one self of mine is unconscious, the other self would automatically start sensing the surrounding, and take control.

And the fact that your constitution has made you grope by bosom and other stuff, he he... I have taken notice of it!

If it was for an another, he would long since been castrated by this Elvenscene and made suffer unimaginable tortures you can begin to imagine with.

But since my little Mark is still under-aged and a bit innocent in this matter of adults, Elvenscene had spared you from punishment but still couldn't help but cast a restriction for future!

The minute my little Mark loses his "first" to an another, the restriction would burst open and little Mark would be castrated for real.

And didn't go search for your Milton to solve your problem, as they wouldn't be able to even scrap the basics much less remove the restriction which might even back fire in cases, causing damages!

Don't blame this Elvenscene for being cruel but it is the matter of fate that you are destined to be responsible for me when we grow up!

In other words you are going to marry this Elvenscene when you turn 15!

But don't hope you will have freedom for this four years, I was about to bring you with me to my house hold, but because of an unexpected situation I have to leave you alone for now.

I'll be collecting you back in a week from now, so get prepared for it.

If you are confused as to how I got hold of your information, ask the undead servant of yours who is caged a dozen kilometer away from this cave! Hehe! ]

" The hell! "

Mark yelled out loud when he came to realize that she had yet to quit from making him take her responsibility!

And when he finished the letter, the words " undead servant of yours " ringed a face familiar to him as it might be Wendy who came searching this far to find him.

Though it's good that she became a bit too loyal, but this loyalty had given him out and now he no longer can hidden from Elvenscene, as she found all information that she could from Wendy herself!

Right now Mark could only strive to get himself stronger and reach the pinnacle of refinement, if not he was bound to get engaged to that dangerous women and when he turned 15...

Mark didnt want to imagine about it for now, he found a dozen of fresh set of cloths next to him.

" Elvenscene, it must be hers! "

He took one at his, side wore it in haste and quickly exited the cave to start searching for Wendy who was in trouble.

Author's notes:

Elvenscene Wintergarden : First born child of Darkhan Wintergarden, a future heiress of great family! A bipolar 15 yr lady with knowledge in medicine.

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Power Stones are luxury which I can't ask casually, and thanks for reading my chapter dear readers I am awaiting your responses.