Chapter 161 : Sword of destruction!

Beastmen coalition base!

When the General of Imperial Blood Wigg army was dealing with his officers, Mark created a panic amongst beastmen, making their base restless in search for him!

Time after time, Mark trimmed down beast men numbers, stored their bodies and mystified matters to make beastmen feel anxious.

More than twelve thousand soldiers of orange rank coalition base fell victim to Mark and were disappeared mysteriously, which created the current situation.

With matters being as such the Vice lord of beast men army could no longer find peace to meditate and leaded the search personally to end the trouble!

Several hundreds of aura emperors were in searching for Mark to shred him to pieces, so how could the person at hand still be in the mood to hunt beastmen anymore?



" Really, these beastmen do have goodies stored in their armory! "

Right now Mark didn't had the courage to kill any further, as his individual strength alone wasn't sufficient enough and trying to fight the entire might of Beastmen by himself was just a foolish thought from his side!

Hundreds of aura emperor and a peak order aura emperor were in search for him.

Was he discovered, and had they grouped up to even launch a single blow from their side, Mark wasn't sure weather he could remain alive or even preserve a bit of his remains to prove his existence!

As such, no matter how high are his ambitions he could only stay put and try reducing the might of Beastmen indirectly!

Since he couldn't affect their strength directly, Mark decided to steal their arms and weaken them as a whole before staging a flee!

After all with Traversing ability of his, he could retreat at any point of time if desired.

Still he wanted to play safe, as he only have one life and didn't want to gamble to test it!

" Darkness bind! "

Letting out threads of darkness, Mark silently made these tangible threads penetrate deep underground and spread into every nook and cranny of armory to stage a demolition when wished for!

Darkness threads could even restrict peak order aura kings with his current strength, so what were those frail walls of armory compare to which were made in haste to store arms?

" Crumble! "


Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

The beastmen were already in a panicked state with several of their superiors thrown into investigation, and with their armory being teared right before their faces how could they not feel anxious?

After all without better reserves what were they going to use in their mission to capture a princess from empire?

Just how could they still work on their mission properly had their worn armour got damaged?

Were they to run naked on battle field without armors to protect their lives?

With such thoughts they madly dashed towards the armory to kill the damn intruder who was the cause for trouble!

Dust raised high above ground and Mark who was in the centre of it couldn't help but laugh as he had already accomplished enough!

" Haha! Twelve thousand bodies with handful of weapons, quite a profit indeed! "

" Now that I finish creating distress, seems like my work at here is almost completed! "

" Wendy... She should have probably finished annihilating the green rank bases by now! "

Mark felt a sense of unrest develop within as if his life was being threatened currently!

" Damn their reaction speed is a bit too fast! Haha who's to blame for it after all wasn't it me who made them desperate despite being a mid order aura emperor equivalent? "

" Traverse! "



White felt sharp pain hitting his abdomen as he crumbled down with his traversing ability being nullified currently.

Damn! What's with that pain?

" Traversing... it's not working anymore! "

Mark was given a huge fright when his cherished ability traversing had became dormant.

No matter how much effort he put to activate it, his ability wasn't responding anymore!

It's as if traversing ability of his was not his any longer. It's more like a strange interference blocked his space laws from interacting with his body, utterly countering his ability to traverse through space!

" Ding! A peak order aura emperor has locked the element of space around user! Suggesting host to flee as quickly as possible! "

" Space lock? "

Mark quickly deciphered the cause and started panicking, he couldn't bother staying any longer in beastmen base as he started to flee in a random direction to get away from interference!

" Damn! A space ability user with space lock ability... Too troublesome! "

Any thing which could probably alter his traversing would definitely have to be a space element which confines space laws and prevents space abilities from activating.

By systems warning, he quickly recollected the properties of space lock ability, the one which was most troublesome one among space abilities that counters him.

Though the space lock ability was fearsome, the only disadvantage of space lock ability was the limitation which rendered the castor from making sudden movements.

In other words, the space lock user could only act as support and once an abrupt movement was made, his ability would automatically be deactivated passively, allowing Mark to escape!

As such Mark didn't had a need to fear space lock user from chasing after, and all he needs was to put some distance on his own to get away from that troublesome being for good.

After all there were no Transcendent level overlords among beastmen to make space lock domain exceeding a kilometer.

With systems Intel, he could atmost expect a peak order aura emperor who might be confining space.

As such Mark needs to keep himself alive for a minute at most, and once he was out from sphere of interference he could traverse out at once to retreat back to safety!

" Damn this scrounge! He's really just a mid order aura emperor... Damn! Damn!! Kill him for this vice lord! How dare he play me while being such weak? "

A floating figure who had apparently found Mark had ordered the soldiers for a capture.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Tens of cultivators who were at aura emperor realm were rushing towards him which made him hasty!

Since he was already discovered, Mark had to run fast and make our alive, if not the chance for other search parties bumping over him were prevalent and also the chances of him getting killed were nigh high!

Little by little the chase of him caught the attention of the other powerhouses who joined the chase.

