The Silver-Haired ANBU

The next day, Sakura woke up early and pulled on her red dress.

She was about to forgo the glasses out of embarrassment but after realizing they were a matching red, they weren't that bad. Maybe no one will notice an ugly difference since the colors matched, or something like that. She grabbed the electric glasses and pulled them over her eyes.

Suddenly, her vision amplified.

She'd even say she developed the Sharingan, but that may have been exaggerated since she did just wake up, groggily too. . Scanning the pink wallpapered room with quick eyes, the pinkette decided there was nothing to see here and left through the window. If she came downstairs then she'd be tempted to eat breakfast, and she absolutely knew she wouldn't be able to resist. Not anymore.

Not since she'd lost her self-control over the first time she relented into buying something that went against her beauty morals.

Her thoughts were halted when she realized she was falling from the scary height of the 2nd floor building. Dammit, she'd seen ninja jump from roof to roof with ease and such a quotidian act ingrained into her subconscious before she learned how to pull that off. Crashing into the stone grounds would break her young bones if not mutilate her into an unrecognizable flattened bloody mess.

She shrieked not at the possibility of dying but at the thought of ending up at the hospital, getting no visits, or if she would get visitors, they'd make fun of her forehead and the brain inside it, for jumping out a window for no reason? That was something only that idiot would do! Her face turned beet red, swearing she'd never confess anything, not even if Ino-pig's dad got to her.

There was what would have been the barest glimpse of movement, as arms materialized underneath her, two boney horizontal pillars each one pushing underneath her back and kneepits, catching her bridal-style without giving the time to steady her, before whirling her onto the floor. Stumbling forward in an attempt not to fall face-first to the dirt, she looked up and stared straight ahead, trying to see her savior but he was long gone.

Sakura's lower lip quivered.

She moved her hand to wipe at her eyes before anything salty had an opportunity to form but something plastic blocked her access.

Oh right, the pair of-


She didn't know how to use it and assumed it would take a few hours to learn. But after fiddling with a few connections on the inside with a bit of chakra to her fingers, she managed to press a mental button and rewatch the scene. She saw everything in slow motion. And one distinct trait tugged at her memory.

Silver hair.

There was more to it, more she could do. But she didn't have the time. It would take days or weeks to build up her free time, and each time she'd have to refresh her memory of what she learned from the previous free time she used. for her to understand such a cool, complicated tool because of her lack of time but-what if she sacrificed a few hours right here and now?

Firming her resolve, she headed off the opposite direction of the Academy. She was the top kunoichi in the books, one day wouldn't hurt.

Little did she know she wasn't the only troublemaker cutting class today.

Or what would befall the Uchiha Compound later that day.