Left at the altar


A preparation of the wedding that is about to happen is very simple yet elegant. With the highest social standing in C Nation's Ceo Zhang Han wanted to keep a low-profile only invited their family, and closed friends at his wedding. Yang Fei agreed to what he wants although she's a socialite she never disobeys Han.

According to his family Zhang Han is already 30 years old and in his right age to create his own family. Being together with his fiancé Yang Fei for 4years it's time to tie a knot.

Yang Fei is a daughter and only heiress of Yang Corporations. She is Zhang Han childhood friend together with his cousin Zhang Fan. Those three grew up together as siblings. With their social standing this three known as the best Family in C Nation.

Zhang Han being the richest family and the heir of Zhang Industries, His cousin Zhang Fan another heir of Zhang firm and of course Yang Fei.

Their family and friends are now waiting in the chapel full of clatter and joy.

Finally, the cold Ceo is about to get married.

When Zhang Han step into the chapel every gaze is now on him. He slowly and elegantly walk down the isle to wait for his bride at the altar. Beside him stand his cousin Zhang Fan as his best man.

Yang Fei sprawled on the floor crying herself out.

"No this is not happening! It can't be" she keeps on mumbling like a mantra.

Crying and staring at the two red lines on her pregnancy test kit she couldn't believe what her eyes saw.

It's supposed to be her wedding, her happiest day, but it's not.

She remembered Two months ago she and Zhang Fan stumbled in a hotel room both drunk. They are not in their right mind, the thing that is not supposed to happen to them they did it. Now she's pregnant with another man.

She's shaking in fear. Zhang Han, and her wanted to keep their first after the wedding but now she ruined it. And she also ruined their childhood friendship.

The people at the altar is now waiting for almost an hour but still no bride. Zhang Han started to panic, his mind couldn't feel at ease.

A pat on his shoulder wake him from his thinking.

"Relax, girl just take too long to prepare themselves especially on her wedding. She might be on her way." Zhang Fan told her cousin. But he's also wondering what happens to her. He loves Yang Fei, but he knows that Fei fei love his older cousin, so he give up but he did a mistake. His guilt is now overflowing.

Outside her door stand her parents. Mr. Yang knocked on the door, but no one answered. Mrs. Yang is now in panic and open the door to see her daughter lying on the floor silently crying. They both run to her asking her what happen and trying to comfort her.

"Mom, dad I'm sorry. I failed both of you I couldn't attend this wedding I…I'm…I'm pregnant and…and it's not Han."

Mr. and Mrs. Yang looked shock at the moment, then recover instantly. Father Yang became angry.

"How could you? Who's the father! Tell me! You're a disgrace!"

"Father, I'm sorry please I beg you." Fei hug his father's leg and cry harder.

"It's Fan, Zhang Fan is the father of my child. It's a mistake dad please forgive me."

This time father Yang feel a little settle on his mind as it is another Zhang. Their family is in the verge of bankruptcy, and they needed the Zhang.

Mother Yang suddenly slap her daughter out of her anger.

"I raised you good enough to learn what is right and wrong. How am I supposed to face the Zhang after this."

Stunned by her mother's action Fei fei cry even harder. Her parents especially her mother who love her the most.

Her father suddenly held her up.

"Stand up my daughter, we need to go to the chapel. They've been waiting for too long. Tell them the truth and let Zhang Fan be responsible! If not don't ever let me see this child of yours!" Father Yang roared.

Fear crept up on her, this is the first time her parents got angry with her, and she's not used to it. She's actually afraid and could only listen to them out of fear for her unborn child. It may be a mistake, but the child is her and innocent.

Someone announced that the bride finally arrive, everyone stands up and look at the door. But what they saw is a kind of thing they've never expected.

Standing by the door was a disheveled looking Yang Fei and a furious parent. Yang Fei is crying while her parents looks angry.

Suddenly Father Yang voice boom inside the chapel with so much authority.

"This wedding with Zhang Han is no longer happening, my daughter is pregnant with Zhang Fan boy! You need to take responsibility of what you've both have done! You two has made this mistake! Don't let Zhang Han take responsibility for this!"

Everyone looks at each other shock are evident on their faces. The crowd erupt with different reactions. They couldn't believe what they heard, the bride is pregnant with the groom cousin. This is ridiculous!

Zhang Fan stiffened and slowly look at his cousin who stands like a statue and looks pale. No, this cannot be. His cousin is in rage and shock. This is the sign of calm before the storm.

Zhang Fan murmured sorry to his cousin saying this is a mistake on his part. And asking for his forgiveness.

To escape from his cousin wrath he walks past him with so much pace towards Yang Fei and drag her out of the chapel.

Yang family leaves right after leaving the Zhang and it's friend after apologizing about their daughters action.

Luckily it's a close wedding ceremony so no one from the outside especially the media would know about this scandalous wedding.

Mother Zhang is crying for his son but couldn't do anything. Father Zhang and his brother Zhang Rou whose Fan father apologise to their guest sincerely and asked them to leave the family alone.

The Zhang family is discussing the matter but no one ever tried to console Zhang Han, they all know what will happen if they ever approached him.

Father Zhang lead everyone out of the chapel and told them to go back. He returned to approach his son.

"I know it's hard, but we cannot change the fact that both betrayed you. I am angry with your cousin but I couldn't do anything as it already happened. All we need to do is to accept it slowly. Please come home when you're ready. I'm sorry son." Father Zhang pat his son and also walked out of the church with a solemn look.

He looked at his son for the last time and shake his head walking out of the chapel and to the awaiting car.

His poor son still didn't move nor blink.

This is not a good sign.