" Since the castor was able to influence me, his cultivation should either at or above high order aura emperor, to make my space abilities dormant under his influence! "

And with the major body of chasers pursuing him were just at initial order of aura emperor realm, Mark easily recognized that the space lock ability user had to be the vice lord who restricted his traversing.

" Wait! Why didn't I thought of this before? "

Mark let a devilish grin when a destructive plan popped to his mind.

Since the peak order aura emperor was not chasing after, his chances of survival were high!

And since he was at the enemy base with aura kings no longer being a threat to him a plan striked his brains which made him fearless!

The aura emperor though may be strong enough to flatten mountains or dry up rivers weren't omnipotent in all situations at all times!

Currently, Mark was present in fortress made my beastmen, they have to restrict their powers with which they attack him or else the base could no longer stand still or host them any longer!

Since he Mark was strong enough to put some distance from chasers, he could very well use their powers to his advantage and drag the fortress down with their very hands itself!

Despite the desperate chase of them, Mark didn't frown much, as there was an evil smile over his face which seemingly wish for this chase draw more attention.

" Haha! You dimwits want to chase me? Grow some balls before chasing yours truly! "

Looking back at the crowd which exceed 300 Mark laughed loud while revealing his middle finger, which heavily infuriating the chasers and reddened eyes.

Gyro who found Mark to be outrageous had thrown his spear to take life.

Without even turning back Mark took a side step, he dodged the spear and before any one could even think what's going on, Mark simply caught the rumbling shaft of sphere and reversed it back to the chasing party without holding back.


With a golden aura wrapped over it, the empowered spear entered the crowded group of chasing experts and passed the body of four before anchoring them deep to ground in a extremely wretched state!

Four aura emperor realm cultivators which the soldiers could only look up to had been easily slaughtered by Mark, which spread panic.

Mark used the might of Gyro against his own comerad.

Not only had these beastmen captured their target, they even lost men! It was extremely insulting to their status and even made the chasing group more enraged, and chase more aggressive than earlier which Mark wanted to achieve.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Swoosh!~ Swoosh!~

Boom! Boom!

The infuriated group of experts released their attacks one after the other in a frenzied state.

But Mark who could easily sense their attacks had dodged blows one after the other narrowly by hair breath, motivated the group of experts to release more spells to act proactively to kill him.

" Haha! Dimwits, at your level you can just dream of touching yours truly, let alone have not ambitions of killing him! "

Mark had repeatedly taunted the group, and at regular times slowed down his pace to let the chasing group of experts caught up with him!

He was just a single target and once the experts do get close, it was plain mess where the attacks wouldn't differentiate ally from foe!

As such White led a trail of destruction, which though was not caused by but instead led by him to wreak havoc!

" Haha! Space lock effect is wearing out, it's not strong enough to restrict me any longer! "

" Seems like I have to return them a big gift before departing from this place! "

After exiting the sphear of influence from space lock ability, Mark abruptly turned around, not running and longer to wait for chasers to come catch up with him!

" Surrendering at last ah? Don't expect to have a intact corpse after death! "

Few of initial order and mid order aura emperor realm cultivators had encircled him to kill Mark with their standard formation!

From earlier encounter, they had easily discerned that Mark's power was hanging around mid order of aura emperor realm, and a bit towards its upper end which couldn't be left ignored!

As such unless a person was at high order aura emperor or higher killing Mark would become troublesome with heavy losses.

Thus they were encircling Mark to prevent his escape and wait for Gyro and Pika to come kill him.

" Good! Good! it's better this way! I can kill you all at once! "


Mark snickered internally as he activated his ways of strength to increase his powers to come pressure them.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Initial order aura emperors were just pressed to ground while mid order experts could barely resist Mark to stand on their own grounds!

The mountain crushing pressure was just too great and even Gyro and Pika who were about get ready to fight mark were feeling pressured!

It's as if they were facing a monster which was faking it's strength earlier!

It's as if they were facing a monster which rivals their father's strength!

" What? "

The old blind vice lord, who had launched the space lock was shocked by this sudden development.

Six high order aura emperors who were a notch weaker than strengthened Mark were standing, who could now put a fight against him.

The chase was short lived, but Mark had purposefully lured in their attacks to places where large groups of soldiers were spotted by him!

Under mess he even had hunted dozens of weak Aura emperor realm chasers, dealing a serious blow to the fort which would take long time to recuperate.

" Bastard! For the brothers of this Gyro you killed, I'll personally avenge them with your death! "

The large build of gyro dashed towards him, swinging his mace horizontally.


Mark easily parried it with his one blade, quickly charged the other without a pause and sliced apart Gyro's large body which was unexpected.

" Huh!? So weak? "


With a thud the severed body of gyro fell down to ground, making the others cry out in fright as Mark had killed the best fighter below peak order aura emperor in their base, without putting much of an effort in it.

" Ding! Congratulations for host to kill an high order aura emperor! "

" Ding! Host earns 100000 RP! "

" Ding! Host earns 100000 SP! "

" looking at your arrogance earlier I have expected you to be a frightening expert who's worth fighting for! "

" Sigh! What a disappointment! "

White didn't waste much time, as he targeted pika who appeared descent among others!

