There were little more than forty people in Islamic fold. then, oneday prophet Muhammad proclaimed tawheed within the sanctum of Kaaba. the polytheist of Makkah regarded it as the greatest insult for the holy Kaaba. this proclamation this evoked a furore. All of them fell avidly upon the prophet Muhammad. Haarith Ibn Abi Halah rushed to rescue him but became the target of scores of swords and succumbed to multiple wounds of swords and got martyrdom. this was the first martyrdom for the sake of Islamic cause. the holy prophet Muhammad managed to escape and the tumult was somehow subsided.


This open invitation to Islam were most perplexing for Quraysh and they were opposing the call vehemently. Kaaba was the source of honour and dignity for Makkah and the Quraysh were the trustee and caretaker of Kaaba. so in a way Quraysh were ruling the whole Arabia from the religious point of view. People sought their counsel in affairs regarding religion and regarded them reliable. and the first to get affected by Islamic invitation was the very religion followed by Quraysh. it was obvious that the blind faith in ancestral religion doesn't let the believers to listen to any word of reason. this was the reason the polytheist got exasperated on hearing the message of guidance.

Quraysh elites and men of power were viewing the downfall of their "religious dominance", in case this new faith takes roots. therefore everyone of them opposed the call of Islam with as much force as they had. Quraysh were also involved in activities which were contrary to their religious status. The polytheist religion didn't prohibit them from these wrong doing and they were enjoying a lofty status among their people. The masses overlooked their misdeeds due to the status and dignity enjoyed by them.

The holy prophet Muhammad on one hand, enumerated the evils of idolatry and invited the people towards unadulterated tawheed. He made them realize about the day when they would be presented before their Lord and would be questioned about their deeds. on other hand Muhammad described their evil customs and warned them of their deadly end if they didn't accept the true message of Islam.

The holy prophet Muhammad exposed the weakness of their moral values and warned them of their dreaded consequences.This used to incite the respectable people among Quraysh, because they had no courage to give up their evil acts nor they could justify their actions. they rather felt that they were being disgraced before their own people who were criticizing them behind their backs. this was enough to make them perplexed. the holy Quran was also warning these idolatry if painful chastisement. The verses which were revealed to prophet Muhammad were presented in a simple manner, that the people understood clearly as to what they are referring too..

these cogent reasons were enough to oppose the Islamic Movement and it was possible for those powerful people to physically annihilate the small group of Muslims to settle the score once for all but Allah willed otherwise.

these handfuls Neophytes were selected as the protagonist of Islamic Movement and they were chosen to spread Islam far and wide in the world. these were small compulsion which prevented quraysh from taking this extreme step.