Airport Scandal


Zhang Han drives back to Top Executive Residence excited to see his wife.

He needs to talk to her and made some arrangements.

His phone ring and flashed his Lawyer's name.

"Yes, Lawyer Gu? Is there is a problem for you to call me?" Zhang Han answered the call and wondered what's the problem.

"I am just informing you that I accumulated your marriage certificate, marriage license and your household registration number. Which is available anytime you request me for delivery." Lawyer Gu responded.

"I see, just hand me the two original copies on each document and please keep the other one original copy on you. Please deliver it to my office tomorrow when you are free. Thank you." And Zhang Han hanged up.

Seeing his near his home it makes him giddy.

His newly wedded wife is waiting for him, it actually felt good.

Then, a guard open the gate for him.

After parking the car he walks at the foyer and notice that the house is so dark. Only the lights in the foyer is on.

All the lights inside the house is off, now Zhang Han's wondering where is Tang Su.

He turns the lights on and jogged upstairs.

Zhang Han tried to call her but to no avail, still no answers. The bedroom is empty, even the bathroom and walk in closet.

He open the study room to see if she wandered around and then the other Three guest rooms, still no sign of Tang Su.

He walks downstairs to the kitchen and saw his crumpled note this morning. Good at least she ate her breakfast. But where is she now? She is nowhere insight in their house.

He called the guards which inform him that Madam has been out since lunchtime and has been told that she will return with him.

This made him stiffen and nervous, his cold demeanor become somewhat colder thinking about what if her wife runaway.

"Ron! Track where my wife is!" Zhang Han roared at the phone.

"Woah! What happen?" inquire Ron.

" I visited my family and left her sleeping in our room, the guards told me she is gone since lunchtime and inform them that she'll return with me which is a lie and up to now she hasn't home yet. What if she runaway?" panic can be heard on Zhang Han's voice even in his cold approach.

"Ok bro, relax! I'll make some arrangements and contact someone that could track her down. I'll call you back after. You owe me big time bro! Remember that today is Sunday and supposedly my time with my wife!" and with that Ron cut the line frustrated and annoyed.

Zhang Han command his body guards to search for a woman called Tang Su and if found report to him immediately.

Zhang Han paced around the living room anticipating from Ron's call or his men. He stops from pacing around and sit on the couch while he massaged his head from another headache. It is almost an hour after the call and still Ron didn't call back. Where did his wife go. This is only adding to his headache and becoming more and more angry the passing seconds.

He is about to dial Ron's number when his phone ring indicating a call from Ron. He slides the answer button and was about to ask Ron, but he beat him first.

" Han! You need to drive fast to the airport, your wife plans to fly to Africa and her flight is at 8:00pm, you still have an hour to drive at the Capital's airport. I ask some personnel to block her and that is all I could do, remember you owe me big time! Now go! And please be gentle on her! I know you're angry but don't hurt her!" Ron ended the call and let his friend chase his wife.

Zhang Han called the head body guard and told him to drive to the Capital's airport to stop her wife. He just informed them her name, and He drive himself too.

"Fuck!" Han's cursed, he only has 35minutes before 8:00.

He drives crazy and run past the red light. He will deal with the police later. What important is the needs to get back her wife before she succeeds on running away from him.

He arrives at the airport before his guards. He parked his car in front of the airport and run fast.

He even bump into someone and pushed more people who he taught an obstacle from reaching his wife.

Tang Su in now standing in line waiting for her turn at the check-in counter.

She felt nervous and something are bugging her, but she couldn't point out what it is.

Zhang Han stops running. Some people recognized him as the cold Ceo of the Zhang Industries and now looking at him wondering what is he doing here.

Panting and looking around Zhang Han spotted his wife.

There his wife standing with her 5'6inch height that stands out in the crowd adding to her height is her 4inch high heels and her beautiful features that attract every man who pass by, is in the 4th line of the check-in counter talking to another girl.

Without wasting anymore seconds, Zhang Han ran past the surrounding people that started to surround him. He pushed away anyone who tried to block him especially those business men who want to greet him.

Zhang Han grabbed Tang Su's arm, turned her around and crashed his lips to hers forcefully.

He kissed her forcibly yet with passion. He held her tight afraid that she will runaway again. He poured out all his anger in this kiss, tasting and devouring her for the first time.

Tang Su's startled from the hand who suddenly grabbed her and a sudden forceful kiss. Stunned for a moment she saw that the man's whose kissing and sucking her lips is none other than Zhang Han her husband.

Tang Su tried to push him away, but he is so strong that his arm snake at the back of her head and the other one at her waist. There is no scape.

Zhang Han bit her lips and Tang Su gasps from the shock, and it only gives Zhang Han the opportunity to slide his tongue inside her mouth. She tastes so good and a little sweet. It makes Zhang Han addicted and want more.

Tang Su angrily stomp her foot on his but Zhang Han didn't care, he is focused on devouring her that his foot didn't hurt. Then she bit his tongue hard that even she tasted his blood.

That is only when Zhang Han let her lips go.

Yu Lin's gasps, and so are the crowd around. People are taking picture and some are recording a video.

The great and cold Ceo is now in the Airport and sucking an unknown woman's face.

Some girls looked at him dreamily and jealousy.

If only the Ceo could kiss them senseless like he does to her. They could only dream though.

The crowd erupt with different reactions.

Who's this girl?

What is their relationship?

Why is the Ceo kissing her?

What is going on?

Luckily, Tang Su's hair covered each side of her face and Zhang Han's head is blocking her face from being photographed.

"You're not running away from me! You're mine and mine only!" Zhang Han looked directly into her eyes when he suddenly carried her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes being carried.

"AAHHH!" Tang Su shouts loudly after being manhandled. "Let go of me! You bastard, put me down! I don't want to go with you! Leave me alone!" she continues to shout but Zhang Han ignore her protest.

Motioning his body guard to take his wife's luggage, and also drag his wife's friend.

Zhang Han strode past the crowd with a protesting Tang Su on his shoulder.

Tang Su is punching Zhang Han's back shouting and cursing.

Thank God she's wearing a jean or else her bottom will be exposed.

He disposed her at the backseat before sitting at the driver seat and drove of.

Yu Lin's also being shoved at the backseat from another car together with the body guards. Still stunned and didn't recover from what she had witness.

The cold Ceo kissed her bestfriend and drag her away and now they also drag her.

Why she is being drag too? Are they going to kill her too? She is panicking, she didn't know what to do.