WebNovelHis WIFE12.82%

Behind the call - 'wifey'


Everyone gazed into each other. What to do? They need to do something to ease the pressure inside the conference room.

"Tell me, who are those people responsible in this?" Zhang Han cold voice's rang through the wall.

No one dared to look up. They are holding the paper and some actually shaking. They are really afraid, and sure that some of them will be fired after this meeting.

"Even if you all keep silent, I know who is responsible. But no one dared to admit!"

Zhang Han slam his hand on the table that added to their fear.

Assistant Ron called representative Wang and his entourage to all stands up.

"Given that Representative Wang and his team is responsible about this deal. We also learned that you are selling company's information to our competitor which is against company's policy. And is also receiving a big amount of bribery from the enemy." Assistant Ron let this news sank into them, then continue.

"Mr. Wang together with his Four other team will pay the loss that is worth a billion and is to face the court as they break the law."

Representative Wang froze on his spot together with his team. He made sure to clean up all the traces, unless someone from his team leak out some informations. He remembered that the competitor promise him to protect him from being caught and escape him to another country, but what happen now? He become their scapegoat. He is about to protest but with a simple gaze from CEO Zhang that sent chills to his bone he could no longer utter a single word.

A moment later a number of security personnel barge in inside the conference room and drag Mr. Wang and the Four members of his team. No one dared to say a single word nor make a sound. They are stunned from Mr. Wang and his team.

Meanwhile, Tang Su just finished her break and return to her office.

A colleague inquire her about the sparkling wedding ring she is wearing. She just responded to them saying it is a fake diamond ring that she buy at the bazaar, just to show off to his now ex-boyfriend that she is doing fine and well without him. And they actually believe her and never bother her again about the ring.

While working for another Three hours it is now 4pm and Tang Su remember that she needed to take some of her thing from her apartment and bring it to the Villa. But the problem is, she actually didn't know where is the Villa. She also didn't have a number of one of the drivers or guards to pick her up. Remembering she has her husband number, she is debating whether to call or not.

After thinking for a while she decided that she will call him knowing what will happen if she didn't turn up to the Villa.

Taking a deep breath and praying to God that he is not angry, Tang Su dialed his number.

Zhang Han still sit in front of everyone, looking like a king who is about to give his final judgment or more likely a king of hell.

" Those who tried to turn up against me and still plan to go against me. I am giving you a chance right now to leave my company immediately, before I bring you to the court or worst." He warned them coldly!

"No, CEO Zhang we promise you we are not against you nor tried to go against the company."

"Yes, yes! CEO Zhang you can trust us."

They all chorus, afraid of him.

Zhang Han looked at them unsatisfied.

His phone suddenly buzz.

Assistant Ron who is right beside him saw the caller ID. His eyes almost bulge out. "WIFEY" my ass! When did his boss slash friend become mushy? When he's with Miss Yang, her caller ID name is Yang Fei and now he saved Tang Su's number as 'wifey'. The frozen hell is now starting to melt he is sure of it. Maybe he will receive the awaiting additional bonus and the long planned vacation.

Zhang Han's cold demeanor suddenly change. He gazed at his phone softly.

Everyone's mouth hung low. There must be some tricks. The cold CEO is now gazing softly at his buzzing phone.

Picking up his phone, Zhang Han answer the call and waited for his wife's angelic voice.

"Hello? Hello Han?" Tang Su say after hearing him picking up her call.

Zhang Han lips lift up and turn into a small smile, and then again the spectator was stunned.

"Hello Han, are you in there?"

Clearing his throat, he finally response.

"Yeah! What is it?" even his voice sounded a little cold, a smile that crept into his lips is evident.

"Actually I need to get some of my things from my apartment, and I didn't know the way to the Villa. I didn't have a contact from the driver nor the guards. In short, I didn't know how to return home. Could you please tell me the address so that I can tell the taxi driver?" Tang Su nervously asked him.

Zhang Han think for a second and look at his wrist watch indicating it was way past Four in the afternoon. He didn't have much work to do either. Thinking that his wife will be out of work by Five pm, he decided to pick her up personally.

"No need for them, I'll personally come to your office and pick you up. We can go to your apartment together then." He simply told her, a smile that is growing on his lips is more evidents and prominent.

And now the spectator are now wondering who is the one on the end of the line.

'Maybe Miss Yang?, but Miss Yang never come to work.'

'Is this the woman in the picture?'

'This must be an angel sent from above.'

They are only guessing, thanking the person on the other line to let them witness their CEO's smile. And of course for easing the tension.

"It's okay if you can tell me the address, I know you are busy with work. I didn't want to impose on you, and I am actually bothering you know. I am sorry." Tang Su tried to reason out, afraid of him to be seen by her colleagues.

"Nonsense, you can bother me all you want. After all I am your husband. I'll be on my way in a minute. I'll wait for you in font of your office." Zhang Han told her, stressing out the word husband while he stands up ready to leave.

A loud gasps can be heard from the employee who is present to witness the changes from their Boss.

'Husband? When did he get married' everyone's thought and look directly in his hand to find a wedding ring.

There laid in his ring finger a gold band with Three small diamond carved in the middle which is almost visible. Which they all thought match with his wife, indeed it is a wedding ring.

Their eyes almost bulge out. The cold CEO is married and to whom??????

Tang Su couldn't say a word, this man is really a headache.

"Okay, I'll hang up now!" is all she could say.

Motioning assistant Ron to end the meeting, Zhang Han walked out from the conference room followed by his secretary.