Obito Uchiha

Okay, he's inside our domain. I can fight him here. I know my own mind better than anyone. She reassured herself.

[Whew! That was harder than I expected and I accidentally destroyed her entire mentality. But, that's what she gets for resisting.] It was a foreign voice, male, raspy. And creepy.

Sakura reacted the only way she knew how: Get out of my mind! PUNCH.

[OW! ... You're still here? But I just killed you...] It was more a statement than a question.

Is that why my Inner stopped responding?! YOU-YOU-HOW DARE-WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! I'LL KILL YOU!

[Heheheh. Nope, it's futile no matter what you do. And don't you think this what you deserve for trying to impersonate me?]


The foreign spirit sounded a sigh. [I'm the real Obito Uchiha. So, stop pretending to be me.]

That's impossible! Obito is dead! Everyone said so!

[It's true, I am dead. I've been dead for more than a decade from the moment I saw the hard truth of this world.]

Uhm, what? Whatever, just, how did you get inside my head then? If you're dead.

A silence. She could hear the gears turning in the other spirit's head, however impossible that was. Then, she heard him smile. It was the type of smile you make from amusement at someone's stupidity. She twitched.

[I'm actually a ghost.]

WHAT?! That's..that's..

[Think about it. You're safe inside Konoha, so there aren't any enemy nin. And why would any Leaf ninja try to attack you?]

Oh gee, I wonder why, Sakura responded dryly, thinking back of that Hokage prank that would undoubtedly stir up any respectful ninja's wrath.

[And you're at the Memorial Stone, completely by yourself, miles away. Hint, Memorial Stone? You're a smart girl, you would have sensed any ALIVE person.]

He was right. Sakura's glasses displayed chakra signatures. What she didn't know was that Obito had been using a kamui trick in his chakra suppression technique, among other complex stuff.

I believe you. So, what am I supposed to say? I'm so sorry I tarnished your memory? Please don't curse me?

[..Show some regret.]

... Please! I'll-I- I won't do it again-

[Ahaha, you're funny. I like you.~

She tuned out of his dialogue to access her mental state. It felt weird without her Inner mentality in control. She briefly wondered if she could fix that shattered mentality. It had to be scattered around her mindscape somewhere. She tuned back into Obito's speaking (it was hard to pay attention to him at the same time without two of her personalities in place)

~realized that some people are just nice little girls, so just be yourself. And, sorry that I scared you...I haven't talked normally like this for over ten years and I died too early to learn how to talk to girls. . . Because, it's impossible for the dead to communicate with the living, but you're special. I believe you are the only one in this world with this ability, although it probably only works on me.]

Sakura gasped. She had a...kekkei genkai..for this? That would explain why this was even possible. She always knew she had two personalities, a facade that was a part of her, and her inner thoughts. Maybe her mind can allow entities to live inside and that's how a ghost slipped in? Plus, it was more than that. She was the only one who can.

Somewhere in her unconscious, her inferiority complex convulsed, desperately grasping at his words. That desperate need for acceptance from the old people had switched off earlier when she realized they didn't see Sakura as Sakura, but as Obito's substitute.

Now, that desperate yearning returned, ironically, to a ghost. It was laughable that a person who appreciated her for who she was, had to be a dead person.

Wow, I'm so useless that only the ghosts like me as Sakura, she thought to herself sardonically.

The foreign voice continued.

[There isn't much that goes on in the afterlife, well, since I never ended up going there...being stuck here and all. Heheh. I think it's because I still have a duty to complete for this world, despite being dead. Heheh, I'll be around for a very long time. In fact, why don't we meet directly in your mindscrape? There's a lot I want to talk to you about, and you're the only one who I can really relate to, being a lonely ghost and all. Heh.]

Sakura swallowed, hard. Here was a nice boy who helped old people, but when he finally died, he's denied entry into heaven?! She could totally relate to this guy, and if he ended up this way, then what did fate have in store for her?! I don't wanna be a ghost!

Then she started reprimanding herself, Don't be selfish, Sakura! Thinking of yourself all the time! He's been stuck haunting this world all alone for decades! And when he's finally managed to find someone he could talk to, you're gonna deny him his companionship?! You might end up like him, what then?! What would Sasu- no, the old grandmas and grandpas think, Sakura?!

It would be easier to attempt to fix her Inner, Sakura mused. Plus, Obito wasn't untrustworthy, if the stuff the elders said about him were reliable.

Completely forgiving and forgetting his initial murderous intent, Sakura should really learn to hold grudges.

U-Uh, okay, see you in my mind? Sakura mentally responded. Then, her complete conscious was pulled out of her senses into her mindscape, and due to inexperience, her physical body in the real world collapsed into the grass.