" My Gyro!!~~~~ Bastard, I'll incinerate you alive! "

The blind old man had nulled his space lock, and with a surge of black flakes engulfing him he rushed towards Mark with a mad fury.

Gyro though was a high order aura emperor in cultivation, his actual strength doesn't fall below a regular peak order aura emperor.

So when the preparator of destruction was just a mid order aura emperor, the old blind man commanded his only son to deal with Mark and prevent further spread of destruction!

Ironically, he underestimated Mark and was in fact ignorant that a strong skill called ways of asura was there to rival Mark as equals to him!

His calculations had gone gone wrong and the price paid was the life of his son, who was expected to earn his seat after promotion.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Old blind man was rushing towards Mark savagely, and with each step he took dozens of meters of land cracked out and hundreds of lives of innocent soldiers were drawn in who ultimately were obliterated under his violent flames.


" Die!! "

A large sword in black aura was condensed over sky, which ultimately rested over old man's arm only to be launched towards Mark at jet speed!


With waves of utter destruction the sword rushed towards him that almost trembled his soul to flee quick!

" Fuck! The vice lord had gone nuts! "

" Sword of destruction! He's going to drag us too to death with assassin! "

" Damn! I'm unwilling to die! "



The high order aura emperors who were not influenced under Mark's pressure had fled from the scene, leaving behind the poor Aura emperor cultivators of lower ranked who were about to get caught up with explosion.

" Fuck! that assassin is willing to drag us to death! "

" No i haven't lived enough, I just have become an aura emperor cultivator, I still have a bright future ahead! "

" Ah! Vice lord, please hold back your attack, we don't want to die unjustly! "

Unbothering with their cries for life, the vice lord had laughed hysterically which made these group of aura emperor to despair!

" As long as my son is avenged, your are not dying unjustly! After all he's grand son of our lord itself right? "

Despite the panic which could be seen in the eyes of aura emperors, Mark was standing unfazed and not even a speck of worry could be seen through his eyes as he was confident to escape at last moment.

" Old man you shouldn't had left the place and deactivated space lock!

And since you are presenting me which such a wonderful opportunity, don't blame me later when your subordinates are eliminated under your own spell! "

Two point warp!




Mark quickly activated his two point warp, took in the incoming sword energy from one gate and quickly opened the other above him to let it fall over the ground and cause destruction around him!


But before the sword could make contact with his body, Mark activated traversing and quickly fled from the scene for good!

Damn! Crazy!!

Watching the dome shaped black body of destruction which engulfed a tenth of the fort, Mark felt chills as that sword alone was enough to take his life!

Still his life saver ability were there to back him up, which ultimately protected his life to safety!

" Phew! That was a close call! "

Looking at the sword of destruction which killed hundreds of aura emperors in one shot, White felt a need to improve as his enemies were getting more problematic, and unless he upgrades himself getting killed was set on stone!


The vice lord who launched the sword of destruction couldn't say that Mark had escaped away his attack, cause such was the destruction of the blow.

Poor soul! Had he known that I have escaped what would his expression be by then?

All of a sudden when Mark was about to escape from fort for good, system popped hundreds of messages which startled him to get crazy.

" Ding! Congratulations for host to kill an initial order aura emperor! "

" Ding! Congratulations for host to kill an initial order aura emperor! "

" Ding! Congratulations for host to kill an mid order aura emperor! "



" Ding! Congratulations for host to kill an mid order aura emperor! "

" Ding! Congratulations for host to kill an initial order aura emperor! "

" Ding! Congratulations to host for entering 7th stage in refinement! "

" The hell! "

" Each aura emperor granted me hell lotta refinement points! Seems like redirecting ones blows and killing targets would also provide refinement points as before! "

Though the sword of destruction was originally spelled by vice lord, the actual killing was made by mark after redirecting it's origin path!

Hundreds of aura emperors, though were a strong force to content with, the strong spell from vice lord which carried a destructive might had reduced them to nothingness, not even a speck of their remains could be seen!

Just the power of vice lord has given him a huge fright, Mark couldn't bother imagining the strength of the Lord who ruled over them.

" It's enough! I shouldn't aim for more! "

" There's a saying that you shouldn't bite more than what you could actually chew! "

" Since that vice lord was peak order aura emperor, shouldn't the leader be expert of half step away from transcendent in the least? "

Considering this possibility, Mark used his darkness extract and quickly mended into shadows before exiting the fortress to meet up with Wendy.

Author's notes:

Comment or review my book if you like the chapter.

Power Stones are luxury which I can't ask casually, and thanks for reading my chapter dear readers, I am awaiting your responses.


# Mark - 7th stage of refinement! ( High order aura emperor equivalent )

# Wendy - High order aura emperor!

Wendy's undead forces

1. Initial order aura king - 20,000

2. Middle order aura king - 5,000

3. High order aura king - 1,000

4. Peak order aura king - 600

5. Half step aura emperor - 480 ( mostly from half mutants and green rank base leaders )